Top 46 Productivity Apps Like Easy Annotate - Split Screen Dual PDF Editor for Annotating and Linking Two Documents - Best Alternatives

Easy Annotate - Split Screen Dual PDF Editor for Annotating and Linking Two Documents Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Easy Annotate - Split Screen Dual PDF Editor for Annotating and Linking Two Documents alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Productivity apps that are similar to Easy Annotate - Split Screen Dual PDF Editor for Annotating and Linking Two Documents. Pick one from this list to be your new Easy Annotate - Split Screen Dual PDF Editor for Annotating and Linking Two Documents app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Easy Annotate - Split Screen Dual PDF Editor for Annotating and Linking Two Documents on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like Easy Annotate - Split Screen Dual PDF Editor for Annotating and Linking Two Documents - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Easy Annotate - Split Screen Dual PDF Editor for Annotating and Linking Two Documents alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like Easy Annotate - Split Screen Dual PDF Editor for Annotating and Linking Two Documents 2025.

EASY Contract - Mobile

EASY Contract - Mobile

EASY Contract - Mobile provides EASY Contract customers the opportunity mobile access to their information in EASY Contract. Each user can with EASY Contract - Mobile access easy and intuitive to its contracts, contractors and contract periods and therefore has...

Price: Free Developer: EASY Software AG
Easy Build for iPhone

Easy Build for iPhone

The most accurate scale and measurement app. Having troubles with your plans on site? Easy Build is your answer. Getting frustrated with squaring up your set out? Can’t find or calculate a measurement? With a couple of taps Easy Build will find your missing...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Easy Build Application Pty Ltd
Easy Build Pro

Easy Build Pro

The most accurate scale and measurement app. Having troubles with your plans on site? Easy Build is your answer. Getting frustrated with squaring up your set out? Can’t find or calculate a measurement? With a couple of taps Easy Build will find your missing...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Easy Build Application Pty Ltd
Easy-Laser XT Alignment

Easy-Laser XT Alignment

The Easy-Laser® XT Alignment App is used together with the Easy-Laser XT alignment systems. With this combination you align shafts, couplings, and other rotating machinery, as well as belt drives. Without the hardware, you can still use the app...

Price: Free Developer: Easy-Laser AB
Easy Redmine 2018

Easy Redmine 2018

Mobile application for Easy Redmine allows you to handle urgent tasks on the go! Open the app to quickly check your meeting calendar, check team performances on set KPIs, log time, update tasks and more. Easy Redmine mobile application...

Price: Free Developer: Easy Software Ltd.
Easy to Inspect

Easy to Inspect

Inspect with custom made checklists, on line and off line. Receive the pdf-inspection result immediately by email. Login in your Dashboard and manage the nonconformities observed and analyze your inspection results. Easy to Inspect’s distinguishing feature is that it enables...

Price: Free Developer: Easy to Inspect
Easy Settings

Easy Settings

With the Massey Ferguson Easy Settings application, you have a step by step manual, we work with the most versatile and functional in the agricultural machinery market. You get the maximum use of machines of high productivity in the...

Easy ePub Creator Pro

Easy ePub Creator Pro

"Easy ePub Creator Pro" allows you to quickly and easily create beautiful Fixed-Layout eBooks, while having complete control over page styling and book layout. "Easy ePub Creator Pro" is designed for professionals who have a basic understanding of "HTML" and...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: FutureJones
Easy QR!

Easy QR!

Easy QR! - QR code Reader Simple and easy to read QR code! Theme color is 200 over colors!! === Operation === Easy, simple, intuitive! + Just hold the QR code! + One - tap "Copy" button! + One - tap "Mail" button! === Description === By simply...

Price: Free Developer: hirofumi yamada
DocAS Lite - PDF Converter, Annotate PDF, Take Notes and Good Reader

DocAS Lite - PDF Converter, Annotate PDF, Take Notes and Good Reader

DocAS lets you take note, sketch your ideas, annotate PDFs, convert other document format to PDF, do presentation, read documents, record your meetings and classes, and share your notes/documents on your iPad, All-in-One. Featured on 148Apps, AppAdvice, Macworld, PCWorld......

Price: Free Developer: Kaffein8, Inc.
neu.Annotate+ PDF

neu.Annotate+ PDF

Read and annotate (markup) PDF documents. Annotations can be drawings, highlighting text, text notes, photos and stamps. PDF files can be opened in neu.Annotate from any application that supports the "Open with..." menu command. This...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: neu.Pen LLC
MuPDF Viewer - Annotate & View

MuPDF Viewer - Annotate & View

MuPDF Viewer is a document renderer for viewing, annotating, printing, and sharing PDF documents. Its small size and exceptional speed are perfect for use on mobile devices. VIEW • Open and render PDF, ePUB, XPS, and CBZ documents from your...

Price: Free Developer: Artifex
Sign-N-Send 2

Sign-N-Send 2

The best app for signing and filling out documents. Sign-N-Send 2 allows you to sign and fill out documents for saving or sending via email. This app is the successor to our highly successful Sign-N-Send app. ...

Price: Free Developer: Tipirneni Software LLC
Notes Writer -Take Good Notes!

Notes Writer -Take Good Notes!

Type, handwrite, annotate, draw, highlight, scan & record notes and documents. Annotate PDFs, fill forms and sign documents. Create your Notebooks (binders) & tree-like projects. The way you like. Business professionals, students, teachers, writers, doctors, journalists, academics and more use...

Price: Free Developer: Kairoos Solutions SL
iAnnotate 4 — PDFs & more

iAnnotate 4 — PDFs & more

iAnnotate is all new and better than ever. It’s the best way to read, annotate, and share PDFs, Microsoft Office files, images and web pages! Over 1 million people turn to iAnnotate to take notes, sign agreements, highlight documents,...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Branchfire, Inc.
PDF Viewer - Annotation Expert

PDF Viewer - Annotation Expert

PDF Viewer Pro is a fast and beautiful app, allowing you to view, search, and annotate PDF documents with ease on your iPhone and iPad. Access your files from iCloud, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive or any other cloud solution...

Price: Free Developer: PSPDFKit GmbH


The new rainforest365 app is going to revolutionise the way you work with large format drawings and images. You can easily view your drawings, annotate and share, so your colleagues and partners can understand what you mean, fast and...

Price: Free Developer: Global Scanning AS
ARES: DWG CAD Viewer & Editor

ARES: DWG CAD Viewer & Editor

Full CAD software to share, annotate, create and modify DWG drawings on the go. ### ABOUT ARES TOUCH ### ARES Touch is a full CAD solution for professionals. It is the ideal companion to read, create, annotate or modify DWG drawings...

Price: Free Developer: Graebert GmbH
BillTipper - Calculate Bill Tip and Split Amounts

BillTipper - Calculate Bill Tip and Split Amounts

BillTipper lets you easily calculate your total bill amount after tip and split, either for just yourself, or for each person in a large party. BillTipper is the quickest way to pay your check and get on with your night!

Price: Free Developer: Alex Agatstein
Splitter App

Splitter App

Have you ever bought an item, and you just want to split it up? With Split, you can find others who want to Split an item with you! Our app features easy communication, so you can be on your...

Price: Free Developer: Kou Barlow
Mining Calculator LITE

Mining Calculator LITE

The Mining calculator is the right tool to find the best strategy how to maximize your result of your ALS package combinations. The most convenient way to estimate your number of coins from the mining pool. To make this possible,...

Price: Free Developer: AFASM GmbH
7notes SP

7notes SP

【7notes for iPad/7notes mini/7notes mini Freeのご利用誠にありがとうございました!】 この度iOS11の開始をもちまして7notes for iPad/7notes mini/7notes mini Freeの提供を終了することとなりました。ご利用いただいておりました皆様には弊社一同厚く御礼申し上げます。本当にありがとうございました。 この『7notes SP』は後継製品にあたります。これまで7notesシリーズでご利用いただいていたデータを引継いだ上でご利用いただけます。 引き続き7notes SPをご利用いただけますよう、約50%OFFの特別価格でご提供いたします。 ぜひこの機会をご利用くださいませ。 ■■ テキパキ使える手書きワープロ「7notes SP」新登場 ■■ 「7notes SP」はスラスラと手書きで文字入力し、サクッと変換できる、スピーディなドキュメント作成を実現したワープロアプリです。 ビジネスでもプライベートでも、あらゆるシーンのドキュメント作成を支援します。 ◎「7notes SP」はiPadとiPhoneの両方でお使いいただけます 発売以来、モバイル先進ユーザーの方にご利用いただいてきた 「7notes for iPad」と「7notes for iPhone」を統合し、 ユニバーサルアプリ「7notes SP」として進化しました。 これまでとは異なりiPhoneでもiPadと同等の機能が利用可能です。 ■■ 特長・機能 ■■ ◎手書きで快適に文字入力!「mazec(マゼック)」を標準搭載 mazecを使えば、充実した推測変換で文字入力の手間を省きます。 7notes SP専用mazecは、 手書き文字をそのまま入力できる「書き流し入力」、 漢字とひらがなを交ぜて書いても正しく変換できる「交ぜ書き入力」、 手慣れた「ソフトウェアキーボード入力」、 の3種類の入力方法を選べるほか、 手書きした文字をテキストに変換できる「後から変換」も行えます。 ◎手書きワープロとしての操作性 思いついたことをスラスラ入力&変換できる操作性を実現しています。 長文を書くときも、右端で自動改行、行が埋まると下方向に自動で枠が広がるので、 書くことだけに集中できます。 簡単なメモ書きから本格的なドキュメント作成まで、手書きワープロとして 幅広くご利用いただけます。 ◎iPadとiPhoneでドキュメントの共有が可能に! 複数の端末で7notes SPを使う場合でも、MetaMoJiクラウド(2GB無料)を 利用すればドキュメントの同期が簡単に行えます。 外出先でiPhoneでメモをとって、オフィスや自宅に戻ってiPadで続きを編集、 といった便利な使い方も可能です。 ◎共有機能を強化!各種ストレージサービスに対応 MetaMoJiクラウドを利用できるほか、iCloudなど各種ストレージサービスにも対応しています。 TwitterやFacebookにも投稿できるので、ドキュメント活用の幅が広がります。 ◎自由自在なレイアウト ドキュメント作成時に、1~3カラムのレイアウトから選択できます。 また3種類のユニット「テキスト」「イメージ」「Web」をドキュメント上に 自由に配置できます。作成したユニットは、ユニット単位で編集したり、 登録して再利用することも可能です。 カラム幅の変更やユニットの拡大・縮小、移動などの操作性もアップし、 直感的に思い通りにドキュメントを作ることができます。 ※iPhoneでは1カラムのレイアウトのみご利用いただけます ◎ワープロだからできる、豊富な編集機能! 新機能「書式バー」を搭載し、文字飾りや箇条書きなどの文字編集が より簡単にすばやく操作できるようになりました。 手書き文字・テキスト文字を問わず、文字の色やサイズを柔軟に変更したり、 箇条書きや行区切り、強制改ページできるなど、編集機能を強化しています。 ※書式バーはiPadでのみご利用いただけます ◎ドキュメントの整理も簡単! これまでどおりドキュメントにタグを付けて管理できるほか、 フォルダでも分類できるようになりました。 ノート一覧画面をすっきり整理できる上、絞り込み検索もできるので ドキュメントが迷子になる心配がありません。 ◎テンプレートで効率的にドキュメント作成できます 同じようなドキュメントを作成するときには、 テンプレート登録しておくと繰り返し使えて便利です。 ◎Apple PencilやSplit Viewに対応! Apple Pencilでの快適な書き心地を実現しました。 また、画面を2分割して同時に使用できる マルチタスク機能「Split View(スプリットビュー)」にも対応。 ブラウザと組み合わせて使うなど、利用シーンに合わせて作業を効率化できます。 ※Split View は、iPad Pro、iPad Air 2、または iPad mini 4...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: MetaMoJi Corporation
GoodReader PDF Editor & Viewer

GoodReader PDF Editor & Viewer

First released in 2009, GoodReader® marks its 10-year anniversary with a better-than-ever major upgrade, GoodReader 5. It's not easy to outperform ourselves after 10 years of delivering wonderful updates with extraordinary new features, but we did it! Again! Already top in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Good.iWare, Inc.
GoodReader Pro PDF Editor

GoodReader Pro PDF Editor

"GoodReader Pro" and our famous classic "GoodReader" app are essentially the same app, but this one comes with Pro Pack pre-activated, no in-app purchase needed. First released in 2009, GoodReader® marks its 10-year anniversary with a better-than-ever major upgrade, GoodReader...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Good.iWare, Inc.


“The biggest software advance for writers since the word processor.” —Michael Marshall Smith, bestselling author Typewriter. Ring-binder. Scrapbook. Scrivener combines all the writing tools you need to craft your first draft, from nascent notion to final full stop. Tailor-made for creating...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Literature & Latte
Multi-Attach Mail - Multiple @

Multi-Attach Mail - Multiple @

Multi-Attach Mail can help user send multiple attachments to multiple recipients with multiple emails very easily. And no format limitation. Cool, huh? Multi-Attach Mail can manger files and preview files smartly. You can import songs from iPod music library, import photos from...

Price: Free Developer: Wario Wang
SwiftoDo for todo.txt

SwiftoDo for todo.txt

SwiftoDo is a modern, powerful todo.txt app for iOS. It is a task list built specifically for the todo.txt file format, and allows you work with your existing todo.txt files via Dropbox or any data provider that integrates with...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Michael Descy
Full Screen My Camera

Full Screen My Camera

The best app to display the contents of the camera to full screen of your Iphone or Ipad on the recording screen of QuickTime Player. Share with the rest of the world in the simplest way what you are seeing...

Price: Free Developer: Roweb Solutions SL
Copy Text On Screen

Copy Text On Screen

Default long press to copy text on mobile screen not works sometimes there this app helps you to extract text/words from mobile screen by just sharing your screenshot with this app. Here OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology is used to...

Price: Free Developer: Govarthani Rajesh
Screen Note

Screen Note

★This is an awesome application that you can make colorful notes(memo, Aphorism or motto) on the screen and save it as a wallpaper(with or without tips). So you can check these notes easily even as iPhone is sleeping. DIRECTIONS: -Input Input...

Price: Free Developer: xiaohui qi
Screen Talk - Present Your way

Screen Talk - Present Your way

There is a paradox to presenting. If you truly understand the material, you don't need a canned presentation. It actually ties your hands. Take a walk on the wild side. Present your ideas without the net. Try Screen Talk. Screen...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Tim Corcoran
EarnPlay LITE: Screen-Time Bank

EarnPlay LITE: Screen-Time Bank

The American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents to closely monitor their children’s screen time. Do your children play a lot of video games? Then you need EarnPlay®! Designed to encourage good behavior, EarnPlay is the game-time manager that helps...

Price: Free Developer: Grandfeather Press, LLC
Air Swipe - Swipe the screen without touching it

Air Swipe - Swipe the screen without touching it

Do you ever need to navigate a web page on your iPad or iPhone but don’t want to smudge the screen with your fingers? Or maybe you are cooking and want to swipe through a recipe but you have...

Price: Free Developer: Christopher Meehan
CNC SCREEN correspond to FANUC

CNC SCREEN correspond to FANUC

It is an application corresponding to FANUC ROBODRILL·CNC. It corresponds with WiFi / VPN connection. CNC screen information can be confirmed. Capture function installed. You can check the coordinate system, G code, modal information, spindle, feed speed and so on. The feedrate override value...

Price: Free Developer: KJ-FORCE CO.,LTD.
Screen Inventory

Screen Inventory

Perfect for mobile repair techs to keep track of inventory. One click away from seeing your screen and parts inventory. Easy to adjust inventory count. Keep track of inventory from more than one supplier.

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Soaring Eagle Software
HD Glow HomeScreen Designer For iPhone4-Customize Your Home Screen

HD Glow HomeScreen Designer For iPhone4-Customize Your Home Screen

---------------------- FREE FOR LIMITED TIME ---------------------- HD Glow Home Screen Designer For iPhone4 is ready for you! Make our own AMAZING GLOW by our app! Make your screen look OUTSTANDING ! CUSTOMIZE your own Home Screen Glow Wallpapers and IMPRESS your FRIENDS ! Add Amazing,...

Price: Free Developer: touchme
Dual Link BaR Slave

Dual Link BaR Slave

Place your orders real fast with the POS Terminal app and watch them automatically synchronized to the Kitchen and POS Apps. Send the orders as a whole or partially depending on your preference (mains, second dishes, desserts...). Each product request reaches...

Price: Free Developer: MIO Research Labs
Dual Link BaR Waiter

Dual Link BaR Waiter

Place your orders real fast with the waiter app and watch them automatically synchronized to the Kitchen and POS Apps. Send the orders as a whole or partially depending on your preference (mains, second dishes, desserts...). Each product request reaches its...

Price: Free Developer: MIO Research Labs
Dual Gold

Dual Gold

App destinado a RTVs, Produtores de cana-de-açúcar e Consultores de Venda que desejam instalar áreas para comprovação do potencial do herbicida DUAL GOLD. O app gerencia gratuitamente a instação e acompanhamento das áreas teste. Os Produtores de cana-de-açúcar e Vendedores podem...

Dual Link BaR POS

Dual Link BaR POS

This revolutionary application features a simple and attractive visual environment full of functionalities that will make the internal management of your business easier than ever. * Table Plan Create all the plans per area as you need, fast and easy. It will...

Price: Free Developer: MIO Research Labs
iNetDual Lite

iNetDual Lite

A Web browser with bookmark bar, dual web views, and batch image downloading. Check the main features in a movie at: You can open an index page of a web page(news, blog, images, etc.) in the first view(above) and...

Price: Free Developer: Takeyoshi Nakayama


"This application is perfect for managers, project managers and salespeople. " - Mac4ever "Beesy, the smart organization on iPad. " - "This smart app will save you the chore of meeting minutes. " - 01 Business "The application that makes meetings...

Price: Free Developer: BeesApps
AVStreamer - Remote Desktop

AVStreamer - Remote Desktop

Remotely control your PC or MAC anytime, anywhere. Video streaming up to 30 frame per second with audio, enjoy games, movie and TV shows from your PC or MAC. WebCam is also supported. Easily manage your computers with AVStreamer HUB...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: EPLAYWORKS
AVStreamerHD for Schoolbox

AVStreamerHD for Schoolbox

IMPORTANT NOTE: AVStreamer for Schoolbox is specially designed and WILL ONLY work with the Schoolbox mobile application platform. Remotely control your PC or MAC anytime, anywhere. Video streaming up to 30 frame per second with audio, enjoy games, movie and...

Price: Free Developer: EPLAYWORKS
AVStreamerHD Remote Desktop

AVStreamerHD Remote Desktop

Remotely control your PC or MAC anytime, anywhere. Video streaming up to 30 frame per second with audio, enjoy games, movie and TV shows from your PC or MAC. WebCam is also supported. Easily manage your computers with AVStreamer HUB...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: EPLAYWORKS

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