Top 28 Entertainment Apps Like Name Weaver: Generations - Best Alternatives

Name Weaver: Generations Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Name Weaver: Generations alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Entertainment apps that are similar to Name Weaver: Generations. Pick one from this list to be your new Name Weaver: Generations app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Name Weaver: Generations on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Name Weaver: Generations - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Name Weaver: Generations alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Name Weaver: Generations 2025.

My Name Meaning – Name Art

My Name Meaning – Name Art

Do you want to know your name meaning? My name meaning provides you the best meaning of your name along with name art. My name meaning provides you the name decoration and stunning wallpaper that says your name. Get...

Price: Free Developer: osama saeed rana
Name Art Maker - Text on Photo

Name Art Maker - Text on Photo

Every human being has one unique identity in this world. this identity is their name. every person likes their name.every person is known by their own name. So, can you like photos which have your name but with some special...

Price: Free Developer: Changela Rekhaben Sureshbhai
My Name Facts- My Name Meaning

My Name Facts- My Name Meaning

"What does my name mean?" is a common question people have. Find out if your name is helping or hurting you. Get an instant evaluation of what does your name mean. The power of a name and its value...

Price: Free Developer: Sanjay Vadodariya
My Name Meaning

My Name Meaning

There must have been a moment in your life when you've asked yourself what hides behind your name .My Name Meaning Application help you to check what is behind your name and make a picture with your name meaning.The...

Price: Free Developer: Ashish Chaklasiya
a.k.a. - Your Favorite Name Generator

a.k.a. - Your Favorite Name Generator

Bored with your life? Wish you could be someone else? Maybe you yearn for the exciting life of a pirate. Or a Jedi....yeah! erotic dancer!! Sorry, we can’t help you with that (what would your mom say?!?), but...

Price: Free Developer: Robert de Jong
Artist Within : Name Art

Artist Within : Name Art

Write your name and make it shine using the famous Name Art - Focus Filter app Write any thought or quote and artistically design that into beautiful painting. Use it as your profile picture or banner or your social profile...

Price: Free Developer: Himmat Singh
Find Name Meaning

Find Name Meaning

This application is use to get your personality hidden in your name. This is great entertainment app to show your hidden personality skills. Now you can check your name meanings. It will check your name meaning and make a picture of it...

Price: Free Developer: PT Patel
Cool Name Fancy Text Generator

Cool Name Fancy Text Generator

You can use Cool Name Fancy Text Generator app tool to create lot of different styles of text art with awesome cool and stylish fonts that can be used in Facebook, Snap chat, WhatsApp, Instagram statuses and also for...

Price: Free Developer: jawade ait hammou
Name To Kanji

Name To Kanji

Along with the spread of animation, food, and other Japanese culture around the world, people's interest in Japanese language is increasing. Do you want to know how your name is written in Japanese Kanji? Now, through this app (Kanji Name), we try...

Price: Free Developer: Junnosuke Nakamura
Volkano Weaver

Volkano Weaver

Volkano Weaver is a APP for the Volkano Drone's control via WiFi protocol 1.Remote control the Volkano Drone's by iPhone/iPad/iPod. 2.Display the real-time video which taken by the camera on the drone,video data transmitted via 2.4G WiFi protocol. 3.Take the photo and...

Price: Free Developer: Yongkan Wang
NameWeaver: Cookie

NameWeaver: Cookie

What's your Cookie name? Pick the first letter of your name . . . Boring! You're made of more than a single alphabet letter. Advanced algorithmic calculations and millions of permutations generate a unique result that's set. Why stop...

Price: Free Developer: MesaRO LLC.
NameWeaver: Ninja

NameWeaver: Ninja

What's your Ninja name? Pick the first letter of your name . . . Boring! You're made of more than a single alphabet letter. Advanced algorithmic calculations and millions of permutations generate a unique result that's set and NOT...

Price: Free Developer: MesaRO LLC.
NameWeaver: Pirate

NameWeaver: Pirate

What's your Pirate name? Pick the first letter of your name . . . Boring! You're made of more than a single alphabet letter. Advanced algorithmic calculations and millions of permutations generate a unique result that's set. Why stop...

Price: Free Developer: MesaRO LLC.
NameWeaver: Superhero

NameWeaver: Superhero

What's your Superhero name? Pick the first letter of your name . . . Boring! You're made of more than a single alphabet letter. Advanced algorithmic calculations and millions of permutations generate a unique result that's set. Why stop...

Price: Free Developer: MesaRO LLC.
NameWeaver: Zombie

NameWeaver: Zombie

What's your Zombie name? Pick the first letter of your name . . . Boring! You're made of more than a single alphabet letter. Advanced algorithmic calculations and millions of permutations generate a unique result that's set. Why stop...

Price: Free Developer: MesaRO LLC.
SelfServe Entertainment Player

SelfServe Entertainment Player

Download and install the Self Serve Entertainment Player to download and play back entertainment content available on our kiosks. Self Serve Entertainment are rolling out Entertainment Kiosk's across the Australian Airport and Hospital Network. Content can be downloaded to your...

Price: Free Developer: Cal Weaver
Hey Duggee: The Squirrel Club

Hey Duggee: The Squirrel Club

Duggee wants you to join his Squirrel Club! The Squirrel Club app enables fans to create their own squirrels and become part of Duggee’s club! There’s lots of fun to be had customising your own squirrel. Will you be a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BBC Worldwide
Atlas of Decivilization

Atlas of Decivilization

Use this map to explore the ten site-specific art installations around Pt. Reyes Station as part of Atlas of Decivilization. Artists included in Atlas are: Alexis Joseph Ashley Eva Brock Asya Abdrahman Charlie Callahan Claire Rabkin Ernesto Sanchez Holen Sabrina Kahn James Lewis Tucker Jon Levy Kat Geng Lena...

Price: Free Developer: Jesse Ditson


ファン必見!ユーザー満足度・支持率第一位のまとめアプリです。 情報量No1保証!シリーズ累計300万ダウンロード達成! 『GENEまとめったー for GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE』はGENERATIONS情報アプリの決定版! 完全無料!毎時間スピード更新!情報量と使いやすさに徹底的にこだわりました! シンプル操作でサクサク動く! スワイプ1つでニュースも動画も爆速まとめ読み! 随時更新されていく関連写真、最新ニュース、人気ツイート、ブログ記事、人気動画、テレビ番組出演情報をお楽しみ下さい。 【アプリの使い方】 ●収録コンテンツ まとめ情報をタブごとに閲覧できます。 最新記事と人気記事ランキングは中タブで切り替えることができます。タブの並びは設定画面から変更可能です。 ・写真まとめ ・ニュースまとめ ・ツイートまとめ ・ブログまとめ ・NAVERまとめ ・Yahoo!知恵袋まとめ ・動画まとめ ・テレビ番組まとめ ●担当設定(オススメ機能!) 全コンテンツをお好きなメンバー(担当)別に表示できます。 ●画像保存機能 表示中のサイトの画像を長押しで保存できます。 ●検索機能 人気キーワードタブをクリック、またはキーワード入力で全記事を検索表示できます。文字と文字の間にスペースを空けることでAND検索も可能です。 ●ブックマーク お気に入りの記事を複数登録できます。 ●テレビ番組出演情報 47都道府県に対応したテレビ番組出演情報を表示できます。 ●SNS投稿機能 表示された記事をFacebook、Twitter、LINEにシェアできます。 ●記事読み上げ機能 iOS独自機能を使い、表示された記事を読み上げることができます。 音声のピッチも0.5~2.0倍に変更可能です。 ※当アプリはユーザーの声を反映して他アプリにはない機能やアップデートを重ねていきます。 ご意見ご要望ドシドシお待ちしてます(・ω・)v 【担当設定】 GENERATIONS 白濱亜嵐 片寄涼太 数原龍友 小森隼 佐野玲於 関口メンディー 中務裕太

Price: Free Developer: QoQuu


7人組ダンス&ボーカルグループ・GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE。 2012/11/21にシングル『BRAVE IT OUT』でメジャーデビュー。 二代目J Soul Brothers同様、ボーカルもパフォーマンスするのが特徴のグループ。メンバー全員がEXPG出身 そのメンバーのプロフィールなどからクイズを出題しています。 2016年 4月 - 7月、初のアリーナツアー「GENERATIONS LIVE TOUR 2016 "SPEEDSTER"」を開催予定です。

Price: Free Developer: Yoshiko Sakamoto


『GENEまとめトーク for GENERATIONS』は収録コンテンツ量No1! 待望の全面リニューアル!いま話題の1番使いやすいファン必見のまとめアプリです。 【収録コンテンツ】 最新ニュース 関連写真 関連動画 妄想小説 ロック画面 人気ツイート ブログ記事 まとめ記事 テレビ番組出演情報 随時更新されていく関連情報をお楽しみ下さい。 【トーク機能】 全国のファン同士でおしゃべり、情報交換を楽しめます。 ユーザー非表示機能もついた安心設計です^^ 【担当設定】 全コンテンツをお好きなメンバー(担当)別に表示できます。 白濱亜嵐 片寄涼太 数原龍友 小森隼 佐野玲於 関口メンディー 中務裕太 【検索機能】 キーワード入力すると全記事を検索表示できます。 文字と文字の間にスペースを空けることでAND検索も可能です。 ファンに沢山検索された人気キーワードはタブで表示! ※当アプリは非公式アプリであり、運営元とは一切関係ございません。

Price: Free Developer: trendent
Générations Daher

Générations Daher

Moderne, efficace et pratique, l’application Générations Daher permet aux membres de la famille de connaître chaque actualité en temps record, d’effectuer ses démarches en ligne de façon ludique et de rassembler la communauté autour des mêmes valeurs durant des...

Price: Free Developer: Genrations Daher
iNight Vision Camera HD Lite

iNight Vision Camera HD Lite

This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true night vision functionality. Do you want to see when dark? Try the new iNight Vision HD App that uses state of the art pixels recognition and advanced...

Price: Free Developer:


Introducing the world’s first Holotoons: a holographic cartoon! Watch Karim and Noor problem-solve their way to full bellies, but instead of just watching on your TV, use a mobile device or tablet to watch their silly antics on...

Price: Free Developer: PlayingForward LLC
Swami Desikan 750+

Swami Desikan 750+

Swami Desikan is one of the premier Mobile App which bring the greatest thoughts to all generation's. The application contains all the Sri Sukthis of our great AchAryan, a peerless-perceptor and poet, SwAmi vEdAnta dEsikan starting from dEsika StOthra pAdam...

Price: Free Developer: Gnaritus Technology Solutions Private Limited
Swami Desikan Pro

Swami Desikan Pro

Swami Desikan is one of the premier Mobile App which bring the greatest thoughts to all generation's. The application contains all the Sri Sukthis of our great AchAryan, a peerless-perceptor and poet, SwAmi vEdAnta dEsikan starting from dEsika StOthra pAdam...

Price: Free Developer: Gnaritus Technology Solutions Private Limited
Game of Life (cellular automaton)

Game of Life (cellular automaton)

FEATURES: * variable grid size * option to draw a grid at lower resolutions * simulation display with zoom functionality * set initial generation at random or draw your own initial generation * special initial generation: glider gun (can be positioned on simulation display)...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Lanz

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