Top 20 Education Apps Like Othello: Folger Luminary Shakespeare - Best Alternatives

Othello: Folger Luminary Shakespeare Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Othello: Folger Luminary Shakespeare alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Othello: Folger Luminary Shakespeare. Pick one from this list to be your new Othello: Folger Luminary Shakespeare app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Othello: Folger Luminary Shakespeare on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Othello: Folger Luminary Shakespeare - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Othello: Folger Luminary Shakespeare alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Othello: Folger Luminary Shakespeare 2025.



See what these users are saying about Shakespeare Pro: “It’s really great!” —Kenneth Branagh, actor and director “‘The app’s the thing.’ Hamlet was almost right. Great to see Shakespeare Pro superplaying with Shakespeare’s plays.” —David Crystal, Linguist and Author of Shakespeare's Words “The Shakespeare...

Price: Free Developer:
PiXL English Literature App

PiXL English Literature App

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note, this application is for PiXL school members only and you will need to get your school id from your teacher if your school is a member of the PiXL club. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PiXL English App (PiXLit) is a quote/text...

Price: Free Developer: Mr Ws Lab
ShakesQuiz: Shakespeare quiz & complete works

ShakesQuiz: Shakespeare quiz & complete works

ShakesQuiz: Shakespeare quiz & complete works presents (1) a highly challenging quiz on all things Shakespearean - the Bard's works, life, era and legacy - and (2) the texts of the plays, sonnets and other poems by the poet...

Price: Free Developer: William Possidento
Macbeth: Folger Luminary Shakespeare

Macbeth: Folger Luminary Shakespeare

Macbeth: The Folger Luminary Shakespeare reinvents tradition for the mobile age. Based on the Folger Shakespeare Library Edition of Macbeth, this app makes Shakespeare’s great tragedy accessible to all readers. • Enjoy a full-length audio performance of Macbeth from...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Luminary Digital Media LLC
Romeo & Juliet: Folger Luminary Shakespeare

Romeo & Juliet: Folger Luminary Shakespeare

Romeo & Juliet: The Folger Luminary Shakespeare reinvents tradition for the mobile age. Based on the Folger Shakespeare Library Edition of Romeo & Juliet, this app makes Shakespeare’s great tragedy accessible to all readers. • Enjoy a full-length...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Luminary Digital Media LLC
First Contact

First Contact

First Contact – Grunnleggende engelsk er et læreverk i hovedsak beregnet på minoritetsspråklige elever i ungdomsskolealder/unge voksne med begrenset skolegang fra tidligere. Læremidlet vil samlet sett dekke målene for begynneropplæringen i engelsk for grunnskolen. First Contact består av en elevbok, en...

Price: Free Developer: Aschehoug Forlag
Tim og Trine på tur

Tim og Trine på tur

* Læsning og skrivning for alle børn fra 6 – ca.11 år * - Vælg mellem 3 sværhedsgrader (lix 4, 10 og16) - Læs og vælg på rød eller grøn knap de sætninger, som passer til hvert af de 12 sjove...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Madam Bachs forlag
Flyttefjæs med Carsten & Gitte

Flyttefjæs med Carsten & Gitte

Denne app er på dansk. This app is only available in Danish.   I Flyttefjæs har du muligheden for at hjælpe Flemming med at få et nyt ansigt. Flemming vil gerne have et nyt ansigt, og han har taget et billede med...

Price: Free Developer: Copenhagen Bombay
Hulda VII

Hulda VII

Hulda IV er et interaktivt sprogspil beregnet på børn i folkeskolens sidste klasser. Spillet giver en forståelse af de nordiske sprog og viden om de forskellige landes kultur. Appen er på alle de syv nordiske hovedsprog, med mulighed for at...

Price: Free Developer: Merete Helle
Højmosen i Horreby Lyng

Højmosen i Horreby Lyng

Vi følger mosen på en tidsrejse over tre nedslag gennem 15.000 år vha flotte 3D grafik og augmented reality. Teknologien supplerer virkeligheden ved at kombinere de fysiske rammer med et 3D oplevelsesunivers. Du kan tage på tidsrejsen fra hvor som...

Price: Free Developer: Purple Scout


Spillet til den første læserejse! Denne app samler fem spil, som tager de yngste skolebørn (og store børnehavebørn) på tur igennem alfabetet. Målet er, at børnene lærer alfabetets bogstaver og lyde for til sidst at prøve at læse simple ord...

Price: Free Developer:
Matemagisk MER OM BRØK

Matemagisk MER OM BRØK

Velkommen til Matemagisk Mer om brøk I den første app-en om brøk lærte du hva brøk er. Denne gangen lærer du om sammenhengen mellom brøk, prosent og desimaltall. Du hjelper Flagre og barna med matematiske problemer som kan oppstå på...

Price: Free Developer: Aschehoug Forlag
I AM Avatar ~ Empowerment

I AM Avatar ~ Empowerment

Get access to spiritual empowerment while on the go. This complimentary app features podcasts, audio meditations, education and self empowerment support. These offerings give a big vibrational boost and will help you stay aligned and attuned with your greater...

Price: Free Developer: Tiara Kumara
Shakespeare Pro

Shakespeare Pro

See what these users are saying about Shakespeare Pro: “It’s really great!” —Kenneth Branagh, actor and director “‘The app’s the thing.’ Hamlet was almost right. Great to see Shakespeare Pro superplaying with Shakespeare’s plays.” —David Crystal, linguist and author of Shakespeare's Words “The Shakespeare...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:
Shakespeare In Bits: Hamlet

Shakespeare In Bits: Hamlet

*** IMPORTANT *** This resource is provided for personal use only. It must not be used for whole-class instruction via whiteboard or projector, unless every student in the class also has their own digital copy. **************** A new, exciting, multimedia approach to...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Mindconnex Learning Ltd.
Shakespeare In Bits: Macbeth

Shakespeare In Bits: Macbeth

*** IMPORTANT *** This resource is provided for personal use only. It must not be used for whole-class instruction via whiteboard or projector, unless every student in the class also has their own digital copy. **************** A new, exciting, multimedia approach to...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Mindconnex Learning Ltd.
Shakespeare In Bits: Romeo & Juliet

Shakespeare In Bits: Romeo & Juliet

*** IMPORTANT *** This resource is provided for personal use only. It must not be used for whole-class instruction via whiteboard or projector, unless every student in the class also has their own digital copy. **************** Fall in love with Shakespeare’s timeless...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Mindconnex Learning Ltd.
Shakespeare In Bits: Julius Caesar

Shakespeare In Bits: Julius Caesar

*** IMPORTANT *** This resource is provided for personal use only. It must not be used for whole-class instruction via whiteboard or projector, unless every student in the class also has their own digital copy. **************** A new, exciting, multimedia approach...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Mindconnex Learning Ltd.
Starting Shakespeare

Starting Shakespeare

***December 2013: Best New App Feature in the US App Store: Education Section*** ***December 2013: Best New App Feature in the Australian App Store*** Developed by Bell Shakespeare and Deeper Richer, and designed for primary students, Starting Shakespeare is a fresh,...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Deeper Richer

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