Top 50 Book Apps Like Books for Life and Buddhism - Best Alternatives

Books for Life and Buddhism Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Books for Life and Buddhism alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Book apps that are similar to Books for Life and Buddhism. Pick one from this list to be your new Books for Life and Buddhism app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Books for Life and Buddhism on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like Books for Life and Buddhism - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Books for Life and Buddhism alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like Books for Life and Buddhism 2025.

CINE-BOOKS: Read-Listen-Watch

CINE-BOOKS: Read-Listen-Watch

READ, LISTEN or even WATCH books like a movie! Check out the revolutionary reading app that offers a completely new kind of storytelling entertainment for the whole family. It combines the advantages of both books and movies! Cine-books are a new...

Price: Free Developer: CINE-BOOKS Entertainment Limited
CLZ Books - Book Database

CLZ Books - Book Database

Catalog your book collection with ease! Automatic book details and cover images. Just scan ISBN barcodes with your camera! - Free 7-day trial, then US $14.99 per year - Use our "CLZ Core" central online book database for easy adding of books: * Just...

Price: Free Developer:
Apple Books

Apple Books

Apple Books lets you lose yourself in the best books and audiobooks right on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch. You’ll find bestsellers, classics, up-and-coming authors, and more — all ready to instantly download and enjoy. Features • Selection:...

Price: Free Developer: Apple
ThriftBooks: New & Used Books

ThriftBooks: New & Used Books

Shop 13 million new and used books at up to 90% off list price. The ThriftBooks app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details, and buy millions of books, textbooks, and graphic novels. Scan bar...

Price: Free Developer: Thrift Books Global LLC.
Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books is a new twist on the Classic Children’s picture book. Little Magic Books combine the physicality of printed books with the interactivity of smartphone apps. Just strap your smartphone into the the back of physical book while...

Price: Free Developer: Little Magic Books
My Kingdom Books

My Kingdom Books

The My Kingdom Books app is designed to work alongside our personalised children's story book. By simply pointing your device at the story book you'll see the characters come alive in 3D, along with character voice overs and story...

Price: Free Developer: My Kingdom Books Ltd
All You Can Books - Unlimited

All You Can Books - Unlimited

Fill your day with stories. All You Can Books free app gives you UNLIMITED, instant access to over 40,000 wonderful Audiobooks, eBooks, and Foreign Language courses plus thousands of Podcasts. Download directly to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod so...

Price: Free Developer: All You Can Books, LLC
Audiobooks from Librivox - FREE 10,000+ Audio Books mp3

Audiobooks from Librivox - FREE 10,000+ Audio Books mp3

Audiobooks from LibriVox privileges absolutely free access to over 10,000 audio books. Each audiobook can be streamed over the internet or downloaded for later use. All LibriVox audio books can be freely listened to. The LibriVox Audio Books app...

Price: Free Developer: Mind For Books
Juggernaut Books

Juggernaut Books

JUGGERNAUT Read and Grow with Juggernaut Books Learn something new every day Looking to read and grow? Get ahead at work, de-stress with spiritual gurus like Sadhguru & Om Swami, learn valuable lessons in parenting, enjoy 15-minute versions of best-selling books,...

Price: Free Developer: Juggernaut Books Private Limited
Me Books Plus

Me Books Plus

Subscribe to enjoy up to over 400 titles in our growing library that is updated monthly From the creators of an award-winning digital reading app in the UK comes a unique interactive storytelling app made affordable, designed for every child....

Price: Free Developer: Me Books
Care for Our World

Care for Our World

Take an interactive journey around the world, discovering diverse environments and the animals that call them home, in this animated adaptation of the award-winning children's book, Care for Our World. Additional creative activities are included, like Coloring Book pages,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sunbreak Games, LLC
Mulan Classic tales - interactive book for kids.

Mulan Classic tales - interactive book for kids.

We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Mulan. An interactive book with story reading and educational...

Price: Free Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Rapunzel Classic tales - interactive book for kids

Rapunzel Classic tales - interactive book for kids

We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Rapunzel. An interactive book with story reading and educational...

Price: Free Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Little Red Riding Hood - Classic tales for kids

Little Red Riding Hood - Classic tales for kids

We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Little Red Riding Hood. An interactive book with...

Price: Free Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Mulan classic tales for kids - Premium

Mulan classic tales for kids - Premium

Version without ads. We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Mulan. An interactive book with story...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Rapunzel Classic tales for kids - Premium

Rapunzel Classic tales for kids - Premium

Version without ads. We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Rapunzel. An interactive book with story...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Instructions for Peace Booklet

Instructions for Peace Booklet

Instructions for Peace Booklet: An A to Z Guide is an interactive book art piece by new media artist Fang-Yu Lin. It is a lighthearted attempt at vernacular peace practices. Poking fun at the high-mindedness of the subject while...

Price: Free Developer: Fang-Yu Lin
Bibelen for Banditter

Bibelen for Banditter

I Bibelen for Banditter kan du sammen med dit barn læse udvalgte bibelfortællinger fx om Jonas, Jesus og Ester. Dit barn kan også trygt selv gå på opdagelse med Bibelen for Banditter, hvor det kan male i malebogen, lægge...

Price: Free Developer: Bibelen for Banditter
The Ogglies - A Dragon Party for Firebottom

The Ogglies - A Dragon Party for Firebottom

Light the fireworks for Firebottom’s birthday, look out for brand new, fantastically farty features, and make the mucky most of the Ogglies’ latest adventure! Oetinger Verlag is proud to present the new, super-stinky Oggly app. A DRAGON PARTY FOR FIREBOTTOM New, improved...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Verlag Friedrich Oetinger GmbH
Library For All

Library For All

Read great books for free with Library For All. Kids, families and educators can find high quality children’s books to enjoy at home, or to fill resource gaps at school. Launching with the Papua New Guinea (PNG) collection, LFA...

Price: Free Developer: Library For All Ltd
Life In The UK Book - Free Book to prepare for Life In The United Kingdom Test LITUK and UK Naturalization Test

Life In The UK Book - Free Book to prepare for Life In The United Kingdom Test LITUK and UK Naturalization Test

This is a Free App giving you original study materials for the Life in the United Kingdom Test. The App covers all the 5 Chapters - grouped into 25 sections so that it can help you prepare for the entire...

Price: Free Developer: 1X1 Apps Limited
Change Your Life!!

Change Your Life!!

Looking for motivation? Need a daily pick-me-up? Change Your Life! presents moving and meaningful sayings from sages all around the world that will rouse you to live life to its fullest potential. Allen Klein, the award-winning professional speaker and...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: mmotio
Enjoy Your Life

Enjoy Your Life

Darussalam publishers and distributors brings to you the best selling book in a digital form. Now you can read this wonderful compilation on your iPhone by simply downloading. It has a very attractive design and icons. It gives you...

My Magical Life AR

My Magical Life AR

This free companion app brings the book to life with augmented reality. Meet the fully animated 3D characters from the Zach King "My Magical Life" book! Scan and tap to interact with the characters and objects that appear on...

Price: Free Developer: King Studio
Transcend - To a higher life

Transcend - To a higher life

Change Your Destiny Find simple, practical ways to make your own life richer, more satisfying, more spiritual and pure. With these books, you’ll be reading not about temporary illusions but eternal truth. And just by reading, you’ll be making spiritual...

Price: Free Developer: Anand Menon
Books Life

Books Life

『Books Life』はiTunes、Bluetooth/Wifi を通じて転送された画像データのアーカイブ(zip形式)やPDFファイルを閲覧するアプリケーションです。 アーカイブ内に格納されている各画像データはページめくり操作にて切り替える事が可能で、めくり方向によるページ前進/後退は設定により指定することが出来ます。 本棚機能を利用するとアーカイブファイルを本棚へと登録することで多数のファイルが存在する場合でもカテゴリ毎に整理することが可能です。 機能追加は随時、無償アドオンという形で提供を行っております。 各アドオンの詳細は下記【無償アドオン紹介】を御覧ください。 【標準機能紹介】   ○リソースの並び替え機能    ・リソース管理画面では、ファイル名、本棚名、日付、ファイル形式でソートすることが可能です。   ○本棚一括登録機能    ・リソース管理画面では、ソート機能などを利用し、複数ファイルを選択することでお好きな本棚へ      一括登録することが可能です。   ○ファイル送受信機能    ・リソース管理画面では、ファイルを同じ『Books Life』を使用しているユーザーに自由に     送受信することが可能です。 機密性の高いファイルの送受信にお勧めの機能です。    ・約10分のバックグラウンド送受信に対応しており、急な電話、メールチェック時などにも通信を     維持することが可能です。    ・バッチ機能にも対応しておりますので、アプリをバックグラウンドで動かしている時に双方に     送受信しているファイルの数をアプリを表示することが可能です。   ○通信管理機能    ・標準のファイル送受信機能や、アドオン機能のDropbox等通信を行う機能を使用している時に     一覧で送受信の状況を管理することができます。    ・送受信の通信中のファイルで不要なファイルは送受信側双方でキャンセルすることが可能です。    ・アプリバックグラウンド時は通知センターに通信結果が表示されます。   ○本棚登録機能    ・本棚に登録して整理することが可能です。    ・本棚に登録すると表紙機能の画像が並ぶので目当ての本やファイルを探す作業が楽になります。    ・本棚に登録すると、標準の本棚表示以外に カバーフロー表示、リスト表示(サムネイル付き)     で表示が可能です。   ○本棚の切替機能    ・本棚の切替は本棚名をクリックすることで本棚のリストが表示され移動することが可能です。     又カバーフロー表示を除いてスワイプで切替することが可能です。   ○表紙機能    ・『Books Life』に登録した本は自由に表紙を変えることが可能です。    ・トリミング機能を利用し、好きな範囲を表紙にすることが可能です。    ・トリミング機能には回転機能がありますので、取り込んだファイルが横向きでも表紙を縦に     変更する事が可能です。   ○しおり機能    ・一度でも読んだファイルはしおりが自動的に作成され、途中から読むことが可能です。    ・しおりの機能は表示方法により変わりますが全て対応しております。      本棚表示    の場合:本の表紙にしおりのアイコン表示      カバーフロー表示の場合:本の表紙にしおりのアイコン表示      リスト表示   の場合:一度読んだ本は青色背景で表示されます。   ○本棚内の本データの並び替え機能    ・本棚内の本データの並び替え機能は表示方法により変わります。      本棚表示    の場合:本を選んでのドラッグで好きな位置に変更できます。      カバーフロー表示の場合:不可(並び替えは他の表示に切り替えて対応して下さい。)      リスト表示   の場合:編集ボタンを押し、右端のタブ部分でドラッグ   ○対応アーカイブ形式    ・zip形式   ○対応画像ファイル形式    ・jpg形式、png形式、gif形式、tif形式、bmp形式、pdf形式 【無償アドオン紹介】   アドオン機能を使えばニーズの高い機能を追加する事が出来ます。   下記アドオンは無料で公開しております。   アプリのダウンロード後、設定画面の「アドオン」セクションよりアドオンを導入して下さい。   ○ 本棚の編集機能とロック     ・本棚を自由に増やしたり、本棚名を変更出来るようになります。     ・パスワードロック機能が追加され、本棚情報やリソース情報、ストレージ情報等をユーザーの      任意で隠すことが出来ます。プライバイシーを保ちながら、ビジネスの資料をセキュリティー      を掛けて閲覧したい方などにお勧めの機能です。     ・パスワードのかかった本棚、リソース、ストレージの本(ファイル)を閲覧時にアプリを      スリープ(別アプリの起動等)させた後、再度アプリを立ち上げ直した時もパスワードを      入力しない限り表示されないためセキュリティーを確保出来ます。           ○ Dropboxアクセス     このアドオンを追加すると、Dropboxより自由にファイルを取得し『リソース』に登録されます。     Dropboxにあるファイルを取得し、整理、閲覧を『Books Life』で行いたい方にはお勧めの     機能です。   ○ GoogleDriveアクセス     GoogleDriveのストレージにアクセスし、本データのダウンロードが可能です。     これによりPCとの連携が容易になる事に加え、他ユーザーからのデータ共有も有用です。 【サンプルの書籍について】   『Book Life』の説明用の画像には二次利用可能となりました    ブラックジャックによろしくを使用しております。    タイトル:ブラックジャックによろしく    著作者名:佐藤秀峰    サイト名:漫画 on web    URL :

Price: Free Developer: L'sStyle Co.,Ltd
When I Say

When I Say "Yes" to Life

You've just stumbled upon a unique app. Let's be clear, it's a very simple app, but sometimes the simple things in life are the most special. Each day a book will open up to an imaginary setting...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Pushbutton Technologies
Jefferson Bible (The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth)

Jefferson Bible (The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth)

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible, was a book constructed by Thomas Jefferson in the later years of his life by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Life Tips - 2000+ Interesting Tips and Advice for a Happy Life

Life Tips - 2000+ Interesting Tips and Advice for a Happy Life

1000+ Top Life Tips! Achieve better health, more success and better interpersonal relationships with these awesome life tips! Add inspiration and motivation to your life today! App Features: - Save your favorite life tips! - Share your favorite life tips via...

Price: Free Developer: Vu Trung Hieu
1000+ Life Hacks Pro Tips Tricks With Pictures

1000+ Life Hacks Pro Tips Tricks With Pictures

1000+ Ultimate Life hacks, tips and tricks to optimize your life. Free food, save money, cool apps, hack vending machines, live life to the fullest! Ultimate Life Hacks brings you the most innovative ideas to discover and share that you...

Price: Free Developer: Mo Moin
Jack and the Beanstalk Book

Jack and the Beanstalk Book

Jack and the Beanstalk is a beautiful interactive & magical production of the famous English folktale by Francis Palgrave. See this remarkable story come to life like never before!!! When a courageous little boy learns how never to give...

Price: Free Developer: TabTale LTD
Kids Apps ∙ The Three Little Piggies and Big Bad Wolf.

Kids Apps ∙ The Three Little Piggies and Big Bad Wolf.

Use of gyroscope and microphone, fun activity pack with puzzles and games within the story book – everything you need for playing and learning to read! Story Book app Features -Cute little Piggies -3 different reading modes -Professional voice over -Amusing sound effects -Age-appropriate text...

Economic and Financial Law MEF

Economic and Financial Law MEF

This application provides us a great tool for accessing the Economic and Financial Legislation Compendium in Cambodia which is published as book in 2013. The content of the book is well-organized logically based on sectors under Ministry of Economy and...

Price: Free Developer: Legal Council of Ministry of Economy and Finance
Gabe and the Pesky Bug

Gabe and the Pesky Bug

"Gabe and The Pesky Bug" is about a little boy named Gabriel who has a bad case of the boredom bug (no seriously, the boredom bug actually follows him around). He sets off on an adventure to find an...

Price: Free Developer: TaleSpring LLC
Little Red Riding Hood and the Magic Cloak

Little Red Riding Hood and the Magic Cloak

Are you tired of the boring story of fairy tales? So our project is special for you! Amazing adventures of a small brave girl and her magic red coat! On her way to granny's house she'll help forest animals, make new...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Thematica - educational and fun apps for kids
Customs and Excise Law MEF

Customs and Excise Law MEF

This application provides us a great tool for accessing the Customs and Excise Law Compendium in Cambodia which was completely prepared in 2019. The content of the book is well-organized logically based on objectives and chronological order and well-designed based...

Price: Free Developer: Legal Council of Ministry of Economy and Finance
Johnny Tractor and Friends: County Fair

Johnny Tractor and Friends: County Fair

The County Fair is coming to Merriweather Farm, and Johnny Tractor and his friends are ready to roll! In this endearing interactive storybook that teaches the importance of teamwork and friendship, you can help Johnny Tractor, Corey Combine, and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Soul and Vibe Interactive Inc.
Johnny Tractor and Friends: Growing Season

Johnny Tractor and Friends: Growing Season

The spring season has arrived at Merriweather farm. Allie Gator is excited because her little cousin, Callie Gator, is visiting! Help Johnny Tractor and his friends get the farm ready for the spring planting season! In this endearing interactive storybook...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Soul and Vibe Interactive Inc.
Johnny Tractor and Friends: Snow Day

Johnny Tractor and Friends: Snow Day

There’s a big holiday celebration planned in the town square tonight and Deerfield Valley has been blanketed in snow! It’s up to Johnny Tractor and his construction buddies to clear the snow and decorate for the big event! In this...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Soul and Vibe Interactive Inc.
Timo and

Timo and

Timo and the Magical Picture book An interactive picture book Timo receives a picture book made by his Uncle Nick. It’s a very special book, because once you open it, you will be inside it. But you’re not supposed to shake...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Books2download
Buddhism and Mindfulness Meditation

Buddhism and Mindfulness Meditation

From the best-selling Buddhist book " The Buddhist Way to Peace of Mind " by Venerable Pramote Pamojjo to an award-winning application "Buddhism and Mindfulness Meditation". Description - 120 pages e-book with beautiful CG illustrations - 80 Mins animation with English...

Price: Free Developer: Pixel Perfex
Buddha : Buddhism for kids

Buddha : Buddhism for kids

Interactive tale about the life of Buddha, the Awakened One. This story from the Buddha's life has been specially adapted for children. A nice and funny way to introduce kids to buddhism. English/Spanish If you want to translate the book to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: NOE GUERRERO
Khmer Buddhism Glossary

Khmer Buddhism Glossary

Free Khmer Buddhism Glossary for iPhone and iPad Just try this app for free and you will be able to search Khmer worlds which you want to know or read. Note: Khmer Buddhism Glossary was created by Email:...

Price: Free Developer: Liratanak ANN
Asia Wisdom Collection  - Universal App

Asia Wisdom Collection - Universal App

Learn about Zen, Buddhism, Tao and the samurai spirit, from fundamental works of Eastern wisdom: Art of War, The Tao Teh King, Book of Five Rings, Gateless Gate, Confucian Analects and more rare masterpieces in a unique reader...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: dragos cosmineanu
Access to Insight

Access to Insight

Not so much "an eBook" as a huge library of eBooks, this might just be the best application about Buddhism on the App Store! This is the entire offline version of John Bullitt's widely recognized and highly recommended Access to...

Price: Free Developer: Bill Parousis
Chan Buddism

Chan Buddism

What is Chan Buddhism? As Master Sheng Yen pointed out, Chan Buddhism incorporates the teaching of the Agamas and is based on the Chan tradition of Chinese Buddhism. Especially, it speaks to our modern way of life. Through the...

Price: Free Developer: 法鼓山文教基金會
Museum for Sustainable Buddhis

Museum for Sustainable Buddhis

This MFSB application is a virtual of Museum for Sustainable Buddhism. The content of this application can be found at the physical Museum for Sustainable Buddhism which is located at Soi Pattanakarn 64, Pattanakarn Road, Bangkok Thailand. This application...

Price: Free Developer: Dhammatankusoljit Foundation
Buddha Quotes Daily - Inspirational Buddhist Words of Spiritual Wisdom for Meditation Peace & Mindfulness

Buddha Quotes Daily - Inspirational Buddhist Words of Spiritual Wisdom for Meditation Peace & Mindfulness

Update August 2016 ------------------------ We have made a number of enhancements to improve your experience: Music Player Option Additional Backgrounds Pack Option Bug fixes New Sounds Available Additional Editing/Customization Tools Improved design Help Screens Copy quote to clipboard Trial And more... *****Please Rate This App***** If you enjoy this app please support...

Price: Free Developer: Richard Overton
Gautam Buddha Quotes

Gautam Buddha Quotes

Looking for Siddhartha Gautama Quotes?? Want to know more about Buddha and Buddhism? Then this is the App for you! Siddhartha Gautama (Pali: Siddhattha Gotama) was a spiritual teacher from the Indian subcontinent, on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. In...

Price: Free Developer: Mo Moin

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