Top 28 Lifestyle Apps Like Click 'n Shop - Epernay - Best Alternatives

Click 'n Shop - Epernay Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Click 'n Shop - Epernay alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Lifestyle apps that are similar to Click 'n Shop - Epernay. Pick one from this list to be your new Click 'n Shop - Epernay app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Click 'n Shop - Epernay on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Click 'n Shop - Epernay - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Click 'n Shop - Epernay alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Click 'n Shop - Epernay 2025.

Click Clean

Click Clean

Click Clean is built on solid commitment towards offering a new service in the Saudi market for those with busy lifestyles. It is an online service dedicated towards making a daily household chore rather simple, by providing a hassle-free alternative through the...

Price: Free Developer: Jahed Daouk
My Click Urban

My Click Urban

MyClickUrban (MCU) puts the events that fit your lifestyle at your fingertips. Simply select a city and a category and VOILA! You now have access to thousands of happenings based on your interests and tastes. New events...

Price: Free Developer: Click Urban
Click 'n Shop Epernay EN

Click 'n Shop Epernay EN

Welcome to Epernay, the capital of Champagne! "Click 'n shop Epernay Champagne" is the first multimedia guide to value the shops part in visiting Epernay and its region. The application, available for iPhone and iPod Touch, is published by the Tourist...

Price: Free Developer: In Situ Concept
Papillon Pro

Papillon Pro

Turn on the bluetooth function before you click the Apps,Click Apps to enter to the homepage. The Main functions as following. ● Time function: ◆ Displaying time & date. ...

Eventmatch - Local Discounts

Eventmatch - Local Discounts

You like to try out delicious food, do exciting activities in a group or just want to meet cool new people? Then have a look at Eventmatch! It shows what other people in your city would like to do and lets...

Price: Free Developer: Armin Graeber
QC Coupons

QC Coupons

QC COUPONS APP DESCRIPTION With QC Coupons you’re about to save a whole lot of money every time you eat out, shop, play, take care of your health or beauty, your kids and family, home, garden, car – you name...

Price: Free Developer: Quality Connections


Haikuism is a creative networking app that allows you to compose haiku, sort them into collections, enjoy the haiku of others, and initiate haiku exchanges with others. Composing and saving haiku is simple through the interface. You can save haiku...

Price: Free Developer: Bright Wave Media, Inc.


This is a true clicker training application, far more than just an audible click! Any good clicker trainer knows that record-keeping is critcial, but it can be awkward to track data on the fly. For less than the price of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: David Heigl
Magic Heart

Magic Heart

If you really want to impress that special someone, tell them what you love about them, and tell them often!  The Magic Heart App makes that easy to do.  It lets you enter your own phrases which will then...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Michael Dougan


“Save for the taste, time shan’t be wasted” is our philosophy. BID N EAT strives for a fast and simple, nonetheless personalized and enhanced experience for modern food discovery process. It is structured to minimize the discovery effort (just...

Price: Free Developer: BID N EAT Co. Limited
Diz n Deals

Diz n Deals

Newest Advantage for Filipinos Get the newest and freshest deals everyday, anytime and anywhere with Diz N Deals. What is Diz N Deals? Most people are busy enough with their lives and finding the time to look for products of their desires is...

Price: Free Developer: LEENTech Network Solutions, Inc.


「食べることで守られる環境があります!」―将来にわたって水産物を食べ続けられるように、食卓と海とのつながりをみなさんに考えていただくきっかけをつくるアプリです! ■SH“U”Nプロジェクト~アプリの概要~ ・居住エリアに合わせて、今、あなたにおススメのお魚を紹介 ・水産物の解禁日などSH“U”Nなお魚情報を紹介 ・お魚に関するトリビア情報も紹介 ・お魚を食べてポイントを貯めてバーチャル水産世界の変化をアプリ内で感じよう ■水産物の持続可能性とは何か? 「海にいる魚の量や増減」、「海の生態系」、「海での漁業活動」、「漁業を取りまく地域産業や社会」、そして食品としての「健康と安全・安心」などのどれか一つがかけても、水産物を持続的に利用することはできません。 SH“U”Nプロジェクトの情報を通じて、消費者のみなさまが水産資源の持続性に関する理解を深め、日本の水産物を安心して食べられる社会の実現を目指します。 本アプリから、SH“U”Nプロジェクトの成果を活用していただき、次世代の食育活動や、6次産業化、地方創生、輸出拡大など、持続的な水産業の発展にむけた活動を一層活発にしていただくことも、本プロジェクトの目的の一つです。 食生活の変化に伴い、失われつつある各家庭の食卓と海とのつながりを取り戻し、消費者のみなさまが持続可能な水産資源の利用について考えていただくきっかけをつくることが、このSH“U”Nプロジェクトの最大のねらいです。 こちらのWebページも併せてご確認ください。 ■お問合せ先情報 ご要望・ご質問・不具合は下記のアドレスまでお気軽にお問い合わせください。

Tokes 'N Treats

Tokes 'N Treats

Celebrate and enjoy Halloween in Eugene by visiting 15 local retailers with our Tokes ‘N Treats App. Explore the entire City, as well as select locations in Veneta and Springfield, using our fun and intuitive sales features. Visit retailers,...

Price: Free Developer: Escality, LLC
Like n' Go!

Like n' Go!

Fique por dentro das melhores promoções na palma da mão. Com o aplicativo Like n' Go!, você encontra os melhores descontos ao seu redor em apenas alguns cliques. Você possui bar ou restaurante? Seja nosso parceiro. Através do Like n'...

Price: Free Developer: Renzo Oliveira
Wok N' Roll

Wok N' Roll

Old favorites meet new specials each day at Wok N’ Roll. From soups, egg rolls, and lo mein to fried rice, we feature the best Chinese food dishes at the right price. Enjoy a filling lunch made with high-quality ingredients....

Price: Free Developer: Open Networks, LLC
F N Bail Bonds

F N Bail Bonds

This is the official app for F & N Bail Bonds. We serve the following counties in the state of Missouri: Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, Washington, Franklin and St. Francis. We have payment plans available. Some of the features you...

Price: Free Developer: MobileSoft Technology, Inc.


FAST Strong, restructured hair in 3 simple steps EASY Just 3 products to safely change your look anytime you want to A revolutionary treatment that you add directly to the technical service mixture, for strong and perfectly regenerated hair. Damaged hair After the N•FACTOR treatment The...

Price: Free Developer: Eleven srl
Paws n Klaws

Paws n Klaws

Our expert pet care services for the Paws n Klaws app are available in London and Somerset. Like us: Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with news and offers Call: Use click-to-call function to call us direct...

Price: Free Developer: J R Linton Tech Ltd.


A beautiful world clock, showing the world as it is between day and night. See the lights show through at dusk and fade away at dawn – something you would see in real life, but is missing from other...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer:
OK to Shop

OK to Shop

Si eres vegano, celíaco, o si tienes cualquier tipo de alergia o restricción alimentaria, sabes lo tedioso que resulta encontrar alimentos que puedes consumir y probablemente ya te estás aburriendo de comprar siempre los mismos. Escanea el código de barras...

Price: Free Developer: OK to Shop SPA

Der zertifizierte Schweizer Online-Shop bietet hochwertige, nicht ganz alltägliche Uhren Alle angebotenen Uhren wurden vom Schweizer Uhrmacher als empfehlenswert deklariert. Erhalte Infos über die neuesten Trends, exklusive Gutscheincodes, News über unser Top Marken. Sowie optionale Push...

Price: Free Developer: Au Bijou GmbH
Go Shop App

Go Shop App

O Go Shop é um aplicativo que foi projetado para facilitar seu dia a dia. Muito além de um buscador de lojas, o app reúne informações de horários, promoções, serviços e lazer dos shoppings que você frequenta e é capaz...

Price: Free Developer: Go Shop

Welcome to the future of E-commerce improves sales by creating new experiences for your customers when shopping online and provides powerful tools to track sales accurately from the content you create. Track sales directly from an image...

Price: Free Developer: Snatchit Pty Ltd
Finlays Whisky Shop

Finlays Whisky Shop

Vielen Dank, dass Sie den Weg zu mir gefunden haben. Auf den folgenden Shop-Seiten finden Sie eine große Auswahl an zum Teil einzigartigem Whisky, vorwiegend Single Malts, aber auch Blend und Rye Whiskey. Auch viele andere hochwertige Spirituosen wie...

Price: Free Developer: Andreas Hamann
Nu Skin Shop

Nu Skin Shop

Purchase Nu Skin products quickly and conveniently through the new Nu Skin Shop mobile app. This release is just the start of the new shopping features we’re working hard to bring you, our distributors and preferred customers. ...

Price: Free Developer: Nu Skin Enterprises
PAYCO Place Shop - 매장 운영의 전환점!

PAYCO Place Shop - 매장 운영의 전환점!

■ 매장 운영의 전환점, 예약 관리부터 홍보까지 한 번에! 언제 어디서나 클릭 한 번으로 모든 예약과 매출을 하나로 관리하세요. 등록은 손쉽게! 예약은 한눈에! 매출은 한곳에! ■ PAYCO Place Shop PC버전으로 큰 화면에서 볼 수 있습니다. -> “신규 고객”도 “기존 고객”도...

Price: Free Developer: NHN Corp.
Yarn Shop

Yarn Shop

Carry a yarn store in your pocket! This electronic collection of yarn shade cards from Camilla Valley Farm provides a quick and easy way to find the perfect color from a collection of the most popular knitting and weaving yarns...

Price: Free Developer: Camilla Valley Farm

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