Top 19 Reference Apps Like Moths Ordbog - Best Alternatives

Moths Ordbog Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Moths Ordbog alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Reference apps that are similar to Moths Ordbog. Pick one from this list to be your new Moths Ordbog app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Moths Ordbog on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Moths Ordbog - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Moths Ordbog alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Moths Ordbog 2025.

Butterflies & Moths of North America

Butterflies & Moths of North America

eButterflyNA - Butterflies & Moths of North America - A Butterfly App is a member of the World Life Forms family of products designed to provide easy to use, powerful tools for accessing images and information of the world's...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Search Life Forms
Moths of Britain & Ireland

Moths of Britain & Ireland

Based on the second edition of Chris Manley’s ‘British Moths’, this astonishing resource covers 2147 species of moth found in Britain and Ireland. This comprehensive resource presents beautiful photographs and details text for all species, plus maps for all...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: NatureGuides Ltd.
Butterfly ID Britain: A Guide to British Butterflies and Day-flying Moths from iSpiny

Butterfly ID Britain: A Guide to British Butterflies and Day-flying Moths from iSpiny

ALL British butterflies PLUS the most common day-flying moths are here in this app. Day moths are as bright and colourful as any butterfly, so they are an essential addition - don’t miss out by buying an app without...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Spiny Software Ltd
Butterfly ID Europe: A guide to common and noteworthy butterflies and day-flying moths of west and north-west Europe

Butterfly ID Europe: A guide to common and noteworthy butterflies and day-flying moths of west and north-west Europe

Identify butterflies and common day-flying moths of Western Europe - including all British butterflies. The app covers an area from Ireland in the west, eastwards to Austria, south to Sicily and north to Finland and Sweden. Select just the...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Spiny Software Ltd
Butterflies of the World - A Butterfly App

Butterflies of the World - A Butterfly App

Butterflies of the World - A Butterfly App is a member of the World Life Forms family of products designed to provide easy to use, powerful tools for accessing images and information of the world's diverse life forms. With...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Search Life Forms
British & Irish Butterflies

British & Irish Butterflies

This comprehensive field guide covers all 61 regularly occurring British & Irish butterfly species. Each species entry is illustrated with superb artwork by Richard Lewington and depicts each stage of the life-cycle: adults (including variation between broods, sexes and...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: NatureGuides Ltd.
Collins British Wildlife

Collins British Wildlife

The Collins British Wildlife Photoguide is an interactive version of the popular Collins Complete British Wildlife Photoguide. This easy-to-use guide features more than 1500 species most likely to be encountered (with photo images and text descriptions). It also describes...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:


125 most common European insects (without butterflies and moths) with high-resolution images (min. 2 per species) and detailed, systematic descriptions in English (and German, selectable). The descriptions provide information about • distribution • range • habitat • behaviour • reproduction • habits • food Includes name...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: I.M.D. Publicacion C.A.
Indian Butterflies

Indian Butterflies

"Indian Butterflies" app is an official butterfly application created by TheNatureWeb.Net team. App displays butterfly names in regional languages (vernacular names) such as Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Bhojpuri, Malayalam and Tamil. "Indian Butterflies" app works in offline mode and is very...

Price: Free Developer: Amol Kokane
Ordbog over det danske Sprog

Ordbog over det danske Sprog

Ordbog over det danske Sprog (ODS) – "den store danske ordbog". ODS er den største danske ordbog der nogensinde er udgivet. Bogversionen er på 28 bind + 5 supplementsbind (i alt næsten 1,5 hyldemeter), og ordbogen indholder hele 225.000...

Price: Free Developer: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
Den Danske Ordbog (DDO)

Den Danske Ordbog (DDO)

Denne app giver dig nem og hurtig adgang til den mest udtømmende beskrivelse af det moderne danske ordforråd. ** NB: Notifikation om Dagens ord slår automatisk fra, hvis appen ikke anvendes ** Du får adgang til alle opslagsordene i Den...

Price: Free Developer: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
Svensk-Dansk Ordbog

Svensk-Dansk Ordbog

Svensk-Dansk Ordbog indeholder 56.000 opslagsord med en eller flere danske oversættelser. Ordbogen dækker det almindelige svenske ordforråd, de mest udbredte fagudtryk og dagligsproget. Ordbogen bringer bøjning, lydskrift, betydning og brug, eksempler og faste udtryk for ordene. Ordbogen er en...

Price: Free Developer: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
Latinsk-Dansk Ordbog

Latinsk-Dansk Ordbog

Latinsk-dansk Ordbog er en digital udgave af Jens Theodor Jensen og Martin Julius Goldschmidts latinsk-danske ordbog, der udkom første gang i 1886. „Jensen & Goldschmidt” har siden udgivelsen og frem til den dag i dag været standardordbogen fra latin til...

Price: Free Developer: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
Meyers Fremmedordbog

Meyers Fremmedordbog

Historisk fremmedordbog der beskriver sprogets absolut mest fremmede ord. Ordbogen indeholder 80.000 opslagsord, inklusive latinske sentenser og låneord fra græsk. Meyers Fremmedordbog er en klassiker blandt danske fremmedordbøger. Den blev først udgivet i 1837, men er opdateret flere gange siden....

Price: Free Developer: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
English Danish Dictionary +

English Danish Dictionary +

Offline English Danish dictionary. Over 91.000 words and expressions! WIth pronunciation! Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog offline. * More than 91.000 entries * Works offline! No Internet connection needed, the perfect translator for your trips, your studies, or when no data connection is available. * Bookmark...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Jafar Najafov
English Danish Dictionary+++

English Danish Dictionary+++

Engelsk Dansk Ordbog offline. Over 91.000 words and expressions! GRATIS! * Works offline! No Internet connection needed, the perfect translator for your trips, your studies, or when no data connection is available. * Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference * Bilingual...

Price: Free Developer: Takoomi Ltd
Danish English dictionary

Danish English dictionary

This is Danish - English and English - Danish dictionary; Dansk - Engelsk og Engelsk - Dansk ordbog. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Database will be downloaded when the application is run first time....

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko
Danish Italian dictionary

Danish Italian dictionary

This is Danish - Italian and Italian - Danish dictionary; Dansk - Italiensk og Italiensk - Dansk ordbog / Dizionario Danese - Italiano e Italiano - Danese. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Database will...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko

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