Top 19 Business Apps Like Luca Barra - Best Alternatives

Luca Barra Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Luca Barra alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Business apps that are similar to Luca Barra. Pick one from this list to be your new Luca Barra app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Luca Barra on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Luca Barra - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Luca Barra alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Luca Barra 2025.

Luca 业务员版

Luca 业务员版

Luca营销展示应用帮助销售员完美展示产品轻松完成销售,精美的产品展示效果和完整的销售流程满足各行各业的销售员在外拜访客户、参加展会销售以及门店销售的所有工作需求。使用Luca,你只需一个IOS Tablet或者大屏手机就可以完成所有的销售工作。

Price: Free Developer: Logic Solutions Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Luca Business

Luca Business

Luca Business es una aplicación de información contable y tributaria, que ayudara a que los gerentes puedan observar la situación de su compañía de una forma eficiente, como para profesionales y estudiantes de la contabilidad, los cuales podrán...

Price: Free Developer: Xavier Villafuerte
Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo

Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo

ATTENZIONE I contenuti dell'applicazione sono accessibili solo dai clienti dello Studio Legale Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo, previa richiesta di autorizzazione. L'applicazione è uno strumento d'informazione tra lo studio e i propri clienti, dove trovare informazioni aggiornate sullo studio e sulle persone...

Price: Free Developer: Magnetic Media Network S.p.A.
Supernotes - Matthew Mockridge

Supernotes - Matthew Mockridge

DIE SUPERNOTES APP Die Methoden, Gewohnheiten und Routinen von Ausnahmeperformern aus Business, Sport und Entertainment. Seit zwei Jahren interviewe Ich für meinen iTunes #1 Podcast Smart Entrepreneur Radio, regelmäßig Superperformer aus den verschiedensten Bereichen. Von Olympia Goldmedaillen Gewinner Fabian Hambüchen, über...

Price: Free Developer: Luca Kiedrowski
SpeakItalian 2 (6 Italian Text-to-Speech)

SpeakItalian 2 (6 Italian Text-to-Speech)

SpeakItalian 2 6 Italian Text/Web/Doc-to-Speech Voices (iOS 9: 2 Italian Voices) The apps integrate the system text-to-speech engine, speak aloud offline without internet connecting. A must have app to read text, documents and web pages of Safari. Useful Features ● Speak aloud sentence by...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: BorG Technology Corp.
SpeakItalian 2 FREE (6 Italian Text-to-Speech)

SpeakItalian 2 FREE (6 Italian Text-to-Speech)

SpeakItalian 2 FREE 6 Italian Text/Web/Doc-to-Speech Voices (iOS 9: 2 Italian Voices) The apps integrate the system text-to-speech engine, speak aloud offline without internet connecting. A must have app to read text, documents and web pages of Safari. The FREE version is limited to...

Price: Free Developer: BorG Technology Corp.
Findy - Business Crawler

Findy - Business Crawler

Findy helps you export information about activities in many formats quickly. Whether you're looking for new customers to call, or want to see your competitors' reviews quickly, Findy will reduce the time it takes to do it within seconds. Features: -...

Price: Free Developer: Luca Iaconelli
Migastone Milano est

Migastone Milano est

Migastone è una realtà innovativa che ha sviluppato un servizio per la crescita delle imprese. Creiamo App per gli esercizi locali e i business del territorio, ma non chiamarle solo app. Creare questo strumento con noi significa...

Price: Free Developer: Luca Rossi
Centralized - Time Tracking

Centralized - Time Tracking

Centralized is the #1 tool for a freelancer or employee. With Centralized you can manage your customers, projects, invoices, and tax summary reports in one place. Create highly professional invoices and choose from various invoice templates or use your own customized...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Luca Bartl
Barra AR

Barra AR

Barra Studio是一家建基在澳門的AR擴增實境內容創作公司,專注於3D立體建模及AR互動設計,致力於為各地區各行業打造具提高生產力、營銷娛樂功能的AR解決方案。

Price: Free Developer: Barra Creative Technology and Design Limited
Gracie Barra NW

Gracie Barra NW

The Gracie Barra Bolton classes are aligned with the Gracie Barra Program Structure developed by Master Carlos Gracie Jr. to meet specific learning needs from people with different ages, gender and levels. Our clean, friendly, and progress oriented environment...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Rocket ltd
Purplu - Lector de Códigos PRO

Purplu - Lector de Códigos PRO

Purplu es un lector multiprotocolo que funciona en smartphones y tablets. Use el lector junto a nuestra plataforma de trazabilidad en la web para leer, dar seguimiento, registrar y validar operaciones en terreno. Para probar la plataforma, solicite acceso...

Price: Free Developer: App Service Hub LLC


A youpets é uma plataforma que nasceu para conectar consumidores de produtos pet aos lojistas da sua cidade, tornando o processo de compra mais rápido, fácil e seguro. Não se preocupe nunca mais com filas, falta de tempo e trânsito...

Price: Free Developer: Mauricio Lima


Clientes do APOL agora podem: - Consultar detalhes dos seus processos de PI: marcas nacionais, patentes nacionais e Desenhos industriais. - Consultar detalhes dos seus processos do Módulo Jurídico. - Visualizar as providências a serem realizadas nos próximos 7 dias, além da...

Price: Free Developer: LDSoft


Archiflow Mobile è l’App di Siav che ti consente di accedere ai contenuti e ai processi aziendali ovunque tu sia. Puoi navigare nell’archivio documentale di Archiflow, consultare la posta e le attività. Puoi inoltre agire sulle informazioni in tempo...

Price: Free Developer: Siav SpA
Asutil Conference 2017

Asutil Conference 2017

ASUTIL CONFERENCE 2017 . Get to know the Speakers, the Agenda , Hotel info, and other features like photos taken during the event right here in your smartphone. On behalf of the Board of Directors of...

Price: Free Developer: Xtraball


¡BeMyExtra : la app que revoluciona el reclutamiento en la hostelería! A partir de ahora, es fácil de encontrar un extra. Candidatos: ¡A partir de ahora, puede trabajar en la hostelería cuando quiere! La aplicación móvil le permite recibir oportunidades de trabajos...

Price: Free Developer: Natalia Marques
Coworking 1108

Coworking 1108

Com unidade em um privilegiado endereço na cidade de São Paulo - Barra Funda, nossos clientes contam com infraestrutura de ponta, profissionais altamente treinados, atendimento personalizado, ambiente corporativo e sofisticado de alto padrão. Tudo para oferecer uma imagem corporativa de...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Olszewer

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