Top 24 Reference Apps Like Tafheem Ul Quran - Abul Aala Maududi - Best Alternatives

Tafheem Ul Quran - Abul Aala Maududi Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Tafheem Ul Quran - Abul Aala Maududi alternatives for iOS? We have listed 24 Reference apps that are similar to Tafheem Ul Quran - Abul Aala Maududi. Pick one from this list to be your new Tafheem Ul Quran - Abul Aala Maududi app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tafheem Ul Quran - Abul Aala Maududi on your iOS devices.

Top 24 Apps Like Tafheem Ul Quran - Abul Aala Maududi - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Tafheem Ul Quran - Abul Aala Maududi alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar apps like Tafheem Ul Quran - Abul Aala Maududi 2025.

Asma ul Husna – 99 Allah Names

Asma ul Husna – 99 Allah Names

99 Holy names of Allah are most beautiful names. Whether you are being reciting, memorizing or doing dua & azkar of asma ul husna, there is reward for this. The Prophet said whoever memorize 99 asma ul husna...

Price: Free Developer: osama saeed rana
Asma Ul Husna - Free

Asma Ul Husna - Free

The Asma Ul Husna - 99 Divine Names Of Allah Application will help you to understand your creator and the one worthy of worship - Allah. The application describes each of 99 attributes of Allah in Arabic, English and...

Price: Free Developer: Cal-Info Systems - Shahab Ahmed
Ayat ul Kursi MP3 with Translation

Ayat ul Kursi MP3 with Translation

Ayatul Kursi is an Islamic application that brings Muslims all over the world an opportunity to listen to the soulful recitation of divine Verses of Kursi present in the second Chapter of Al Quran. Besides Translation and Transliteration, it...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Al Asma Ul Husna - ALLAH (SWT)

Al Asma Ul Husna - ALLAH (SWT)

لَهُ الْأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى - "The most beautiful names belong to Him (Allah)." ( Surah Al-Hashr, verse 24).Asma, the plural for "name" and Husna, meaning "most beautiful". Application Features: - Listen 99 Beautiful Names of ALLAH (SWT) - List of 99 Names of...

Price: Free Developer: Hira Akram
Asma Ul Husna أسماءالحسنی

Asma Ul Husna أسماءالحسنی

لَهُ الْأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى - "The most beautiful names belong to Him (Allah)." ( Surah Al-Hashr, verse 24).Asma, the plural for "name" and Husna, meaning "most beautiful". Application Features: - Listen 99 Beautiful Names of ALLAH (SWT) - List of 99 Names of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Hira Akram
Awail al-Khairat

Awail al-Khairat

Awail al-Khairat Durood wa Salam App BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF AWAIL UL KHAIRAT : This book of Darood Shariff was conceived and compiled by an authentic Islamic Scholar Syed Muhammad Abdul Ghafoor Khan Nami (alayhay arrahma). He was rector at Religious Affairs...

Price: Free Developer: Sajid Ali
Resala Eid

Resala Eid

====Arabic, English and Indonesian===== This application is functioned as your handy encyclopedia about the 'Ids. It contains the knowledge of fiqh on the 'Ids (Festivals): 'Id ul-fitr and 'id ul-adha, fiqh of zakat ul-fitr and the rulings of sacrifice. All the...

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
99 Holy Names of Allah

99 Holy Names of Allah

Let Holiness flow from your device! Read, Listen, and Understand the 99 Names of Allah (Asma Ul Husna) on the iOS! Bring these Holy Names of Allah closer to your heart while immersing yourself in a beautiful user interface...

99 Names of Allah & Prophet Muhammad SAW

99 Names of Allah & Prophet Muhammad SAW

Islamic application that has been produced with an aim to let Muslims all over the world get familiar with the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah SWT (Asma ul Husna) and His Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH (Asma ul Nabi). The 99...

Price: Free Developer: Abuzar Khan


QURAN: THE FINAL TESTAMENT (Authorized English Version) Translated from the Original by Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D. ------ Read or Search Quran View random Quran verse Review index of words from Quran Set Bookmarks Settings allow you to choose between day and night colors (i.e., white or black backgrounds)...

Price: Free Developer: United Submitters International / ICS / Masjid Tucson
Quran Radio - إذاعات القرآن

Quran Radio - إذاعات القرآن

تطبيق إذاعات علوم القرآن الكريم وترجماته هو أحد التطبيقات التي طورتها لجنة الدعوة الإلكترونية التابعة لجمعية النجاة الخيرية بدولة الكويت. أهداف التطبيق: 1- نشر القرآن الكريم إلى أكبر شريحة من الجمهور بمختلف ثقافاته؛ 2- زيادة ارتباط المسلمين والمهتدين الجدد بالقرآن...

Price: Free Developer: Trust Technology Computer Service
Al-Quran Amharic

Al-Quran Amharic

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-Quran Amharic application....

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Quran قرآن Коран Kuran Coran

Quran قرآن Коран Kuran Coran

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our "Quran قرآن Коран...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Al-Quran English

Al-Quran English

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-Quran English application....

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Al-Quran Malayalam

Al-Quran Malayalam

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-Quran Malayalam...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Hindi Quran हिंदी कुरान

Hindi Quran हिंदी कुरान

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Holy Quran...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Tamilil Quran

Tamilil Quran

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Quran Tamil...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Bangla Quran Translation and Reading

Bangla Quran Translation and Reading

Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Holy Quran Bangla...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Red Stonz Technologies Private Limited
Berber Quran Translation and Reading

Berber Quran Translation and Reading

Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Holy Quran Berber application. Interested readers may...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Red Stonz Technologies Private Limited
Holy Quran - القرآن الكريم

Holy Quran - القرآن الكريم

Read the most beautiful book Holy Quran (القرآن الكريم) anywhere any time on your iPhone or iPad. This beautifully designed and easy to use Quran app helps you read and memorize Al-Quran. Key features: - Offering audio recitation of complete Quran. -...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Quarter Pi
Holy Quran Lite  القرآن الكريم

Holy Quran Lite القرآن الكريم

Read the most beautiful book Holy Quran (القرآن الكريم) anywhere any time on your iPhone or iPad. This beautifully designed and easy to use Quran app helps you read and memorize Al-Quran. Key features: - Offering audio recitation of complete Quran. -...

Price: Free Developer: Quarter Pi
Sahih Muslim with Translation

Sahih Muslim with Translation

Sahih Muslim (Arabic: صحيح مسلم‎‎ , Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim; full title: Al-Musnadu Al-Sahihu bi Naklil Adli) is one of the Kutub al-Sittah (six major hadith collections) in Islam. It is highly acclaimed by Muslims and considered the second most authentic...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Islam
Thafheemul Quran

Thafheemul Quran

Translation and Commentry of the Quran from Maulana Abul A'la Maududi's Thafheemul Quran in Malayalam and English, Complete Audio Edition of Thafheemul Quran in Malayalam

Price: Free Developer: Abdul Nazar K

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