Top 35 Medical Apps Like Materia Medica Live Pro - Best Alternatives

Materia Medica Live Pro Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Materia Medica Live Pro alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Medical apps that are similar to Materia Medica Live Pro. Pick one from this list to be your new Materia Medica Live Pro app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Materia Medica Live Pro on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Apps Like Materia Medica Live Pro - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Materia Medica Live Pro alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like Materia Medica Live Pro 2025.

Materia Medica Live Lite

Materia Medica Live Lite

Homeopathic MMLive Lite - Materia Medica App is World's 1st multi-media presentation app to learn homeopathic materia medica remedies. The Mobile app has Organized Evolutionary Charts of 22 Remedies in the form of videos for easy and quick understanding...

Price: Free Developer: Mind Technologies Private Limited
Homeopathy Materia Medica

Homeopathy Materia Medica

A complete study guide and reference source for the Homeopathic Materia Medica. Contains the full text of Boericke's Materia Medica in easily searchable form, plus study guides to help you in acquiring Materia Medica expertise, a video gallery related...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Rex Bunn
Biblioteca Digital Enfermería

Biblioteca Digital Enfermería

Los expertos enfermeros coinciden en que hacen falta nuevos medios y soluciones que estén a la altura tanto de los retos académicos y profesionales, como de las necesidades presentes y futuras. Nuevas herramientas seguras, prácticas, eficaces y que proporcionen...

Price: Free Developer: Difusión Avances de Enfermería
Manual de Direito à Saúde

Manual de Direito à Saúde

Manual de Direito à Saúde: Normatização e Judicialização Coordenação: Fábia Madureira de Castro...

Price: Free Developer: Conselho Federal de Medicina
Pediatrics Practice-Homeopathy

Pediatrics Practice-Homeopathy

Homeopathic Management in Pediatric Practice Mobile App is an essential e-Book Mobile App of Dr. Kishore Mehta’s book on Homeopathic Management in Pediatrics(Paediatrics) Practice. Easy reading, hands-free listening, ability to bookmark favorite sections, convenient reading panel settings etc makes...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mind Technologies Private Limited


【内容介绍】 《本草纲目》(Compendium of Materia Medica)是由明朝伟大的医药学家李时珍(1518-1593年)为修改古代医书中的错误而编,他以毕生精力,亲历实践,广收博采,对本草学进行了全面的整理总结,历时29年编成,30余年心血的结晶。 李时珍把植物分为草部 、谷部 、菜部 、果部、本部五部,又把草部分为山草、芳草、溼草、毒草、蔓草、水草、石草、苔草、杂草等九类,是我国医药宝库中的一份珍贵遗产。是对16世纪以前中医药学的系统总结,在训诂、语言文字、历史、地理、植物、动物、矿物、冶金等方面也有突出成就。本书17世纪末即传播,先后多种文字的译本,对世界自然科学也有举世公认的卓越贡献。其有关资料曾被达尔文所引。用它是几千年来祖国药物学的总结。这本药典,不论从它严密的科学分类,或是从它包含药物的数目之多和流畅生动的文笔来看,都远远超过古代任何一部本草著作。被誉为“东方药物巨典”,对人类近代科学以及医学方面影响最大,是我国医药宝库中的一份珍贵遗产。 《本草纲目》广泛涉及医学,药物学,生物学,矿物学,化学,环境与生物,遗传与变异等诸多科学领域。 它在化学史上,较早地记载了纯金属、金属、金属氯化物、硫化物等一系列的化学反应。同时又记载了蒸馏、结晶、升华、沉淀、干燥等现代化学中应用的一些操作方法。李时珍还指出,月球和地球一样,都是具有山河的天体,“窃谓月乃阴魂,其中婆娑者,山河之影尔”。 《本草纲目》不仅是我国一部药物学巨著,也不愧是我国古代的百科全书。

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: LIANG HE


DAUCO TEST es una aplicación informática que tiene como objetivo la mejora de la detección y diagnóstico precoz de niños y niñas con trastornos del desarrollo o con riesgo de padecerlo en el ámbito de la Atención Infantil Temprana...

Price: Free Developer: IMIBIC
Gastro Plus

Gastro Plus

Laboratorios Liomont, en apego a su compromiso permanente con su Educación Médica Continua, buscando siempre ofrecerle las mejores y más modernas opciones en la materia, en esta ocasión pone a su alcance el kiosko digital “GastroPlus (Update in Gastroenterology)”,...

Price: Free Developer: Intersistemas, S.A. de C.V.
Knee Quiz

Knee Quiz

Knee Quiz é um aplicativo desenvolvido para auxiliar, principalmente, médicos Residentes em Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Estagiários em Cirurgia do Joelho e Residentes em Fisioterapia do Aparelho Locomotor a fixar seus conhecimentos na Articulação do Joelho, bem como melhorar o...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Carlos Vaz
Cardiology Dictionary

Cardiology Dictionary

The FOCUS CONCISE ANIMATED DICTIONARY OF CARDIOLOGY is the first ever animated dictionary in the subject. A valuable reference for physicians and students alike, it covers over 360 Cardiology & related terms. All the definitions are explained through 3D...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Medica
Understanding Diseases

Understanding Diseases

With this application, physicians can download Focus Medica’s animated videos on various diseases and conditions. The animations in this application simplify medical and health information as visual media is particularly well suited to the science of medicine. They take...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Medica
Junior Anatomía

Junior Anatomía

Esta aplicación incluye anticipos de las animaciones y descripciones del primer Atlas animado de anatomía y fisiología humanas. En este entretenido atlas anatómico animado por Focus Medica, se explican los sistemas humanos en forma gráfica por medio de animaciones...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Medica
Diabetes FAQ

Diabetes FAQ

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) series from Focus Medica is a reference source designed to raise awareness regarding various diseases and disorders affecting the human body. Each FAQ makes an effort to provide answers to many of the common...

Price: Free Developer: Focus Medica
Revista Médica de Chile

Revista Médica de Chile

La REVISTA MÉDICA DE CHILE publica trabajos originales sobre temas de interés médico y de Ciencias Biomédicas, dando preferencia a los relacionados con la Medicina Interna y sus especialidades derivadas. En su versión iOS, usted podrá obtener al alcance de...

Price: Free Developer: eMagCreator
MEDCode: Bulários e Condutas

MEDCode: Bulários e Condutas

MEDCode: Bulários, Prescrições e Condutas Médicas veio para ser o maior app médico do Brasil, com conteúdo 100% off-line. Assine agora e tenha 1 MÊS GRÁTIS. - Contando com diversos BULÁRIOS, além de ser o ÚNICO que possui a tão...

Price: Free Developer: TEDMED Tecnologia de Ensino a Distancia em Medicina LTDA ME
Alergia en Línea

Alergia en Línea

Alergia en línea, es un servicio de actualización médica continuada La actualización médica continuada dispone hoy de mejores recursos: alcance, periodicidad, y diseño gráfico más agradable. Y, sobre todo, la posibilidad de comprobar el origen de las fuentes, discutir con...

Price: Free Developer: Alfonso Fernandez


ESCVS LIVE 2017 is a e-program and session validation tool for 66th International Congress of ESCVS which it will take place in May 11-14 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece. This tool will help all symposium attendees to follow up with news, program...

Price: Free Developer: Nick GOULAS
LIVE 2018

LIVE 2018

LIVE 2018 - Leading Innovative Vascular Education e-program and evaluation tool

Price: Free Developer: Nick GOULAS
OpTech Live

OpTech Live

Op Tech Live is an iPad app designed to provide orthopaedic specialists with easy access to the latest Stryker Orthopaedics surgical techniques through an intuitive, user friendly touch screen interface. Products lines include extremities, hip, knee, sports medicine,...

Price: Free Developer: Stryker
LapGuru - Surgery Training

LapGuru - Surgery Training

LapGuru by Meditorch Technologies, a unique online platform, dedicated to creating a centralized source of various types of laparoscopic surgery videos. It enables the users to view and learn at their own convenience. Simply download the app on your...

Price: Free Developer: Meditorch Technologies Pvt Ltd
OrthoGuru- Surgery Training

OrthoGuru- Surgery Training

OrthoGuru by Meditorch Technologies, is a unique online platform, dedicated to creating a centralized source of various types of orthopedic surgery videos. It enables the users to view and learn at their own convenience. Simply download the app on...

Price: Free Developer: Meditorch Technologies Pvt Ltd


The European School of Oncology in co-operation with Nature Reviews in Clinical Oncology and Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology is holding a series of distance learning programmes on the Internet, called “e-sessions”: e-grandrounds and e-oncoreviews. e-grandrounds: are weekly sessions on...

Price: Free Developer: Cryms sagl


INSIGHT HEART - The human heart expedition - German Design Award Winner 2019 – Excellent Communications Design - Apple Keynote 2017 (Demo Area) – USA / Cupertino, Sept 12 - BEST OF 2017 – Tech & Innovation, Australia - BEST OF 2017 –...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: ANIMA RES
3D anatomy teamLabBody2020

3D anatomy teamLabBody2020

teamLabBody2020 is the definitive edition of the human anatomy book covering muscles and bones, blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments as well as organs and the brain. Over a few thousand regions are included and all of the regions can be viewed...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer:
Skeleton System Pro III

Skeleton System Pro III

DEVELOPED IN COLLABORATION WITH STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. This app is not to be confused with our free app "Essential Skeleton" - this app is a pro version with pins detailing the boney landmarks. ***** Chosen as one...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:, LLC
Heart Pro III

Heart Pro III


Heart Pro III is a multi-award winning app. —— AS SEEN ON...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:, LLC
Muscle System Pro III

Muscle System Pro III

 - Muscle System Pro III is used by most universities and is now the standard learning/reference tool for students and medical professionals. -...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:, LLC
Spine Pro III

Spine Pro III

"The level of detail and anatomical accuracy of all muscles, tendons, vessels, nerves, ligaments and bones is impressive." - Top Ortho...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:, LLC
Heart Pro III - iPhone

Heart Pro III - iPhone

This app will not work on 3GS iPhones. 3D4Medical in collaboration with Stanford University School of Medicine present the Heart Pro III. As featured in the WWDC 2012 Keynote Speech. This app was developed in partnership with Dr....

Price: USD 4.99 Developer:, LLC
Skeleton System Pro III-iPhone

Skeleton System Pro III-iPhone

Developed by 3D4Medical in collaboration with Stanford University School of Medicine. AS SEEN ON TV: This app is featured in Apple's iPad TV ad. "Named by Apple as one of the top 5 medical iPad apps of 2011" For...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer:, LLC
Muscle System Pro III - iPhone

Muscle System Pro III - iPhone

Developed in collaboration with Stanford University School of Medicine. As featured in the WWDC 2012 Keynote Speech. The Muscle System Pro III is used by most universities and is now the standard learning/reference tool for students and medical professionals....

Price: USD 4.99 Developer:, LLC
Ankle & Foot Pro III

Ankle & Foot Pro III

This app will not work on 3GS iPhones. Ankle & Foot Pro III gives users an in depth look and allows them to cut, zoom & rotate the ankle & foot. Ankle & Foot Pro III provides multiple cross sections...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer:, LLC
Ankle & Foot Pro III for iPad

Ankle & Foot Pro III for iPad

Ankle and Foot Pro III gives users an in depth look and allows them to cut, zoom & rotate the ankle & foot. Ankle and Foot Pro III provides multiple cross sections (Sagittal, Coronal and Transverse) as well...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer:, LLC
Elbow Pro III

Elbow Pro III

This app will not work on 3GS iPhones. Elbow Pro III gives users an in depth look at the elbow, allowing them to cut, zoom & rotate the elbow. Elbow Pro III provides multiple cross sections (Sagittal, Coronal and Transverse)...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer:, LLC

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