Top 18 Entertainment Apps Like Severský filmový festival - Best Alternatives

Severský filmový festival Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Severský filmový festival alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Entertainment apps that are similar to Severský filmový festival. Pick one from this list to be your new Severský filmový festival app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Severský filmový festival on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like Severský filmový festival - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Severský filmový festival alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like Severský filmový festival 2025.

Aplikácia vám ponúka možnosť neobmedzene a legálne sledovať slovenské, české i zahraničné filmy a seriály, atraktívne športové prenosy a relácie TV Markíza a Doma. A to nie len na počítači, ale aktuálne už aj na iPhone. Za...

Price: Free Developer: CME: Central European Media Enterprises

Citylife app dáva vždy aktuálnu odpoveď na otázku: čo sa deje v Bratislave a okolí? Obsahuje program všetkých kín, divadiel, klubov, galérií, koncertných sál a kultúrnych domov. V aplikácií nájdete všetky premietania filmov, koncerty, party, festivaly, výstavy, divadelné predstavenia,...

Price: Free Developer: Instinctive
Comics Salon

Comics Salon

(SK) Comics Salón a AnimeSHOW sú medzinárodný festival popkultúry známy ako jesenný a jarný IstroCON. Festival sa venuje Anime, Komiksu, Hrám, Scifi, Fantasy a KPOPu. Súčasťou festivalu je bohatá ponuka prednášok, workshopov, súťaží a premietanie najnovších filmov. Ponúka stretnutia so...

Price: Free Developer: Robert Zittnan
Festival Acko

Festival Acko

Oficiálna aplikácia festivalu študentských filmov ÁČKO 2017. V aplikácii nájdete: - prehľadný harmonogram festivalu
 - anotácie k jednotlivým filmom

Price: Free Developer: Marek Pivovarnik
Magio GO

Magio GO

Magio GO je televízia cez internet, vďaka ktorej môžete sledovať TV vysielanie a filmy z Videopožičovne cez váš smartfón alebo tablet. • Sledovanie viac ako 60 TV kanálov v HD aj SD kvalite. • Prehľadný TV Program so 7 dňovým archívom...

Price: Free Developer: Slovak Telekom, a.s.
Telemag mag – Telemach

Telemag mag – Telemach

Telemag je revija, vredna vsakega klika. Svojim bralcem prinaša zabavo, smeh in koristne informacije skozi interaktivne opise najboljših filmov in oddaj, predstavitve najbolj zanimivih serij, skeče in intervjuje, številne ekskluzivne vsebine in odgovore na vprašanja tehnične narave. Bralci Telemaga so vedno...

Price: Free Developer: Telemach d.o.o.


Izbrane TV-programe in vsebine lahko spremljate poleg televizije tudi na računalniku, tablici ali mobitelu – vedno in povsod. TViN ponuja dostop do več kot 95 najbolj priljubljenih TV-programov in TV-sporeda, ki omogoča dodajanje priljubljenih programov in nastavitev opomnikov za...

Price: Free Developer: Telekom Slovenije d.d.


Bienvenue sur l’application officielle du Festival de Poupet pour la saison 2019 ! Cette saison estivale, plus que festival, parle à toutes les générations grâce à ses programmations éclectiques. Suivez toute l'actualité et la programmation du Festival de Poupet 2019 avec...

Price: Free Developer: Festival de Poupet
Festival d'Avignon

Festival d'Avignon

Download the official mobile application to find out everything about the 2019 edition. The free bilingual application of the Festival d’Avignon includes: - the scheduling of your calendar thanks to the module “My schedule” - the online access to the ticketing service...

Price: Free Developer: Festival d'Avignon
Deauville US Film Festival

Deauville US Film Festival

Official app of the the Deauville American Film Festival; - Follow the entire program : films, evenings, parties, events, ... - Be notified live about available seats for screenings - Book your tickets - Discover all the information about screenings, actors and film...

Price: Free Developer: Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville
Festival Gnaoua 2017

Festival Gnaoua 2017

La 20ème édition du Festival Gnaoua et Musiques du Monde est celle de la célébration. Célébration de la musique, car celle-ci est au cœur de la philosophie originelle du festival. Les artistes les plus talentueux sont invités à une rencontre...

Price: Free Developer: Smarteez
San Sebastian Film Festival

San Sebastian Film Festival

San Sebastian Festival App, powered by Movistar+ Download the official app for the 67th edition, free, with content in three languages (Spanish, Basque and English) and follow the Festival as it happens! The San Sebastian Festival celebrates its 67th edition from...

Price: Free Developer: Festival Internacional de cine de Donostia-San Sebastián
Rheingau Musik Festival

Rheingau Musik Festival

This is the official app of the Rheingau Music Festival. With more than 170 concerts each year, ranging from classical and world music to jazz, it ranks among Europe’s premier music festivals. Discover the Rheingau Music Festival in a multimedial...

Price: Free Developer: code & co. GmbH
Alive Music Festival

Alive Music Festival

Get ready for the best 3 days of summer with the Official Alive Music Festival app! Make the most out of your weekend with some of the app’s top features: Home: • This app is home base for all important...

Price: Free Developer: Alive Music Festival
Kentucky Derby Festival

Kentucky Derby Festival

Experience one of the greatest community Festivals like never before with the Official Kentucky Derby Festival® App, available for FREE! App Features: EVENTS: We have over 70 of them! Whether you’re looking for family fun, live music,...

Price: Free Developer: Kentucky Derby Festival, Inc.
PLAI Festival

PLAI Festival

PLAI Festival - Music, Art & Multiculturalism Download this app to have access to all the information you need related to the festival. PLAI Festival is an international world music and art festival that takes place every year, in the...

Price: Free Developer: Cobalt Sign
Sun Valley Film Festival 2018

Sun Valley Film Festival 2018

Official App of the 2018 Sun Valley Film Festival Take control of the 7th annual Sun Valley Film Festival happening March 14th - 18th with the app. Filmmakers and audiences come together for a week long celebration of independent films,...


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