Top 40 Education Apps Like Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool - Best Alternatives

Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool. Pick one from this list to be your new Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool 2025.

Mirai Kana Chart - Hiragana & Katakana Writing Study Tool

Mirai Kana Chart - Hiragana & Katakana Writing Study Tool

UPDATED: Now enhanced with writing technology from WACOM! Mirai Kana Chart is a carefully crafted app to help you enjoy learning the Japanese ‘hiragana’ and ‘katakana’ scripts. Mirai Kana Chart includes several fonts to show you different forms of the ‘kana’...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mirai Apps
Mirai Japanese

Mirai Japanese

‘Mirai Japanese’ is a unique and widely acclaimed app that will teach you Japanese using a highly effective tutor-based approach. Try the first 20 lessons for free! _____________________________ Previous customer reviews: “This is by far one of my favorite...

Price: Free Developer: Mirai LLP
Mirai Spanish

Mirai Spanish

Mirai Spanish is a unique and widely acclaimed app that will teach you Spanish using a highly effective tutor-based approach. Try the first 20 lessons – that’s over 3 hours of great learning content – for FREE! _____________________________ Previous Customer...

Price: Free Developer: Mirai LLP
10 Minute English (Lite) - Mirai English (Mirai Language Systems)

10 Minute English (Lite) - Mirai English (Mirai Language Systems)

This app is for intermediate-level learners of English. It will help you with your grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension. It covers the most important grammar points that English learners have difficulties with. Get this app now to improve your...

Price: Free Developer: Mirai LLP
iStart German LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems

iStart German LITE ~ Mirai Language Systems

‘iStart German’ is a unique and widely acclaimed app that will teach you German using a highly effective tutor-based approach. _____________________________ Previous customer reviews: “The best” ★★★★★ “Fantastic!!!” ★★★★★ “Great learning system” ★★★★★ “Best language app I’ve seen”...

Price: Free Developer: Mirai LLP
JLPT N5 - Japanese memorizing app : Manabi-Mirai

JLPT N5 - Japanese memorizing app : Manabi-Mirai

All questions have furigana! You can review your weak points! 1000 questions with kanji and grammar! Recommended for Japanese beginners! Manabi Mirai is aiming to be the No.1 memorizing application. Please use it to study for JLPT N5.

Price: Free Developer: yusuke sakurai
Mirai Nihongo

Mirai Nihongo

Ứng dụng của trung tâm NHẬT NGỮ MIRAI giúp các học viên truy cập tài khoản và xem tài liệu của khoá học tại trung tâm, ứung dung cập nhật đầy đủ các tài liệu của trung tâm hỗ...

Price: Free Developer: Le Thi Hong Vinh
Mirai Diary

Mirai Diary

Mirai Diaryは、児童発達支援事業所や放課後等デイサービス施設と保護者、お子様が結びつくアプリです。 Mirai Diaryをご利用いただくことで、施設と家庭とのコミュニケーションが向上し、お子様のみらいを作ることにつながります。 施設の指導員の方々、保護者の方々の双方にとって使いやすく、導入のメリットを感じていただけるサービスです。 ■Mirai Diaryをご利用いただいた保護者の方々の声 ・いつでも、どこでも、情報の確認ができるので、重宝しています。 ・写真があるので、日々の活動が分かりやすくなりました! ・学校に行ってからでも、その日の情報を送れるので便利 ・子どもが、「アプリやった?」と非常に興味を持っています(笑) ・チャットイメージで使えるので便利です。 ・問い合わせにリアルタイムで回答できるのがいい。 ・写真が添付されているので、その日の子どもの様子や活動状況、おやつを見ることが出来て非常に良いと思います。 ・朝、子どもを学校に出したあとでも出来るところが、以前の連絡帳とは違ってとても使いやすいです! ・連絡帳に書き忘れてしまった時など、きっずノートであれば気付いた時に書けるのですごく助かります。 ・手で文字を書くよりずいぶんラクになりました。 ・これで朝、学校へ登校する前に慌てて記入して連絡帳を持たせなくて済みます。 ・漢字など字を間違えても、すぐに削除出来て書き直しが出来る所がやっぱり便利です。 ・子どもの帰宅後に中・長期の記憶の確認として活用しています!写真があるので、以前より具体的に答えることが、とても増えています。 ・以前の紙の連絡帳から変わったときは、手書きより冷たい印象を受けたりしましたが、夫婦で情報をリアルタイムに共有出来たり、写真や動画を送れるのが気に入っています。  いつもどのお友達と一緒にいるのか等もよくわかるようになりました。 ・とても分かり易く気に入ってます!写真があると身近に感じることが出来ていいですね! ・活動内容や施設での様子が写真付きでよくわかりますし、帰宅後に子供と一緒に見ながら話ができるため、親子の会話も増えました! ・細かい情報も伝えることができて、指導員さんとの連絡も前よりも円滑にできるようになりました。 ・コメントだけでなく写真も見ることが出来るのが素晴らしいと思います!仕事を休むことが出来ない親や、祖父母にとってもありがたいサービスだと思います。 ■Mirai Diaryを使っている場面をイメージしてみてください。 ・手書きしていた連絡帳が、スマートフォンのアプリで手軽に入力できます。 ・連絡帳を通して、施設との個別のやり取りも可能です。 ・連絡帳を相手がちゃんと読んでくれたかどうかも分かります。 ・連絡帳の渡し間違いも、送ったメッセージを削除するだけで ・スマホで撮った写真や動画を、簡単に共有できます。 ・同じ連絡を複数の保護者の方々へ一斉送信できます。 ・保護者は家や職場にいながら子供の様子が確認できます。 ・指導員や先生はより子供と接する時間が増えます。 ※保護者向けには保護者用アプリ、施設向けには施設用アプリ ■Mirai Diaryはどうすれば始められますか? 1.パソコンから施設で指導員の会員登録を行ってください。 2.施設で保護者からの申請を承認してください。 以上の操作によって、施設と保護者・子供が繋がり、使用できるようになります。 ■Mirai Diaryの魅力 ・連絡帳を作成する時間が大幅に短縮できます。 ・連絡帳の未読・既読を確認できます。 ・お知らせの未読・既読を確認できます。 ・保護者、指導員と個別にやり取りができます。 ・連絡帳を直接手渡しする必要がないため、いつでも、どこでも連絡帳を確認できます。 ・写真や動画で子供の様子を伝えたり知ることができます。夫婦で共有することも簡単にできます。 ・施設のスケジュールを一斉に保護者に通知することができます。(近日リリース予定) ・連絡を取り合うのに、連絡先を公開する必要はありません。 ■Mirai Diaryは、常に保護者・指導員の皆様と一緒に成長して行きます。ご質問やご要望などありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 ・サポートセンター(株式会社ひいらぎ) 048-927-2723 ・メールアドレス [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Watermelon Software Solution Japan, Inc.
Aisin Mirai

Aisin Mirai

Mirai Akademi ile istediğiniz zaman eğitim alabilir ve sürekli gelişim sağlayabilirsiniz.   Herkes; Kendi öğrenme hızında öğrenebiliyor. Bilgiye daha hızlı ve kolay erişim sağlayabiliyor. Kendini en rahat hissettiği ortamda eğitimi alabiliyor. Eğitimi izlerken sunum üzerinde not alabiliyor, danışmana soru sorabiliyor. Eğitim sonunda sınav ve...

Price: Free Developer: Aisin Otomotiv
Kanji LS Touch

Kanji LS Touch

Kanji LS Touch is an App for learning japanese kanji. It utilizes the unique touch interface to intuitively teach you how to draw the Kanji by displaying strokeorder guidelines. But that's just one of the many great features helping...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Jan Bogner
Kanji Hero

Kanji Hero

► Kanji Heroes Saga là ứng dụng học Kanji tiếng Nhật tốt nhất kết hợp Flash Card và game trắc nghiệm. Người học sẽ chơi game và vượt qua những câu đố về cách đọc, âm Hán Việt và...

Price: Free Developer: Pham Anh
Asahi Kanji (English)

Asahi Kanji (English)

Study tool to memorize Japanese kanji, radicals (bushu) and primitive elements. * A stack of flashcards for all Jōyō kanji (2141 kanji, 2010 official list) and the 5 levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N5 to N1). Choice of the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Roger Meyer
Japanese Basic Kanji for iPad

Japanese Basic Kanji for iPad

If you are studying or using Japanese or Japanese kanji, this is a must-have application. It also can help you to remember kanji with your finger. It is redesigned for iPad's big screen and provide the fastest and simplest...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: AOBO Co.,Ltd
Learn Kanji N1-N5

Learn Kanji N1-N5

This application has been developed for people interested in taking any level examination of The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). All Kanji in this application are included according to the new pattern of JLPT Examination. It is primarily...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fidel Softech Pvt. Ltd
Instant Kanji

Instant Kanji

Instant Kanji is a simple flash card application based on the world-renowned Kodansha Kanji Dictionary designed to help you improve your understanding of Japanese kanji characters while on the go. Instant Kanji focuses on helping the learner grasp a...

Price: Free Developer: CJKI
Japanese Basic Kanji 2136

Japanese Basic Kanji 2136

If you are studying or using Japanese or Japanese kanji, this is a must-have application. It can help you to remember kanji with your finger. This application included 2,136 most commonly-used basic kanji which are Called 'Jooyoo Kanji' in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: AOBO Co.,Ltd
Kanji Draw

Kanji Draw

Prepare for the JLPT exam! Kanji Draw is the most complete and fun tool to learn and practice Kanji! The 3 ways to remember a kanji are: • Associate it with a story or image. • Associate it with a sound. • Write the...

Price: Free Developer: Oktoid
Kanji Pic 字

Kanji Pic 字

Each kanji represents an idea, and the best way to memorize it is visualizing an image associated with it. And this is exactly what Kanji Pic does! For each kanji there is an illustration that will help you remember it. Natives...

Price: Free Developer: Oktoid
Remembering the Kanji

Remembering the Kanji

"Remembering the Kanji" (Official flashcard and review app for the Heisig method) is a kanji learning App to complement the bestselling kanji books “Remembering the Kanji” (Volumes I, II & III), by Dr. James W. Heisig. * Now updated for...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Mirai Apps
Star Chart Infinite

Star Chart Infinite

Buy Star Chart Infinite and get all the in-app upgrades of Star Chart included for free! Star Chart Infinite is the ultimate version of the top Educational & Augmented Reality app - download and find out why more than 18...

Star Chart

Star Chart

*** Star Chart is now FREE! *** The top educational & augmented reality astronomy app - download and find out why over 20 million people use Star Chart! You can now have a virtual star chart in your pocket....

Star Chart VR

Star Chart VR

The ultimate virtual reality experience: A VR Planetarium! Star Chart VR lets you explore the solar system and night sky in a beautiful and accurate real-time simulation. *** Star Chart VR is the virtual reality version of the hugely successful...

AboveNoteLite - create PDF with spreadsheet, chart, image, text and drawing

AboveNoteLite - create PDF with spreadsheet, chart, image, text and drawing

AboveNoteLite is the free version of AboveNote. It can serve as a free viewer for the documents generated by AboveNote, and also as a demo. AboveNoteLite supports generating documents by creating spreadsheet, rendering charts, together with embedded images, texts, and...

Price: Free Developer: EncGoo
QC SPC Chart

QC SPC Chart

The QC SPC Chart software is an interactive SPC chart (6-sigma) application aimed at quality control professionals (and students) who want to view industry standard statistical quality control charts on their mobile devices. Typical users will monitor critical quality...

Price: Free Developer: Quinn-Curtis, Inc.
Chart Maker App

Chart Maker App

Chart Maker App has the unique capability of generating high resolution Charts that fit in the Standard size A4 Paper. This means that you can make your chart on the iPhone or iPod Touch and Share or Print...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: IW Technologies LLC
Chart Maker Pro App

Chart Maker Pro App

Chart Maker Pro has the unique capability of generating high resolution charts that can fit in the Standard size A4 Paper. This means that you can make your chart on the iPhone or iPod Touch and Share or ...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: IW Technologies LLC
Smith Chart for iPhone and iPad

Smith Chart for iPhone and iPad

Smith Chart for iPhone and iPad is a graphical design tool for microwave and RF engineers, as well as students and educators. This powerful, yet easy to use application replaces the traditional paper Smith chart used for years...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Seward Salvage
Place Value Chart

Place Value Chart

Experience grouping and ungrouping in our decimal number system with this interactive place value chart. Touch the chart to create tokens and move them around with your finger. Is this always possible? Remove tokens by moving them to the top of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ulrich Kortenkamp
Drawing Chart

Drawing Chart

Drawing Chart App can draw Line Chart, Pie Chart and Bar Chart. The user can add upto 10 values with tags. Features: - Save chart as image - Two finger zoom to chart - Nice & simple UI -...

Price: Free Developer: Susie Theresa
Human Japanese Intermediate HD | Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box™

Human Japanese Intermediate HD | Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box™

Welcome aboard your rocket ship to the next level of Japanese. Human Japanese Intermediate is packed with content and features that will take your Japanese language skills to the next level. If you liked the first HJ, you'll love Intermediate....

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Brak Software, Inc.
Human Japanese Intermediate Lite HD | Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box™

Human Japanese Intermediate Lite HD | Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box™

Learn Japanese with the long-awaited sequel to Human Japanese! More than two years in the making, Human Japanese Intermediate is packed with content and features that will take your Japanese language skills to the next level. If you liked the...

Price: Free Developer: Brak Software, Inc.
Human Japanese HD | Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box™

Human Japanese HD | Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box™

Ready to learn Japanese? Meet your personal sensei-in-a-box. Human Japanese presents the Japanese language from square one in a warm, engaging tone. Going much deeper than the canned phrases and vocab of other products, it approaches the language in an...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Brak Software, Inc.
Human Japanese Intermed. Lite

Human Japanese Intermed. Lite

Learn Japanese with the long-awaited sequel to Human Japanese! Human Japanese Intermediate is packed with content and features that will take your Japanese language skills to the next level. If you liked the first HJ, you'll love Intermediate. And if...

Price: Free Developer: Brak Software, Inc.
Human Japanese Intermediate

Human Japanese Intermediate

Welcome aboard your rocket ship to the next level of Japanese. Human Japanese Intermediate is packed with content and features that will take your Japanese language skills to the next level. If you liked the first HJ, you'll love Intermediate....

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Brak Software, Inc.
Human Japanese Lite HD | Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box™

Human Japanese Lite HD | Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box™

Learn Japanese with this completely refreshed edition of the beloved Human Japanese app! Human Japanese presents the Japanese language from square one in a warm, engaging tone. Going much deeper than the canned phrases and vocab of other products, it...

Price: Free Developer: Brak Software, Inc.
Simply Learn Japanese Kanji & Hiragana Phrasebook

Simply Learn Japanese Kanji & Hiragana Phrasebook

*** Learn Japanese language when visiting Japan *** Travel to Thailand? Simply Learn Thai Language App is a FREE language app that will assist you to speak Japanese quickly and effectively. All Japanese phrases and words are presented to...

Price: Free Developer: Simya Solutions Ltd.
Human Japanese Lite

Human Japanese Lite

Learn Japanese with your personal sensei-in-a-box! Human Japanese presents the Japanese language from square one in a warm, engaging tone. Going much deeper than the canned phrases and vocab of other products, it approaches the language in an integrated way,...

Price: Free Developer: Brak Software, Inc.
Japanese LS Touch

Japanese LS Touch

Japanese LS Touch is a program for learning japanese vocables. It combines a comprehensive japanese dictionary with a topnotch vocable trainer. The vocable trainer utilizes the unique touch interface to intuitively teach you how to draw the Kanji/Kana of...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Jan Bogner
Human Japanese

Human Japanese

Ready to learn Japanese? Meet your personal sensei-in-a-box. Human Japanese presents the Japanese language from square one in a warm, engaging tone. Going much deeper than the canned phrases and vocab of other products, it approaches the language in an...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Brak Software, Inc.

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