Top 29 Education Apps Like Carmelite Retreat Advent 2014 - Best Alternatives

Carmelite Retreat Advent 2014 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Carmelite Retreat Advent 2014 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Carmelite Retreat Advent 2014. Pick one from this list to be your new Carmelite Retreat Advent 2014 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Carmelite Retreat Advent 2014 on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Carmelite Retreat Advent 2014 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Carmelite Retreat Advent 2014 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Carmelite Retreat Advent 2014 2025.

Crespi Carmelite High School

Crespi Carmelite High School

Welcome to the Crespi Carmelite High School mobile app! Crespi Carmelite High School, established in Encino, California in 1959, serves male high school age students who wish to pursue a Carmelite college preparatory, Christian education in a Catholic environment. Dedicated...

Price: Free Developer: Zing Apps LLC
FPA Annual Retreat 2017

FPA Annual Retreat 2017

The FPA Annual Retreat 2017 mobile application allows you to view the schedule, sponsors, speaker, and attendee details from the event. Users can take notes adjacent available presentation slides and draw directly on slides inside the app. Users can...

Price: Free Developer: CadmiumCD LLC
WOC Retreat

WOC Retreat

Welcome to the ProGeorgia WOC Initiative Retreat! This app will be our guide throughout the weekend! Wi-Fi information, Directory, Schedule, and Session Evaluations are all housed in this one app.

Price: Free Developer: Hersheda Patel
TMG PD Retreat

TMG PD Retreat

Use this app to view relevant event information including event schedules, speakers, and more.

Price: Free Developer: McMaster University
Totally Yours

Totally Yours

Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary Total consecration is the perfect renewal of our baptismal vows with and through Mary, and should be taken very sincerely. According to Saint Pope John Paul II, 'reading this book was to be a turning...

Price: Free Developer: Benedict Xavier
On the trail of 1864

On the trail of 1864

“On the trail of 1864” is your exciting companion on a tour to the 1864 battlefields. In two role plays you can experience how it was to be a Danish officer or private. The role plays are suitable for...

Price: Free Developer: Combine A/S
Battle of Red Cliff

Battle of Red Cliff

Demo Video: The Battle of Red Cliffs unfolded in three stages: an initial skirmish at Red Cliffs followed by a retreat to the Wulin (烏林) battlefields on the northwestern bank of the Yangtze, a decisive naval engagement, and Cao...

Price: Free Developer: Softmind Ltd


As part of his work, a university chaplain collects statistics of the various activities organized for students and staff, e.g. meetings, counselling sessions, recollections, retreats, seminars, etc. This information is important for deciding whether one needs more chaplains...

Price: Free Developer: Paul Mimbi
Flourish Conference

Flourish Conference

We all want our churches to be relevant. We all want our messages to be applicable. And ultimately we all want our ministry to be a tool the Spirit uses to touch people in a life-changing way. This App...

Price: Free Developer: Spanish River Presbyterian Church Inc.


This app is your mobile portal into all things Advance and EEC as created by Andy, Les and Verick. Let's get ready to Advance and not retreat!!

Price: Free Developer: Covenant Digital Solutions
25 Days Of Advent

25 Days Of Advent

25 Days of Advent App Every year, Christmas is taken over by shopping for gifts and Santa. We do not focus on the true meaning of Christmas. What if we change that, and prepare ourselves, our children, our friends and family...

Price: Free Developer: Mosongo Osong
Ramadan Advent Calendar

Ramadan Advent Calendar

Join Asiya and Zain on their Ramadan Adventures! Learn, play and explore about Ramadan in a fun and interactive way. This Ramadan, let's countdown to Eid with Ramadan Advent Calendar. Each Ramadan day has an islamic topic to learn...

Price: Free Developer: Zareeth Limited
Little Brown Bear's fun Christmas advent calendar

Little Brown Bear's fun Christmas advent calendar

Christmas is coming ! Discover the perfect calendar to wait and count down the days until Christmas. A fun audio picture book with stickers in the tender world of Little Brown Bear. For kids 2 years and up, for...

Price: Free Developer: Bayard Presse SA
Songs from a Strange Land

Songs from a Strange Land

Stay awake this Advent with a new App from ABM's Reconciliation Coordinator, Celia Kemp. Songs from a Strange land starts on 1 December and takes you through Advent and Christmas, ending on the Feast of Epiphany, January 6. Scripture readings, quotes,...

Price: Free Developer: Anglican Board of Mission - Australia
BabyLit Christmas Carol Calendar

BabyLit Christmas Carol Calendar

Bah humbug? We don’t think so! Count down the days to Christmas with the Christmas Carol Calendar, a modern take on the classic Advent calendar. Throughout December, new surprises wait for kids each day as they learn about Dickens’...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Night & Day Studios, Inc.


jiTalent job portal is a result of a vision to help SME's and other employers to get FREE access to an ocean of talent to fulfill their hiring requirements. This portal bridges the gap between employers and job seekers...

Price: Free Developer: jiWeb Technologies LLP
Dubai Municipality Conference - JURSE & GRASF

Dubai Municipality Conference - JURSE & GRASF

The biennial international Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE) is designed to be a forum of excellence where a selected group of researchers, practitioners, and students will present and discuss their latest findings and results. Thinking about Quality of...

Price: Free Developer: Avineon India pvt LTD
Ask Ahmadiyyat

Ask Ahmadiyyat

Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is the most dynamic and moderate movement in Islam. Its inception was foretold by the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The founder of the...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community


Adventist World Radio brings the world to you! Immerse yourself in our 360° videos and take a virtual trip to some of our most intriguing locations. Experience mission stories as if you were there: come face to face with AWR...

Price: Free Developer: Adventist World Radio
Børnenes U-landskalender 2014

Børnenes U-landskalender 2014

Børnenes U-landskalender handler i 2014 om Zambia. I tilknytning hertil er der knyttet et elevunivers, der nu findes både som iPad-app og som område på Eleverne går på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
IMOC 2014

IMOC 2014

The Marine Engineering Department at College of Engineering & Technology at Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport is intended to organize a conference entitled, “International Marine and offshore Engineering Conference and Exhibition” (IMOC 2014). IMOC 2014 is an...

Price: Free Developer: ICOM Group
FLL 2014 World Class

FLL 2014 World Class

Score board for the FLL 2014 season "World Class"

Price: Free Developer: Dominik Vincenz
FRC Tracker 2014

FRC Tracker 2014

The sixth edition of FRC Tracker is for following the 2014 FIRST Robotics Competition.

Price: Free Developer: Idle Loop Software Design, LLC
2014驾考科目二场地  语音模拟及考试秘籍 场地视频

2014驾考科目二场地 语音模拟及考试秘籍 场地视频

2014在科目二场地考试中,将用施划标线替换现有的标杆,防止考生以标杆为基准点背口决应试,使考试更贴近现实场景。2014年科目二考试内容沿用2013年“新规”,即倒车入库、坡道定点停车和起步、侧方停车、曲线行驶、直角转弯共5项(四川和重庆地区为6项,增加单边桥)。 随着驾考越来越难,科目二通过率极低,对学车人提出了更高的要求,这个软件旨在帮助广大学车人尽快掌握考试技巧,以及科目二真实语音模拟环境,是Appstore上唯一的科目二场地考语音模拟系统,秘籍针对2014年驾考每个项目的考试扣分标准、通过要求、场地要求、通过技巧等都有详尽的讲解,不仅点位准确,成功率高,而且每步都有操作图解详细说明,易学易懂,还包括相关考试视频,帮助大家迅速掌握通关技巧,顺利通过考试。 离线浏览,不用上网也可以使用,速度快,无广告。

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: WANG XI
Código Civil - 6ª Edição (2014) for iPhone

Código Civil - 6ª Edição (2014) for iPhone

É com muita satisfação que apresentamos à comunidade jurídica o aplicativo contendo a íntegra da 6ª edição do livro “Código Civil – Interpretado Artigo por Artigo”, ampliada e atualizada. O aplicativo oferece uma interpretação abrangente, prática e adequada aos...

Price: Free Developer: Cristiano Imhof
Código de Processo Civil - 4ª Edição (2014) For iPad

Código de Processo Civil - 4ª Edição (2014) For iPad

É com muita satisfação que apresentamos à comunidade jurídica o aplicativo contendo a íntegra da 4ª edição do livro “Código de Processo Civil – Interpretado Artigo por Artigo”, ampliada e atualizada. O aplicativo oferece uma interpretação abrangente, prática e...

Price: Free Developer: Cristiano Imhof
Guía AIJU 2014-2015

Guía AIJU 2014-2015

La Guía AIJU 3.0 tiene la finalidad de ofrecer a los consumidores una información detallada y útil sobre juegos y juguetes de calidad, que resulten adecuados a las necesidades evolutivas, lúdicas y pedagógicas de sus destinatarios. Todos los juguetes...

Price: Free Developer: CESAR CARRION ROSILLO
IC5E 2014 London

IC5E 2014 London

IC5E serves as a platform and gateway for people involved in eBusiness, eCommerce, eManagement, eLearning and eGovernance to exchange the latest research ideas and practices. Please click here to join us. This IC5E 2014 is hosted by Association of...

Price: Free Developer: Sufalam Technologies Private Ltd.

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