Top 34 Health & Fitness Apps Like Move - Fit mit Fun - Best Alternatives

Move - Fit mit Fun Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Move - Fit mit Fun alternatives for iOS? We have listed 34 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Move - Fit mit Fun. Pick one from this list to be your new Move - Fit mit Fun app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Move - Fit mit Fun on your iOS devices.

Top 34 Apps Like Move - Fit mit Fun - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Move - Fit mit Fun alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like Move - Fit mit Fun 2025.

Carb and Move

Carb and Move

Carb and Move assists the food and exercise management by giving insight into food calories, carbs and their speed of absorption to better match the meals with the activity level. Carb and Move tracks the energy balance in daily...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Karazel Balance Inc.
Project Move

Project Move

A Fitness movement in cooperation with the top Filipino performers, athletes & personalities. Witness Greatness. Be Inspired. Make a difference. Move is an online community of the Philippine’s best performers, athletes & personalities. It showcases unique and excellent talent which...

Price: Free Developer: Bizooku Technologies
Move Studio

Move Studio

Um aplicativo todo seu. - Quanto mais você participa das atividades, mais vantagens você ganha. - Complete o Cartão Fidelidade e troque seus potos. - Fique por dentro dos eventos e informações. - Participe das nossas Disputas.

Price: Free Developer: E-Business4us
Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

You move your body every day – from walking the dog to taking the stairs to window shopping and going for a run. Fit For Bucks celebrates your commitment to being active by connecting you to local and online...

Price: Free Developer: Fit For Bucks Corporation
Flashfit: Fit in Some Fun

Flashfit: Fit in Some Fun

FlashFit is an interactive app that blends a spontaneous Flash mob with 60 seconds of fun exercise and dance moves. We call the moves “Fitsets” and they are fun and easy. Simply join a FlashFit community and...

Price: Free Developer: Flashfit, LLC


Why; Follow your flow; by increasing your flow level every day you stay on your top of your game. How; Real time flow feedback - via colourfull emotion feedback, and - flow level feedback By increasing your awareness you will be...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: FollowFlow
Optum My Wellbeing

Optum My Wellbeing

The Optum My Wellbeing app helps you understand your current health status with just one number – your Health Score. Health Score assesses how your body, mind and lifestyle impact your health. Track your score over time and...

Price: Free Developer: Optum Inc.
Drink Water Reminder N Tracker

Drink Water Reminder N Tracker

Water is essential to our life, drinking enough and right quantity of water is vital to our health. But because of our bad memory, busy work or too many little things, the day is ended before we drink enough...

Price: Free Developer: Phoenix Games LLP
Garfield Walk

Garfield Walk

Garfield Fit is a fun pedometer designed to track and motivate you and your family to move more, featuring the world's favorite cantankerous lasagna-loving cat! Are you a parent looking for a way to get your kids to move?...

Price: Free Developer: OliveX (HK) Limited
Focused on Fit

Focused on Fit

Stop using multiple apps to track food and workouts! Focused on Fit is the best app to track not only calories and macros but also weight lifting and workouts-- all in one fitness app! Track calories and macros in the food...

Price: Free Developer: Focused on Fit LLC


Love your next workout! Walk, run, cycle, or crawl at your own pace and any number of workouts. Earn progress updates along the way, badges for your various achievements, and awesome REAL rewards once you finish. Yes.Fit is flexible and...

Price: Free Developer: Yes.Fit


Make getting in shape suck so much less with CARROT's hilariously snarky fitness app. ** Featured by Apple, Good Morning America, NY Times, USA Today, CNN, Wired, CNet, & more! ** CARROT is a sadistic AI construct with one simple...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Grailr LLC
Grow Fit

Grow Fit

The one diet app to help you achieve your health goals. From meal plans to personal nutritionists and a supportive health community, find it all on the Grow Fit app. Looking for a keto diet plan? Our highly-trained dietitians...

Price: Free Developer: Healthzone Organic Foods Private Limited
Commit 2 Fit

Commit 2 Fit

You were meant to Commit in life-mind, body and soul! Get started on your journey today with a custom nutrition, movement and lifestyle plan; and personal guidance and support from a practitioner, at your finger tips. Get the body and...

Price: Free Developer: Imbodi, Inc
Atari Fit™

Atari Fit™

Atari Fit™ is a new, feature rich mobile fitness app that motivates players to work out individually or in collaboration with friends while earning points to play fun Atari games and unlocking additional fitness routines. • Over 100 Exercises –...

Price: Free Developer: Atari
Fit With Dario

Fit With Dario

 - PERSONAL TRAINER, WORKOUT PARTNER AND NUTRITIONIST – ALL IN ONE, ON THE PALM OF YOUR HAND Contrary to the idea that fitness industry has been trying to sell you, this game was never about hiring the...

Price: Free Developer: Dario Bima
Tammy Fit

Tammy Fit

Tammy Fit is a new way to set goals, work out and track your progress. Working in tandem with Apple’s Health App, Tammy Fit uses data about your goals, body, and preferences to create a weekly workout schedule tailored...

Price: Free Developer: Tammy Hembrow Health & Fitness Pty Ltd
Abnehmen mit GetFit Fitness

Abnehmen mit GetFit Fitness

GetFit Fitness – eines der erfolgreichsten und größten Abnehmprogramme im deutschsprachigen Raum. In nur wenigen Wochen kannst du mit unserem Programm sicher, schnell, flexibel – und vor allem ohne Jojo-Effekt abnehmen. Das Entwickler-Team von GetFit Fitness hat es sich besonders...

Price: Free Developer: KU Europe GmbH
Get Stress-free! Erfolgreich Stress abbauen mit Hypnose!

Get Stress-free! Erfolgreich Stress abbauen mit Hypnose!

++Only in German language available, English version will follow++ Wenn ein Termin den nächsten jagt, wenn Missverständnisse oder Streits mit anderen zunehmen und wenn Ihnen alles über den Kopf zu wachsen droht, fühlen Sie sich nur noch gestresst. Dann fehlt...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Get on Apps!


Alle anderen Fitness-Apps sind dir zu brav? Du hast keinen Bock auf die geheuchelten Komplimente und Motivationen, die wir alle schon tausend Mal gehört haben? LazyA** ist die Fitness-App, die dir so richtig deinen faulen Hintern versohlt. Wenn du...

Price: Free Developer: DieProduktMacher GmbH
Jonglieren lernen PLUS 1 und 2

Jonglieren lernen PLUS 1 und 2

Mit dieser App kannst Du in verblüffend kurzer Zeit das Jonglieren mit drei Bällen lernen. Grundlage hierfür ist das Jonglier-Lernsystem REHORULI®, das beim Innovationspreis IT der Initiative Mittelstand 2015, 2016, 2017 und 2018 mit dem „BEST OF-PRÄDIKAT in den...

Price: Free Developer: Stephan Ehlers
Lu Coaching

Lu Coaching

Lu-Coaching präsentiert ihre Fitnessapp! Effektive Traningspläne, individuelle Ernährung und geballtes Know-How! Training Luisa alias Lu-Coaching hat für dich ein Spektrum an verschiedenen Trainingsplänen zusammengestellt. Egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittener, im Gym oder zuhause, wirst du einen passenden Plan finden. Mit den...

Price: Free Developer: Gaia Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG


Mit der SELBSTHYPNOSE APP hast Du ein wundervolles Werkzeug an der Hand, von dem Du vielfältig profitieren kannst. Unter anderem kannst Du mit der SELBSTHYPNOSE Stressmanagement betreiben, Dein Immunsystem ankurbeln oder lang ersehnte Ziele erreichen. Aber das Schönste daran...

Price: Free Developer: Xtraball


Ob abnehmen, fitter werden oder einfach gesünder leben, die SHAPE BABE App bietet Dir die richtigen Helfer, die Dich dabei unterstützen, Deine individuellen Ziele zu erreichen und zu Deinem ganz persönlichen Wohlfühl-Shape zu finden. So holst Du nicht nur...

Price: Free Developer: ShapeWorld


Los geht’s mit einer gesunden Ernährung, die Spaß macht! Wir wollen, dass du dein Leben in vollen Zügen genießen kannst. Darum ist es unsere Mission gesunde Ernährung, Wohlfühlen und Schlemmen zu vereinen. Das Erfolgsrezept dazu lautet: Ausgleichen oder auch to offset. Mit unserer...

Price: Free Developer: Famous Brands GmbH
Schwanger & Essen

Schwanger & Essen

Diese App bietet Paaren mit Kinderwunsch und Schwangeren Fakten zu gesunder Ernährung, Bewegung, Wohlbefinden, Risiken, Vorsorge u.v.m. – wissenschaftlich fundiert, herausgegeben vom KErn – Kompetenzzentrum für Ernährung. Sie suchen eine App mit seriösen, wissenschaftlichen Inhalten, die einfach verständlich ist und...

Price: Free Developer: Bayerische Staatsregierung
Yoga for Kids - Fun Workout for Kids

Yoga for Kids - Fun Workout for Kids

This educational application offers children a good chance to work out in a playful way. It presents 30 different poses (for instance cat, dog, camel, frog, fish, warrior and sun salutation) stemming from yoga exercises adjusted for small kids....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Zany Studio
Wuf Shanti Mindful Yoga Fun

Wuf Shanti Mindful Yoga Fun

Wuf Shanti is an adorable dog yoga character that travels the world sharing yoga, meditation, & mindfulness with kids through fun games & music. Shanti means peace. Wuf Shanti was created by a kid for other kids, promotes health, wellness,...

Price: Free Developer: Wuf Shanti Children's Wellness Foundation
Water Aerobics - Fun Exercises

Water Aerobics - Fun Exercises

This app is great if you're a person who likes working out in the pool or if you're a water aerobics instructor looking for extra material! We include 30 water fitness exercises that give you descriptions, pictures, and muscles...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Kevin Andrews Industries
SergeantSnark Step Counter Fun

SergeantSnark Step Counter Fun

Tired of your boring step counter apps and buying activity devices? Try one that's funny AND entertaining and works from your phone. Sergeant Snark! Why not have a laugh while you're putting in all those "hard-earned" steps? This snarky...

Price: Free Developer: nanoStak LLC
Catalyst 4 Health

Catalyst 4 Health

Catalyst 4 Health is your fun and engaging corporate fitness and wellness solution! Catalyst 4 Health engages you and your team members by encouraging healthy-habits for a healthier lifestyle. Each team member can set individual eating, sleeping, education, mindfulness,...

Price: Free Developer: Health Catalyst LLC


GET FIT AND SAVE THE WORLD, in this unique action packed, fun MATCH 3 PUZZLE FITNESS GAME! Can you lead the charge and defend the world from a Monster Invasion in this entertaining puzzle adventure? Afitar® is a Fitness App for...

Price: Free Developer: Rocket Impact Ltd.


FORAGER– THE DIET MEAL PLANNER AND TRACKER! The original diet meal planner that shows you what to eat and how much to eat. A professional meal planner in your pocket which optimizes your nutrition and leads towards the body...

Price: Free Developer: John Schmidt

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