Top 46 Education Apps Like Tutorials for Xcode & Object-C - Best Alternatives

Tutorials for Xcode & Object-C Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Tutorials for Xcode & Object-C alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Education apps that are similar to Tutorials for Xcode & Object-C. Pick one from this list to be your new Tutorials for Xcode & Object-C app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tutorials for Xcode & Object-C on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like Tutorials for Xcode & Object-C - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Tutorials for Xcode & Object-C alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like Tutorials for Xcode & Object-C 2025.



entwickler.tutorials bietet Trainings für professionelle Softwareentwickler an. Die entwickler.tutorials-App bietet neben den anspruchsvollen Tutorials eine große Auswahl an Funktionen, die eine optimale Wissensvermittlung garantieren. So greift der Nutzer über das eigene Profil mit wenigen Klicks bequem auf favorisierte Inhalte zurück....

Price: Free Developer: Software & Support Media GmbH
Tutorials Point

Tutorials Point

Enjoy full strength of tutorialpoint through your iOS Devices. This App gives you easy access on almost 150 high quality tutorials including Ajax, HTML, HTML-5, CSS, XML, GWT, JSF, Perl, Python, Ruby, jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap, JAVA, JSON, AWT, ANT,...

Price: Free Developer: Tutorials Point India Pvt Ltd
Ps CC Interactive Tutorials

Ps CC Interactive Tutorials

▧ Learn Photoshop by finger-dancing!!! ▧ Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, just like you are learning on the real Photoshop! ▧ More effective and funny than watching the videos or reading the books! ▧ Yes! It’s not a...

Price: Free Developer: Li Fazhan
Ps CS5 Interactive Tutorials

Ps CS5 Interactive Tutorials

▧ Learn Photoshop by tap-dancing!!! ▧ Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, just like you are learning on the real Photoshop! ▧ More effective and funny than watching the videos or reading the books! ▧ Yes! It’s not a...

Price: Free Developer: Li Fazhan
Ps Interactive Tutorials

Ps Interactive Tutorials

▧ Learn Photoshop by tap-dancing!!! ▧ Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, just like you are learning on the real Photoshop! ▧ More effective and funny than watching the videos or reading the books! ▧ Yes! It’s not a...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Li Fazhan
Swift Interactive Tutorials

Swift Interactive Tutorials

WHAT IS SWIFT INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS? WHAT IS SWIFT INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS brings you simple, funny, interactive learning app for Swift 5. The app teaches you about each of the features of Swift 5 and show you how to use them...

Price: Free Developer: Li Fazhan
Xcode Interactive Tutorials for Xcode8 and Swift3

Xcode Interactive Tutorials for Xcode8 and Swift3

- Learn Xcode 8.0 and Swift 3.0 by tap-dancing!!! - Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, just like you are learning on the real Xcode! - More effective and funny than just watching the videos or...

Price: Free Developer: Li Fazhan
Xcode 11 and Swift 5 Tutorials

Xcode 11 and Swift 5 Tutorials

WHAT IS XCODE AND SWIFT TUTORIALS? WHAT IS XCODE AND SWIFT TUTORIALS brings you simple, funny, interactive learning app for Xcode 11 and Swift 5. The app teaches you about each of the features of Xcode 11 and show...

Price: Free Developer: Li Fazhan
Photoshop Script Tutorials

Photoshop Script Tutorials

▧ Learn Photoshop Script by finger-dancing!!! ▧ Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, just like you are learning on the real Photoshop! ▧ More effective and funny than watching the videos or reading the books! WHAT IS PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT? Photoshop...

Price: Free Developer: Li Fazhan
iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

*** iDo Chores is an innovative and comprehensive application for learning to take care of the house. (Sweeping, straightening the room, washing dished etc.) *** "This is the most comprehensive and professional application for special education I have...

iDo Getting Dressed – Learn the Routine of wearing clothes, for individuals with special needs. (Full version)

iDo Getting Dressed – Learn the Routine of wearing clothes, for individuals with special needs. (Full version)

***full version of the app – no further purchase required*** Learn the routine of wearing clothes with video modeling and task sequence via fun games, for individuals with Autism and other disabilities. iDo Getting Dressed is an innovative and comprehensive...

iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

***full version of the app – no further purchase required*** Learn daily life skills with video modeling and fun games, for individuals with Autism, Asperger and other special needs. IMPORTANT: *** THIS IS ESSENTIALLY THE SAME APP AS *iDO HYGIENE*, WITHOUT...

Youth for Human Rights

Youth for Human Rights

The path toward the goal of a world where people treat each other with respect and dignity is through effective education. Many human rights organizations focus on research and advocacy for the victims of abuse. Youth for Human Rights...

Price: Free Developer: United for Human Rights International
Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

- Educational games for toddlers and kids of 2 – 4 years old - Games for kids on sorting and classifying objects by shape, size, color and quantity - Games for girls and boys that were developed in close cooperation...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Baby learning games for kids 2

Baby learning games for kids 2

Educational kids games for preschoolers. The app has 56 activities for toddlers that will help your baby develop basic skills like hand eye coordination, fine motor, logical thinking and visual perception. These games are suitable for both girls and...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Car games for kids & toddlers

Car games for kids & toddlers

Car games for toddlers is not just another racing game for kids. Designed for children ages 1 to 5, this amazing learning game will definitely be enjoyed by kindergarten and preschool children. Explore different locations and collect puzzle fragments. Combine...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Curriculum For The Future

Curriculum For The Future

Why have the kids abandoned school and taken to the streets? It’s obvious! They want a new curriculum for their future, and now they need your help to convince everyone else. So, do you think an artificial intelligence could...

Price: Free Developer: New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Me & My Body – Know your body, for kids and teens with special needs

Me & My Body – Know your body, for kids and teens with special needs

"Me & My Body" is an app that explores issues related to the body, encouraging self-expression and acquisition of basic concepts about one’s body. "Me & My Body" includes play activities that help Special Education children to make personal...

Me & Myself - Learn to express yourself, for kids and teens with special needs.

Me & Myself - Learn to express yourself, for kids and teens with special needs.

Me & MySelf is an interactive album that stimulates the user to present himself, his hobbies and his preferences, through various enjoyable activities. The application will help kids and teens with special needs to express themselves, formulate their own...

Xcode Academy 101

Xcode Academy 101

Polemics Applications presents the Xcode Academy. This is the beginning of a series of apps to teach the beginning programmer how to work with Xcode and Objective C. Our motivation came from buying expensive books and outdated...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Polemics Applications LLC
Code School for Xcode & iOS

Code School for Xcode & iOS

** COMPLETE IOS APP DEVELOPMENT COURSE ** Learn Xcode and How to Make Apps for iPhone and iPad Using Swift ** Includes Step-by-Step Video Tutorials, Sample Codes, and Important Reference Information The Code School for Xcode app includes complete video tutorials that...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Best App Limited
App School TV for Xcode and Swift 3

App School TV for Xcode and Swift 3

App School TV brings you training and tutorial videos to teach you how to make iOS apps using Xcode and the Swift 3 programming language! Includes more than 40 tutorial videos. This is our most popular course and provides...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Stephen Lindsay
Code School for Xcode and iOS 10 Development

Code School for Xcode and iOS 10 Development

Learn Xcode 8 and how to build apps for iOS 10 using Swift 3. The only training app for Xcode 8 using Swift 3 in the app store! COMPLETE IOS 10 DEVELOPER COURSE. Includes step-by-step video tutorials and PDF...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Analia Pedulla
Objective-C for Xcode 6

Objective-C for Xcode 6

Do You Want To Create Your Own iPhone and iPad Apps in Objective-C but are not sure where to start? Are you ready to jump right into the exciting world of mobile development but have little or no programming...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Geeky Lemon Development Limited
Swift for Xcode 6

Swift for Xcode 6

Do You Want To Create Your Own iPhone and iPad Apps in Swift but are not sure where to start? Are you ready to jump right into the exciting world of Swift mobile development but have little or no...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Geeky Lemon Development Limited
Learn Objective C

Learn Objective C

Objective C is a brilliant object based programming language that is used within XCode to create apps for mac and Iphones. This app has some 250 easy to follow video lessons that will help you grasp Objective C. Lessons include: What are...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh
Match the Object Learning Game

Match the Object Learning Game

For all the parents it’s always a challenging task to make their babies learn and remember new things; prepare them for school start. Unknowingly they create mess by gathering too many complicated books and objects around the house. Match...

Price: Free Developer: Nikhil Khoda
Coding with Odie the Object

Coding with Odie the Object

How do we prepare our kids for the future? How can we teach them to adapt to the rapidly changing face of technology? How do we handle evolving programming languages, artificial intelligence, and algorithms? We have joined experienced programmers...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jason Whitlock
Object Identification from I Can Do Apps

Object Identification from I Can Do Apps

Object Identification from I Can Do Apps is an educational tool designed to work on identifying objects when given a description including nouns, adjectives, verbs or attributes. This app is designed in collaboration with a Speech Language Pathologist. Object...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: I CAN DO APPS, LLC
Object Sort

Object Sort

Sort the cool object by shape, color and type. This game is designed for children aged 1-4 to help them practice sorting objects based on different properties. You can set the number of levels and choose which levels the child will...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Joe Scrivens
Toddler counting 123 - Touch the object To Start count for Preschool and kindergarten

Toddler counting 123 - Touch the object To Start count for Preschool and kindergarten

Toddler counting 123 - Touch the object To Start count for Preschool and kindergarten Are you doing the “count” with your kids? Play with this Game To learn how to count and recognize numbers in this fun and simple children’s game Children...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Hiren patel
Matching Spelling And Object

Matching Spelling And Object

About Game —————— More than 500 different objects for all the levels. Game is made to learn new words & objects which is used in day to day life. Game contains alphabets , fruits , animals , numbers , birds , house objects...

Price: Free Developer: Mrudul Babariya
Name An Object

Name An Object

Object Identifier is an iPad application which has been developed with the purpose of teaching people the names of various objects. There are three main parts to this application. 1.) Identify Objects. - In this part, there are some common...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Phanit Pollavith
Xcode5互动教程 for Object-C 精典版

Xcode5互动教程 for Object-C 精典版

【互动教程 for Xcode5是什么】 互动教程 for Xcode5是一款简单、有趣、互动式的学习Xcode的新工具。是第一款互动式学习Xcode的工具。此应用将向您展示基于Xcode CS5的绝大部分功能点。 应用包含大量操作提示,指导您一步一步地实现Xcode的所有操作细节。就像有一名专业的教师手把手地教您最新、最实用的Xcode技巧。您将学会怎么使用Xcode来快速、直接地表达您的想法与创意。 另外,本应用128节课都包含互动模式,同时也支持观赏模式,当您在互动式学习中肢体疲劳时,可以切换至此模式,这样意味着您同时也拥有了128节教学影片。 【和传统学习方式的比较】 阅读书籍:动脑 观看视频:动脑 + 动眼 互动学习:动脑 + 动眼 + 动手 【建议学习步骤】 三步学习法、免疫恐惧、倦怠、遗忘、挫折: 第一步:通过App快速学习软件的使用 第二步:自己动手实现课程的内容 第三步:通过App中的刷题模块夯实理论水平,然后自己动手结合学到的知识实现一个小作品 【互动教程 for Xcode5主要包括哪些内容】 如果想要开发iPad或iPhone应用程序或游戏,那么Apple的Xcode5开发工具包就是不二之选。它提供了大量的项目组织器、模板、实用工具和文档。 互动教程 for Xcode5介绍了Xcode5集成开发环境,详细介绍了Xcode5众多激动人心的功能以及如何更好地使用这些功能来实现Xcode5流畅、有效与高效的工作流。主要内容包括: - Xcode5操作界面及开发流程 - iPhone, iPad模拟器的使用 - 代码区样式的设置 - Xcode各种事件的声音设置 - 快速查找文件 - 如何搜索文档并通过编程语言过滤搜索结果; - Debug断点调试 - 图标与加载图片设置 - UIView的基础和高级应用 - 基于UITapGeustureRecognizer的手势 - PageControlViewController视图控制器 - UINavigationController导航视图器的使用 - 故事版Storyboard的使用 - UIButton, UILable, UISwitch, UIStepper, UITextfield, UIActionSheet, UIDatePicker, UIWebview,...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Li Fazhan


Smartphone software for sonic experimentation Anechoic plays a user-selected sound from your phone's speaker, then uses your phone's microphone to measure how much of the sound is reflected back to the phone. When your phone is passed in front of...

Price: Free Developer: William Grover
ECo-C Social

ECo-C Social

Welcome to the world of the ECo-C İnitiative The ECo-C Social Media Certificate internationally proves yor skills, knowledge and abilities to make - responsible and, - safe use of social media. The ECo-C Social Media Online Training is suitable for - Persons above 14...

Price: Free Developer: Philipp Kaiblinger


21st century world demands programming skills and C programming is the first step to learn programming. C programming language plays crucial role in development of many software applications. Smartphone Applications are made using Objective-C, which is superset of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: apar parmar
C ABC Alphabet Learning Games

C ABC Alphabet Learning Games

Learn Letters C Alphabet Game is an educational application for younger ones. Its aim is to make your children learn about letter C and different things that start with letters C. This app has fun C alphabet learning activities...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Apps
C Alphabet Kids Learning Games

C Alphabet Kids Learning Games

Learn Letters C Alphabet Game is an educational application for younger ones. Its aim is to make your children learn about letter C and different things that start with letters C. This app have fun C alphabet learning activities...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Learning Apps
C-Learning (for teacher) LMS

C-Learning (for teacher) LMS

C-Learning 先生必須アプリ! ※iPadを推奨します。 ■C-Learningとは? 講義の確認・アンケート解答・小テスト解答・教材倉庫など授業に関することが管理できる新しいLMSアプリです。 ■C-Learningの3つの特長  1.多くの学生が意欲的に授業に参加  2.授業の外でも続く学び合い  3.授業運営の生産性アップ 【主な機能】  ◎出席管理   手軽にパスワードを設定して、授業ごとの出席管理ができます。   GPS機能を使えば、学生がどこから出席したかわかるので、代返を防止できます。  ◎アンケート   ワンクリックでアンケートを作成可能。回答結果は自動集計。   その場で共有できます。匿名・記名式が可能なので学生も答えやすい。  ◎小テスト   簡単に小テスト管理ができます。合格点、制限時間設定可。   画像や動画も連携できます。  ◎教材倉庫   ファイル教材や資料を“すぐ公開・非公開”管理ができます。   URLやDropboxにも連携可能。  ◎恊働板   スレッド別にファイルや動画を共有することができます。   調べ学習の結果をクラス全体で共有したり、チーム別掲示板を作って   授業の外のグループ活動を支援できます。  ◎ニュース   学生版アプリへのプッシュ通知やメールで履修学生に   限定した情報(休講通知など)を発信することができます。  ◎学生管理   学生の氏名、学籍番号を一元管理できます。   学生のメールアドレスが登録されているかどうか、   またそのメールアドレスが有効かどうかの到達確認も可能です。 ■C-Learningの実績 *15年間で15万人以上にC-Learningをご利用いただいております。 *明治大学や慶応大学をはじめとする有名大学でもご利用いただいております。

Price: Free Developer: Netman. Co.,Ltd.
Bodacious C++ Exam Simulator

Bodacious C++ Exam Simulator

Bodacious C++ Exam Simulator provides mock exams for C++ Programming Language. It contains lots of questions on various topics in C++. It can be very helpful to gain expertise in C++. Features: 1. Standard Exams which cover all topics. 2. Custom Exams...

Price: Free Developer: Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd.
C Work

C Work

C work utvecklar organisationers relationella intelligens för bättre och hållbart samarbete. C work stories AB har utvecklat ett digitalt stöd utifrån vetenskapliga forskningsdata och expertis för social, ekonomisk och existentiell hållbarhet. Appen är ett träningsprogram utifrån individens och organisationens målsättningar...

Price: USD 48.99 Developer: C work stories AB
C# Corner

C# Corner

C# Corner is an online community for software developers and IT professionals. C# Corner app makes it easier to get content on our mobile, build your professional network, stay up to date with the latest tech news, read interview...

Price: Free Developer: Mindcracker Inc.


La seule application conçue pour améliorer et perfectionner votre aisance à l’oral. Leçons, vidéos, communauté et surtout un coach vocal rien que pour vous ! - Avec nos fiches, nos vidéos et nos exercices, faites passer vos discours dans une nouvelle...

Price: Free Developer: Agence Cinquante5
Gesellschaft C

Gesellschaft C

Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose App "Gesellschaft C" des hep verlags Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf dem Lehrmittel "Gesellschaft - Ausgabe C" von Karl Uhr, Daniel Bösch, Peter Egli, Michael Rohner, Flavia Sutter. Sie enthält die...

Price: Free Developer: hep verlag ag

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