Top 19 Business Apps Like Vodafone Locate - Best Alternatives

Vodafone Locate Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Vodafone Locate alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Business apps that are similar to Vodafone Locate. Pick one from this list to be your new Vodafone Locate app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Vodafone Locate on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Vodafone Locate - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Vodafone Locate alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Vodafone Locate 2025.

Vodafone Meet Anywhere

Vodafone Meet Anywhere

Easily and effortlessly manage your day from one application. Make your work what you do and not where you are - get the best use of your time and free your meetings from the office with clear, simple...

Price: Free Developer: Vodafone Global Enterprise
Vodafone Secure Call

Vodafone Secure Call

Protect your privacy! Make sure that your mobile calls and text messages will remain confidential. The Vodafone Secure Call App makes it particularly easy by establishing end to end encrypted communication. Vodafone Secure Call provides security at the highest level...

Price: Free Developer: Vodafone GmbH
Vodafone Usage Manager

Vodafone Usage Manager

Vodafone Usage Manager (VUM) measures mobile data usage at home and abroad and can alert the user at configurable thresholds. It is designed for business customers on Vodafone Global Enterprise tariffs.

Price: Free Developer: Vodafone Global Enterprise
Vodafone Showcase Workshop

Vodafone Showcase Workshop

Showcase and share the right content with Vodafone Showcase Workshop. Now you can present the showcase presentations that Vodafone collaborators have created for you on Vodafone Showcase Workshop’s web-based system, right from your iPhone or iPad, anywhere in the world....

Price: Free Developer: Showcase Limited
Vodafone Mobil Form

Vodafone Mobil Form

Sayfa sayfa formlarla, evraklarla uğraşmaya son veren Vodafone Mobil Form Servisi, kurumların iş süreçlerini mobil uygulamalar ile dijital platforma taşıyarak firmaların iş verimliliğini artıran bir servistir. Vodafone Mobil Form Servisi sayesinde herhangi bir altyapı veya yazılım yatırımı yapmadan iş...

Price: Free Developer: Vodafone Telekomünikasyon A.Ş.
Vodafone Mobile@Work

Vodafone Mobile@Work

Mobile@Work™ from Vodafone Global Enterprise gives you the opportunity to use your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch for both your work and personal activities. The application gives you the freedom to utilise a wide range of iOS apps for personal...

Price: Free Developer: Vodafone Global Enterprise
Vodafone WiFi Connect

Vodafone WiFi Connect

"Access high speed VodafoneWiFi network without the hassles of typing in your mobile number and password everytime. Vodafone 3G pack customers with Iphones can now conveniently access VodafoneWiFi at over 100 locations. Also, to avoid inadvertent usage of your 3G...

Price: Free Developer: Vodafone India Limited
Vodafone 3G

Vodafone 3G

Vodafone 3G for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch let you make voice call worldwide with the finest voice quality. App Benefits : •Works from all over the world •Uses iPhone contacts •Crystal Clear Quality •Lowest International Rates •Satisfaction guaranteed!...

Price: Free Developer: Md kamal Hossain
Vodafone News

Vodafone News

Vodafone News is a better way to stay informed and connected with the Vodafone News community -- in just 2 minutes a day. Why you’ll love the Vodafone News App: - Stay up-to-date on the latest business, industry...

Price: Free Developer: SOCIALCHORUS INC
Locate Araç Takip

Locate Araç Takip

Locate Araç Takip uygulamasıyla araçlarınızla ilgili en çok ihtiyaç duyduğunuz bilgilere kolayca erişebilirsiniz. + Gerçek zamanlı konum ve hız takibi + Geçmiş seyahatleri izleme + Ani hızlanma, sert fren, ani sollama, yasal hız limitlerine uyum gibi verilerle aracın sürüş performansını değerlendirme + Canlı...

Price: Free Developer: Infotech Bilişim ve İletişim Teknolojileri A.Ş.
Locate it

Locate it

Vil du finde stedet til dit næste arrangement? Locate it er en app, der gør det let for alle at finde de optimale rammer for et succesfuldt arrangement. Med få klik kan brugere danne sig et overblik over steder i Danmark, som opfylder deres behov i forhold til deres budget, antal gæster, geografiske placering og meget mere. Herudover er der mulighed for at komme i direkte dialog med stedet eller kontakte en eventmanager til planlægning af arrangementet. Oplysninger om betingelser kan findes på;

Price: Free Developer: Locate it
LOCATE Warehouse

LOCATE Warehouse

Today’s Solution for Inventory Management LOCATE Warehouse is the free mobile application for LOCATE Inventory. Use of the LOCATE Warehouse app requires a valid LOCATE subscription. LOCATE is an enterprise-level SaaS (Software as a Service) program for inventory and workflow management,...

Price: Free Developer: FBP Inc.
Legal Locate

Legal Locate

Legal Locate is the latest way to obtain clients through a platform that has never been used in the legal field. Essentially the user builds the foundation of their case through the Legal Locate case building software. This software...

Price: Free Developer: Idea Buyer


Audio-Technica Locate enables you to use an iOS device to easily connect to and control Audio-Technica units present on the local wireless network. The simplified setup doesn’t require knowledge of a unit's IP address. All units that have their...

Price: Free Developer: audio-technica
Tag Locate

Tag Locate

The eAgile Tag Locate app works in conjunction with your iOS device and uGrokit's Grokker Smartphone UHF RFID reader. The app features a Geiger counter-like tag locator that causes your iOS device to beep more frequently when you are...

Price: Free Developer: eAgile Inc.
VP Locate

VP Locate

VP Locate TM is an easy to use and unique jobsite coordination tool. This powerful tool is designed to help VP Builders and Erectors maintain visibility of incoming orders, save time unloading and staging steel, and locate material on...

Price: Free Developer: BlueScope Buildings NA
eTrack Locate

eTrack Locate

eTrack Locate is a Real Time GPS Tracking utility for customers of the eTrack group. With eTrack Locate you can track the current location of your vehicles subscribed to any eTrack service. With our easy-to-use interface you will have...

Price: Free Developer: Field Data Technologies, Corp
Caratec Locate

Caratec Locate

Caratec Locate stellt den permanenten Kontakt zwischen Fahrzeughalter und Fahrzeug sicher und bündelt alle wichtigen Fahrzeuginformationen. Caratec Locate kann zur Diebstahlabsicherung und Fahrzeugüberwachung eingesetzt werden. Folgende Funktionen werden z.B. unterstützt: - Fahrzeugortung - Standortposition des Fahrzeuges wird auf einer digitalen...

Price: Free Developer: F&B Company s.r.o.

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