Top 15 Book Apps Like Crayola: Caterpillar's Colors - Best Alternatives

Crayola: Caterpillar's Colors Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Crayola: Caterpillar's Colors alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Book apps that are similar to Crayola: Caterpillar's Colors. Pick one from this list to be your new Crayola: Caterpillar's Colors app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Crayola: Caterpillar's Colors on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like Crayola: Caterpillar's Colors - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Crayola: Caterpillar's Colors alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like Crayola: Caterpillar's Colors 2025.

Crayola: Ruckus Reader

Crayola: Ruckus Reader

“This really is the future of education.” -- Heather Cabot, TODAY show "Watch Out LeapPad." -- Daily Candy “A wealth of content for every learner..." -- PARENTS.COM “Awesome reading App...” -- FIVE MINUTES FOR MOM “...bound to be the darling of teachers, parents,...

Price: Free Developer: Ruckus Media Group
Crayola: Find That Dragon!

Crayola: Find That Dragon!

Follow the boy knight Carl and young princess Sara as they team up to find a dragon on the loose! Perfect for younger readers, "Find That Dragon" features a create-your-own coloring adventure where the objects that you select and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ruckus Media Group
Crayola: Picture Day

Crayola: Picture Day

Perfect for beginning readers, “Picture Day” is an interactive story about zoo animals getting ready to have their picture taken. The animals want to look their best and can’t decide what to wear. As they get dressed up for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ruckus Media Group
AR填色本- AR ARKids - 與增強現實效果著色. 虛擬現實 3D VR 兒童教育. 增强现实 app

AR填色本- AR ARKids - 與增強現實效果著色. 虛擬現實 3D VR 兒童教育. 增强现实 app

這款應用可以讓用戶著色,並以3D效果觀看繪畫角色。 ARKIds 用戶無需用觸控筆代替蠟筆,應用可以通過數字界面來“增強互動體驗”。 专为3岁以上孩子精心设计的4D互动涂色软件,本APP结合增强现实技术,将孩子的平面涂鸦变成跃然纸上的3D数字动画,有声有色能互动,更配有中英文双语发音,能学能玩,寓教于乐。 為圖片著色時,用戶只需讓智能手機或平板的鏡頭對準繪圖本。著色的同時,應用可實時創建3D虛擬角色,利用定制軟件為繪圖本生成該角色的2D線條。 你是否想过让孩子画的角色活灵活现地动起来?ARKids 就是个好工具,能让孩子的画立体起来。同时,这款名为 ARKids 的免费应用还能锻炼孩子的表达能力。不为自己家的孩子下载一个 ARKids 吗? ARKids 是一款为 5 至 12 岁儿童设计的增强现实应用。 教育程序将旨在帮助孩子们锻炼讲故事、帮助他们锻炼写作功能。目前 ARKids 是免费的,黑白线稿也可以免费从官网下载。 事實上,ARKids早已將增強現實技術應用於傳統的彩色繪圖本,相關的軟件包括Quiver、Crayola Color Alive和Paint My Cat, 迪斯尼Color and Play, Chromville。 增強現實著色書不是現在才提出來的新物件,也曾經嘗試過。但ARKids首次將讓讀者在現實中體驗到了3D創作。 ARKids研發人員表示他們的目的是激發孩子的想像力,儘早地為他們提供體驗3D創作的機會。另外數碼設備的普及和增加,讓真實世界的著色活動像看起來毫無吸引力,孩子們也失去了參與著色活動的興趣。這款產品的出現在改變著色活動的狀況方面將有著獨特的作用。 著色頁來生活在它的顏色獨特的方式! 增強現實是這麼多的樂趣! 保存並直接從ARKids應用程序打印的頁面。 通過使用我們的拳頭專業知識,增強現實,在ARKIds應用程序使兒童和成年人釋放他們內心的藝術家,並與他們個人定制的創作互動。 產品特點: - 享受傳統的物理著色經驗結合最新的增強現實技術。 - 看你的作品神奇來的生活你的智能設備屏幕上。 - 查看從任何角度動畫。 - 互動,通過觸摸屏玩遊戲的動畫人物。 - 拍攝照片的色彩創作 - 與每個頁面相關聯的不同的聲音效果。

Price: Free Developer: Maria Dobretskaya
Alphabet of Insects

Alphabet of Insects

----- 33% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME ----- ** Winner of Children's Technology Review Editor's Choice Award ** Explore a world of bugs and bees with this one-of-a-kind Alphabet of Insects digital book app, guaranteed to keep kids interested from A...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
STEM Storiez - Wootzy Colors

STEM Storiez - Wootzy Colors

Wootzy friends have come to share. The beauty of colors found here and there. Oh no, our friends are flying away. Come back my friends. It's time to play. STEM Storiez – Wootzy Colors is an interactive book that engages...

Price: Free Developer: Zyrobotics LLC
Little Critter Colors

Little Critter Colors

It’s a colorful world for Little Critter! Join him in this interactive board book app as he is surrounded by bright and vivid objects. Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Kids will...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
Small Stories for Kids - Short Tales Interactive Children's Books: First Words, Colors and Numbers

Small Stories for Kids - Short Tales Interactive Children's Books: First Words, Colors and Numbers

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” ― Albert Einstein Children are special, and their minds absorb information at...

Price: Free Developer: Rehegoo
All Different Colors

All Different Colors

Reviewed by Best Apps for Kids - 4.1/5.0 and 4.9/5.0 rating from Delightful, heartwarming, engaging, and fun, this beautifully illustrated interactive story book also weaves in positive messages of self-acceptance, self-confidence, and self-advocacy. An interactive picture book...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Yannis S. Arvanitis
Dino-Buddies™ - The Bicycle of Many Colors

Dino-Buddies™ - The Bicycle of Many Colors

Onid Valley™! (that's DINO spelled backwards) is the magical land where the adorable Dino-Buddies™ live and play! 'Friends of Distinction... Not Extinction™', the Dino-Buddies™ are indeed Dino-Stars™! They are of a non-violent nature and enjoy wholesome activities, but sometimes they...

Price: Free Developer: Rivercrest Industries, Inc.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise: True Colors

Transformers: Robots in Disguise: True Colors

When Grimlock suddenly starts attacking his teammates, Bumblebee must figure out why he has turned from friend to enemy. They discover that the prisoner, Minitron is the reason for Grimlock’s sudden change in behavior. Kids will love to read...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ruckus Media Group
Quran in Colors Arabic Urdu

Quran in Colors Arabic Urdu

Complete Quran in Arabic and Urdu. • High Quality modern Uthmani Script and modern Urdu script based. • Individual Surahs separated for quick and easy access. • Each Surah with reader selectable bookmarks for stopping and starting from the same place next time. • Beautiful text and...

Price: Free Developer: Evergreen Islamic Center
Anti-stress Coloring Book Calm

Anti-stress Coloring Book Calm

Coloring Book for adults #HoliColoring. Your mandala, pleasantly relaxes after a hard day, soothing images, colors and sounds of nature. #HoliColoring is a journey into the world of peace and relaxation, a moment for yourself, escape from the everyday hustle...

Price: Free Developer: Tomasz Pajak
Coloring Book Art: Stress Relief Coloring Book for Adults & Color Therapy Pages

Coloring Book Art: Stress Relief Coloring Book for Adults & Color Therapy Pages

The best Coloring Book Art for Adults and kids is now available on you mobile devices! for FREE As you know, coloring books are not just for children anymore. The hot new relaxation trend, the Adult Coloring Book, has arrived...

Price: Free Developer: Janki Maniyar

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