Top 16 Reference Apps Like Dhur Ki Bani - Best Alternatives

Dhur Ki Bani Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dhur Ki Bani alternatives for iOS? We have listed 16 Reference apps that are similar to Dhur Ki Bani. Pick one from this list to be your new Dhur Ki Bani app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dhur Ki Bani on your iOS devices.

Top 16 Apps Like Dhur Ki Bani - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dhur Ki Bani alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 16 similar apps like Dhur Ki Bani 2025.

Aarti Sangrah, collection of popular Aartis of hindu gods and goddesses

Aarti Sangrah, collection of popular Aartis of hindu gods and goddesses

Aarti Sangrah is a good collection of many popular "AARTI" of various Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Aarti Sangrah is a collection of 24 Most useful Aarti's which is used in Indian Festivals, Puja and other religious functions. This application...

Price: Free Developer: Dharmik Hindu
He Pātaka Kupu

He Pātaka Kupu

He Pātaka Kupu – te kai a te rangatira Te Papakupu Reo Māori Kōrero Onamata I puta ngā whakaaro ōmana mō te papakupu i ngā tau tōmua o 1990, i te wā i kōrerorero ai a Timoti Karetu (te Toihau o Te...

Price: Free Developer: NetValue Limited
Aarti Collection

Aarti Collection

Aarti Collection App has 12 commonly recited Hindu Aarti's combined into one App for your convenience with readable text, background audio and related graphics! Hinduism as a Religion and Culture is built on principals of belief in "higher powers". While...

Price: Free Developer: Dotzoo Inc
Te Paipera Tapu

Te Paipera Tapu

Ko te pūmanawa tautono nei, ko Te Paipera Tapu kei roto i tōu pūkoro. He māmā te whakamahi, he āhuatanga i āta whakaritea kei waiho hei ārai e kore ai te kaipānui e wātea ki te whakawhāiti te titiro...

Price: Free Developer: Digital.Bible
365 Gunde Devri Kelam

365 Gunde Devri Kelam

Rab’bin Sözü bir Mesih imanlısı için hayatının olmazsa olmazlarından biridir. İnancımızın yegâne yetki kaynağı olarak onu anlamak için elimizden geleni yapmalıyız. Kelam’ı sadece incelemeye değil onu içselleştirmeye ve hayatımıza uygulamaya gayret etmeliyiz. Hamdolsun ki bu konuda yalnız bırakılmış değiliz,...

Price: Free Developer: Buradan Oraya
NKE-VTK Vízügyi Tudástár

NKE-VTK Vízügyi Tudástár

A TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/Konv-2012-0015 számú, „Felsőoktatási Együttműködés a Vízügyi Ágazatért” projekt keretében a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Víztudományi Kar Vízügyi Digitális Tudástárat (VDT) alakított ki. A Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Víztudományi Karáról A Víztudományi Kar a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem „legifjabb” egysége, 2017. február 1-jén kezdte...

Price: Free Developer: MTA SZTAKI
Slovensko -> ruski slovar

Slovensko -> ruski slovar

Dvodnevno poskusno obdobje Z aplikacijo lahko podrobneje spoznate slovar ter preskusite metode iskanja, udobnost preučevanja in pravilnost prevodov, nato pa kupite celoten slovar, če ga potrebujete. = = = V novi izdaji slovensko-ruskega slovarja, ki jo je uredil A. Kuznetsov, je več...

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Kuznetsov
idé - Idézetek magyarul

idé - Idézetek magyarul

Válaszd ki kedvenceid több, mint 19.000 db-os, folyamatosan bővülő idézetgyűjteményünkből! Állíts be motiváló napi értesítő idézeteket és lendülj túl napjaid nehézségein! Keresd ki kedvenc szerelmes idézeteid és oszd meg pároddal barátaiddal! Folyamatos új funkciók, rendkívül könnyen használható alkalmazás! Töltsd le ingyenesen, próbáld ki,...

Price: Free Developer: FEKI WEBSTUDIO


A MeRSZ okoskönyvtár az Akadémiai Kiadó online szolgáltatása, amely számos magyarországi kiadó és felsőoktatási intézmény több száz magyar nyelvű szakkönyvének elérését biztosítja, 29 tudományterületen. A kifejezetten a tanulás, oktatás és kutatás céljára létrehozott és azóta is nagy erőkkel fejlesztett online...

Price: Free Developer: Akadémiai Kiadó Zrt.


The Avtar Bani is the religious book of Nirankari Mission that outlines the key philosophy of the Sant Nirankari Mission. It may in fact be considered the Bible or Quran of the Mission. The Sant Nirankari Mission (SNM), also...

Price: Free Developer: Sant Nirankari Mission, Inc.
Asa Di Vaar - Bahu Shabdi

Asa Di Vaar - Bahu Shabdi

The Bahu Shabdi is an electronic version of the common Sikh hymn book known as Bahu Shabdi. It contains Asa Di Vaar bani and related shabads. Sikh hymns are known as Gurbani and were written by the ten Sikh Gurus. Please...

Price: Free Developer: Khalis, Inc.
MySikhi: Nitnem Gutka Calendar

MySikhi: Nitnem Gutka Calendar

An all-in-one Sikh Gurbani application, including Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Nitnem Gutka, Gurpurab Calendar and over 25 different bani. As our Guru's have taught us through Gurbani, we are all Students of Life. This app is for anyone...

Price: Free Developer: MySIkhi


The language of this application is Punjabi. Nit-Nem (literally "Daily Naam") is a collaboration of different banis, Gurbani, that were designated to be read by sikhs every day. The Nit-Nem bani's usually include the Panj bania (5 bani's below) which...

Price: Free Developer: Tarpinder Grewal
Isher Micro Media

Isher Micro Media

Isher Micro Media was originally designed for a Windows based personal computer. It gives us great pleasure to provide it for Apple iPhone/iPad users. Most of the features provided in the Windows version are available in this app. With...

Price: Free Developer: Baljinder Singh
Amrit Keertan

Amrit Keertan

Popular with professional Sikh Kirtanis around the world, the Amrit Keertan is a collection of Shabads from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, and other Sikh scriptures, most commonly sung in Sikh congregations. The Amrit Keertan gives suggestions for Shabads...

Price: Free Developer: Khalis, Inc.

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