Top 17 Education Apps Like Loco Score - Best Alternatives

Loco Score Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Loco Score alternatives for iOS? We have listed 17 Education apps that are similar to Loco Score. Pick one from this list to be your new Loco Score app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Loco Score on your iOS devices.

Top 17 Apps Like Loco Score - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Loco Score alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 17 similar apps like Loco Score 2025.

Avaliação In Loco

Avaliação In Loco

Aplicativo para permitir a utilização dos instrumentos de avaliação in loco em smartphones e tablets ao longo das visitas de avaliação.

Price: Free Developer: INEP - Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira
Castello Reale di Govone

Castello Reale di Govone

l'applicazione consente le visite del Castello Reale di Govone in autonomia con contenuti multimediali e percorsi dedicati a bambini, ipovedenti e non udenti. Tutto ciò è stato realizzato grazie al contributo della Compagnia di san Paolo e della fondazione...

Price: Free Developer: Luca Malvicino


LocoKids(乐可英语)的教学使命,是帮助孩子形成直接用英语获取信息和知识的原生能力。帮助孩子尽早建立思维习惯、阅读习惯、沟通习惯,让英语成为学习的工具,而不是学习对象。 【教学特色】 实景实物:真实交互,用孩子的本能学英语; 在家上课:省去接送烦恼,浸入家庭环境; 自选学伴:和小伙伴一起,模仿互动进步快; 甄选外教:适合孩子的外教,才能事半功倍; 前沿体系:集合中美教学专家,自主研发,打造科学前沿的教学体系。 【教学模式】 外教上门:在家里构造全英文环境,孩子面对最熟悉的真实事物,自然放松;有效地听,说自然不是问题; 家庭浸入式:充分发挥儿童语言敏感期的潜力,让英语学习过程和认知过程统一起来; 一对一或小组学习--在学习和欢乐、输入和交互、模仿和互动之间平衡。 【App功能】 直播互动公开课:甄选欧美外教,在线直播,互动教学,学测一体,语音评测,实时激励; 主课预约体验:在线预约LocoKids家庭浸入式英语试听课;好不好试了就知道; 主课教学辅助:课表查询、课前预习、课堂直播录制、课后复习。 【联系方式】 官网 微信公众号:LocoKids乐可英语 电话:400-897-5886 邮箱:[email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Loco World (Beijing) Education Technology Ltd.


Welcome to LocoTeachers! LocoTeacher is a home tutoring service that operates through our WeChat platform. We connect local teachers to local students to find you opportunities to tutor in and around your area.

Price: Free Developer: Loco World (Beijing) Education Technology Ltd. è un portale che presenta l’intera offerta culturale di san marino, dall’ampia offerta museale a quella teatrale e cinematografica. Offre inoltre all’utente tutte le informazioni necessarie per usufruire dei servizi della Biblioteca di Stato e dell’archivio Storico. Raccoglie in...

Price: Free Developer: Ac&dSolutions
Music Theory - Music Terms

Music Theory - Music Terms

Music Terms is the perfect way to familiarize yourself with many of the terms you'll come across in your musical travels. Four levels range from the most common Italian terms to more advanced ones, including some in French, German....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Bradley Ratke
UP Ostéo

UP Ostéo

You Knowstéo – Mettez à jour vos connaissances 1. Choisissez la région anatomique qui vous intéresse et pointez différentes structures pour vérifier vos connaissances anatomiques. 2. Pointez des fiches de renseignement pour vous informer sur : - L’anatomie et la biomécanique fonctionnelle...

Price: Free Developer: pierre-ogier urvoi


CR SCORE is a college admissions coach in your pocket. Starting as early as 9th grade, CR SCORE tells you what types of colleges you are currently tracking for admission and gives you a personalized plan on how to...

Price: Free Developer: CR SCORE
Study Score Calculator

Study Score Calculator

Study Score Calculator will help you estimate: • Your raw and scaled study score for your VCE subjects. • Your required exam score for a desired study store. • Your Aggregate and ATAR. Simply choose your subject, enter the...

Price: Free Developer: Nick Mandylas
Score and Learn

Score and Learn

Welcome to Score and Learn, football with a difference. Challenge yourself and your friends to shoot, score and solve the puzzles. Aimed for children aged 4 - 14 Easy finger navigation Collect the points to win the tokens Beautiful...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Kirsty Bennett
SCORE IT - Behavior Monitor

SCORE IT - Behavior Monitor

SCORE IT - Behavior Monitor is a research-based self-monitoring app that is changing student behavior one click at time. It is a simple, safe, and tested way for students and teachers to work together to improve students’ classroom behavior. It can...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Lizzy B. Good Behavior Consulting, LLC
EPS : Match & Score

EPS : Match & Score

The application EPS - Match & Score is made for P.E. teachers. They can manage games by automating the counting of points. They can also record and analyze results. Available on tablets, EPS - Match & Score allows pupils...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Génération 5
Grade Me: Calculate test score

Grade Me: Calculate test score

Grade Me calculates how much you need to score in your tests to pass your subject module, year or degree. Plan your exam strategy accordingly. It offers two calculators: Calculate the overall score for a subject or module by inserting percentage...

Price: Free Developer: Hartaj Trehan
Guitar Score Trainer - Lite - Learn Notes With Your Real Guitar

Guitar Score Trainer - Lite - Learn Notes With Your Real Guitar

Reading music is really easy! Many guitar players still think that reading guitar scores is particularly difficult. The "Guitar Score Trainer" will prove them wrong. The virtual fret board makes it very easy to learn the actual position of the...

Price: Free Developer: Joachim Sendelbach
IELTS Score Predictor

IELTS Score Predictor

Need to know if you are ready to take the IELTS exam? Find out your IELTS Score Prediction in just 30 minutes. Designed by TTLN, the IELTS Score Predictor uses texts from past papers in a test format proven...

Price: Free Developer: D Heidermann & P G Kebble
IELTS Vocabulary High Score (Learn And Practice)

IELTS Vocabulary High Score (Learn And Practice)

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is used as the language of communication. IELTS is required for entry to university in...

Price: Free Developer: Thanh Vu Truong

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