Top 45 Education Apps Like McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App - Best Alternatives

McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App Alternatives

Do you want to find the best McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App alternatives for iOS? We have listed 45 Education apps that are similar to McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App. Pick one from this list to be your new McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App on your iOS devices.

Top 45 Apps Like McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 45 similar apps like McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App 2025.

McGraw-Hill Education AP Planner

McGraw-Hill Education AP Planner

Study smarter and manage your time better with the FREE McGraw-Hill Education 5 Steps to a 5 AP Planner App! For AP Tests in: Biology, Chemistry, Calculus, AB, Calculus BC, English Language, English Literature, Environmental Science, European History, Human Geography,...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill
McGraw-Hill Education Test Planner

McGraw-Hill Education Test Planner

Study smarter and manage your time better with the FREE McGraw-Hill Education Test Planner App to help you! If you are preparing for a high stakes exam using a McGraw-Hill Education study guide, this app is the organizing tool...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill
McGraw-Hill K-12 ConnectED Pho

McGraw-Hill K-12 ConnectED Pho

* IMPORTANT * This application is provided free of charge in conjunction with the ConnectED program, and will be useful only under the following conditions: ** You must have a ConnectED login to access the app. ** This is NOT compatible with...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill School Education Group
McGraw-Hill K-12 ConnectED

McGraw-Hill K-12 ConnectED

This app works with McGraw-Hill Education's ConnectED app for grades K - 12. *** IMPORTANT *** You must have a ConnectED login to access the app. This is NOT compatible with Connect Plus for college users. *** A powerful new mobile addition...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill School Education Group
McGraw-Hill Education GMAT

McGraw-Hill Education GMAT

The GMAT app provides the interactive practice component of the McGraw-Hill Education GMAT book, combining extensive practice opportunity with the convenience and mobility of your tablet or smartphone. It offers a number of great features that will help you...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill
McGraw-Hill Must Know

McGraw-Hill Must Know

This app includes the bonus flashcards for the Must Know series. They will help you test yourself on what you’ve learned as you make your way through any of the books. Each book’s set includes 100-plus “flashcards,” both “front”...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill
¡Así lo digo! Level 1

¡Así lo digo! Level 1

McGraw-Hill Education’s Spanish language app ¡Así lo digo! offers a quick and easy way to learn, practice, and review all the vocabulary presented in ¡Así se dice!. You can choose to study vocabulary cards or challenge yourself with contextualized...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill School Education Group
¡Así lo digo! Level 2

¡Así lo digo! Level 2

McGraw-Hill Education’s Spanish language app ¡Así lo digo! offers a quick and easy way to learn, practice, and review all the vocabulary presented in ¡Así se dice!. You can choose to study vocabulary cards or challenge yourself with contextualized...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill School Education Group
¡Así lo digo! Level 3

¡Así lo digo! Level 3

McGraw-Hill Education’s Spanish language app ¡Así lo digo! offers a quick and easy way to learn, practice, and review all the vocabulary presented in ¡Así se dice!. You can choose to study vocabulary cards or challenge yourself with contextualized...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill School Education Group
Edge Hill Central

Edge Hill Central

Stay connected with Edge Hill University wherever you are. Keep informed with social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) search the library catalogue with Discover More, check your emails and stay up-to-date with the latest university news, videos and more....

Price: Free Developer: Edge Hill University
Oak Hill School App, Nashville, Tenn.

Oak Hill School App, Nashville, Tenn.

Staying up-to-date with Oak Hill School is now easier than ever before. The Oak Hill School app provides easy, on-the-go access to the school directory, news, calendar and more. Key Features - Directory: Log in for secure access to look...

Price: Free Developer: Oak Hill School
Rocky Hill Country Day School

Rocky Hill Country Day School

This is the Official App of Rocky Hill School, an independent, coeducational, college preparatory day school in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Rocky Hill School focuses on an interactive educational experience that prepares students to become leaders and lifelong learners. Staying...

Price: Free Developer: Rocky Hill Country Day School
Mars Hill Audio

Mars Hill Audio

TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF AUDIO More than 10 years before the term “podcast” was ever used, MARS HILL AUDIO launched an audio magazine. First distributed on cassette tapes, then CDs, then MP3 downloads, then streaming from a website, the MARS HILL...

Price: Free Developer: Mars Hill Audio
Howard Hill Assembly

Howard Hill Assembly

Welcome to the official Howard Hill Assembly app! Check out all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email. For more information about Howard Hill Assembly, please visit: The Howard Hill Assembly App was created with...

Price: Free Developer: Howard Hill Assembly of God Church
Liberty Hill Church

Liberty Hill Church

Welcome to the official Liberty Hill Church App! This app is a digital ministry of Liberty Hill Church of Dexter, Mo. Here you can find all kinds of content from our church and share it with your friends via Facebook,...

Price: Free Developer: Liberty Hill General Baptist Church
Guided Lessons |

Guided Lessons |

With step-by-step interactive lessons, skill-building games, original songs, and stories developed by award-winning teachers and artists, we’ll help you navigate your child’s educational journey from pre-K through 5th grade. Our unique kid-friendly interface makes it easy for your...

Price: Free Developer:


The MINDSTORMS® EV3 LEGO® Education programming app provides middle school students with hands-on opportunities to develop their creative and problem-solving skills. EV3 Programming and the EV3 intelligent brick combine building and coding to help students learn programming principles, engineering,...

Price: Free Developer: LEGO Education
Qualified Education Agents

Qualified Education Agents

Qualified Education Agents are international education counsellors who have completed industry-recommended training courses. The recognised courses are developed by ICEF, PIER and other government organisations and indicate each education counsellors' specialisation in student recruitment for various countries across the...

Price: Free Developer: International Education Services Ltd.
Quiver Education

Quiver Education

Responding to popular demand, we are thrilled to introduce Quiver Education! The same magical augmented reality colouring experience, but with a focus on educational content and a one time purchase for a lifetime of content! Designed with educators in mind,...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: QuiverVision Limited
Education Galaxy Connect

Education Galaxy Connect

Education Galaxy Connect allows teachers and school administrators to quickly and easily connect with their online Education Galaxy accounts. Parents can now connect with their child’s account to improve the home/school connection. Teachers will be able to: 1. Pull 7 Different...

Price: Free Developer: Education Galaxy
Free Market Education

Free Market Education

Free Market Education is a new free market learning center where teachers and students are independent contractors and enter into learning endeavors in which they engage face to face in learning/practice environments of their choice. Free Market Education(FME) is a...

Price: Free Developer: Free Market Education, LLC
Minecraft: Education Edition

Minecraft: Education Edition

This app is for school use: Do not download unless you have a Minecraft: Education Edition subscription and an Office 365 Education account. If you are not sure about your school’s subscription or the services you have access to,...

Price: Free Developer: Mojang
WeDo 2.0 LEGO® Education

WeDo 2.0 LEGO® Education

WeDo 2.0 makes coding a reality for elementary students. Using LEGO® bricks, easy-to-use software and engaging STEM projects, teachers have all they need to teach their students simple programming skills. This unique combination of building with LEGO® bricks, and then...

Price: Free Developer: LEGO Education player app player app is a groundbreaking project that explores the possibility of creating interactive videos using small pieces of footage, to promote learning. The mobile player app enables to make use of great hyper video content directly on your mobile device. The...

Price: Free Developer: Alberto Cattaneo
Coding Express LEGO® Education

Coding Express LEGO® Education

All on board the Coding Express! Coding Express introduces early coding concepts and 21st century skills to preschoolers. Using the popular LEGO® DUPLO® train set, teacher guide and an easy-to-use app, preschool teachers have all they need to teach early...

Price: Free Developer: LEGO Education
GRE® Test Prep by Galvanize

GRE® Test Prep by Galvanize

Take a crack at most loved GRE prep app! With a 4.6 rating, the Galvanize GRE app is paving the way for countless students to ace their GRE test and secure admits to their dream schools! It's YOUR turn...

GRE考试词汇精选速记助手 -红宝书指南必备

GRE考试词汇精选速记助手 -红宝书指南必备

掌握这些词汇,在GRE考试中更能游刃有余、轻松应考。 《GRE考试词汇精选速记助手》其中不仅详述了GRE考试的命题思路和各题型的特点,而且提供了大量高仿真模拟题。认真学习并透彻理解应用中的内容,是备考GRE的起点。 为帮助广大考生克服在学习时可能遇到的语言障碍,提高复习的效率,特推出本应用。本应用收录了GRE中出现的重点难点词汇,不仅可以作为学习GRE的辅助资料,也可以作为备考GRE的词汇用应用。   字母为序,合理编排方便查找   选词科学,根据语境精准释义   重点单词,循环出现加深记忆   一本多用,全面攻克GRE词汇   根据广大考生的英语水平,甄选会对考生阅读、理解GRE造成障碍的词汇,提供GRE中的释义及重要例句,帮助考生更好地理解GRE。   以词汇在GRE中字母先后顺序进行编排,方便查找,帮助考生高效地学习。   结合GRE考试内容,补充常考释义及搭配,归纳大量派生词和同/反义词,帮助考生举一反三记单词。   对GRE中多次出现的核心词汇均予以保留,并针对具体的语境进行释义,既能帮助考生准确理解GRE,又能达到全面掌握和反复记忆词汇的效果。   由专业人员对英文主词及其在GRE中的中文释义进行朗读,背单词练听力,一举两得。 *****本应用特色***** 1.编排合理,便于查找 所有单词均以字母先后顺序进行编排,方便考生查找,帮助考生高效学习,熟悉考试要求与难度,更有的放矢地备考GRE。 2.选词科学,释义精准 在选词时,按照大多数GRE考生的现有英语水平,甄选可能会对其理解GRE造成干扰的单词,结合上下文进行释义。同时精选GRE中会对理解造成干扰的句子,并给出确切翻译,帮助考生更好地理解GRE。 3.一本多用,事半功倍 本应用不仅根据语境对GRE中的重点词汇进行释义,同时结合GRE考试,补充常考释义和大量派生词、同/反义词。这样考生在精确理解GRE的基础上,更能掌握大量GRE核心词汇,拓展词汇量,以百倍的信心迎接GRE考试。 4.重点单词,反复记忆 本应用对GRE中反复出现的核心词汇均予以保留,并根据具体语境对其进行释义,既帮助考生更加准确地理解单词与上下文,又极大地促进了考生对核心词汇多重含义的全方位理解与把握,同时还起到反复记忆的效果,强化考生对核心词汇的掌握。 如何使用本应用 本应用收录了GRE3500核心词表,词汇在GRE考试中起着举足轻重的作用,考生若想在GRE考试中取得高分,熟练掌握这些核心词汇是关键。考生可以通过这个词表进行自我检测。 本应用紧扣GRE,所收录的单词均为GRE考试的重点常考词汇,既可作为学习GRE的辅助资料,更可作为备考GRE的权威词汇学习软件。 *****软件功能***** 1.通用应用,同时支持iPhone,iPod touch,iPad设备 2.可以自动顺序播放功能 3.可以自动记录播放位置,不用担心下次找不到听到哪 4.支持离线播放,即使不联网也一样听,到哪都不怕 5.支持手动拖拽前进、后退播放 6.在兼顾软件容量以及更多课程的情况下,我们最大限度保证音频的高质量,每个有声读物片段都是经过我们精选和亲测 7.最最重要的功能,可以拖动字幕定位,音频随之定位

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: scottzhou
Simplified GRE Vocabulary

Simplified GRE Vocabulary

Jamboree’s unique teaching methodology simplifies GRE Vocabulary for you. You don’t have to memorize thousands of words! Learn high frequency GRE words with the aid of easy-to-remember groups and highly customized features. - Take the quizzes in the app to revise...

Price: Free Developer: Jamboree Education Pte. Ltd.


GRE考满分填补国内GRE题库软件空白的一款备考提分软件,涵盖GRE 填空、等价、阅读、数学等考试学习内容。覆盖PP2、Kaplan、巴郎、XDF、Magoosh等GRE各大备考材料,所有题目进行排重后匹配相应练习册, 逐项训练,随时随地刷题!更有公开课,名师带你轻松通过GRE ! 1.权威官方题库 覆盖PP2、Kaplan、巴郎、XDF、Magoosh等GRE各大备考材料,所有题目进行排重后匹配相应练习册, 逐项训练,短时间,速提分,随时随地刷题攻克! 2.题型分类 针对难点 所有题目根据学科、题型、考点分类,练习中可选计时器等辅助功能,专项专练,快速掌握知识点 ! 3.精确数据 智能备考 成长值,错题本、收藏夹、学习记录等,掌握自己的备考阶段,错题练习刷到0为止。短时间 ,速提分。练习题数、耗时、正确率变化等多维度数据分析,比你更了解自己备考路径!、 4.“提分”课程 每日公开课 想不背单词攻破填空TC? 想短时间弄清阅读逻辑关系? 想一节课搞定高分作文? 每日公开直播,高分名师教你如何攻克GRE ! 5. 「再要你命三千」开发团队 长期占据排行榜第一名的 GRE 背词软件「再要你命三千」开发团队原班人马倾力打造。软件改名为「GRE 3000 词」,迄今已累计为超过40万 GRE 考生提供了颇具成效的备考帮助。 除了「GRE考满分」,我们GRE备考网站(,里面包含了GRE备考中所有的备考资料与工具,欢迎访问使用。 同时,你的想法、你的反馈,欢迎随时与考满分联系,感谢。 微信公众号:KMF考满分 新浪微博:@KMF考满分 考满分 Keep Moving Forward

Price: Free Developer: Beijing Ying He You Shi Technology Limited Liability Company
Manhattan Prep GRE

Manhattan Prep GRE

Ace the GRE® with this bestselling Manhattan Prep app. Featuring over 1,000 practice questions, 500+ most common vocab words, 120 tough practice quiz questions and immediate feedback, Manhattan Prep GRE will help you maximize your study time and conquer...

Price: Free Developer: Higher Learning Technologies
VocabSmith GRE

VocabSmith GRE

You can rapidly build a strong GRE vocabulary upto 10x faster with Vocab Smith App for GRE. VocabSmith uses a proprietary RST algorithm. This algorithm determines the order and frequency of vocab words for maximum retention. Words are learnt in...

Price: Free Developer: Gyankosh Solutions
Allen GRE TestBank

Allen GRE TestBank

GRE TestBank! The #1 GRE Testing System. Our goal is to help you increase your GRE score to gain acceptance into the graduate school of your choice. • Complete rationale for EVERY question. Understand "why" an answer is correct. • Performance...

Price: Free Developer: Allen Resources, Inc.


《GRE题库》是天道国际教育集团出品的针对GRE考生研发的智能移动备考工具。天道移动产品团队旨在帮助用户随时随地进行备考,高效快速提升成绩,帮助全球的GRE考生提升留学竞争力。 【精选内容】 全面收录GRE官方考试试题:OG、PP2等,并提供多套精选试题:XDF、陈琦24套、巴朗、陈虎平36套、天道精选试题、Kaplan等。 模考、练习双模式,包含GRE写作(Issue/Argument)、阅读、填空、数学等全面题型。 【智能设计】 智能学习方案设计,让你成绩提升更迅速。考试目标设定-全真模拟测试-详细分析报告-定制个性化学习方案-综合性学习服务,让学习流程更清晰、更智能! 【多种训练模式】 提供不同维度的练习刷题方式:分科训练、考点训练、分级训练、词汇训练等等,多种方案逐一击破GRE。 【专业模考】 全新仿真的专业模拟考试,包含PP2官方试题,天道名师精编试题,权威高效,含金量高,不断新增的精选试题助你模考、练习两不误,刷题更高效! 【全面分析】 测试报告详情分析,知识点、能力点、难易程度、正确率、科目分数、用时等详细展示,让你迅速了解自己的备考弱点和优势。 【视频课程】 天道顶级GRE名师授课视频精选、业内高端教学资源分享,高价值视频讲解让学习更轻松。 《GRE题库》还提供了很多利于高效学习的功能:目标设定、考试提醒、收藏、标记、留言、反馈等,希望在每一处细节让学生感受到天道团队的用心,欢迎随时和我们分享你的学习成就! 联系我们: 全国服务电话:400-019-0038 天道官网:www. 微信公众号:天道教育

Price: Free Developer: 天道国际教育集团
GRE Prueba de práctica gratis

GRE Prueba de práctica gratis

GRE Practice Test Free App Diseñado para ayudar a prepararse mejor para su GRE (Graduate Record Examinations). En esta aplicación de preparación de examen GRE gratuito está proporcionando un total de 2000 + preguntas de opción múltiple. Con todos...

Price: Free Developer: Tortoises Inc


GRE词汇必备宝典是集成,单词浏览,单词发音,网络查词,例句,单词检索,游戏模式,单词收藏等模块。通过用户一定量的学习和游戏,APP可以智能发现用户在词汇记忆中的短板,最大程度的复现错误记忆,模糊记忆,达到强化记忆的效果。每天只需5分钟,GRE考试SO EASY! 在词汇浏览,词汇检索,词汇收藏模块中用户都可以点击获取真人发音,网络查词等功能。 在设置里,可以选择词汇浏览的顺序,分正序模式和乱序模式。可以选择美式发音,英式发音。还可以重置学习进度和游戏进度。方便高手不断刷词记忆。 离线模式可以满足用户大部分需求而且省流量,网络查词功能只有在网络连接状态才可以使用。 最后预祝大家GRE考试高分过关,任何建议都可以发到评论区。词汇必备宝典是集成,单词浏览,单词发音,网络查词,例句,单词检索,游戏模式,单词收藏等模块。通过用户一定量的学习和游戏,APP可以智能发现用户在词汇记忆中的短板,最大程度的复现错误记忆,模糊记忆,达到强化记忆的效果。每天只需5分钟,GRE考试SO EASY! 在词汇浏览,词汇检索,词汇收藏模块中用户都可以点击获取真人发音,网络查词等功能。 在设置里,可以选择词汇浏览的顺序,分正序模式和乱序模式。可以选择美式发音,英式发音。还可以重置学习进度和游戏进度。方便高手不断刷词记忆。 离线模式可以满足用户大部分需求而且省流量,网络查词功能只有在网络连接状态才可以使用。 ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Qi Sun
123 Color HD, Premium Edition, for Kids Ages 3-8

123 Color HD, Premium Edition, for Kids Ages 3-8

CELEBRATING 123 COLOR HD PREMIUM EDITION ROCKETING TO #1 IN EDUCATION! • Woman's Day names 123 Color the #1 app for kids during road trips. • The New York Times says 123 Color HD is, "nice for introducing the sound of...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Steve Glinberg
Equity Maps - Premium

Equity Maps - Premium

Chart & record the interaction of students or colleagues to measure and graphically illustrate levels and types of participation. The instant analytics & animated playback at multiple speeds will help spur discussion and engage everyone in deeper reflection! Effortlessly trace...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: David Nelson
Claro ScanPen Premium

Claro ScanPen Premium

Need to listen to printed text spoken aloud - at school, in a test exam, at work or at home? Use Claro ScanPen to photo your printed text document, letter, test paper - then select the text...

Price: Free Developer: Claro Software Limited
Verbally Premium

Verbally Premium

Verbally Premium is a full-featured augmentative & alternative communication (AAC) app for the iPad that brings speech to those without. Verbally Premium has the same intuitive design as Verbally, but also includes a host of expanded features to make...

Price: USD 99.99 Developer: Intuary
MamaLingua Premium

MamaLingua Premium

Learn Spanish or English with the MamaLingua language app for kids and parents! With MamaLingua Premium for iOS, you’ll learn Spanish or English words and phrases you can use every day with your baby, preschooler, or young kids. The...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: MamaLingua LLC
Spelling Notebook Premium

Spelling Notebook Premium

Create a personalized list of words to practice. Test your spelling - hear each word spoken. Get a star for each correct word. Practice just the words you have yet to master. Retest your words at anytime. Students can...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ako Software Ltd.
Autoescuela - Premium

Autoescuela - Premium

Con "Autoescuela Premium" prepararás los exámenes teóricos y prácticos para la obtención de la licencia de conducción tipo B de España. Además tendrás acceso al contenido premium desde el primer momento, sin necesitad de pagos adicionales. ¡Todo totalmente desbloqueado! Modos,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Salva Nadal
Códigos de Direito - Premium

Códigos de Direito - Premium

O Códigos de Direito coloca numa única aplicação vários códigos de Direito e ferramentas de apoio que são úteis no quotidiano de qualquer Jurista, Estudante ou cidadão com interesse na lei. Não pretende dispensar a consulta actualizada de todos...

Price: Free Developer: Getting Tech
Hieroglyph Premium

Hieroglyph Premium

It is an application that can easily convert the entered characters to the sacred letter "Hieroglyph" used in ancient Egypt. There is no need to use rosetta stones. You can use English, Hiragana, Katakana, or Kanji as input characters. Numbers, first person,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Yoshitaka Watanabe

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