Top 33 Book Apps Like O Gato Zorro e o Arco-Íris - Best Alternatives

O Gato Zorro e o Arco-Íris Alternatives

Do you want to find the best O Gato Zorro e o Arco-Íris alternatives for iOS? We have listed 33 Book apps that are similar to O Gato Zorro e o Arco-Íris. Pick one from this list to be your new O Gato Zorro e o Arco-Íris app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to O Gato Zorro e o Arco-Íris on your iOS devices.

Top 33 Apps Like O Gato Zorro e o Arco-Íris - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid O Gato Zorro e o Arco-Íris alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 33 similar apps like O Gato Zorro e o Arco-Íris 2025.

Pios ine o A.M.?

Pios ine o A.M.?

Τhe Greek Easy Reader Apps are language learning apps based on short stories accompanied by related exercises, which aim at improving the learner’s reading comprehension skills and building up their vocabulary. All stories are authored by experienced Greek language...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Deltos Publishing
Poshu O Pakhi

Poshu O Pakhi

Hottiti publication's children book "Poshu O Pakhi" is an interactive and entertain-able book application for kids. It provides a rich reading experience with well designed graphical contents and engaging activities with book characters in a uniquely enjoyable way. Features: ☆ Contents...

Price: Free Developer: SmartMux Limited
Emmet O'Neal Library

Emmet O'Neal Library

The Emmet O’Neal Library app is your gateway to the library’s services from your phone or tablet. You can check due dates, renew eligible items, store your library card, and search the library catalog. You can also easily access our...

Price: Free Developer: Emmet O'Neal Public Library
O Céu e o Inferno

O Céu e o Inferno

Atenção: Se tiver algum problema após esta atualização, remova e reinstale o app; Leia a descrição e as funcionalidades do app: O livro O Céu e o Inferno, ou A Justiça Divina Segundo o Espiritismo é a quarta das cinco...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: F&E System Apps
X-O Manowar #1

X-O Manowar #1

It's the comic book event a decade in the making! The all-new Valiant Universe kicks off with a landmark, oversized # 1 issue of X-O Manowar by New York Times best-selling author Robert Venditti (The Surrogates, The Homeland Directive)...

Price: Free Developer: Visionborne
Nina e o Dedo Espetado - Dompi

Nina e o Dedo Espetado - Dompi

Num dia ensolarado, Nina decide dar uma voltinha por um jardim que tinha um segredo... Ele estava vivo! A aventura infantil desperta o olhar para a natureza, mostrando que no pequeno está o grande e que bem ali, no...

Price: Free Developer: Ordem do Graal na Terra
O que é o Espiritismo

O que é o Espiritismo

Leia a descrição e as funcionalidades do app: O livro O Que é o Espiritismo é a primeira das duas obras complementares sobre o Espiritismo, publicada por Allan Kardec no ano de 1859. Trata de forma introdutória e bastante didática...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: F&E System Apps
O Livro dos Médiuns

O Livro dos Médiuns

Atenção: Se tiver algum problema após esta atualização, remova e reinstale o app; Leia a descrição e as funcionalidades do app: O Livro dos Médiuns, ou Guia dos Médiuns e dos Evocadores é a segunda das cinco obras basicas do...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: F&E System Apps
O Gato Zorro

O Gato Zorro

O Gato Zorro é o mais curioso de todos os gatos. Nesta história, o mistério do arco das cores que surge no céu em dias de chuva e de sol vai levar-nos por uma viagem didática e divertida à...

Price: Free Developer: Clever Way Mobile Lda.
Biblioteca Escolar Gato Perro

Biblioteca Escolar Gato Perro

Biblioteca Escolar Digital - Gato Perro Es una biblioteca escolar digital donde los estudiantes tienen acceso a los libros del plan lector y otros títulos para fomentar la lectura mediante una aplicación. Esta aplicación se descarga gratuitamente en teléfonos y...

Price: Free Developer: ebooks Patagonia
Un Gato en un Zapato

Un Gato en un Zapato

"Un Gato en un Zapato" es un cuento interactivo para niños de 0 a 4 años que narra las aventuras de un gatito que sale a navegar en un zapato. Ayúdalo a recoger a todos los animales que se...

Price: Free Developer: Fluirespira
Un Gato en un Zapato para iPad

Un Gato en un Zapato para iPad

"Un Gato en un Zapato" es un cuento interactivo para niños de 0 a 4 años que narra las aventuras de un gatito que sale a navegar en un zapato. Ayúdalo a recoger a todos los animales que se...

Price: Free Developer: Fluirespira
CatTron - Un gato de verdad

CatTron - Un gato de verdad

LuaBooks presenta el CatTron®. Una maravillosa experiencia que combina el universo del libro en papel con el mundo digital. Utiliza tu celular para dar vida al libro en papel escuchar y ver en acción las páginas de esta bella...

Price: Free Developer: LUABOOKS SAS
Audio Cuentos Infantiles

Audio Cuentos Infantiles

Selección de 60 Audio Cuentos para niños de los Hermanos Grimm, entre ellos títulos famosos como: 1. Caperucita Roja. 2. El Sastrecillo Valiente. 3. El Rey Rana. 4. Monte Simelí. 5. El Rey Pico de Tordo. 6. Blanca Nieves y los Siete Enanos. 7. Las Tres...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Alberto Quintanilla Delgado
Audiocuentos de Hans Christian Andersen

Audiocuentos de Hans Christian Andersen

Fantástica recopilación en audio de los mejores cuentos del célebre Hans Christian Andersen. -El Gato con Botas: Gracias a sus ingeniosas astucias, un gato, recibido en herencia por el hijo de un pobre molinero, convence al rey de que su amo...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Libro Movil
So Many Butts! - interactive book for kids

So Many Butts! - interactive book for kids

The most entertaining interactive book in recent times! There is something happening in the forest, but Little Squirrel can’t see what it is. He’s so tiny and now all these animals are standing in front of him (so many butts!). Discover...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Caixote Editora Comercio de Livros e Desenvolvimento de Softwares Ltda.
Audiocuentos y Biografía de Rafael Pombo

Audiocuentos y Biografía de Rafael Pombo

Fantástica recopilación en audio de los mejores cuentos poéticos de Rafael Pombo así como su biografía. -El Gato Bandido -Elvira Tracy -La pobre Viejecita -Mirringa Mirronga -Pastorcita -Rinrin Renacuajo -Simón el Bobito

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Libro Movil
Audio Cuentos Infantiles

Audio Cuentos Infantiles

Fantástica recopilación en audio de los clásicos cuentos infantiles. -EL CUERVO Y EL ZORRO. Felix María de Samaniego. Érase una vez, un cuervo que había conseguido apoderarse de un hermoso trozo de queso que se le había caído a un...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Libro Movil
Robin Hood - Discovery

Robin Hood - Discovery

Preview the first pages of the fabulous animated story of Robin Hood in the Chocolapps Kid-Ebook collection for free Robin Hood is a thief with a big heart, who is hiding in Sherwood Forest. He, with the help...

Price: Free Developer: Wissl Media
Robin Hood By Chocolapps

Robin Hood By Chocolapps

=>"Very engaging - Both my children enjoyed this app, but particularly my 9 year old who has disabilities. She was SO engaged by the combination of text, pictures, and video." Magella's Mum =>"There are so many kids ebooks out there...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Wissl Media
Snow White - Discovery

Snow White - Discovery

Preview the first pages of the fabulous animated story of Snow White in the Chocolapps Kid-Ebook collection for free A queen shortly dies after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, who she named Snow White. The king married a...

Price: Free Developer: Wissl Media
Snow White By Chocolapps

Snow White By Chocolapps

A queen shortly dies after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, who she named Snow White. The king married a new wife, but she was wicked and jealous of Snow White. With the help of her magic mirror...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Wissl Media
ComicBlitz - Unlimited Digital Comics!

ComicBlitz - Unlimited Digital Comics!

ComicBlitz - Unlimited Digital Comic Books And Graphic Novels! With all your favorite action, adventure, independent, fantasy, funny, children's, war, superhero, romantic, young adult, crime, manga, webcomics, horror and detective comics and graphic novels and more! We offer an...

Price: Free Developer: Cinedigm
Complete Bahar-e-Shariat

Complete Bahar-e-Shariat

Key Features of the App: This app contains: • Fundamentals of Islam • Basic Beliefs of Islam • Quranic Ayah • Ahadith • Some important Istilahaat (Terminologies) • Dictionary that helps you in understanding some difficult words • Advance Search Moreover through this app, you can also; • Share...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami
Ondemand e-book

Ondemand e-book

Ondemand e-book(オンデマンドイーブック)は、ヤマトシステム開発の「販促品オンデマンドサービス」をご利用して頂いているユーザのみ利用できるアプリとなります。 「販促品オンデマンドサービス」に登録している電子ブックをiPhone/iPadから閲覧することが出来ます。



Svensk Byggtjänst E-bokhylla innehåller e-böcker i formatet e-pub. Tjänsten finns både som webbtjänst och app och passar dig som är intresserad av böcker från Svensk Byggtjänst och automatisk vill erhålla ny litteratur. • Alla dina köpta böcker samlade på en...

Price: Free Developer: AB Svensk Byggtjänst
E-Library Academy

E-Library Academy

E-Library merupakan satu aplikasi untuk membaca buku-buku dalam bentuk digital. Perisisan ini merupakan salah satu sumbangan YaPEIM dalam meningkatkan minat membaca di kalangan masyarakat. E-Library memudahkan pengguna untuk membaca dengan menggunakan gajet-gajet yang ada pada masa sekarang. E-Library ini merupakan satu...

Price: Free Developer: Xentral Methods


SNCF e-LIVRE est une bibliothèque digitale gratuite destinée à tous les voyageurs TER et INTERCITES permettant de lire des milliers de livres numériques. Téléchargez l’application SNCF e-LIVRE depuis votre IPhone et votre IPad et découvrez la nouvelle animation du service...

Price: Free Developer: SNCF
DARC e. V. App

DARC e. V. App

Die offizielle App des DARC e. V. bietet den Mitgliedern des Vereins die Möglichkeit, u.a. die Clubzeitschrift CQ DL oder den Deutschland-Rundspruch zu erhalten. Die CQ DL ist das Amateurfunkmagazin des Deutschen Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) e. V. und erscheint zwölf Mal...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e. V.


Picture books for children of all ages storys by Max Bolliger drawings by Klaus Brunner read by Ann Malcolm TINY and the seven stories of his secrets There once was a little boy, and all the other children called him Tiny. In his...

Price: Free Developer: e-publish
Eliseo e Manto Blu

Eliseo e Manto Blu

Ambientato nei meravigliosi scenari della Valle di Fiemme, questa volta Eliseo è alle prese con un mago pasticcione che dovrà essere salvato da una pozione magica.

Price: Free Developer: Dario Cavada
Narvesen e-kiosk

Narvesen e-kiosk

Read ebooks on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Thouch with Narvesen e-kiosk's newest reading app. The app is easy to use and offers excellent reading comfort. Choose between a variety of functions and settings. The app is automatically synchronized...

Price: Free Developer: Menca

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