Top 48 Entertainment Apps Like Celeb Rush 2 - Bloody Descent with a Celebrity and the Santa Claus Sleigh - Best Alternatives

Celeb Rush 2 - Bloody Descent with a Celebrity and the Santa Claus Sleigh Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Celeb Rush 2 - Bloody Descent with a Celebrity and the Santa Claus Sleigh alternatives for iOS? We have listed 48 Entertainment apps that are similar to Celeb Rush 2 - Bloody Descent with a Celebrity and the Santa Claus Sleigh. Pick one from this list to be your new Celeb Rush 2 - Bloody Descent with a Celebrity and the Santa Claus Sleigh app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Celeb Rush 2 - Bloody Descent with a Celebrity and the Santa Claus Sleigh on your iOS devices.

Top 48 Apps Like Celeb Rush 2 - Bloody Descent with a Celebrity and the Santa Claus Sleigh - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Celeb Rush 2 - Bloody Descent with a Celebrity and the Santa Claus Sleigh alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar apps like Celeb Rush 2 - Bloody Descent with a Celebrity and the Santa Claus Sleigh 2025.

Which Famed and Classy Celeb You Relate To? - Free Quizzes Game

Which Famed and Classy Celeb You Relate To? - Free Quizzes Game

Welcome! Would you like to know Which Celeb You Relate To? Answer the questions and find out instantly! Share Your Results on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! You can play the following quizzes: 1. Which TV Show Host Are You? 2. Which Male Sport Star Are...

Price: Free Developer: Andrey Shadrin
Celeb Booth – Create free fun images by adding Celebrity faces to your photo, switch, morph or swap heads & make yourself famous

Celeb Booth – Create free fun images by adding Celebrity faces to your photo, switch, morph or swap heads & make yourself famous

Celeb Booth allows you to create awesome images by manipulating your photos and adding the head of a celebrity. Celeb Booth allows you to start with an image from your library and tweak it with one of more celebrity...

Price: Free Developer: Bill Core
Celeb You Look a-Like

Celeb You Look a-Like

Celeb you look alike is just an entertainment based application app you can easily get the celebrity news and celebrity events.It is also tell you about the how far a event is going on from your current location.It...

Price: Free Developer: Adarsh tiwari
Celeb Airhorn - Rap Airhorn

Celeb Airhorn - Rap Airhorn

Celeb Airhon makes any conversation 1000% more lit instantly. Now you have instant access to a rap airhorn and you favorite celebs yelling their most notable catch phrases. Tap their faces and they'll interject their soundbite into the conversation!!

Price: Free Developer: Latch Creative
Celebrity News - Latest Celeb News & Gossip

Celebrity News - Latest Celeb News & Gossip

Read the latest gossip, dirt, rumors and the most glorious moments of your favorite celebs! Never before this as been so easy - and now it's even easier with our brand new user interface! This is the only app in town...

Price: Free Developer: Newsfusion Ltd.
FaceMatch: Celeb Look-alike

FaceMatch: Celeb Look-alike

Find your celebrity twin! Take a quick selfie and see who's your top celebrity look-alike. And meet your future child! Find out how you and your favorite celeb's future child will look like. Try FaceMatch Now!

Price: Free Developer: Vonvon, Inc.
WYSH Celeb – Wysh your fans

WYSH Celeb – Wysh your fans

Be it their birthday, anniversary, or just want you to say hi, your fans want to hear from you and see you. Make their wyshes come true by recording wyshes directly from the WYSH Celeb app. Celebrities from all...

Price: Free Developer: Emojifi Private Limited
Celeb Watch: Celebrity News, Photos, Social, Videos & More!

Celeb Watch: Celebrity News, Photos, Social, Videos & More!

- Latest celebrity news from the best news sources. - Latest photos from magazines & social media - Listen to any songs/MVs in the HOT 100 Weekly Chart FOR FREE - Twitter and social feeds from top celebrities - Latest video news updates,...

Price: Free Developer: Valiant Rock, Inc.
Celeb Rush - Crazy Ride with a Celebrity and the Roller Coaster

Celeb Rush - Crazy Ride with a Celebrity and the Roller Coaster

You will love it! Get your hands on this crazy Roller Coaster! Scare celebrities to death but do not lose them. You need to deliver at least their heads to get more points. "What a sick game" - Mela Tedal "Crazy stuff,...

Price: Free Developer: Justyna Zablocka
Rush Hour Karting

Rush Hour Karting

Welcome to the Rush Hour Karting app ! You have already driven on this track or it's your first time, this app will seduce you, here are the main functions: - Registration and management of your profile - Virtual member card - View...

Price: Free Developer: Rush Hour Karting


Hai il dito veloce? Frequenti locali, pub, ristoranti, bar? Sei nel posto giusto! Rush-it renderà le tue serate fuori casa più divertenti e... remunerative. Che cos'è un Rush? Un Rush è una gara di velocità nel digitare un codice che puoi...

Price: Free Developer: Antonio Clemente
Rush(ラッシュ) 合コン・サシ飲みマッチングアプリ

Rush(ラッシュ) 合コン・サシ飲みマッチングアプリ

<Rushとは> 「早く!気軽に!親密に!」を実現した 最先端の合コンセッティングサービス! <こんな人におすすめ> ●理想の恋人を見つけたい ●程よい人数で親密に出会いたい ●合コンの幹事は面倒 ●今週すぐに飲みに行きたい ●楽しい場が好き ●マッチングアプリのやりとりは面倒 ●婚活パーティーとは別の方法でも出会いたい <Rushが選ばれる理由> 【1】登録無料   L参加が決定するまで費用はかからない! 【2】出会うまでが早い   L最短で翌日の開催も可能! 【3】楽々でお食事できる   L日程調整~店舗予約までサポート充実! 【4】好みの相手を選べる   L20~40代メイン!人気職業の異性も多数! 【5】上質な会場と料理   Lスタッフが厳選したお洒落なお店で開催! 【6】徹底されたプライバシー管理   L東証一部上場企業のIBJが運営! 【7】リピート率50%以上の満足感 <選べる2つのサービス> ▼程よい人数で親密に!セッティングプラン 年齢や職業など理想条件からお相手を選べる! サシ飲み1対1、合コン2対2から希望人数を選べる! 日程調整~店舗予約までスタッフがサポート! ▼1人でも参加OK!合コンパーティープラン 日程・年齢・企画条件からイベントを選んで申込! 1開催あたり約4対4~6対6で幅広く出会える! 申込すれば、確実に異性と出会える! <全国の開催地> 【北海道】札幌 【東北】仙台/山形 【関東(都内)】 新宿・新宿三丁目/渋谷・表参道・原宿/恵比寿・中目黒・代官山/池袋・目白/六本木・麻布十番/虎ノ門・永田町・赤坂/銀座・新橋・有楽町・日比谷/大手町・丸の内・日本橋/神田・秋葉原・御茶ノ水/品川/押上・錦糸町/上野/吉祥寺・立川/町田 【関東(その他)】 横浜・桜木町・みなとみらい/川崎・蒲田/大宮/千葉/船橋/高崎 【北陸甲信越】富山/新潟/金沢 【東海】名古屋/栄/浜松/静岡 【関西】梅田/難波/三宮/下京区/中京区 【中国】広島/福山/岡山 【四国】高松/松山 【九州】福岡/天神/熊本 <最後に> お客様の真剣に出会いたい!という気持ちにお応えするため、 日々事務局スタッフがサービス向上に努めております。 サービスをご利用いただく上で、お困りの事、ご要望 などありましたら、お気軽に事務局までご連絡くださいませ。 素敵な人と出会うなら、さっそくRushを始めよう(^_-)!!!

Price: Free Developer: IBJ
Cat Hero: Rush for the Litterbox

Cat Hero: Rush for the Litterbox

Run! Rush! Dash! This super fast (and fat!) cat are ready to go! Rush through this fast paced addicting game. It's PURFECT! Avoid the falling rocks or MEOW! It's may hurt! Avoid the rocks, drag to move...

Price: Free Developer: Ogtus Media LLC
Bunker Rush

Bunker Rush

Ever wanted to manage a shelter and buy troops out of it to fight zombies coming to attack you? Well now you can in Bunker Rush! In this game, zombies are coming for you, every zombie you kill you...

Price: Free Developer: Shailay Investment Group Inc.
Crossy Barrier Dash - Reckless Road Rush Block 3 Free Edition

Crossy Barrier Dash - Reckless Road Rush Block 3 Free Edition

The RUSH is on its way, last chance to save Your Block World!! Get this app and be the voxel penguin hero! Invite your friends beat them and share your progress! Can you unlock all the cute figures? Features: > 3D Blocky Voxel graphics >...

Price: Free Developer: LumiNet Kft.
Plane Rush!

Plane Rush!

We all thought that arcade games were dead. Well, that's pretty much a LIE! Play this recreation and get hours of fun with the unstoppable rush... in a plane! On upcoming days this game will be continuously updated so you, yes you,...

Price: Free Developer: Edgar Vilchis
Raffle Rush

Raffle Rush

Do you like raffles, but are tired of filling out those silly little tickets over and over again? Raffle Rush is reinventing the raffle with a revolutionary raffle app that’s faster, easier and more intuitive than ever before! We’re reinventing the world...

Price: Free Developer: Anthony Riojas
Rush Drops

Rush Drops

Rush Drop is a game where you test your reflexes! Try to sink the drops into the right paint bucket. Simply tap left or right to move the paint buckets in the right direction and drop the color drops in...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Santos
Brain Catch Rush

Brain Catch Rush

Are you boring with the traditional game and want to some exciting game? You are at right place. If you want to train and sharp your brain, BRAIN CATCH is perfect for you. This game is very useful for improving...

Price: Free Developer: Bhavesh Korat
T-2 tv2go

T-2 tv2go

T-2 tv2go – your mobile T-2 TV! T-2 tv2go application brings T-2 TV to your mobile device. Inside you will find more than 100 TV channels, including time shifting features. As a T-2 subscriber you can use tv2go anywhere across EU. Enjoy...

Price: Free Developer: T-2 d.o.o.
TV 2 Sumo

TV 2 Sumo

Se hva som skjer - der du er! Med TV 2 Sumo kan du se TV 2 der og når det måtte passe deg: - TV 2s kanaler direkte - Nyheter og dokumentarer - TV 2s populære programmer - De beste seriene - Fotballkamper, håndball,...

Price: Free Developer: TV 2 AS


RRR 2 is a unique Digital Comic featuring realtime animation and control over the viewing angle. The story of part 2 picks up right where part 1 left. We continue the misadventures of this lovable team after they got close to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: PLASTIEK
Talking Tom Cat 2

Talking Tom Cat 2

The legend is back! Talking Tom Cat 2 – the epic sequel to Talking Tom Cat – is better, cooler, and funnier than ever before! With over a billion downloads and counting, Talking Tom Cat 2 is popular with...

Price: Free Developer: Outfit7 Limited
Talking Tom Cat 2 for iPad

Talking Tom Cat 2 for iPad

The legend is back! Talking Tom Cat 2 – the epic sequel to Talking Tom Cat – is better, cooler, and funnier than ever before! With over a billion downloads and counting, Talking Tom Cat 2 is popular with...

Price: Free Developer: Outfit7 Limited
Pingo Doce Super Animais 2

Pingo Doce Super Animais 2

Vem conhecer os Super Animais juntamente com o Pingo Doce! Segue a tua coleção de cartas dos Super Animais, desbloqueia medalhas e ganha prémios à medida que a tua coleção cresce! Vê os animais ganharem vida com movimento e...

Price: Free Developer: Brand Loyalty Special Promotions B.V.
TV 2 Play

TV 2 Play

With TV 2 Play you are able to watch TV 2s live channels and On Demand programs. Furthermore you can watch movies and a lot of children’s content in our children’s universe. The children’s universe has a kids lock...

Price: Free Developer: TV 2 Danmark A/S
Glory Math 2

Glory Math 2

Glory Math 2 is an interactive, generative music application for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Starting with a blank slate, touch and shake to create melodies and harmonies, with corresponding fields of color. Touch the top area to create your...

Price: Free Developer: Coffeeshopped LLC
Learn Argentine Tango Volume 2

Learn Argentine Tango Volume 2

Volume 2 "Intermediate" Learn Argentine Tango dancing technique and combinations for turns, paradas, boleos and basic volcadas for the social dance floor with internationally known tango teacher Alex Krebs. Alex has taught Argentine Tango since 1998 and has taught...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Tango Berretin LLC
Sing 2 Me 2

Sing 2 Me 2

From the creators of Nursery TV comes Sing 2 Me 2 the first in a series of free sing-a-long apps for children. App features include on-screen lyrics in an easily readable, child friendly font whilst a bright scroll helps...

Price: Free Developer: The Music Factory Entertainment Group Ltd
Bloody Disgusting

Bloody Disgusting

Get all the latest horror movie news along with videos and podcasts. Fill out your profile and chat with horror fans around the globe! From the #1 source for horror, Bloody Disgusting

Price: Free Developer: Bloody Disgusting, LLC
Bloody Mary's Mirror

Bloody Mary's Mirror

Bloody Mary's Mirror An on Edge Studios spin on the Urban Legend of Bloody Mary and the classic Magic 8 Ball Oracle for IOS. The Urban Legend of Bloody Mary Stand in front of a mirror in a darkened room with...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: on Edge Studios LLC
Bloody Virus

Bloody Virus

You're a deadly virus inside a healthy blood stream. Consume red blood-cells and spread the infection. Slide your finger over the screen to move the virus and while also avoiding the white blood-cells. Different DNA strands can be used...

Price: Free Developer: Outlier SpA
Can you Escape:BLOODY SWORD - find out the sword

Can you Escape:BLOODY SWORD - find out the sword

BLOODY SWORD is an interesting point and click type.Thanksgiving festival is going to happen soon in the ghost world, but before the thanksgiving festival they planned to rescue the soul. Now, you need to find out the sword to...

Price: Free Developer: Xiling Gong
Don't Cut Yourself - Bloody Knife Dancing

Don't Cut Yourself - Bloody Knife Dancing

Wanna to have a challenge?Remember,Don't cut yourself.

Price: Free Developer: weiqiang jin
Hell Mary

Hell Mary

Hell Mary The legend of Bloody Mary returns in the spookiest memory game yet! The Legend Sometimes known as Hell Mary, Bloody Mary, Mary Worth, or Dead Mary, the legend of the terrifying fate she casts upon those foolish enough to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: on Edge Studios LLC
Retro TV Horror Free Edition

Retro TV Horror Free Edition

RetroTV includes more than 40 full length classic horror films. Watch the old school classic horror movies and watch YouTube or your own movies in Retro style. More than 40 retro TV ads included for your amusement and bemusement?!?...

Price: Free Developer: Luke Allen
Vampify - Turn into a Vampire

Vampify - Turn into a Vampire

Vampify - The #1 Vampire face app! USA TODAY - "I can't get enough of turning myself into an animated Vampire (Vampify), Werewolf (Wolfify), Zombie (Zombify)" - Jennifer Jolly Come back to life as a 3D animated vampire! Your immortal...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Apptly LLC
Top 100 Bollywood Movie Songs

Top 100 Bollywood Movie Songs

Download FREE Top 100+ Bollywood Movie Songs App and get immersed into a heart-warming music experience. Stream top 100+ Bollywood movie songs for Free. Songs from movies staring Shahrukh Khan, Amir Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia , Kareena, Kajol, Anushka...

Price: Free Developer: SONY MUSIC INDIA
Asmaa Min Al Tarikh

Asmaa Min Al Tarikh

Asmaa Min Al Tarikh is a TV show created, produced, prepared and presented by writer and Media Personality Karen Boustany. It was first aired on MTV Lebanon in 2012 under the name of “Ecrire l’Histoire or Kataba al Tarikh” including...

Price: Free Developer: Karen Boustany
ANTV Network

ANTV Network

ANTV is Africa’s first global TV network. At ANTV, My Africa is Your Africa! ANTV is the only place for reaching all persons of African descent. At ANTV, Africans lead the world in telling Africa's story. ANTV is available...

Price: Free Developer: African Network Television, LLC.
Icelandic Festival of MB

Icelandic Festival of MB

The Icelandic Festival of Manitoba is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting and sustaining interest in Icelandic culture and descent, primarily through the presentation of an annual family oriented celebration, held every August long weekend in beautiful Gimli, Manitoba. The...

Price: Free Developer: Leif Norman
Rose of Tralee

Rose of Tralee

Get exclusive and 'behind the scenes' content for one of Ireland's longest running and most loved Festivals. The Official Rose of Tralee International Festival App give users up to the minute information on all our Roses, Rose Escorts and Festival...

Price: Free Developer: Kerry Rose Festival Limited
Afropolitain Magazine

Afropolitain Magazine

AFROPOLiTAiN Media Group is a multicultural and multidimensional platform highlighting African culture and heritage. Our core audience target is the African diaspora and or those of African descent. Our goal is to synchronize the multidimensional influences and expressions of modern...

Price: Free Developer: Willingie
Alight Candle - Endless Wax and Almost Everlasting Flames

Alight Candle - Endless Wax and Almost Everlasting Flames

Watch candles burn in this epicly crafted game. Featuring 4 different candle styles ranging from Birthday Wishes to Elegant or Peace of Mind. Each candle slowly burns a long descent until it reaches 0%... THEN A NEW ONE SHOWS UP... And you get...

Price: Free Developer: Pixel Diamond Games LLC
Constellation A+

Constellation A+

Constellation A+ is a beautiful and practical product, specially designed for divination lovers. After a simple and elegant guide page, you can see the homepage. The whole homepage is simple and generous, you can view the main function of our very...

Price: Free Developer: Xiamen Jinduoxia Network Technology Co.,ltd.
EyeAfrika Radio

EyeAfrika Radio

To educate and entertain all people of African descent and other cultures of the world as a whole, to understand and appreciate the rich African music and culture. Proudly brought to you by EyeAfrika team, working in a cultural and...

Price: Free Developer: KWAKU QUANING
KKVSH Official

KKVSH Official

Follow KKVSH through her Official App Download the free KKVSH Official app now! Stay connected to KKVSH and do fun things : - Check out the in-app social feed for live updates and videos. - Boost your comments with Superstars, become...

Price: Free Developer: MIKAYLA SARAVIA

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