Top 25 Utilities Apps Like KA-SAT Pointer - Best Alternatives

KA-SAT Pointer Alternatives

Do you want to find the best KA-SAT Pointer alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Utilities apps that are similar to KA-SAT Pointer. Pick one from this list to be your new KA-SAT Pointer app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to KA-SAT Pointer on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like KA-SAT Pointer - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid KA-SAT Pointer alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like KA-SAT Pointer 2025.

Televīzijas Latvija Guide

Televīzijas Latvija Guide

Ar mūsu TV Guide, jūs varat sekot līdzi šova grafikiem, filmas un programmas visu vienā pieteikumā! Saderīga ar iOS smartphones un tabletes, mūsu pieteikums ir viss, kas jums ir nepieciešams, lai panāktu uz programmas, jums patīk, kā arī vairāk! Pārbaudes veic...

Price: Free Developer: Miguel Galera
Elektrum Latvija

Elektrum Latvija

Elektrum – tā ir AS "Latvenergo" izstrādāta lietotne, kas kļūs par Jūsu palīgu dažādu ar elektrību saistītu jautājumu noskaidrošanā. Lietotne Jums sniegs šādas iespējas: Privātpersonām * NODOT RĀDĪJUMUS – ērts veids, kā nodot savus elektrības skaitītāja rādījumus; * VEIKT MAKSĀJUMUS – varēsiet veikt...

Price: Free Developer: Latvenergo AS
m2 Home

m2 Home

Everything concerning your house, now in your mobile phone! With a mobile application m² HOME you will be able to: - Control the installment plan schedule and pay the complex service fee - Be the first to learn about the neighborhood...

Price: Free Developer: m² Real Estate
Access Pack

Access Pack

Access Pack is the easiest solution to manage on-demand deliveries, at-home services, and on-field business development. Disclaimer: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Shor Finkel
Deliva Motorista

Deliva Motorista

Deliva é o melhor site de alimentos em Moçambique. Nosso aplicativo de Motorista facilita a coleta e entrega de alimentos a qualquer momento. Nosso aplicativo ajuda você a encontrar o cliente e informar o cliente quando você terminar.

Price: Free Developer: We Deliva Lda
KV Üürikad

KV Üürikad

KV Üürikad – Leia endale üürikorter Otsid üürikorterit, aga sobivat pakkumist on raske leida? Või leidsid sobiva üürikorteri, aga keegi oli kiirem? Sellisel juhul loe kindlasti edasi! Rakendus „KV Üürikad“ aitab üürikorteri leida kõige kiiremini ja mugavamalt. Sul ei jää...

Price: Free Developer: AllePal


Livestoc Pro is simplified cloud based mobile application designed by LIVESTOC- Amaze Brandlance Private Limited for the qualified veterinarians, paravets and artificial insemination workers to provide their professional services through online and offline modules. The services being called by farmers...

Mobile Manager App

Mobile Manager App

MobileManagerApp allows you to receive new appointments for same day express deliveries. Disclaimer: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life

Price: Free Developer: Rico Mok


The application has two types of users: authorized and guest. The difference between them is the level of access to the application functions. Most of the functions are available for non-authorized users. It allows to find stations based on nearest...

Price: Free Developer: Lemondo Business
iPSTAR Sat Pointer

iPSTAR Sat Pointer

Point your phone towards the sky and see on the live camera screen where satellite are, any line of sight issues by trees or buildings and lock angles.

Price: Free Developer: Thaicom PLC.


Phần mềm Movitracker là một giải pháp công nghệ toàn diện trong lĩnh vực quản lý và phát triển hệ thống phân phối bán hàng tại Việt Nam! • Hệ quản trị bao gồm: Quản lý, nhân viên, khách hàng, đại...



Aplicativo da Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo para verificar Cupom Fiscal Eletrônico e Nota Fiscal de Consumidor Eletrônica, emitidos no Estado de São Paulo. Através da câmera do celular, faça a leitura do QR Code impresso...

Price: Free Developer: Companhia de Processamento de Dados do Estado de São Paulo
Validador CFDI

Validador CFDI

El CFDI se hace obligatorio, ten cerca una herramienta para validarlos. -Ahora con reporte de verificación para tus CFDIs; envíalo por correo, mensaje, Dropbox o muchas otras opciones, ¡incluso puedes imprimirlo directamente! Da certeza de la validez de los Comprobantes Fiscales...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Aluxoft SCP


iVD oder auch „VDR & Dream“ ermöglicht es ihnen Enigma-basierte SAT-Boxen und ein oder mehrere VDR (Linux basierte Anwendung) zu steuern. Hauptmerkmal ist das Programmieren von Timern aus EPG Einträgen heraus für beliebig viele VDRs und SAT-Boxen auf einem einfachen...

Price: Free Developer: K. Kronschnabel


Tập hợp cảnh báo từ các hệ thống viễn thông Giám sát, điều hành sử lý sự cố thông tin qua SMS, App A client application to access AOMC system's alarms (network alarms gathered from NMSs, TRAP messages,...)

Price: Free Developer: Vo Quoc Phiet
DSS Control

DSS Control

DSS Control là phần mềm ứng dụng giám sát di động trên nền tảng iOS hỗ trợ toàn bộ các dòng sản phẩm của Dahua. Các tính năng chính của DSS Control: - Xem camera theo thời gian thực đến...

Price: Free Developer: Dung Nguyen Tien


OpenSky Pointer is an application designed for OpenSky antenna installers for the Tooway Ka-sat service. It optimizes the antenna pointing, configure and activate the modem without a computer using a smartphone. The apps also allows OpenSky to get...

Price: Free Developer: Eutelsat SA
SIS LIVE Pointer

SIS LIVE Pointer

Sis Live Pointer is an application designed for Sis Live antenna installers for the Tooway Ka-sat service. It optimizes the antenna pointing, configure and activate the modem without a computer using a smartphone. The apps also allows Sis Live...

Price: Free Developer: Eutelsat SA
i-Beamer Laser Pointer

i-Beamer Laser Pointer

* NOTE * This app requires i-Beamer device available at The i-Beamer app controls i-Beamer Laser Pointer. Simply plug an i-Beamer Laser Pointer into your iOS device's audio jack, and run the i-Beamer app. You can...

Price: Free Developer: Sheng Apps
iWritingPen Control Pointer

iWritingPen Control Pointer

iWritingPen helps you manage Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. With iWritingPen, you are guaranteed a smooth and efficient presentation. Functions and features: - Full set of control buttons for progressing PointPoint slides. Just through a simple touch on the control buttons, you can...

Price: Free Developer: 2ConnectMe Limited
iLaserPointer for professional presentations

iLaserPointer for professional presentations

iLaserPointer is the first fully functional laser pointer for the iPhone ™, that you simply Gold-Plug into the headphone jack. Because of the special features you put into your next presentation your audience amazed. Operate the iLaserPointer on the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Holger Bluemler
Face Mouse

Face Mouse

Control your Mac with your face. A mouse pointer (shaped like an eye ball) will track your gaze and your face movements. Then use natural face gestures such as winking, or opening your mouth to click on...

Price: Free Developer: Cole Labs


iMultimeter = REAL Power Meter / Volt Meter plus thermometer for ambient temperature measurements Measurements of REAL electric voltages plus REAL ambient temperature with the iPhone, and iPod touch - how is that possible? CAUTION! App is only useful with an...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Holger Bluemler
Remote for Fire TV

Remote for Fire TV

Add a virtual mouse, keyboard, and remote to your Amazon Fire TV or Amazon Fire TV Stick. Features: Virtual mouse / touchpad with TV screen pointer D-Pad with left, right, up, down, and select controls Music / Video controls Keyboard Back, Home, and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jean Alger

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