Top 19 Business Apps Like Crises Control - Best Alternatives

Crises Control Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Crises Control alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Business apps that are similar to Crises Control. Pick one from this list to be your new Crises Control app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Crises Control on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Crises Control - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Crises Control alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Crises Control 2025.



O aplicativo contribui para: -> Ambientes mais seguros -> Menos impactos negativos. -> Processos de recuperação mais rápidos. Em caso de incidentes que possam impactar negativamente a organização, os colaboradores, clientes, fornecedores e até mesmo a comunidade podem se conectar rapidamente e responder de maneira...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Lucia
BMR Conference

BMR Conference

The BMR was formed as a non-profit oriented, non-religious, non-political organization to mainly represent all the suppliers/traders of Middle East Recycling Industry and to bring them under one banner and platform with the unified thoughts of promoting the Metal...

Price: Free Developer: Jami Syed
Choice: Daily Quote

Choice: Daily Quote

With the App of Choice you will receive every day an inspiring quote. Our coaches have collected a list of motivating, reflective, humorous and provocative quotes for you. We warmly recommend you install the app, since „we are not...

Price: Free Developer: Choice Ltd


QAI is a mobile platform that connects thought leaders in education, business, environmentalism, technology, and policy to help solve the current environmental crises of the world. Built by the Creating Equilibrium team, the app invites event attendees to engage in...

Price: Free Developer: EQ Ventures, LLC
8th BMR Conference

8th BMR Conference

The BMR was formed as a non-profit oriented, non-religious, non-political organization to mainly represent all the suppliers/traders of Middle East Recycling Industry and to bring them under one banner and platform with the unified thoughts of promoting the Metal...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Graphiks
CESD Summit

CESD Summit

We live in a world of extreme hope and despair. The duality arises from the resolve of human potential to overcome any challenge, and the social and ecological crises emanating from that human potential. The future of human and...

Price: Free Developer: Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)


Precisão e velocidade são fundamentais para reação e gerenciamento crises. Dê relevância ao que importa Separe o que é importante ou urgente. – Toda comunicação de crise fica separada das centenas mensagens que você já recebe por Whatsapp, email etc – Crie uma...

Price: Free Developer: Coapps Brasil Software LTDA
CrisisApp Onderwijs (nieuw)

CrisisApp Onderwijs (nieuw)

Deze App stelt leden van het CMT en de LCT's in staat om tijdens crises overzichtelijk, eenduidig, volgens protocol en transparant te opereren. Zij fungeert als het ware als eerste hulpmiddel vlak na het uitbreken van een crisis. Denk...

Price: Free Developer: Mica Software B.V.


Destinée aux utilisateurs occasionnels, easylience© est une application collaborative qui facilite et accélère le traitement des incidents et des situations de crise. Depuis leur terminal mobile, les équipes de veille, d’astreinte, de crise et métiers bénéficient d’une solution intégrée et...

Price: Free Developer: Nanocode-labs


Control-M mobile application gives you access to your Business Processes while you are on the go. The application provides you with core functions required by business users – such as viewing the state and status of your work and performing...

Price: Free Developer: BMC Software, Inc
Reloj Laboral, control horario

Reloj Laboral, control horario

El Reloj Laboral es la forma de tener un control laboral de forma automática, fácil y rápido. Funciona como un control de presencia permitiéndole fichar desde cualquier dispositivo móvil y desde cualquier lugar del mundo. Le permite tener una...

Price: Free Developer: Duocom Europe, S.L.
Traffic Control CRM

Traffic Control CRM

Traffic Control CRM is the mobile companion app to Traffic Control Auto Dealership CRM-ILM-EAM Desktop software. · Manage new internet leads on the go when Traffic Control notifies you in real time. · Enter new prospects that you meet...

Price: Free Developer: Traffic Control CRM
Measure Ground Control

Measure Ground Control

The Ground Control™ flight app is part of Measure’s complete software solution that enables enterprises to confidently deploy large scale drone programs and realize the transformative benefits of aerial intelligence. Built on the experience that comes from thousands of...

Price: Free Developer: Measure UAS, Inc
CaminCargo Control

CaminCargo Control

Introducing the Camin Cargo Control Mobile Application. VERSION 6.1.2 (MAHOST1) NOW AVAILABLE. The Camin Cargo Control mobile application provides our customers convenient, secure and real-time access to their product inspection and laboratory data. Customers can quickly and easily...

Price: Free Developer: Camin Cargo Control, INC.
Docc Control

Docc Control

What’s up DOCC Als je ziek bent of iets onder de leden heb, dan ga je naar de dokter. Maar wat doe je als er iets mis is met je gebouw, als er ergens een probleem is of er iets...

Price: Free Developer: DOCC CONTROL
H+K Crisis Control

H+K Crisis Control

If the worst was to happen today to your organization, where is your crisis plan? How would you access it? How would you activate the team and the plan? It's no longer acceptable to keep a plan to respond to...

Price: Free Developer: RockDove Solutions, Inc.
Sound Control Technologies

Sound Control Technologies

The Sound Control Technologies Solution Finder lets you easily find the correct camera extension solution and camera mounting solution for your application.    Sound Control Technologies’ kits deliver Power, RS232 or Ethernet Control, IR and Video over single or dual CAT5e...

Price: Free Developer: sound Control Technologies
Condo Control Central App

Condo Control Central App

The Condo Control Central App is the easy and way to communicate within your condo community . The app includes everything you need to stay in touch with your condo, while on the go. The Condo Control Central mobile app...

Price: Free Developer: Condo Control Central

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