Top 18 Education Apps Like Marista Virtual - Best Alternatives

Marista Virtual Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Marista Virtual alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Education apps that are similar to Marista Virtual. Pick one from this list to be your new Marista Virtual app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Marista Virtual on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like Marista Virtual - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Marista Virtual alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like Marista Virtual 2025.

Marista Conectado

Marista Conectado

Com o Marista Conectado você fica ainda mais próximo da escola. Para facilitar o dia a dia e oferecer soluções digitais, o Marista Conectado foi desenvolvido para pais, responsáveis e estudantes dos Colégios da Província Marista Brasil Centro-Norte....

Price: Free Developer: Techne
Colégio Marista São Luís

Colégio Marista São Luís

O aplicativo Colégio Marista São Luís Tellme School é uma agenda escolar diária eletrônica otimizada em forma de aplicativo onde os alunos/responsáveis poderão ter acesso, através de seus celulares, de forma instantânea, a todas as informações que a escola...

Price: Free Developer: At Work
Marista App

Marista App

Este é o Marista App, desenvolvido para pais e responsáveis dos estudantes dos Colégios da Província Centro - Sul. Fique de olho nas principais vantagens: - notificação em tempo real dos avisos publicados (via push notification) - melhor visualização das tarefas e...

Price: Free Developer: Mannesoft Informática ltda epp
Marista Virtual App

Marista Virtual App

Este é o aplicativo Marista Virtual App. Desenvolvido para apresentar aos alunos, pais e responsáveis diversas funcionalidades, tais como: • As avaliações e faltas do ano ou semestre atual e passados, com envio de notificações e push quando as avaliações forem...

Price: Free Developer: Uniao Sul Brasileira De Educacao E Ensino
Universidad Marista de Mérida

Universidad Marista de Mérida

En septiembre de 1996, la Universidad Marista de Mérida abrió sus puertas haciendo realidad el sueño de muchas generaciones de ex alumnos de Colegios Maristas de Mérida, coronando así la misión educadora que los Hermanos Maristas realizan en la...

Price: Free Developer: Luis Oleart
Comissões UMBRASIL

Comissões UMBRASIL

Aplicativo para a reunião das comissoes da UMBRASIL

Price: Free Developer: União Marista do Brasil
Paulo Chaves

Paulo Chaves

O professor Paulo reúne experiência e inovação no ensino de História do Brasil, História Geral e Atualidades, tendo trabalhado em alguns dos mais renomados colégios de Recife: Cognitivo, Damas, Marista São Luís, Equipe, CPI, GEO, Neo Planos, Radier e...

Price: Free Developer: Paulo Chaves
Virtual US/Mexico Border

Virtual US/Mexico Border

Created by John Craig Freeman with audio by Raul Reis, Virtual U.S./Mexico Border is a walk through augmented reality experience which allows users to immerse themselves in a virtual scene documenting the North American migration crisis. The project includes...

Price: Free Developer: John (Craig) Freeman


Virtual lab이란 도서로 출간되던 실험서가 아닌, 온라인에서 구동되는 동영상을 기반으로 한 온라인 콘텐츠입니다. 현재 국제적인 출판 트렌드는 오프라인에서 온라인으로 넘어가고 있습니다. 이러한 동향에 맞추어, Virtual lab은 차세대의 교육 방식을 선도하는 새로운 패러다임의 교재가 될 것입니다. 기존의 실험서들은 오프라인에서 출판되었기...

Price: Free Developer: SANGYEON PARK
Virtual MotivAider

Virtual MotivAider

Virtual MotivAider® is designed to help users of all ages make desired changes in their own behavior and habits. ​ This app is intended to replicate much of the functionality of the MotivAider®, an ingeniously simple dedicated electronic device invented...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Behavioral Dynamics, Inc.
SMA Virtual Support

SMA Virtual Support

Maintenance of central inverters has never been easier. The SMA Virtual Support App supports service and visualizes step-by-step how components and assemblies can be replaced on site. For the first time, components can be localized via an augmented reality...

Price: Free Developer: oculavis
Open Virtual Mobility Hub

Open Virtual Mobility Hub

The Virtual Mobility Learning Hub is an innovative multilingual ICT-based environment unique in Europe (as an integrated semantic competency directory of virtual mobility attributes) will promote collaborative learning, connectivist social networking as an instructional method, OERs as the main...

Price: Free Developer: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
Virtual Business Enterprise

Virtual Business Enterprise

Virtual Business Enterprise (VBE) is a communication tool that facilitates real-time messaging within a virtual business group and a broader virtual economy – essentially, the other game players in your course. The app also enables your group to ‘meet’...

Price: Free Developer: International Education Services Ltd.
Agenda Virtual

Agenda Virtual

Su Colegio debe tener contratado el servicio de Agenda Virtual con nosotros para poder iniciar sesión. La Agenda Virtual es una plataforma especialmente diseñada para colegios, permite mejorar la comunicación entre los diferentes integrantes de la comunidad educativa docentes, estudiantes,...

Price: Free Developer: Diego Mesa
Calculus in Virtual Reality

Calculus in Virtual Reality

Calculus in Virtual Reality (CalcVR) Lessons about Calculus and Geometry in Virtual Reality! We have added literal depth to calculus! The CalcVR app uses a Google Cardboard headset to enable the user to visualize concepts in multi-variable calculus within a virtual...

Price: Free Developer: Nicholas Long
Explain VR: Understand how things work in virtual reality. Immersive education with Google cardboard.

Explain VR: Understand how things work in virtual reality. Immersive education with Google cardboard.

Welcome to the virtual library. Enter the next level of education with amazing immersive experience. Explain VR is optimized for cardboard version 1.0 and 2.0 and cardboard alternatives. You can interact with button or with long look (no button needed)....

Price: Free Developer: Explain 3D
Kai's Clan Virtual Viewer

Kai's Clan Virtual Viewer

Please Note: This app requires a Kai's Clan kit to play, learn more at Code Kai robots to drive around the themed mats to complete missions and watch your code come to life with Augmented Augmented or Virtual Reality....

Price: Free Developer: Autonomous Works Limited

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