Top 19 Book Apps Like Maria+Vision - Best Alternatives

Maria+Vision Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Maria+Vision alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Book apps that are similar to Maria+Vision. Pick one from this list to be your new Maria+Vision app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Maria+Vision on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Maria+Vision - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Maria+Vision alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Maria+Vision 2025.

Os Livros da Maria Inês

Os Livros da Maria Inês

Distribuição de Histórias da autora Maria Inês de Almeida em formato digital. Maria Inês Almeida publicou já mais de 40 livros, a maior parte dos quais dirigidos a crianças e jovens, incluindo os particularmente apreciados Quando eu for… Grande (nomeado em 2011...

Price: Free Developer: iServices, Lda
Bíblia Ave Maria (Audio Biblia Sagrada Católica)

Bíblia Ave Maria (Audio Biblia Sagrada Católica)

Bíblia Ave Maria (Português). Antigo Testamento e Novo Testamento Lista de cabeças (Antigo Testamento): Gênesis, Êxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronômio, Josué, Juízes, Rute, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Reis, II Reis, I Crônicas, II Crônicas, Esdras, Neemias, Ester, Jó, Salmos, Provérbios, Eclesiastes,...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Colegio Santa Maria

Colegio Santa Maria

La aplicación del colegio Santa Maria ha sido creada con el propósito de unificar la familia del colegio incluyendo padres de familia, profesores, y estudiantes. Encuentra en nuestra aplicación una manera mas fácil de comunicarte con nosotros, ver eventos y...

Price: Free Developer: Power Groups Solutions, Inc.
Las Brujas – José Maria de Pereda

Las Brujas – José Maria de Pereda

Esta novela forma parte del libro Tipos y paisajes de José María de Pereda donde Uno de los mayores exponentes de la literatura regionalista española y un autor que ejemplifica la transición del costumbrismo al realismo, Pereda hizo uso...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Libro Movil


Experience the detailed scenes and life-changing words and parables of Jesus as revealed to the Italian Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta. Excerpts are taken from her greatest work, The Gospel as Revealed to Me (also known as The Poem of...



Feral es una app poética que brinda otro tipo de experiencia literaria. Desarrollada por José María Campaña, que incluye treinta poemas interactivos escritos e ilustrados por Nektli Rojas. Cada texto tiene interacciones y animaciones. Apto para mayores de 13...

Price: Free Developer: Jose Maria Campana Rojas
Santa María Virtual

Santa María Virtual

Editorial Santa María ingresa en un nuevo medio, una aplicación digital, para que los usuarios consigan acceder y leer nuestros libros, de manera fácil y cómoda. Podrán descargar los libros de nuestra biblioteca. Acceder a nuestras publicaciones y colecciones....

Price: Free Developer: QueryLoop Inc.
Le più belle preghiere dei santi

Le più belle preghiere dei santi

Santità e preghiera costituiscono da sempre un binomio indissolubile: tutti gli uomini di Dio hanno dedicato molto tempo alla preghiera, ed il rapporto con il Signore che ne è scaturito, ha trasformato la loro vita in preghiera-offerta vivente. L’applicazione raccoglie le preghiere...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: MIMEP DOCETE
Le preghiere dei santi

Le preghiere dei santi

Le preghiere dei santi Santità e preghiera costituiscono da sempre un binomio indissolubile: tutti gli uomini di Dio hanno dedicato molto tempo alla preghiera, ed il rapporto con il Signore che ne è scaturito, ha trasformato la loro vita in preghiera-offerta vivente. L’applicazione...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: MIMEP DOCETE
Vision Sin Limites

Vision Sin Limites

Solo para propietarios de negocios independientes afiliados a Vision Sin Limites. Debe estar afiliado con VSL (Vision Sin Limites) Vision Sin Limites presenta su nueva aplicación Vision Sin Limites . Con el app Vision Sin Limites Nos unimos al camino...

Price: Free Developer: Equipo Vision Int.
Vision Australia Connect

Vision Australia Connect

The Vision Australia Connect app allows you to read publications that are available through i-access®, Vision Australia’s Online Accessible Information Service. Through the accessible and simple interface you can listen to content such as Books, Magazines and Newspapers. You...

Price: Free Developer: Vision Australia
optic und vision

optic und vision

OPTIC+VISION steht für eine starke, selbstbewusste Augenoptik. Sowohl Inhaber/innen als auch Führungskräfte gehören zu unserer Leserschaft, ebenso wie engagierte, zukunftsorientierte Angestellte und auf Chancen fokussierte Studenten - und last but not least, der junge Nachwuchs in handwerklicher Ausbildung. Das...

Price: Free Developer: Mediengruppe Oberfranken - Fachverlage Verwaltung GmbH
Vision Lifestyle

Vision Lifestyle

The magazine about dream cars, cruises, travel, art, hotels, motorbike's, rv's, yachts, classic cars. This publication offers the ultimate categories for providing inspiration for your dreams.

Price: Free Developer: Frank Van Caesbroeck


ناجی برنامه ای است جامع و رایگان مشتمل بر ادعیه و مناجات مذهبی مسلمانان دنیا، در این نرم افزار دعاهای توسل، کمیل، ندبه، عهد، فرج امام زمان، سلامتی امام زمان، حدیث کساء، آیت الکرسی، زیارت عاشورا، زیارت آل یاسین...

Price: Free Developer: exon vision
Dolphin EasyReader

Dolphin EasyReader

EasyReader is a FREE accessible reading app for readers with dyslexia, low vision or blindness. Browse & download from the World's largest collection of talking book and newspaper libraries. Open your own DAISY, Epub or text books....

Price: Free Developer: Dolphin Computer Access Ltd
Christ Life Church, Chicago

Christ Life Church, Chicago

The Official Mobile App for Christ Life Church, Chicago. This app gives you the opportunity to stay connected to the ministry at anytime. Listen to sermons. Read devotional View weekly updates and events. Watch live events. Read Pastor's Blog and many more. Christ Life Church Chicago (Christ...

Price: Free Developer: Emmanuel Adesanya
LDS Primary Stories

LDS Primary Stories

LDS Primary Stories is a growing collection of uplifting, educational and FUN storybooks and coloring books for LDS kids. This is a series of vibrantly-colored storybooks that will help make the stories of these sacred scriptures come alive in...

Price: Free Developer: 36Pixels LLC
Bible NIV 1984

Bible NIV 1984

The New International Version (NIV) is a completely original translation of the Bible developed by more than one hundred scholars working from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The initial vision for the project was provided by a...

Price: Free Developer: siriwit nambutdee

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