Top 22 Education Apps Like KIWi Storybooks Castle - Best Alternatives

KIWi Storybooks Castle Alternatives

Do you want to find the best KIWi Storybooks Castle alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Education apps that are similar to KIWi Storybooks Castle. Pick one from this list to be your new KIWi Storybooks Castle app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to KIWi Storybooks Castle on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like KIWi Storybooks Castle - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid KIWi Storybooks Castle alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like KIWi Storybooks Castle 2025.

Ninja Kiwi and Pan Man

Ninja Kiwi and Pan Man

When the evil Animal Man destroys the home village of Ninja Kiwi and his sidekick Pan Man, the duo must track and defeat Animal Man so they can finally bring him to justice. Written and illustrated by Bailey Delani, Leo-Aki...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education New Zealand
Kiwi Kids News

Kiwi Kids News

Kiwi Kids News is a news and education app for New Zealand students, teachers and schools. Our regularly updated news stream keeps up to date with the latest New Zealand, world and sports news. We also include fun sections of news...

Price: Free Developer: Shem Banbury
KIWi Storybooks Dinosaurs

KIWi Storybooks Dinosaurs

This K.I.W.i. Storybooks DINOSAURS app covers cool info about T. Rex, a Brontosaurus, and many other dinosaurs. Curious kids will want to figure out what dinosaurs ate, how much they weighed, and how they protected themselves against predators. Geared...

Price: Free Developer: Calapitter Creations, Inc.
KIWi Storybooks Ecosystems

KIWi Storybooks Ecosystems

This K.I.W.i. Storybooks ECOSYSTEMS app includes lots of intriguing facts about arid deserts and lush rainforests. Kids will discover the types of plants and animals in each habitat and how they’ve adapted to their unique environments. Geared to ages...

Price: Free Developer: Calapitter Creations, Inc.
KIWi Storybooks Fire Safety

KIWi Storybooks Fire Safety

This K.I.W.i. Storybooks FIRE SAFETY app helps kids recognize fire hazards in their own homes after hunting for dangers in the Risky Residence and seeing things catch on fire and go up in smoke. Geared to ages 4-10, it...

Price: Free Developer: Calapitter Creations, Inc.
KIWi Storybooks Maze-O-Politan

KIWi Storybooks Maze-O-Politan

This K.I.W.i. Storybooks MAZE-O-POLITAN app has kids following directions through a maze of winding roads while learning a variety of fun stuff about urban living and life on a farm. Geared to ages 4-10, it merges the interactive capabilities...

Price: Free Developer: Calapitter Creations, Inc.
KIWi Storybooks Ocean

KIWi Storybooks Ocean

This K.I.W.i. Storybooks OCEAN app delights kids as they discover the awe-inspiring wonders of the ocean and learn about activities conducted aboard a research ship. Geared to ages 4-10, it merges the interactive capabilities of an app with our...

Price: Free Developer: Calapitter Creations, Inc.
KIWi Storybooks Old West

KIWi Storybooks Old West

This K.I.W.i. Storybooks OLD WEST app examines how cowboys and Native Americans lived on the prairies. From the food they ate, to the way they traveled, kids will love exploring the wide open wild west. Geared to ages 4-10,...

Price: Free Developer: Calapitter Creations, Inc.
KIWi Storybooks Space Station

KIWi Storybooks Space Station

This K.I.W.i. Storybooks SPACE STATION app makes science fun while exploring weightlessness, gravity, and space travel. Kids learn about different planets and how astronauts survive in the Space Station. Geared to ages 4-10, it merges the interactive capabilities of...

Price: Free Developer: Calapitter Creations, Inc.
Daniel Tiger's Storybooks

Daniel Tiger's Storybooks

Read, play, and learn with Daniel Tiger’s Storybooks – a collection of favorite stories from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood! The Daniel Tiger’s Storybooks app is a library of interactive stories narrated by Daniel Tiger. The stories show Daniel learning little...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: PBS KIDS
Amazing Storybooks

Amazing Storybooks

Amazing Storybooks is an app with 8 wonderful stories for children and kids from 2 years old and up to 8 or even more. We have made sure that the app is safe to use for even our youngest...

Price: Free Developer: ESTET, d.o.o.
Kid Castle - ABC VR

Kid Castle - ABC VR

Kid Castle - ABC VR 是款少見的動作類VR教育遊戲。在Kid Castle - ABC VR及VR眼鏡共同使用下,幼兒不需翻山越嶺就可以來到學習英文的雲端山城中。在限制時間內,聽字母發音並直覺看向字母方向即可選取正確字母並獲得積分。透過Kid Castle - ABC VR幼兒可以清楚地同時學習字母發音及字母形狀。Kid Castle - ABC VR絕對是提升幼兒英文聽力及專注力最佳遊戲。 Kid Castle - ABC VR is a delightful interactive educational app designed to play with a virtual reality headset. Let’s learn ABCs...

Price: Free Developer: Kid Castle Educational Software Co., Ltd Shanghai
Magic Castle ABC -- The fun way for preschoolers to learn their letters

Magic Castle ABC -- The fun way for preschoolers to learn their letters

Magic Castle ABC Learn the magic of letters with Magic Castle ABC. Enter a magical world and become a letter wizard. Magic Castle ABC is a fun and engaging educational game designed to help children learn the shapes and sounds...

Price: Free Developer: Erik Heitfield
Highclere Castle

Highclere Castle

Highclere Castle is one of England's most beautiful Victorian Castles, home to the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon, and the real-life location of TV’s Downton Abbey. Narrated by Jim Carter, who plays Carson on Downton Abbey, this app allows you to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Highclere Castle
Highclere Castle iPad

Highclere Castle iPad

Highclere Castle is one of England's most beautiful Victorian Castles, home to the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon, and the real-life location of TV’s Downton Abbey. Narrated by Jim Carter, who plays Carson on Downton Abbey, this app allows you to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Highclere Castle
Kid Castle - Color ABC

Kid Castle - Color ABC

透過黑白相間線條圖,幼兒可自行創作配色,進而透過著色培養幼兒的手眼協調感、專注力、色彩應用及藝術感知。著色完成後將影像透過Kid Castle - Color ABC 即時轉換成3D AR圖。幼兒可以透過轉換的3D影像學習多個單字的正確的發音。Kid Castle - Color ABC所呈現的3D AR圖不單只是將單字圖立體呈現,同時透過3D圖旋轉及放大縮小等功能,幼兒更能進一部觀察各個單字圖所代表的動物及物件。

Price: Free Developer: Kid Castle Educational Software Co., Ltd Shanghai
Webber Photo Artic Castle Pro

Webber Photo Artic Castle Pro

Webber Photo Articulation Castle is an educational app for speech pathologists from Super Duper Publications. It has 3,000 PHOTO-WORDS with 24 PHONEMES for students to practice their articulation skills at the word, phrase, and sentence level, as well as...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Super Duper Publications
Happy Castle 3

Happy Castle 3

特别为幼儿所研发的英语学习教育益智游戏。 搭配幼儿英语教材Happy Castle 3学习内容为主轴,设计多元化的任务式导向型游戏,以激起孩子高昂的学习兴趣,进而高效验收所学课程;是兼具英文学习及休闲娱乐的游戏教育方式。 勇闯荆棘路 (Saving Chevady) Oh, no! Chevady 竟然闯入了荆棘森林里,上方的藤蔓长满了刺,快来帮助他逃出困境。玩家依据各关卡一开始的过关指示,在看到不同颜色花朵或正确单字出现时跳起撞击叶子。闯关过程中,请小心不要误触到藤蔓上的刺或是错误的单字图片,以免生命值被倒扣。游戏进行中,玩家可随时参考画面上方的单字图目标数字、目标分数与计时时钟,了解过关进度及剩余时间;画面下方还有生命值供你参考爱心剩余数。当玩家敲打到目标单字牌时,就会看到及听到相关的英文单字,透过有趣的游戏操作,强化所学。 打地鼠游戏 (Whack-A-Mole) 农田中出现了许多彩色箱子,顽皮的小地鼠躲在里面,快加入 Chevady 和小地鼠一起玩躲猫猫的游戏。玩家依据各关卡一开始的过关指示,正确敲打小地鼠举起的牌子。在闯关过程中,请小心不要误打到箱子中飞起的炸弹,以免生命值被倒扣;也要小心不要敲打到错误单字,否则游戏时间就会减少5秒。游戏进行中,玩家可随时参考画面上方的单字图目标数字与计时时钟,了解过关进度及剩余时间;画面下方还有生命值供你参考爱心剩余数。当玩家敲打到目标单字牌时,就会看到及听到相关的英文单字,透过有趣的游戏操作,强化所学。

Price: Free Developer: Kid Castle Educational Software Co., Ltd Shanghai
Happy Castle 5

Happy Castle 5

特别为幼儿所研发的英语学习教育益智游戏。 搭配幼儿英语教材Happy Castle 5学习内容为主轴,设计多元化的任务式导向型游戏,以激起孩子高昂的学习兴趣,进而高效验收所学课程;是兼具英文学习及休闲娱乐的游戏教育方式。 太空英雄 (Space Hero) Chevady 驾驶着太空船准备要拯救外星人伙伴。玩家依据各关卡一开始的过关指示,在看到外星人或正确单字出现时将它们吸起。闯关过程中,请小心不要误吸到错误的单字图片或是错失目标,以免游戏秒数被倒扣。游戏进行中,玩家可随时参考画面上方的单字图目标数字与计时时钟,了解过关进度及剩余时间。当玩家吸到正确目标单字时,就会看到及听到相关的英文单字,透过有趣的游戏操作,强化所学。 记忆大考验 (Save the King) Oh, no! Chevady 被困在海中的小岛上,谁能来救他呢?玩家依据各关卡一开始的过关指示,翻开卡片找到正确配对的目标单字。在闯关过程中,玩家须发挥最好的记忆力,当翻到正确配对的卡片时,帆船便会朝着 Chevady 前进一步,若误翻到错误的卡片时,右上角船帆便会破裂一片,五片都破裂,拯救行动就会失败喔!游戏进行中,玩家可随时参考画面上的单字图目标数字、船帆剩余数与计时时钟,了解过关进度及剩余时间。当玩家翻开正确配对的卡片时,就会看到及听到相关的英文单字,透过有趣的游戏操作,强化所学。

Price: Free Developer: Kid Castle Educational Software Co., Ltd Shanghai
Happy Castle 6

Happy Castle 6

特别为幼儿所研发的英语学习教育益智游戏。 搭配幼儿英语教材Happy Castle 6学习内容为主轴,设计多元化的任务式导向型游戏,以激起孩子高昂的学习兴趣,进而高效验收所学课程;是兼具英文学习及休闲娱乐的游戏教育方式。 跳跳奇瓦迪 (Jump, Chevady, Jump!) Chevady 这次化身为功夫小子,快来试试他的弹簧腿能跳多高。玩家依据语音题目内容,在看到正确单字图片出现时帮助 Chevady 跳到木头上。闯关过程中,请小心不要跳到有错误单字图片的木头上,以免游戏秒数被倒扣。游戏进行中,玩家可随时参考画面上方的分数与计时时钟,了解过关进度及剩余时间。当玩家跳到有正确单字图片的木头上时,就会再次听到相关的英文单字,透过有趣的游戏操作,强化所学。 滑雪比赛 (Chevady's Ski Racing) Chevady 穿戴了一身滑雪装备,准备进行滑雪比赛啰!玩家依据语音题目内容,引导 Chevady 滑向有正确单字图片的雪球。在闯关过程中,玩家须发挥专注力,小心不要撞到有错误单字图片的雪球或是障碍物,以免游戏秒数被倒扣。游戏进行中,玩家可随时参考画面上的单字图目标数字与计时时钟,了解过关进度及剩余时间,透过有趣的游戏操作,强化所学。

Price: Free Developer: Kid Castle Educational Software Co., Ltd Shanghai
Kid Castle - Color Chevady

Kid Castle - Color Chevady

Kid Castle- Color Chevady is an educational app specially developed to encourage learning interests and capabilities of pupils. This educational based game will help pupil to learn sentence patterns through coloring our mascot, Chevady. Coloring isn’t just a fun...

Price: Free Developer: Kid Castle Educational Software Co., Ltd Shanghai

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