Top 19 Social Networking Apps Like PK Connects - Best Alternatives

PK Connects Alternatives

Do you want to find the best PK Connects alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Social Networking apps that are similar to PK Connects. Pick one from this list to be your new PK Connects app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to PK Connects on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like PK Connects - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid PK Connects alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like PK Connects 2025.

MeMe Live - Live Streaming App

MeMe Live - Live Streaming App

MeMe Live is a real live streaming platform to make friends and show talent. It allows you to live stream your special moments, live talk and make video calls with your friends. Join MeMe Family Now! Sharing funny moments with over...

Price: Free Developer: Next Entertainment (Hong Kong) Limited
Frill Live-Make New Friends

Frill Live-Make New Friends

Frill Live is a popular live video streaming social network. It allows you to live stream your special moments, live talk with your friends, make video calls and watch hottest videos. Don't wait – Join Frill Live, broadcast your life,...

Price: Free Developer: Global Talent Unlimited Inc.
BIGO LIVE - Live Stream

BIGO LIVE - Live Stream

Bigo Live allows you to live-stream your favorite moments, and make friends from all around the world. We enable people to showcase their talent, discover, and stay connected in a positive, healthy, and creative way. We have over 200...

Price: Free Developer: BIGO TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD.


海量YY用户真实互动让你不孤单,进来找寻有趣的人和事,缘分带你邂逅心动的那个TA。 【魅力主播 才艺双绝】 百变魅力主播,从小清新校花,霸气御姐到人气歌姬,国风少女,风格千变万化眼花缭乱,更有实力唱将在线献唱,动感舞蹈达人秀陪你乐翻天。 【附近主播 连麦交友】 开启附近主播模式,遇见让你心动的TA,随时与主播连麦互动。1v1讲人生,谈感情,聊事业,畅所欲言。 【玩转直播 激抢豪礼】 直播间24小时不间断,激烈PK排位赛,活动不停歇,关注你喜爱的主播,赢取尊贵身份勋章。邀约好友组队领大礼包,瓜分百万豪礼奖励啦~更多惊喜礼物等你来领取, 【热门游戏 等你挑战】 王者吃鸡等热门赛事游戏直播,看大神主播酷炫操作Carry全场。 PK排位赛战火点燃,锁定游戏频道,精彩不间断。 【户外直播 独具一格】 千万驴友野外直播,荒野露营,丛林探险,进入户外频道来一场说走就走的旅行吧,抛下眼前的苟且,远方不止有诗和浪漫。 真实街头跑酷大神,现实版捕鱼达人,户外明星主播持续招募中,边玩边赚钱,等你来报名~ 【明星视频 幕后趣事】 专访一线大咖日常,直播节目录制现场,揭开不为人知的明星台前幕后趣事。 爆笑好玩,精彩料足短视频都在这里,领略不一样的精彩世界,玩转千奇百变道具,魔法特效,分享就趁现在! 更多惊喜玩法尽在YY,快来和我们一起玩吧! 【意见反馈】 进入个人中心->意见反馈,即可把你的宝贵意见反馈给YY项目组,我们会认真倾听你的每一条建议。 官方YY群:80456 官方YY频道:YY10频道官方客服 YY语音客服热线:4006040010(值班时间:8:00-22:00) 官方网站

Price: Free Developer: 珠海欢聚互娱科技有限公司
Amino for: Bollywood

Amino for: Bollywood

Bollywood Amino is the largest mobile social network for Bollywood fans! - Build a profile showing your passion for Bollywood - Connect with other Bollywood superfans around the world - Discuss your favorite movies, shows, actors, actresses, songs, directors, etc. - Gain a...

Price: Free Developer: Narvii Inc.
Tiya - Voice Chat & Match

Tiya - Voice Chat & Match

Tiya is a voice social app for people who are seeking for soul friends and building valuable relationships. Here, we don't care about your looks, we just making empowered connections with warm people based on voice and who you...

Price: Free Developer: TIYA PTE. LTD.
Uplive-Live it Up

Uplive-Live it Up

These days, you can do more than just post pictures or statuses to make connections online—broadcast yourself to the entire world through live-streaming! Try Uplive, the hottest new social media platform. It’s a gathering place for people from all...

Price: Free Developer: Asia Innovations Ltd
DOLL Dialer

DOLL Dialer

DOLL Dialer for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch let you make voice call worldwide with the finest voice quality.. App Benefits: •Works from all over the world •Uses iPhone contacts •Crystal Clear Quality •Lowest International Rates •Satisfaction guaranteed! With...

Price: Free Developer: Jashid pk
Ice Cool

Ice Cool

Ice Cool for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch let you make voice call worldwide with the finest voice quality.. App Benefits: •Works from all over the world •Uses iPhone contacts •Crystal Clear Quality •Lowest International Rates •Satisfaction guaranteed! With...

Price: Free Developer: Jashid pk


Go with confidence to your next restaurant whether thousands of miles from home or right around the corner. Confitdant is an application that allows you to share your restaurant experiences and connects you to those who are passionate...

Price: Free Developer: Winged Innovations LLC
Gulflink: Gulf Area Social App

Gulflink: Gulf Area Social App

Connect, grow and become even a prouder Khaleeji with Gulflink. With a vision to empower, glorify and unify the people from the Gulf area, Gulflink is a premium social network & multimedia messaging app which exclusively connects people from:...

Price: Free Developer: Gulflink


Tired of connecting for the sake of connecting? Join the GetAssist Network and start “Connecting with Purpose.” GetAssist connects people online for both business and personal purposes using well known Social features. This degree of services aggregation...

Price: Free Developer: Get Assist Inc.


Democracy Delivered exists to serve its members and provide a mechanism to identify, discuss, prioritize and address issues that face humanity. We exist to support humans that believe in "Human." or Human. which means all humans are...

Price: Free Developer: Democracy Delivered


Vibe connects unknown but likeminded people together, allows them to communicate via messaging and display their profile via an optional wearable display Problems we solve "I am missing out on meeting new likeminded people who are around me everyday" "I want to...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Storm Media Ltd


Grubity is an online culinary platform that connects both cooking experts and aficionados with a wide variety of food enthusiasts around their love for food. The company’s social network, ranks creations according to user feedback and popularity with recommendations...

Price: Free Developer: Freakick, LLC


WhatNow! is an exciting new activity-based social media app that brings people together based on their common interests. Need another player for your golf game? Or need to find someone to hit happy hour with? Or find some...

Price: Free Developer: Cracked Innovations, LLC


mojiLife is a 3-in-1 social lifestyle network that combines social, professional and online dating (optional) in a single app. mojiLife is an original live and engaging network that connects people and allows members to keep all their “social stuff”...

Price: Free Developer: MojiLife, Inc.
Jingle Social

Jingle Social

Jingle Social is a social networking app which connects family, friends and people with similar interests. Using Jingle Social you can post your thoughts, feelings, share posts and much more. Users can earn virtual points and send virtual gifts...

Price: Free Developer: Jingle Network llc

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