Top 20 Food & Drink Apps Like Cooking Lovers - Best Alternatives

Cooking Lovers Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Cooking Lovers alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Food & Drink apps that are similar to Cooking Lovers. Pick one from this list to be your new Cooking Lovers app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Cooking Lovers on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Cooking Lovers - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Cooking Lovers alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Cooking Lovers 2025.

Home Cooking Challenge

Home Cooking Challenge

Are you trying to make a change for the better? Do you find yourself growing tired of the hit that both your wallet and body take due to frequently eating at fast food restaurants? Take our 30 day home cooking...

Price: Free Developer: Anil Patel


A cooking app with absolutely no recipes. Instead, KnowledgeBook: Cooking contains all the little bits of information and rules of thumb that you need to really use and understand your recipes -- what can be substituted for buttermilk...

Price: Free Developer: Portable Knowledge, LLC
Open Cooking - menu de semaine

Open Cooking - menu de semaine

Choisissez vos recettes, organisez vos repas, Open Cooking crée votre liste de courses. L'app vous aide à suivre une alimentation saine et un régime alimentaire équilibré pour la semaine. Très simplement, le meal planner propose un menu équilibré, avec des idées...

Price: Free Developer: Open Cooking
Skillit: Cooking Made Easy, Simple Healthy Recipes

Skillit: Cooking Made Easy, Simple Healthy Recipes

Want to learn how to cook? Trying to take your cooking to the next level? Looking for recipe ideas? This is the app for you. Skillit is about giving you the skills to cook for yourself. Behind the app...

Price: Free Developer: Skillit Cooking Corporation
Cooking The Books

Cooking The Books

IMPORTANT : Requires an online subscription for Cooking the Books to use. Cooking the Books is an internet based kitchen manager, not just a recipe manager but everything you need to run a successful and profitable kitchen with consistently...

Price: Free Developer: Cooking the Books Enterprises Pty Ltd
Delicious Pizza cooking Videos, Tasty pasta Recipe

Delicious Pizza cooking Videos, Tasty pasta Recipe

Italian Recipes app have healthy and delicious food recipes for you. Try new recipes at your home. We will add new recipes everyday. If you are interested in Tasty yummy crispy food items then this Italian recipes cookbook is...

Price: Free Developer: Sooppi Moossa Kutty
Japanese healthy recipe cooking videos: Sushi food

Japanese healthy recipe cooking videos: Sushi food

Japanese Recipes app have healthy and delicious food recipes for you. Try new recipes at your home using our app. We will add new recipes at frequent intervals of time. You will love all recipes added in this app....

Price: Free Developer: Sooppi Moossa Kutty
Cooking Games Paradise Chef - Burger Food Maker

Cooking Games Paradise Chef - Burger Food Maker

Cooking Games Paradise Food Maker & Burger Chef - Cook and serve tasty food recipes & learn how to prepare dishes with top chef Alicia!You will learn basic baking skills & explore world cuisines like chinese food,italian food,mexican food...

Price: Free Developer: Lapusanu Patriciu
Peach : Learn Cooking

Peach : Learn Cooking

Peach is the friendly cooking app for your family. Learn cooking with your family and make easy and simple dishes you love. We give you exciting weekly themes which includes 3 recipes and 6 skills. Create family food stories...

Price: Free Developer: Riafy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
cooking food network best recipes fever

cooking food network best recipes fever

Best place to share and find recipes made and shared by home cooks like you. "Cooking - food network recipes" provides a unique social and safe environment for people to search for and save recipes, publish recipes and photos,...



Пожалуйста, оставляйте отзывы о работе приложения и получайте бонусы! Мы объединили лучшее, что есть в мире: любовь, еду и деньги. FOOD LOVERS - приложение, с помощью которого вы зарабатываете на посещениях ресторанов и заказе доставки. Мы возвращаем 10% от суммы...

Price: Free Developer: SuppleRus
Pizza Lovers Grantham

Pizza Lovers Grantham

Welcome to PIZZA LOVERS Order food online in Grantham! It's so easy to use, fast and convenient. Try our new, online app which contains our entire takeaway menu. The Pizza Lovers is located in Grantham. You can now order online,...

Price: Free Developer: Touch2Success
Chicken Lovers

Chicken Lovers

Order food online in Ormskirk! It's so easy to use, fast and convenient. Try our new, online website which contains our entire takeaway menu. Chicken Lovers is located in Ormskirk, Lancashire. You can now order online, all your favourite dishes...

Price: Free Developer: Touch2Success
Club Lovers Queen(クラブ ラヴァーズクイーン)

Club Lovers Queen(クラブ ラヴァーズクイーン)

東京都練馬区で有名なキャバクラ『Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン)』の公式Appアプリです。 【Club Lovers Queenのご紹介】 2016年10月にグランドオープン!練馬駅チカで癒されたい人がこぞって通うキャバクラ、『Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン)』。可愛く話も楽しい女の子が多数在籍しており、料金体系もリーズナブルで通いやすいクラブです。癒しのひと時を過ごしたい方にオススメです。 ■Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン)のクーポン Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン)のお得なクーポンを配布しています。新しいクーポンが配信された際には、プッシュ通知で情報をお届けします。 ■24時間365日いつでも予約可能 Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン)へのご予約は、24時間受付しています。空き状況がリアルタイムに確認できますので、その場でご予約が完了します。 ■Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン)の最新情報をお届け Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン)からのお知らせやイベント予告情報など、最新情報をお届けします。 ■写真を掲載 Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン)の店内やメニューなどの写真を掲載しています。 ■MAP Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン)の位置をMAPで表示します。 ■お知らせ 「お知らせ」はプッシュ通知受信時、一覧として回覧することが可能です。 【Club Lovers Queenの基本情報】 店名:Club Lovers Queen(ラヴァーズクイーン) 住所:東京都練馬区豊玉北5-16-5 第一セブンビル2F TEL:03-6914-8911 アクセス:練馬駅南口より徒歩2分

Price: Free Developer: PSY-fa.CO.,Ltd
Filippo Berio - Olive Oil for Food lovers

Filippo Berio - Olive Oil for Food lovers

Take Filippo Berio with you wherever you go with the new smartphone app: a one-stop-shop for recipes, product information and useful olive oil cooking tips. Need a recipe? The app is connected to the Filippo Berio global recipe database so you...

Price: Free Developer: Bluefactor
Filipino Food Lovers Free

Filipino Food Lovers Free

Delectable recipes from the famous food blog by Robert Colinares are now available on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Browse through your favorite Filipino recipes, watch cooking videos and share them with your family and friends. With this...

Price: Free Developer: Rygel Tech
Burmese Food Lovers Recipes

Burmese Food Lovers Recipes

Recipes of Cookings from Burmese Food Lovers group. Our recipe list is growing at all time and adding new recipes on daily basis.

Price: Free Developer: AngelWin Pty Limited
Foodgasm for Food Lovers

Foodgasm for Food Lovers

Foodgasm app helps you order food and drinks online. We offer exciting menus from thousands of our partner restaurants in major regions in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, Bogor, Tangerang and Bandung. == Payment method == It is easy to...

Price: Free Developer: Foodgasm Indonesia
Cereal Lovers & Panini Gourmet

Cereal Lovers & Panini Gourmet

Fame? Ordina online in maniera semplice e veloce! Con l'app di Cereal Lovers & Panini Gourmet puoi scegliere i tuoi piatti preferiti dal menù e inviare l'ordine in pochi secondi. Buon appetito!

Price: Free Developer: Tiziano Pizzimenti

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