Top 39 Social Networking Apps Like YesMe Messenger - Ping Your Friends in One Tap - Best Alternatives

YesMe Messenger - Ping Your Friends in One Tap Alternatives

Do you want to find the best YesMe Messenger - Ping Your Friends in One Tap alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Social Networking apps that are similar to YesMe Messenger - Ping Your Friends in One Tap. Pick one from this list to be your new YesMe Messenger - Ping Your Friends in One Tap app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to YesMe Messenger - Ping Your Friends in One Tap on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like YesMe Messenger - Ping Your Friends in One Tap - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid YesMe Messenger - Ping Your Friends in One Tap alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like YesMe Messenger - Ping Your Friends in One Tap 2025.

IM: Indian Messenger

IM: Indian Messenger

Indian Messenger is a messaging app available for ios and other smartphones. Indian Messenger uses your phone’s Internet connection to message and call friends and family. Switch from Foreign App to Indian Messenger to send and receive messages, calls,...

Price: Free Developer: Bahadursinh Jadeja
Fennec Messenger-Safe chatting

Fennec Messenger-Safe chatting

Download now to start safe chatting with your kids! With Fennec Messenger, you can enjoy free video calls, voice messages, fun stickers, and so much more! · Video calling · Photo sharing · Voice messaging · Doodles · Fun stickers · Supports smartwatch Worried that your...

Price: Free Developer: Fennec
Ginger Messenger

Ginger Messenger

GINGER is a free application which enables you to send free messages to your contacts anywhere in the world using a 3G/4G or WiFi connection. In addition, you can use emoticons and local stickers (in Wolof, nouchi, naija, etc.)...

Price: Free Developer: People Input
Hoot Messenger

Hoot Messenger

Start group chats with your friends in Hoot and let the fun begin! After registering and friending people you know, start group chats with them and send any message you like without anybody in the group chat knowing who...

Price: Free Developer: Hoot Messenger, Inc.
Kamapp Messenger

Kamapp Messenger

Kamapp Messenger - Fast, secure and synchronized messaging across all your devices. You can use Kamapp Messenger wherever you are on the internet, send and receive real-time messages, make calls and communicate with your loved ones using various features. Kamapp...

Price: Free Developer: Sonet
SKG - Messenger

SKG - Messenger

SKG Messenger je jedinečná mobilná aplikácia, ktorá poskytuje užívateľom takmer neobmedzené možnosti v rámci chatovania, spoznávania nových ľudí, zdieľania emócií, učenia sa cudzích jazykov a je tiež veľmi užitočným nástrojom v oblasti komunikácie a plánovania. Nemusíš obávať ani o...

Price: Free Developer: Skunkaga, s.r.o.
ChitChat Messenger

ChitChat Messenger

ChitChat Messenger is a Pay-Per-Message Communication System. It’s the first messaging platform of its kind for literally everyone! Make personal and direct contact with celebrities, business professionals, and all entrepreneurs alike with ChitChat Messenger! Features on the ChitChat Messenger app include: *Following,...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Brown
TamTam Messenger

TamTam Messenger

TamTam is a simple but powerful Messenger available on any platform. Whatever communication you like; texting, voice or video calls, TamTam Messenger will keep you connected even when there’s a slow Internet connection. We have created thousands of fun...

Price: Free Developer: Odnoklassniki Ltd
B-Messenger Video Chat

B-Messenger Video Chat

B-Messenger is a trendy video chat app with over 5 million subscribers worldwide. Join us to instantly connect with new friends in your area or meet new people from all around the world. Most important languages of the world...

Price: Free Developer:
Indgo: Event Finder+Messenger

Indgo: Event Finder+Messenger

Discover popular events! Indgo is a social media platform for finding new events that are happening around you everyday. We showcase over 5,000 events daily on a custom map--happy hours, networking events, workout classes--in 50 states and over 100...

Price: Free Developer: Indgo Inc
PingChat App

PingChat App

PingChat App is a chat, location sharing and social networking app. Use PingChat App to send and receive multimedia chat, to locate your contacts and to share images with your friends and family on map. Why use PingChat App? • NO...

Price: Free Developer: Fadzrul Dullie


社團法人台灣連鎖加盟促進協會是台灣地區,最專業、規模最大的連鎖加盟產業公協會,目前已有300多家會員企業,涵蓋超過110個業種、10萬多家店舖數與100萬名以上的從業人員,年產值逾新台幣1兆元,對台灣地區經濟提昇與就業機會的提供具有重大貢獻。 緣起 Origin 台灣產業結構90%以上由中小企業組成,連鎖加盟產業亦不例外。由於產品與業態創新不斷,旺盛的創業家精神,使台灣有超過兩千個連鎖品牌,密度高居世界第一。有鑑於積極發聲,爭取資源協助產業發展及經驗交流需要,台灣自創連鎖品牌業者於1995年12月18日正式成立「社團法人台灣連鎖加盟促進協會」。 宗旨 Purpose 台灣連鎖品牌長期耕耘打底,累積成功經營模式,建立豐厚產業基礎。本會希以此基礎加強協助連鎖加盟產業茁壯,提昇連鎖加盟業者經營實力,厚植台灣下一階段經濟發展力量。 使命 Objectives 本會自1995年成立以來,以服務會員並促進業者交流與共同成長、促使加盟業者經驗交流、吸收新知為使命,並結合專家及政府力量,以促進連鎖加盟事業之健全發展為努力目標。冀透過協會力量,提供產業業者最完整的經營輔導機制,增加就業機會並帶動台灣經發展。 展覽 Exhibition 本會舉辦台灣地區最專業、亞洲規模最大的國際連鎖加盟大展。並號召新加坡、馬來西亞、澳門及其他等各國友會與廠商參展,深受國際好評。 國際考察 International Markets 積極舉辦亞洲及已開發市場之國際觀摩考察活動,協助會員公司以最短時間瞭解海外市場,帶領會員開發國際新市場。 國際研討會International Workshops 針對現今市場導向舉辦「連鎖加盟知識經濟論壇」,聘請國內外專家學者,分析各國連鎖加盟產業最新的發展現況與未來成長趨勢。 教育訓練 Education and Training 協助個別企業申請政府資源,針對企業內部訓練,舉辦各項教育訓練。歷屆班次包含「連鎖加盟高階策略研究班」、「門市店長班」、「連鎖加盟產業高階經營管理總裁精進班」...等。 本會所舉辦之國際連鎖大展為亞洲最大的專業展覽,透過展覽的運作,已與各國友會建立交流平台。未來,本會將著眼於透過此一國際交流平台,有效協助會員品牌,躍上國際舞台,讓華人品牌,在全世界發光發熱!

Price: Free Developer: PING CHI HOUNG
Monal - XMPP chat

Monal - XMPP chat

Monal allows you to connect to your chat server without having to give a third party access to your password or messages. Whether it is a personal Google talk account or a corporate chat server, ...

Price: Free Developer: Anurodh Pokharel


每天左滑,但是匹配不上,发完消息,没有任何回复,聊着聊着就不知道要聊什么了,这些陌生人社交产品中常见的尴尬,相信你也遇到过吧。 有的时候我们社交并没有什么特殊的目的! 只不过是想在孤独的时候有个人陪伴,只不过是想找三五个人一起出去玩一玩儿,但是却无法找到同类。 我们做了一款兴趣群聊社交产品——Dope App。 无论你是混迹在其他社交产品的社交达人,还是生活中不敢与人交流的社交恐惧,只要你想找到人说话聊天,在这里都可以遇到你的朋友。 基于兴趣圈子的小群聊,让你随时有人聊,随时聊自己想聊的话题,不再尴尬! 欢迎各位小伙伴,来到Dope,用兴趣,用群聊,认识我! 功能介绍: 兴趣圈子 | 在圈子中发现精致的内容,有趣的群聊,好玩的派对,终结孤独,结实更多小伙伴。 十人群聊 | 在3-12个人的小群聊里面聊你想聊的,认识你想认识的人。 全新的Dope App,全新的多人社交产品,等你来体验! 更多的玩法已经生成,开发小哥哥正在努力研发中,如果你对我们产品有什么意见/建议欢迎加入我们,QQ群:280386195 来Dope,用兴趣,在群聊,认识我!

Price: Free Developer: zhou jin ping
Find Friend who Look Like Me

Find Friend who Look Like Me

Find friend that look like me.. FaceBook edition! You can also look at him/her profile and post the badge to him/her wall! How does it make it magical? 1) install 2) launch Friend Look Like Me 3) connect to your Facebook profile 4) you will...

Price: Free Developer: XIAPROJECTS S.R.L.



Price: Free Developer: ping li
Gifts Radar

Gifts Radar

Gifts Radar is the simplest and best way to get gifts what you really wish and need. Your friends and family will always know what you really want. Gifts Radar is a wish list and gifts registry application. You can add...

Price: Free Developer: LEZARDS
WalkieTalkie VOIP

WalkieTalkie VOIP

The easiest-to-use VOIP app returns with a complete overhaul of the user-interface and code under-the-hood. You can call up other iOS users, or users of the desktop (PC/Mac) application...totally free. Because WT is fully peer-to-peer, there is no signup process. You...

Price: Free Developer: Justin Brady
Gust - React with your face

Gust - React with your face

A warm THANK YOU note to all users joining Gust these days! We couldn't be prouder of all the videos uploaded on the platform. Gust is a new video sharing app that brings genuine and positive emotions back to social...

Price: Free Developer: Unique Entertainment Experience
Activity for VK - Track your social page activity

Activity for VK - Track your social page activity

Wish to know, who interacts mostly with your page in VK? This application is specially for you! "Activity for VK - Track your social page activity" gives you: - detailed info about users activity on your page - statistics of...

Price: Free Developer: Igor Nazarov
itsme - find your soulfriend

itsme - find your soulfriend

Welcome to itsme, the social network to bring people together with same life philosophy, interests and preferences. Did you know that already ten simple yes-no questions brings up to 1000 different answer options? The chance to find a person who...

Price: Free Developer: Matthias Theiser
Duuple: Challenge Your Friends

Duuple: Challenge Your Friends

Duuple is one of the most fun ways to create challenges and win real money! You can create a fun challenge for your friends to make money while creating hilarious moments. Duuple allows you to make a difference in...

Price: Free Developer: Face It For Me, Llc
Emoji & Sticker Studio - Create your own GIF emoticons!

Emoji & Sticker Studio - Create your own GIF emoticons!

Surprise your friends with the hottest messaging trick: Create your own emojis with your own face and use them in text messages. It's magic! Emoji & Sticker Studio lets you - Easily create hilarious emojis & animated stickers - Create animated GIF...

Price: Free Developer: Padadaz
Vibespot: Find your Vibe

Vibespot: Find your Vibe

Vibespot puts the social world of your city in the palm of your hand! Wherever you are, check out fun activities and events near you. Get ideas for date night, hang with friends or meet new people – living...

Price: Free Developer: Vibe App LLC
Chat Cards: Play your newsfeed like a game!

Chat Cards: Play your newsfeed like a game!

Chat Cards is the fun new social app where you can: • Play your newsfeed like a game • Post anonymously or as yourself • View several different newsfeeds: (Newest Posts; Most Popular; People You’re Following; and more) • Use our fun voting buttons on any...

Price: Free Developer: Joseph Brazil
JabMe - your free & easy XMPP messenger

JabMe - your free & easy XMPP messenger

JabMe - your free and easy XMPP messenger. This application aims to connect registered users of all existing Jabber-servers. It’s free from any SMS plan. Application’s interface language depends on the user’s iPhone system language. Capabilities & Features Using JabMe is...

Price: Free Developer: CHISW Development LTD
Jobsquare - your handy job

Jobsquare - your handy job

Job Square is an app where you will find jobs suited to you and your experience. Next to you or where you are. End of writing e-mails, of trying to get connected to the employer or inventing long resume. With...

Price: Free Developer: Jobsquare Sp. z o.o.
WOW Chat - Enjoy Your Moments

WOW Chat - Enjoy Your Moments

WOW, Chat is an application designed for everyone. It’s free and available in IOS and other operating systems. It provides you a simple and secure way to connect with people and share your moments. WOW, Chat is able to...

Price: Free Developer: BT Software
Chatting with international friends -Hit Me Up!- Chat,Meet New people, Foreigners, Stranger

Chatting with international friends -Hit Me Up!- Chat,Meet New people, Foreigners, Stranger

Hit Me Up! is the most powerful social instant & fun chat app that lets you chat with strangers within 5 seconds. This app will help you stay connected and discover new friends nearby or around the world. Find...

Price: Free Developer: ALTR THINK
Mixr - 3D Chat & Meet Friends

Mixr - 3D Chat & Meet Friends

Chat with friends anytime, everywhere, in the must-have social game where who you know matters most. Invite friends to hang out in always-on urban scenes, or chat with entirely new people from down the street and across the world....

Price: Free Developer: Mixr, Inc.
Frill Live-Make New Friends

Frill Live-Make New Friends

Frill Live is a popular live video streaming social network. It allows you to live stream your special moments, live talk with your friends, make video calls and watch hottest videos. Don't wait – Join Frill Live, broadcast your life,...

Price: Free Developer: Global Talent Unlimited Inc.
Kickoff – Meet people your friends know

Kickoff – Meet people your friends know

MEET SINGLE PEOPLE YOUR FRIENDS KNOW Kickoff is all about quality connections. We introduce you to single people your friends know. Meeting new people through friends is the best and most natural way to meet someone -- we just make...

Price: Free Developer: Paktor Pte. Ltd.
Heylo: My best friends nearby

Heylo: My best friends nearby

Heylo is a free app that allows you to check if your best friends are nearby in real time. Heylo respects your private life as it does not reveal your position to your friends. Check it out! - Find out who...

Price: Free Developer: Appie
Hookem app : Hookup your friends

Hookem app : Hookup your friends

Have you ever been approached by your single friends asking you to hook'em up with somebody you know , or with one of your Facebook friends? Ever thought to hook up 2 of your Facebook friends ? Hookem (Hook...

Price: Free Developer: Prodigits
Foodvillage - Hungry Friends

Foodvillage - Hungry Friends

Foodvillage makes it easy to meet new friends at your favorite local restaurants, bars, or anywhere else! Add friends and family to see which food and drinks they are enjoying, and where they will be eating next. Join the...

Price: Free Developer: Romario Latty
Veggie Go – Food and friends

Veggie Go – Food and friends

Veggie Go is a social network for vegetarians, vegans, and rawtarians. Find new friends - you have a common topic for communication! Share your discoveries and impressions, follow new establishments, leave and read feedbacks. Take places under your control...

Price: Free Developer: Anna-Maria Udotova
FlashPoint - Find my Friends

FlashPoint - Find my Friends

FlashPoint - Find my Friends is the best application of its kind. With this application you can at any time and easily find out the location of your relatives, friends, children and even subordinates. FlashPoint - Find my Friends differs from...

Price: Free Developer: FunBerry
TTYL | Talk With Friends

TTYL | Talk With Friends

TTYL is the audio social network, where hanging out with your closest friends is as easy as throwing on headphones. See who's free to talk and jump into conversations with up to 7 of your best friends. If you're...

Price: Free Developer: TTYL Inc.

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