Top 35 Entertainment Apps Like Chakra Unicorns Binaural Beats - Best Alternatives

Chakra Unicorns Binaural Beats Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Chakra Unicorns Binaural Beats alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Entertainment apps that are similar to Chakra Unicorns Binaural Beats. Pick one from this list to be your new Chakra Unicorns Binaural Beats app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Chakra Unicorns Binaural Beats on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Apps Like Chakra Unicorns Binaural Beats - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Chakra Unicorns Binaural Beats alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like Chakra Unicorns Binaural Beats 2025.

Chakra Unicorns Tarot Cards

Chakra Unicorns Tarot Cards

Chakra Unicorns Tarot Cards™ - Ask your divine guides to send you guidance from your favorite Chakra Unicorns™. Each Chakra Unicorns™ can help heal the area that can affect us from being fully functioning and happy. Every...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Cassia Dominguez
Psychic Test & Train

Psychic Test & Train

Test and train you psychic and intuitive abilities! Secret perks for Truly Enlightened Psychic of the 6th level! Do you know that everybody have at least some Psychic abilities? Ever have deja vu or prophetic dreams? This test will help you...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Duranic
Easter mandalas coloring book – Secret Garden colorfy game for adults

Easter mandalas coloring book – Secret Garden colorfy game for adults

Mandalas are part of a ritual that is used for healing, meditation and entertainment. Relax and enjoy the mandalas coloring book of Easter bunnies, rabbits, eggs for your Easter holidays, which will help you develop your creative side, intuitive...

Price: Free Developer: Alejandro Melero Zaballos
Mandalas coloring book – Secret Garden colorfy game for adults

Mandalas coloring book – Secret Garden colorfy game for adults

Relax and enjoy the mandalas, will help you develop your creative side, intuitive and spiritual. They are circular images that arise from a central axis, the symmetrical patterns that emerge towards the four cardinal points. They are a symbol...

Price: Free Developer: Intelectiva
Mandalas coloring pages – Secret Garden colorfy game for adults

Mandalas coloring pages – Secret Garden colorfy game for adults

Mandalas are part of a ritual that is used for healing, meditation and entertainment. Relax and enjoy the mandalas coloring book, which will help you develop your creative side, intuitive and spiritual. They are circular images that arise from...

Price: Free Developer: Alejandro Melero Zaballos
Horosoft Astrology Application

Horosoft Astrology Application

Astrology. Free Indian Astrology software by Triple-S Software ( HOROSOFT ) Free Astrology App , horoscope app Main Features : * Accurate Calculations , Wide database of Geographical regions with DST time. * Reliable predictions from Horosoft ( Since 1986 ) * Yearly Predictions...

Price: Free Developer: Pradeep Gupta
Tarot Park

Tarot Park

Tarot Park is a free tarot reading application, very complete and easy to use. This free tarot app includes 12 different tarot types and more than 150 tarot spreads. This free tarot reading app gives you the best psychic...

Price: Free Developer: Mazlum Kalkan


AuDela est une application qui va vous aider à comprendre ce qu'est un chakra, à savoir ce qu'est l'aura, à distinguer les différents corps de l'homme. AuDela vous aide également, à travers plusieurs tests, à découvrir l'état de vos...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: NMS Narcisse Mavoha Solutions Sarl
AuraFit System - iTrain App

AuraFit System - iTrain App

To run this App it is required to purchase the additional AuraFit band from, please contact us. Using an additional specialized Smart Fitness band equipped with SPO2 Sensor, which measures and displays unconscious mind-body reactions in real-time, which reflect...

Price: USD 699.99 Developer: Bettina Bernoth
Unicorns & Unicorns

Unicorns & Unicorns

Unicorns & Unicorns is a female-owned & led collective studio. Take a peek inside our world with the new U&U app. Why make an app? WE WANT TO BE INSPIRED TO INSPIRE Did you know that unicorns fart glitter? The scientific...

Price: Free Developer: Unicorns and Unicorns LLC
Unicorns Emoji and Stickers

Unicorns Emoji and Stickers

The Ultimate Unicorn Emoji Texting App! For Unicorn Lovers. We love unicorns!!!!!!! Brighten your friends and family's day by sending great texts with Unicorn emojis. The Unicorns keyboard features unique emojis and stickers. Perfect for Unicorn lovers of all ages. Categories include: - Unicorns -...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: A Boy Is No One Ltd
Unicorns Coloring Book

Unicorns Coloring Book

Do you like coloring and painting different drawings of unicorns? We have collected the best drawings for you. Download and start to color, paint or doodle this coloring book. If you like unicorns and fairy tales stories, drawing and coloring,...

Price: Free Developer: Alejandro Melero Zaballos
My Unicorns Coloring Book

My Unicorns Coloring Book

Discover the amazing world of magical animals. Color the best drawings of fairytale unicorns and add frames to your photos. An addictive game for all ages! Do you like coloring and painting magical drawings of Unicorns? We have collected the...

Price: Free Developer: Intelectiva
OMG Unicorns

OMG Unicorns

UNICORNS AND RAINBOWS AWAIT YOU Take your old boring pics and turn them into OMG UNICORN pics. You can add one of four cute and adorable unicorns and two rainbows to decorate any pictures you want. Just select the unicorn...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Alchemy LLC
Princess & Unicorns for Kids : Cute Jigsaw Puzzles

Princess & Unicorns for Kids : Cute Jigsaw Puzzles

Welcome to easy wonderful jigsaw puzzles games for kids, can be improve brain your child mind, spatial skills, self-esteem, sagacity and memory skills and learning experience for every baby and kid the ages 2-6 year old. Don't worry to play,...

Price: Free Developer: Chatchai Samphaothet
Unicorn Coloring Book Sparkle

Unicorn Coloring Book Sparkle

About our Unicorn Coloring Book Sparkle: - Unicorn Coloring Book Sparkle is the best unicorn coloring book with amazing unicorns coloring pages for sparkly painting! - Unicorn Coloring Book Sparkle is cool and interesting unicorn game for kids, teens and adults! -...

Price: Free Developer: Olga Bagryanskaya
Unicorn 3D Coloring Book

Unicorn 3D Coloring Book

Enjoy interesting 3D coloring game - Unicorn 3D Coloring Book! Beautiful 3D coloring pages are waiting for you in our 3D unicorn coloring book! About our app: - Unicorn 3D Coloring Book is cool 3D coloring game for kids, teens and...

Price: Free Developer: Olga Bagryanskaya
iDoser Premium

iDoser Premium

iDoser is the world's top binaural brainwave, lucid dream, mediation, yoga, chakra, kundalini and simulated experience app! Over a decade in development, YOU have made us the top provider of binaural brain doses for every imaginable mood! The Brain...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer:
mear - Slime ASMR Triggers

mear - Slime ASMR Triggers

mear is an app for ASMR & Slime lovers! Relieve stress and relax with high quality binaural sounds. Enjoy slime & mic scratching ASMR sensory paradise! You can also enjoy calming nature sounds & music! ***** ABOUT mear - ASMR relaxing...

Price: Free Developer: Takuto Mori
Dream Control Pro

Dream Control Pro

Introducing Dream Control Pro with Social Share and dream log capability. Now you can record and log your dreams as well as share them with friends! Learn how to use your dreams to accomplish goals, conquer fear and take...

Price: Free Developer: Hypnovisualization
Nature SFX

Nature SFX

Nature SFX is better for your mental health and well sleep. Did you know? You never experienced pure White noise.Because to generate it is so difficult,and at last we found out the best condition true White noise. This App, we...

Price: Free Developer: Ryuichi Tanaka
AR Relax With Portals

AR Relax With Portals

Take 5 minutes from your busy day and step into a world of relaxation and wonder. Put on your headphones and transport yourself in a place where anything is possible. Augmented Reality gives you the opportunity to step into a...

Price: Free Developer: Code House Software SRL
Asmr Apartment

Asmr Apartment

Welcome to Asmr Apartment. In this app you experience relaxing binural Asmr sounds in a virtual reality environment. With or without a VR headset you can move around an Apartment exploring the variety of soft spatial 3d sounds. You...

Price: Free Developer: Andrew Nakas


Wanna trip on some sound? Then get B-Beats! The app packed with mind altering binaural beats! Comes with four mood changing tracks! From something that will make you mellow, to stuff that will make you tweak! Each track plays...

Price: Free Developer: BrennanMoyMedia
Dark Whispers - The Dark Witch

Dark Whispers - The Dark Witch

· A unique Found Footage App on the App Store · New Cinematic hair-raising experience · Recorded with 3D Sound Technology · Binaural and ASMR sounds · 24 minutes of found footage horror and suspense · Soul detector with 4 frequencies and incredible 3D...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: kApptive Studio, S.L.
Dérives in situ

Dérives in situ

Le projet Dérive in situ présente des installations sonores d’étudiants en master arts plastiques proposant une écoute renouvelée de l’espace urbain à travers une application pour smartphone, soit ce qui caractérise de plus en plus notre expérience quotidienne de...

Price: Free Developer: Orbe
Quiz for『Angel Beats!』非公認検定90問

Quiz for『Angel Beats!』非公認検定90問

Quiz for『Angel Beats!』非公認検定90問 幅広く問題を収録しました。 簡単な問題からマニアックな問題まで とにかく好きな人のためのクイズアプリです。 ぜひチャレンジしてください。 『Angel Beats!』(エンジェル ビーツ)は、2010年4月から6月まで放送されていたテレビアニメ作品である。全13話+特別編2話。略称は「AB!」、「AB」など。 キャッチコピーは「――神への復讐。その最前線」。 Key・アニプレックス・電撃G's magazine・P.A.WORKSの共同プロジェクトで、原作・脚本はKey所属のシナリオライター・麻枝准、キャラクター原案はKey所属のNa-Gaが手がける。 また関連作品として、『Angel Beats!』の前日譚となる小説『Angel Beats! -Track ZERO-』および漫画『Angel Beats! Heaven's Door』、4コマ漫画『Angel Beats! The4コマ 僕らの戦線行進曲』がある。 死後の世界の学園を舞台にした青春ドラマ。死後の世界であるため、通常なら死ぬような行動を取っても死ぬことはない。テストや球技大会・学食での食事などの日常的で平和な学園生活と、銃火器や刀剣を用いて天使と戦う非日常的な生活、そして登場人物の送った生前の理不尽な人生、この三者を柱にストーリーが展開される。 物語は、 森に囲まれた丘陵地にある天上学園は生徒総数2000名を越える全寮制の学校。一見するとごく普通の生徒らが生活を送っている学園だが、そこは死後の世界だった。 現世で理不尽な人生を体験し、青春時代をまともに送れずに死んだ者はこの世界に送られ、あらかじめ用意されたエキストラ(NonPlayerCharacter)の生徒達と共に学園で楽しい青春時代を過ごす内に未練を無くし、「消滅」(成仏)し、転生する。 しかし、転生することを拒む人々がいた。少女・ゆりをリーダーとする「死んだ世界戦線(以降、戦線)」は、理不尽な人生を強いた神への復讐を目的とし、元々が死後の世界であり「死ぬ」ことのないこの世界で、学校の秩序を守る「天使」と日夜戦いを繰り広げていた。 生前の記憶を失った少年・音無は、戦線のメンバーと行動を共にするが、次第にこの世界の真実を知ることになる。

Price: Free Developer: gisei morimoto
Psychic Beats

Psychic Beats

Get 80% Off Today!!! Psychic Beats uses special Binaural Beats called TBSW to help enhance your psychic, ESP, psychokinetic and intuitive abilities. All you need to do is put your headphones on and run the app for a few minutes. Special...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Brian Zeleniak
Arabic Beats

Arabic Beats

Have fun with ArabicBeats, our latest product that takes you on a musical adventure experiencing the sounds and rhythms of Arabia, 21 default beats played using a default kit to play along with any instrument or music App, with...

Price: Free Developer: Apptrax
Beats For Love

Beats For Love

Beats for Love je nový koncept elektronického festivalu umístěného v historickém jádru industriálního parku Dolních Vítkovic. Prostředí plné železa ve spojení s hudbou a mimohudební aktivitou nabízí návštěvníkům unikátní možnosti celovíkendové zábavy. Průvodce festivalem Beats for Love Pepino Vám poskytne...

Price: Free Developer: TRIPON DIGITAL s.r.o.
Punjabi Beats Live

Punjabi Beats Live

Punjabi Beats Live is entertainment channel that are available through web & mobile application to provide variety of content around the world. We provide promos, video songs, short films, news, documentaries, interviews and any other content related to entertainment. We...

Price: Free Developer: Dazzling Web Planet Ltd
Cat Beats

Cat Beats

Have you ever wanted to use a metronome, but hated that boring click-click-click sound? Look no further! With Cat Beats, you can hear four different cats meow to the beat of your soul.

Price: Free Developer: Zoe Sheill
DJ Sounds and Ringtones - Best Melodies and Beats

DJ Sounds and Ringtones - Best Melodies and Beats

DJ Sounds and Ringtones is amazing application, where you can enjoy listening to the best Melodies & Beats on your iPhone! This app has 29 Free Ringtones. You can by 6 Extra Premium Ringtones and remove all ads. Get...

Price: Free Developer: Slovenka Dimitrijevic
Dope Beats Radio Online

Dope Beats Radio Online

Dope Beats Radio is the world's #1 internet radio station, with some of the hottest dj's and radio personalities. Our purpose is serve dope music fresh all day everyday.

Price: Free Developer: Keith Crump

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