Top 30 Education Apps Like Delmar Arts Academy - Best Alternatives

Delmar Arts Academy Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Delmar Arts Academy alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Delmar Arts Academy. Pick one from this list to be your new Delmar Arts Academy app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Delmar Arts Academy on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Delmar Arts Academy - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Delmar Arts Academy alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Delmar Arts Academy 2025.

Delmar English

Delmar English

Delmar English 线上学校共包括,Josh教你精读,我和Amy畅聊,自然拼读。其中Josh教你精读是2018年隆重推出的明星产品,这一部分的制作过程一波三折历尽坎坷,远比想象艰难,Josh教你精读共分三年共三级,每周两次,每次一个半小时,全年共156小时,每年的新增高级词汇达到4/5000个,第一年以美国原版自然科学丛书good questions为参考书,全年共讲授八本,第二年,属于提高级,主要以各种题材的名家名篇节选为参考教材,博览群书的同时探讨作家的内心感受和传达的思想,了解英文之美。第三年,读写参半的一年,这一年要以批判文学和艺术评论为主要参考用书,同时加入逻辑思维的培养,并且每周都有一次写作课。这一年我们叫它升华级。

Price: Free Developer: han xu


DELMAR ONLINE TRAINING SIMULATION: HVAC 3.0 is a 3-D, immersive simulation that offers a rich learning experience that mimics field performance. It challenges learners to master diagnostic and troubleshooting skills across seven pieces of HVAC equipment – Gas Furnace,...

Price: Free Developer: Cengage Learning
Auditory Memory Club

Auditory Memory Club

Auditory Memory Club is an iPad application designed to serve as a tool for improving auditory memory skills in children. This application was developed by Barbara Fernandes, a licensed and certified speech-language-pathologist and author of over 50 other applications...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Dawra mar-Razzett

Dawra mar-Razzett

App interattiva bil-Malti għat-tfal bejn 2 u 4 snin biex jagħtu ħarsa ħafifa lejn l-annimali tar-razzett, il-ħsejjes li jgħamlu u eżerċizzju ħafif.

Price: Free Developer: Darren Delmar
DOTS: Residential Codes

DOTS: Residential Codes

DELMAR ONLINE TRAINING SIMULATION: RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CODES is a 3-D, immersive simulation that allows you to test your knowledge of the latest Building and Electrical Codes as you virtually navigate a residential construction site and inspect structural components for...

Price: Free Developer: Cengage Learning
Malti - Stejjer

Malti - Stejjer

Malti - Stejjer hija app interattiva għal tfal ta' kull età biex jitgħallmu jaqraw bil-Malti. Tikkonsisti f’iktar minn 6 stejjer bil-Malti u eżerċizzji tal-grammatika bħal, fost oħrajn, il-plural! Tinkludi wkoll logħob u attivitajiet biex it-tfal isiru jħobbu jaqraw. Kull...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Darren Delmar
Malti It-Tieni Pass

Malti It-Tieni Pass

App edukattiva għat-tfal biex jitgħallmu l-ilsien Malti. Tinkludi varjeta ta' eżerċizzji bħal plural, l-artiklu, numri, partiċelli, kuluri u logħob ieħor b'mod interattiv biex it-tfal jieħdu gost jilgħabu filwaqt li jitgħallmu l-ilsien Malti.

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Darren Delmar
Malti L-ewwel Pass

Malti L-ewwel Pass

An interactive App to learn the Maltese language in a fun way! App interattiva biex titgħallmu l-ilsien Malti.

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Darren Delmar
Nitgħallem Nikteb

Nitgħallem Nikteb

App għat-tfal bejn 2 - 5 snin biex jibdew jitgħallmu jiktbu l-ittri u n-numri bil-malti. Tinkludi mill-a sa ż u numri miż-0 sa 9.

Price: Free Developer: Darren Delmar
Access Language Arts

Access Language Arts

Access Language Arts app is based on the curriculum Teaching to Standards: English Language Arts, which was created by Attainment Company and the East Tennessee State University. Research has shown both the app and curriculum to be highly effective...

Price: USD 59.99 Developer: Attainment Company
Access Language Arts Lite

Access Language Arts Lite

Access Language Arts app is based on the curriculum Teaching to Standards: English Language Arts, which was created by Attainment Company and East Tennessee State University. Research has shown both the app and curriculum to be highly effective in...

Price: Free Developer: Attainment Company
iTooch 6th Grade | Language Arts

iTooch 6th Grade | Language Arts

With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 6th Grade Language Arts is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for 6th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch 7th Grade | Language Arts

iTooch 7th Grade | Language Arts

With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 7th Grade Language Arts is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for 7th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch 8th Grade | Language Arts

iTooch 8th Grade | Language Arts

With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 8th Grade Language Arts is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for 8th Graders.  It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch 5th Grade Language Arts

iTooch 5th Grade Language Arts

With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch Language Arts Grade 5 is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for 5th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...

Price: Free Developer: eduPad Inc.
Crabapple Martial Arts Academy

Crabapple Martial Arts Academy

Crabapple Martial Arts Academy is the premier training facility for new and experienced martial artists in the Alpharetta area. We offer a blend of traditional martial arts training in both Karate and Jiu Jitsu with a modern approach to health,...

Price: Free Developer: Crabapple Martial Arts Academy, LIc
Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències OFICIAL

Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències OFICIAL

Plan and make the most of your visit to Valencia’s Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències by downloading the official APP. Come and discover a place where art, science, and nature come together in a very special,...

Price: Free Developer: Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències
Johnson's Pride Martial Arts

Johnson's Pride Martial Arts

Johnson's Pride Martial Arts is a health and wellness studio specializing in karate. App Features & Benefits: -Videos of all required materials for each belt rank -Journal where you can review your practice time against Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Goals. -School...

Price: Free Developer: Johnson’s ATA Pride Martial Arts
Riverside Performing Arts

Riverside Performing Arts

Riverside Performing Arts is Vancouver's premier performing arts academy for all ages! We offer a variety of programs for various levels: Dance, Music and Theatre classes for preschool, recreational, pre-professional and Adults. We also offer camps, workshops, intensives, yoga, parents'...

Price: Free Developer: Riverside Performing Arts - Mobile Inventor
Home Academy

Home Academy

Home Academy Publishers geeft hoorcolleges uit voor thuis en onderweg. Als mp3 downloads en via onze streamingdienst, de Home Academy Club. Interessante onderwerpen, van geschiedenis tot natuurwetenschappen, voorgedragen door boeiende sprekers. Zo kan je kennis opdoen in de file,...

Price: Free Developer: Home Academy Publishers B.V.
Investmentpunk Academy

Investmentpunk Academy

Angefangen von Deinem persönlichen Finanz- und Karriereplan, über Start Up Gründung, Crowdinvesting, Steuern, Wertpapiere, bis hin zu Verhandlungsführung und wie man eine Wohnung kauft, lernst Du in der Investment Punk Academy alles was Du brauchst um das Hamsterrad der...

Price: Free Developer: Investmentpunk Academy GmbH
Creekside Christian Academy

Creekside Christian Academy

Welcome to Creekside Christian Academy in McDonough, GA! Check out the key features of the School App below: Calendar: - Keep track of the events that are relevant to you. - Get personalized notifications reminding you about events and schedules that...

REWW Academy

REWW Academy

Become a seasoned Real Estate Investor right from your mobile device. Learn from today’s most successful investors and start investing tomorrow. The REWW Academy app is the mobile Real Estate Investing Learning System for Real Estate Worldwide’s Academy students. Created...

Price: Free Developer: REWW
Khan Academy Kids

Khan Academy Kids

Children can learn reading, language, writing, math, social-emotional development, problem-solving skills, and motor development. Open-ended activities and games like drawing, storytelling, and coloring encourage creativity and self-expression. A cast of adorable animal characters will guide children through lessons, and...

Price: Free Developer: Khan Academy
Cloud Academy

Cloud Academy

Looking to get certified on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform? Want to become more knowledgeable about DevOps, containerization, or serverless? At Cloud Academy, we help you master the most important cloud computing technologies to acquire...

Price: Free Developer: Cloud Academy
Enago Academy

Enago Academy

Are you a researcher, an author, a student, or an editor? Is English your second language? Then Enago Academy provides you with a fast, free, and convenient way to read articles on the go. Stay in touch with the...

Price: Free Developer: Crimson Interactive Inc
EAS Academy

EAS Academy

EAS Academy, the official Mobile Learning App of the European Society of Atherosclerosis (EAS), offers access to hundreds of educational materials and activities published by EAS over the years such as Certification & Training Programs, EBAC Accredited Courses, Self-Assessments,...

Price: Free Developer: MULTIWEBCAST
Shaw Academy

Shaw Academy

SHAW ACADEMY - Join over 5 million graduates and learn new skills today with the largest online educator on the planet. Shaw Academy's focus is on education because it is interactive, engaging, always evolving and most importantly, better for learning....

Price: Free Developer: Shaw Academy
Academy of Fitness

Academy of Fitness

At the Academy of Fitness, our educators have extensive hands-on experience within the fitness industry and are also qualified vocational teachers. During your studies you will learn the fundamentals of exercise programming, innovative exercise techniques, nutrition and body composition...


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