Top 35 Education Apps Like USMLE Bio/Physio Cram Cards - Best Alternatives

USMLE Bio/Physio Cram Cards Alternatives

Do you want to find the best USMLE Bio/Physio Cram Cards alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Education apps that are similar to USMLE Bio/Physio Cram Cards. Pick one from this list to be your new USMLE Bio/Physio Cram Cards app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to USMLE Bio/Physio Cram Cards on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Apps Like USMLE Bio/Physio Cram Cards - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid USMLE Bio/Physio Cram Cards alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like USMLE Bio/Physio Cram Cards 2025.

Kaplan USMLE Step 1 Qbank

Kaplan USMLE Step 1 Qbank

Kaplan’s USMLE® Step 1 Qbank offers effortless on-the-go prep for the boards. Medical-student tested, the app features realistic questions with personalized progress reports and a cleaner, better-organized interface. The USMLE® Step 1 Qbank app also includes: • 2,100 questions reviewed...

Price: Free Developer: Kaplan
USMLE Clinic

USMLE Clinic

Prepare for the USMLE with a focus on clinically oriented material. Our app features several tools aimed at teaching you the fundamentals of medicine in short bursts. Install the app today and gain complete access to everything USMLE clinic...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Donny Cosic
Pastest USMLE

Pastest USMLE

Access your Pastest USMLE Step 1 Qbank subscription and study on the go! • 2,000+ up-to-date multiple choice questions written by expert physicians • Customize Tutor Mode and Test Mode to fit your study needs • Includes rich media questions...

Price: Free Developer: PasTest Ltd
USMLE Anatomy Cram Cards

USMLE Anatomy Cram Cards

USMLE CRAM CARDS is exam prep that effectively and efficiently helps you study less and score higher on your USMLE Exam. Because we understand you are always on the go, these digital flashcards help you study right from your...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Cram Cards
USMLE Microbio/Path Cram Cards

USMLE Microbio/Path Cram Cards

USMLE CRAM CARDS is exam prep that effectively and efficiently helps you study less and score higher on your USMLE Exam. Because we understand you are always on the go, these digital flashcards help you study right from your...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Cram Cards


The USMLE Exam Prep Free app provides many practice questions for students who want to take a test and pass USMLE Exam. This application provides you with 500+ USMLE Quiz questions to enough practice for theUSMLE Examination. You will have...

USMLE Quiz Test Bank +6000

USMLE Quiz Test Bank +6000

This is a Combination of sets, containing practice questions and study cards for USMLE preparation on different topics. Get +6600 study notes & quiz to prepare your USMLE exam smoothly on the GO. With this app you guarantee higher...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
Preguntas de la Prueba de Práctica USMLE

Preguntas de la Prueba de Práctica USMLE

USMLE Practice Test Questions Aplicación gratuita para su examen (USMLE®) (Examen de Licencias Médicas de los Estados Unidos) con más de 2000 preguntas de opción múltiple. En la Prueba de Práctica de USMLE, la Aplicación Gratuita abarcó las preguntas...

Price: Free Developer: Tortoises Inc
USMLE Exam Prep

USMLE Exam Prep

USMLE Practice Test Free App for your (USMLE®) (United States Medical Licensing Examination ®) exam with 2000+ multiple choice questions. In USMLE Practice Test Free App covered USMLE Step-1 and USMLE Step-2 Questions. App Features: 2000+ USMLE multiple choice practice questions...

Price: Free Developer: Tortoises Inc
Aimee Bio

Aimee Bio

Just like adults have their fancy resumes and professional networks, TODAY’S YOUTH DESERVE a place where they can show the world what they can do. That’s why Aimee is here. • • Aimee is designed to show off the best...

Price: Free Developer: Aimee LLC
Bio Regents Buddy

Bio Regents Buddy

1. Interactive regents exams- Using over 1500 random regents questions. 2. Vocabulary interactive Flash Cards by topic. 3. Lesson Presentations by topic. 4. Archived regents exams in pdf format. 5. Bio youtube video playlists 6. Class tools such as...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Feraco media Inc.


Внимание! По договору с Правообладателем полная версия учебника доступна для скачивания только учащимся и преподавателям школ г. Москвы. (Надеемся, что это временная мера.) Приложение KPD-BIO является русскоязычной электронной версией одного из лучших в мире учебников по биологии – Campbell biology...

Price: Free Developer: НОУ МЦНМО
AP Bio Buddy 2019

AP Bio Buddy 2019

New 2019 questions, full exams and vocabulary flashcards The features of this app include 1. Practice AP Exams- 2. Practice AP Quizzes by Topic In the information age of today education, learning and teaching is changing fast. The technology that is being...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Feraco media Inc.
Bio Lab

Bio Lab

Bio Lab is an educational app, which will have Biology related Educational stuff. In this current versions, It supports the following things. 1 Human anatomy. 2. Quiz. 3 Gif of the functioning of a different body part.

Price: Free Developer: Vijayvir Singh
Bio Regents Challenge

Bio Regents Challenge

Play Bio Regents Challenge and practice NYS Living environment regents exam questions. Features- Take a regents challenge Multiplayer mode Random categories Category challenge

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Feraco media Inc.
Bio Risk

Bio Risk

Bio Risk Testi yaparak ne kadar güvende olduğunu öğren.

Price: Free Developer: Erdem Karakaya
Bio Samurai

Bio Samurai

Master the IB Biology curriculum with this awesome new quiz app. Written by an IB Biology teacher, this app contains over 1600 original questions! Whether you are an IB student or just interested in biology, this app is for...

Price: Free Developer: MIchael Richardson


STKC ได้พัฒนาองค์ความรู้ในรูปแบบใหม่ เพื่อให้กลุ่มเป้าหมายได้รับความรู้และช่วยให้เข้าใจในสาระความรู้ได้มากขึ้นผ่านเทคโนโลยี AR หรือ Augmented Reality ซึ่งเป็นเทคโนโลยีที่นำเอาภาพเสมือน 3 มิติจำลองเข้าสู่โลกจริงผ่านกล้องและมีการประมวลผลโดยการทำให้วัตถุ 3 มิติ (ภาพเสมือน) ทับซ้อนเข้ากันกับภาพจริงเป็นภาพๆเดียว ซึ่งสามารถมองผ่านกล้องได้โดยตรง เรื่อง ร่างกายของเรา ( Bio AR )

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Science and Technology
Aristo Bio CC - e-Companion

Aristo Bio CC - e-Companion

“Aristo e-Companion Biology” features the electronic resources for the textbook series “Aristo HKDSE Biology Connecting Concepts”.

Price: Free Developer: Aristo Educational Press Ltd
Physio Companion

Physio Companion

Physio Companion is a fast reference tool for all those in the orthopedic world of physical therapy. Specifically designed for quick, simple, and efficient navigation of the most important information that any student or clinician would need. Physio Companion...

Price: Free Developer: First Floor Studios LLC


The ultimate reference tool for physiotherapists / physical therapists! The Physiopedia app brings all the knowledge from the largest and most popular physiotherapy related website and puts it in your pocket ready to support your clinical practice! This Physiopedia...

Price: Free Developer: Physiopedia Plus Ltd
COMLEX - Biochemistry & Physio

COMLEX - Biochemistry & Physio

Study Smarter, Save Time, Score Higher on your COMLEX! "COMLEX Cram Cards" is exam prep that effectively and efficiently helps you study less, score higher on the COMLEX Step 1. How often do you use your mobile device? Like...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Cram Cards
NBDE Biochem/Physio Cram Cards

NBDE Biochem/Physio Cram Cards

NBDE CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently helps you study less, score higher both on your Dental School Exams and helping you pass your Dental Boards (NBDE and iNBDE). Because we understand you are always on the go, these digital...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Cram Cards
1日10分 理学療法士1000 問題集

1日10分 理学療法士1000 問題集

このアプリは、国家資格国家資格試験問題集です。 1日10分の学習を基本として作られています。 その為に、10問をひとくくりとしています。 全1000問 さらに、科目別としています。 科目は、 •解剖学 •生理学 •運動学 •病理学 •内科学 •神経内科学 •整形外科学 •人間発達学 •リハ概論・リハ医学 •精神医学 •心理学 •理学療法評価学 •臨床運動学 •ADL •義肢装具学 •物理療法学 •法律・その他 •整形外科疾患 •脊髄損傷 •脳血管障害 •神経筋疾患 •内科系疾患 •小児疾患 の23科目です。 理学療法士(りがくりょうほうし、Physical TherapistまたはPhysio Therapist、略してPT)は、医療従事者(コ・メディカルスタッフ)の一員であり、作業療法士(OT)、言語聴覚士(ST)、視能訓練士(ORT)と共に、リハビリテーション専門職と称されるうちの一つです。 理学療法士(PT)とは、 医学的側面から基本的動作・能力の回復を図ります。医師の指示の下に、心身に障害がある人に対して、主としてその基本動作・運動能力の回復を図ります。マッサージや体操、温熱・光線・電気療法・スポーツなど物理的な治療を用いてリハビリテーションの指導や助言を行います。 主な業務としては、診療の補助として理学療法を行う。それは一般に考えられている、加齢、事故などによる身体機能障害からの回復目的のトレーニングのみならず、脳卒中での麻痺などから、新生児の運動能力の発達の遅れ、循環器・呼吸器・内科・難病疾患等の身体的な障害を持つ人に対して、医師の指示の下、その基本的動作能力の回復を図ることを目的に、治療体操その他の運動(運動療法という)を行わせ、及び電気刺激、温熱、寒冷、光線、水、マッサージなどの物理的手段(物理療法という)を加える者である。その物理的治療手法による治療を理学療法といい、理学療法・作業療法・言語聴覚療法を治療の中心としたものを特にリハビリテーション病院と呼ぶ。 なお、日本においては理学療法士は業務独占資格ではない為、理学療法自体は理学療法士でなくても法律上、業として行うことができる。たとえば、日本運動器科学会(旧日本運動器リハビリテーション学会)では、日本整形外科学会(平成23年4月1日より公益社団法人化)専門医が所属する医療機関に勤務している運動器リハビリテーション従事者(看護師、准看護師、あん摩マッサージ指圧師、柔道整復師など)を対象に運動器リハビリテーションセラピスト認定試験を行い、認定を受ければ運動器リハビリテーションセラピスト(通称:みなしPT)として、定められた基準の施設において、医師と理学療法士の指示・監督の下に、一部の保険点数に関わる立場になれる。 一般問題及び実地問題に区分して次の科目について行う。 ただし、重度視力障害者(両眼の矯正視力の和が0.04以下又は両眼による視野が10度以内で、かつ、両眼による視野について視能率による損失率が95%以上の者)に対しては、実地問題については行わない。また、重度視力障害者に対しては、点字、試験問題の読み上げ又はその併用による受験を認める。弱視者(良い方の矯正視力が0.15以下又は両眼による視野について視能率による損失率が90%以上の者)に対しては、弱視用試験による受験を認める。 ア一般問題 解剖学、生理学、運動学、病理学概論、臨床心理学、リハビリテーション医学(リハビリテーション概論を含む。)、臨床医学大要(人間発達学を含む。)及び理学療法 イ実地問題 運動学、臨床心理学、リハビリテーション医学、臨床医学大要(人間発達学を含む。)及び理学療法

Price: Free Developer: gisei morimoto
ADAT Anatomy Cram Cards

ADAT Anatomy Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Biochemistry Cram Cards

ADAT Biochemistry Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Dental Anatomy Cram Cards

ADAT Dental Anatomy Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Endodontic Cram Cards

ADAT Endodontic Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Microbiology Cram Cards

ADAT Microbiology Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Operative Cram Cards

ADAT Operative Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Oral Diagnosis Cram Cards

ADAT Oral Diagnosis Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Oral Surgery Cram Cards

ADAT Oral Surgery Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Orthodontics Cram Cards

ADAT Orthodontics Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards
ADAT Pediatrics Cram Cards

ADAT Pediatrics Cram Cards

Want to get accepted into dental specialty program? It is important you score high on your Advanced Dental Admission Test as it is used to determine admissions into highly competitive dental specialty programs. ADAT CRAM CARDS effectively and efficiently...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Cram Cards

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