Top 14 Education Apps Like Kentalis-Professionals - Best Alternatives

Kentalis-Professionals Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Kentalis-Professionals alternatives for iOS? We have listed 14 Education apps that are similar to Kentalis-Professionals. Pick one from this list to be your new Kentalis-Professionals app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kentalis-Professionals on your iOS devices.

Top 14 Apps Like Kentalis-Professionals - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Kentalis-Professionals alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 14 similar apps like Kentalis-Professionals 2025.

Hoi Kentalis

Hoi Kentalis

Heb jij moeite met taal, horen of communiceren? Wil je graag weten wat dat betekent? Hier leggen we het allemaal uit. Je kunt filmpjes kijken van andere kinderen of jongeren. Ook staan er korte stukjes die je kan lezen....

Price: Free Developer: Stichting Koninklijke Kentalis


De ComID app is bedoeld voor jongeren vanaf 12 jaar met een taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS) en/ of een vorm van autisme die wat extra hulp kunnen gebruiken bij de communicatie in dagelijkse situaties. ComID staat voor Communicatie Identiteitsbewijs. Het ComID...

Price: Free Developer:


Begrijpt het kind anderen vaak niet of maakt het wel erg korte zinnen? Of is het bijvoorbeeld slecht verstaanbaar? Het kan zijn dat hij/zij een taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS) heeft. Vijf procent van de bevolking heeft TOS. Bij Kentalis kun je...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting Koninklijke Kentalis


Je kunt met deze app een stadswandeling maken door het centrum van Groningen langs historische locaties uit het leven van Henri Daniel Guyot, de oprichter van het oorspronkelijke doveninstituut.

Price: Free Developer: Stichting Koninklijke Kentalis
Class Professionals

Class Professionals

Make your relief staff booking in one app. Class Professionals now makes it quicker and easier to: - Book education and childcare staff wherever you are, whenever you want. - Sign in with your normal Class Professionals login and password...

Price: Free Developer: Class Professionals
IT Professionals Training

IT Professionals Training

Get your ACSP 10.14 Mojave (Certificate Support Professional) and ACMT & SVC-18A (Mac Technician) & ACiT questions and study guide, answer all question and be ready for your final exam. Study during taking the carefully chosen question that...

Price: Free Developer: Metodij Zdravkin
Wella Professionals Education

Wella Professionals Education

Designed exclusively for licensed hairstylists and cosmetology students, download your salon professional partner now! Live Chat. Instantly Ask the Expert product knowledge, formulas, and technology help with any of our brands. Educate. Technique videos, product knowledge, business education, and more...

Price: Free Developer: ScissorBoy LLC
Young Professionals

Young Professionals

The Young Professionals UK app does it all for you! Grab it now Want to work for the best employer? Find the hottest apprenticeships? Search by location of skills or industry sector? Want Work experience? Want to start earning? Want...

Price: Free Developer: Dan Miller16615168485
GARP Study Center

GARP Study Center

The GARP® Program Study App: FRM® is designed to help the tens of thousands of candidates who enroll in the rigorous FRM certification program succeed. FRM candidates report that they spend over 240 hours preparing for each FRM Exam...

Price: Free Developer: Global Association of Risk Professionals


CSCMP has been built by members, for members with the mission to connect, develop and educate the world’s logistics and supply chain management professionals throughout their careers. No matter where you are in your career development, CSCMP has...

Price: Free Developer: Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
DPI Canada

DPI Canada

The Association of Public Sector Information Professionals (DPI) is a volunteer, not-for-profit Canadian organization that promotes the development of public sector professionals and the effective application of Information Management and Technology (IM/IT) in the Federal Government of Canada and other public sector jurisdictions...

Price: Free Developer: association of public sector information professionals
Stay In Charm - Hair Stylebook

Stay In Charm - Hair Stylebook

Create your client list and build personal portfolio by taking beautiful photos, saving colour formulas and techniques. Stay In Charm is a mobile App for hair care professionals in need for education, inspiration and building reputation. Discover global gallery of...

Price: Free Developer: UAB COLOURIST GUIDE
Latino Tax Pro

Latino Tax Pro

We are tax education experts. Our MISSION is to give you the insight and unique marketing techniques to expand your business with Latino clients and employees. Our GOAL is to help you grow your practice and increase your profits by attracting...

Price: Free Developer: Latino Tax Professionals Association, LLC

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