Do you want to find the best Kapu Bloom Tunes alternatives for iOS? We have listed 24 Education apps that are similar to Kapu Bloom Tunes. Pick one from this list to be your new Kapu Bloom Tunes app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kapu Bloom Tunes on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Kapu Bloom Tunes alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar apps like Kapu Bloom Tunes 2025.
Kapu Planet expands the world of classic Kapu Forest and reveals the secrets of the globe! Go explore the environment in different continents and all those amazing animals that live there! You’ll learn the lifestyles of exotic animals, what they...
Come fishing with Mr. Fox and catch the biggest whoppers in the lake! Catch funny fish and surprising sea-creatures, cruise with your motorboat, build lures, tickle and feed the fox friend and much more! Kapu Fishing is perfect for...
THE BEST BLOCK PARTY EVER!!! Have you ever launched a hamburger to space? Or lived in a totem pole-barn-castle? If not, now’s your time to do it! Kapu Blocks is a super fun digital toy, which feeds your...
A TOTALLY NEW TYPE OF GAMEPLAY FOR BABIES, TODDLERS AND BEYOND! Kapu Tickle Toy Camera is a super-fun toy, which combines classic kids games and toys such as peek-a-boo, tickle tag and the jumping-jack puppet with modern technology! The gameplay...
The DIGITAL TOY BOX contains all six popular Kapu Toys apps for kids 0-6 years old! The games have colorful, classic 1950’s inspired illustrations that spark the imagination, inspire families to play together and let kids learn along the...
Has your child ever wondered why trees produce delicious fruit and berries? Or why dandelions release their seeds into the air? In Bloom, your child explores the ingenious strategies used by plants to spread their seeds. Features - Three different plants to...
The official app for Bloom Vernon Local Schools, OH allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and...
【Bloom简介】 Bloom是SKT思珂特教育科技公司推出的一款服务于广大中学生群体,面向素质教育,提供相关项目活动和社交的APP。 SKT思珂特教育科技有限公司成立于2013年4月,专注于为学生提供全球先进的素质教育课程、项目与活动平台,为学校提供基于21世纪核心素养的整体教育创新解决方案。 【Bloom亮点】 -全球权威项目活动,优质资源提前锁定 -链接全国超级学霸,认识志同道合的朋友 -参与就是一种绽放,个人素质能力飞速提升 【有问题找Bloom君】 官方网站 官方微信:webloom
Healing from the hurt and heartache of betrayal trauma take work. Not just any work, but work that is focused on moving you forward. The Bloom coaching app is your companion to help you understand your path. We provide...
The Bloom Township 206 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone Can: - View district and school news...
Blooms TL classifies learning outcome statements based on Bloom's Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwhol, 2001). This taxonomy describes the depth of thinking required by students in learning activities and assessments. The six levels in Bloom's taxonomy are: remembering, comprehending, applying,...
New in version 1.11: • Sync across all iOS devices via our new "Stick Pick Cloud" now with reliable Amazon Web Services on the back end - for free! • Sign in with either your Facebook or Google account • New...
The Algae Estimator app allows anyone to enter simple measurements to determine the likelihood for an algal bloom or harmful algal bloom (toxic HAB from Cyanobacteria) occurring in shallow lake waters. The user can enter direct values for algae...
Create a car and drive it! Create a Car is a top-selling creativity app for children ages 3 to 6. The app has been featured in numerous print publications and is an Apple "Staff Favorite." Create a Car...
Whether it’s tapping on the desk to the beat, humming along to a melody, or dancing to a tune, all kids love music. Imagine if they have friends to play along with and places to explore while they enjoy...
"Playful way for children to learn about sounds and music" - Baby Tunes is the first of our apps that’s designed for toddlers as young as 12 months, who are getting to know different sounds in their environment. ...
Beta Tunes is a comprehensive collection of songs of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity including lyrics and audio streams. Keep the singing fraternity's songs in your pocket at all times!
Tooney Tunes is a fun sound matching trivia game that will teach children about different noises. The purpose of this educational app is to develop recognition by asking the child to identify environmental sounds, animals, instruments, feelings and...
Tunes Teaching Toddlers has everything your little one needs to learn all the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. Beginning to recognize letter sounds is the first step in learning to read. Designed for ages 0-5, children...
Play with sounds and explore popular tunes, colors, instruments… and turn your keyboard into a rainbow! ◉◉◉ "PianoBall will turn your iDevice into a colorful piano for your little ones." ◉◉◉ ◉◉◉ "If you want your child to eventually learn...
Learn how to draw Cartoon Characters with this fabulous collection of more than 320 video lessons. The app has many easy to use features: *** play the lessons *** alter the lesson title *** alter the lesson description *** add...
Hello there little toddler friends! Come and sing along the baby toddler piano lullabies and your little childhood toddler piano tunes with us!You can come and play cool new musical instruments with Nik-Naks and his preschool toddler piano...
Learning Nursery Rhymes and playing along has never been more fun. Get your kids to hop onto this musical train and watch them go on a magical journey of delightful nursery rhymes. And that’s not all, your kids...
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