Top 30 Medical Apps Like Fortbildungssuche der ÄK NÖ - Best Alternatives

Fortbildungssuche der ÄK NÖ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Fortbildungssuche der ÄK NÖ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Medical apps that are similar to Fortbildungssuche der ÄK NÖ. Pick one from this list to be your new Fortbildungssuche der ÄK NÖ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Fortbildungssuche der ÄK NÖ on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Fortbildungssuche der ÄK NÖ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Fortbildungssuche der ÄK NÖ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Fortbildungssuche der ÄK NÖ 2025.

Heilkräuter aus der Natur

Heilkräuter aus der Natur

Das Programm enthält eine Liste von den bekanntesten Heilkräutern aus der Natur mit Bild und ausführlichen Detail-Informationen. Die Inhalte wurde aufwendig recherchiert und in eine Datenbank zusammengetragen. Dabei stand eine Apothekerin zu Seite. Die Informationen gehen soweit, dass...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Pocketkai
der biss (the bite)

der biss (the bite)

Playing is learning. A didactic game about shape and proportion of the human teeth. Try to identify the presented teeth with the ISO System. Learn the shape and proportion while playing the game. PLAY: After being shown a tooth at random, your task...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Thomas Rosenberg
Congreso Iberoamericano Der. S

Congreso Iberoamericano Der. S

Esta aplicación permitirá a los asistentes al congreso llevar una mejor organización sobre sus actividades.

Price: Free Developer: Mahuina Campos


Zwischenzeitlich liegt die erste überarbeitete und um Behandlungspfade Rettungsdienst (BPR) erweiterte Version der Standardisierten Arbeitsanweisungen (SAA) als Algorithmen für die Durchführung von invasiven Maßnahmen und Gabe von Medikamenten durch Notfallsanitäterinnen und Notfallsanitäter bei Notfällen mit akuter Lebensbedrohung vor. Diese...

Price: Free Developer: Rhein-Kreis Neuss


Lernen Sie mit der neuen interaktiven ZFA-Prüfungswissen App was Sie wirklich in Ihrer Ausbildung zur zahnmedizinischen Fachangestellten brauchen! Entwickelt von ZFAs für angehende ZFAs mit zusätzlichen Praxistipps in jedem Lernfeld. Die ZFA-Prüfungswissen App bietet folgende Funktionen: - Prüfungsmodus und Lernmodus - Fragen mit...

Price: Free Developer: Kreativität & Wissen Verlag und Buchhandel GmbH
Handbuch Akupunktur (A Manual of Acupuncture)

Handbuch Akupunktur (A Manual of Acupuncture)

Das Handbuch der Akupunktur - die favourisierte Applikation für Studenten und Therapeuten. Dies ist die neueste Version der Mobilen App (für iPhone/iPad/iPod) des in der westlichen Welt tonangebenden Lehrtextbuches für Akupunkturpunkte – „Das Handbuch der Akupunktur“ von Peter Deadman,...

Price: USD 25.99 Developer: The Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications Ltd.


Wer in Deutschland Humanmedizin studieren möchte, sieht sich einem komplizierten Verfahren gegenüber, bei dem viele Bewerber den Überblick verlieren. Mit dieser Applikation soll dem Anwender ein Hilfsprogramm an die Seite gestellt werden, um einen Überblick über das Bewerbungsverfahren zu...

Price: Free Developer: RDDI


Orthorad UNI ERL / MR - die Referenzdatenbank zur Skelettradiographie Orthorad dient als Offline-Referenz(bild)datenbank für Skelettradiographie sowohl MTRAs als auch Ärzten in der täglichen Routine. Der Bedarf an Referenzbilddatenbanken im Bereich der Handhelds wird aus Gründen der Praktikabilität und zunehmender...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Christian Schramm
Orthorad HD

Orthorad HD

Orthorad UNI ERL / MR - die Referenzdatenbank zur Skelettradiographie Orthorad dient als Offline-Referenz(bild)datenbank für Skelettradiographie sowohl MTRAs als auch Ärzten in der täglichen Routine. Der Bedarf an Referenzbilddatenbanken im Bereich der Handhelds wird aus Gründen der Praktikabilität und...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Christian Schramm


BPS2019 is the official mobile application of the Bilateral Pathology Symposium 2019. Download it and have all useful conference information in your pocket: programme, presenters’ profiles, maps, navigation and more. Recive push messages and be informed about everything in...

Price: Free Developer: K&M Congress Ltd.
DK Young Mobile

DK Young Mobile

DK Young Mobile is developed by David K. Young Consulting, LLC. The app provides a single access point for participants to manage their consumer driven healthcare and other tax favored benefit accounts. DK Young Mobile provides the following functionality: • Benefit...

Price: Free Developer: David K. Young Consulting, LLC
Crush Step 3 CCS: USMLE Review

Crush Step 3 CCS: USMLE Review

If you know all of the concepts in this app, you should do much better than pass the CCS portion of USMLE Step 3: You should Crush Step 3 CCS! With its focused review of common cases, high-yield content,...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
MD on Call

MD on Call

"fantastic for a review when rushing to a consult." -- Casey Park MD on Call is already trusted by thousands of physicians, residents and medical students around the world. We’ve been there; At 3 AM, you don’t feel...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Messil inc.
CMSRN Q&A: Medical-Surgical RN Test Prep

CMSRN Q&A: Medical-Surgical RN Test Prep

You're ready to take your career to the next level, so get ready with Medical-Surgical Nursing Review. Prepare for your Med-Surg Certification Exam with 500 questions from nursing experts Karen K. Gittings and Ruth A. Wittmann-Price. Whether you're studying...

Price: Free Developer: Higher Learning Technologies
Paediatric Postnatal Problems

Paediatric Postnatal Problems

This application has been developed by an experienced team of paediatricians and neonatologists to provide the user with the advice and tools they will need to manage the most commonly encountered paediatric problems on the postnatal ward. When a...

Price: USD 22.99 Developer: ITDCS Ltd
LabGear – Medical Lab Tests

LabGear – Medical Lab Tests

LabGear is the most advanced pocket tool for Medical Laboratory tests with peer reviewed content for all health care professionals - students, physicians, nurses and is now with iCloud sync. • Comprehensive library of medical lab tests with differential diagnosis,...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Med Gears
Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis

Fitzpatrick's Atlas & Synopsis

A Doody's Core Title for 2017! More than 1,000 full-color photographs speed diagnosis of the dermatologic conditions most often encountered in primary care One of the bestselling dermatology books in the world, this quick-reference clinical guide has virtually defined the field...

Price: USD 54.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
Orthopaedic Surgery Boards

Orthopaedic Surgery Boards

Prepare for your orthopaedic surgery board exams with confidence with this all-in-one review, complete with 1200+ board-style questions Orthopaedic Surgery Examination and Board Review is the ideal study guide when you need to prep for the primary and recertification exams...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC
Tintinalli's ER Manual

Tintinalli's ER Manual

The book that belongs in the pocket of every clinician working in an acute care setting This portable manual encapsulates the most clinically relevant content of Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine, Eighth Edition – the world’s bestselling text on the topic --...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Usatine & Erickson Media LLC


IC@N is a troubleshooting 'survival' guide and introductory handbook for healthcare staff new to the exciting world of critical care medicine. The information provided here focuses upon and succinctly addresses common, important, and urgent clinical problems that may arise without...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: DukeApps
Netter's Surgical Anatomy Review P.R.N.

Netter's Surgical Anatomy Review P.R.N.

Netter's Surgical Anatomy Review P.R.N., by Robert B. Trelease, makes it easy to visualize the anatomy that underlies the procedures and clinical conditions you see during a surgical residency or clerkship. Vibrant, detailed artwork by preeminent medical illustrator Frank...

Price: USD 35.99 Developer: Elsevier Inc.


A S.I.N. disponibiliza através deste aplicativo uma experiência diferenciada na visualização dos implantes das famílias Unitite, Tryon, Strong SW, Strong SW Plus e Zygomatic. Caso você não possua o target, você pode testar este aplicativo mesmo assim! Para isso, basta...

Price: Free Developer: Coringafx Arte Digital Ltda
Stedman's Medical Dictionary N

Stedman's Medical Dictionary N

Thoroughly revised and updated with more than 56,000 entries, this resource contains the medical terminology used in more than 30 of today's fastest growing health profession areas. Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc


N Health is the prominent medical service provider supporting the hospital business. We serve many leading hospitals both domestically and internationally. At N Health, Physicians, Pharmacists, Medical technologists, Accountants, and Logistics specialists including experienced top management team, perform their...

Price: Free Developer: Opendream


The DS Anatomy H&N Lite is a free 3D anatomical app specialized for head and neck of human body. This app is useful for those persons who want to use the “DS Anatomy H&N musculoskeletal anatomical app” , but...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Solutions Inc.
Ostéo In

Ostéo In

Ostéo In est destinée aux étudiants en ostéopathie ou ostéopathes et accompagne le thérapeute dans l'élaboration du diagnostic d'opportunité. Cette application n’a pas pour vocation de remplacer l’ostéopathe, bien au contraire, elle vise à aider le thérapeute à n’omettre...

Price: Free Developer: Sami Chabbouh


MD Training is an application developed by Uptodate In Medicine Healthcare consulting solutions to provide medical and non-medical professionals with access to various training courses, conferences, including e-courses and e-learning modules on your smartphone or computer. Users can access...

Price: Free Developer: Uptodate In Medicine MMC
Postpartum Hemorrhage

Postpartum Hemorrhage

This app contains the ACOG recommended safety checklists for management of postpartum hemorrhage. Founder Ankita Gupta, MD, MPH; Kelli Daniels, MD; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Crozer Chester Medical Center, Upland, PA, USA Mission This app was designed as a quick reference tool...

Price: Free Developer: Emgeesons Trading and Investment Co.(P.) Ltd
Déficits Attentionnels

Déficits Attentionnels

Cette appli est destinée à travailler de manière spécifique les différents modules de l'attention que sont la focalisation attentionnelle, le Nback et l'attention divisée. Cette appli a été réalisée et validée cliniquement. Les consignes et animations ont été choisies afin...

Price: USD 99.99 Developer: GERIP

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