Top 22 Travel Apps Like Cartagena Magna English - Best Alternatives

Cartagena Magna English Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Cartagena Magna English alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Travel apps that are similar to Cartagena Magna English. Pick one from this list to be your new Cartagena Magna English app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Cartagena Magna English on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like Cartagena Magna English - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Cartagena Magna English alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like Cartagena Magna English 2025.

Garcia-Marquez´s Cartagena

Garcia-Marquez´s Cartagena

Experience MAGICAL REALISM with GARCIA-MARQUEZ's CARTAGENA audio guide, presented by TIERRA MAGNA. A historical, cultural and literary tour based on the life and work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Nobel Prize winner Colombian writer and one of the most...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: EART S.A.S.
Gabos Cartagena - Deutsch

Gabos Cartagena - Deutsch

Es lebe der magische Realismus dank dem Audio Guide LA CARTAGENA DE GABO von TIERRA MAGNA. Der Besuch ist ein historischer, kultureller und literarischer Rundgang, der mit dem Leben von dem kolumbianischen Autor, GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ, beginnt und dem...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: EART S.A.S.
Levarti Trips

Levarti Trips

Planning a new trip to a destination has never been so much fun. Create and share travel itineraries to help millions of travellers around the world. Receive an initial recommendation to make your trip plan easier. The best way...

Price: Free Developer: Igo Brilhante
VirTimePlace, Virtual Heritage

VirTimePlace, Virtual Heritage

Come inside of a 3D virtual world of historical places at their best time. VirTimePlace is a GPS enabled Virtual Reality Player which brings you inside a 3D virtual world of historical places (complete cities or buildings) in their epoch...

Price: Free Developer: Arketipo Multimedia SL
San Felipe Fort

San Felipe Fort

Travel through the history of the largest fort built by the Spanish colony in America, SAN FELIPE DE BARAJAS, in which the historical events that took place in the walled city for over 300 years ago are revive; learn...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: EART S.A.S.
Spree Caribbean

Spree Caribbean

The official Port & Shopping Guide of Celebrity Cruises allows you to make the most of every moment of your Celebrity Cruises vacation by planning ahead. With this free, offline guidebook, discover all the modern luxuries you’ll enjoy on Celebrity...

Price: Free Developer: Royal Media Partners, LLC


Este año nuestro Congreso se celebrará en Cartagena. Esperamos vuestra participación. Esta aplicación es para todos los asistentes.

Price: Free Developer: Clara TR
Castello di San Felipe

Castello di San Felipe

Percorri la storia della fortezza piú grande mai costruita dagli Spagnoli in America durante il periodo coloniale, SAN FELIPE DE BARAJAS, in cui rivivono le gesta storiche che ha vissuto Cartagena de Indias per piú di 300 anni; scopri...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: EART S.A.S.
Castello Squillace

Castello Squillace

Il Castello Normanno di Squillace è il monumento rappresentativo dell'epoca Normanna a Squillace, importante centro culturale e commerciale della Calabria fin dalla Magna Grecia. Oggi, il Castello è stato recuperato e al suo interno sono state realizzate sale espositive...

Price: Free Developer: Webgenesys
Château San Felipe de Barajas

Château San Felipe de Barajas

Parcourez et découvrez l´histoire de la forteresse la plus grande jamais construite par les espagnols en Amérique à l´époque coloniale : SAN FELIPE DE BARAJAS, au cours de laquelle vous pourrez revivre les gestes historiques vécues par la ville...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: EART S.A.S.
Garden Beach Village

Garden Beach Village

Il Residence Garden Beach sorge in una delle zone più incantevoli e suggestive del Golfo di Policastro, un'ampia insenatura del Mar Tirreno, a sud del golfo di Salerno, che prende il nome dall'antica Pianura della Magna Grecia con la...

Price: Free Developer: Kimera Hitech srl
American English by Nemo

American English by Nemo

Turn your iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch into your FAVORITE teacher of English. ◆ The most essential words and phrases of the language, each with native speaker audio. ◆ Master your accent with the Speech Studio. Simply record yourself saying...

Price: Free Developer: Nemo Apps LLC
English Heritage Days Out

English Heritage Days Out

You're never far away from a fascinating day out and this useful app helps you to find the perfect historic place to visit in England. Whether you fancy a majestic castle, a beautiful historic house, an English garden...

Free Brazilian Portuguese to British English Travel Translator

Free Brazilian Portuguese to British English Travel Translator

AN IPHONE INTEPRETER WHILE YOU TRAVEL “Of the apps I tested in the low-price category, I liked the Odyssey Translator iPhone series features the most.” - The New York Times Odyssey Translator is an offline audio phrasebook designed for smart travelers....

Price: Free Developer: Odyssey Translator
English (UK) Phrasebook - Travel in UK with ease

English (UK) Phrasebook - Travel in UK with ease

Over 3500 British English Words and Phrases. One of the most comprehensive phrasebooks available. Are you planning a trip to United Kingdom? Are you living in the country? PhrasePack British English has been designed to help you interact with...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Language Apps Limited
English (US) Phrasebook - Travel in US with ease

English (US) Phrasebook - Travel in US with ease

Over 3500 American English Words and Phrases. One of the most comprehensive phrasebooks available. Are you planning a trip to United States? Are you living in the country? PhrasePack American English has been designed to help you interact with...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Language Apps Limited
English Russian Translator

English Russian Translator

GET AN IPHONE INTERPRETER WHILE YOU TRAVEL “Of the apps I tested in the low-price category, I liked the Odyssey Translator iPhone series features the most.” - The New York Times Odyssey Translator is an offline audio phrasebook designed for smart...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Odyssey Translator
English to Chinese (Mandarin)

English to Chinese (Mandarin)

GET AN IPHONE INTERPRETER WHILE YOU TRAVEL “Of the apps I tested in the low-price category, I liked the Odyssey Translator iPhone series features the most.” - The New York Times Odyssey Translator is an offline audio phrasebook designed for smart...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Odyssey Translator
English to French (France)

English to French (France)

GET AN IPHONE INTERPRETER WHILE YOU TRAVEL “Of the apps I tested in the low-price category, I liked the Odyssey Translator iPhone series features the most.” - The New York Times Odyssey Translator is an offline audio phrasebook designed for smart...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Odyssey Translator
English to German Phrases

English to German Phrases

GET AN IPHONE INTERPRETER WHILE YOU TRAVEL “Of the apps I tested in the low-price category, I liked the Odyssey Translator iPhone series features the most.” - The New York Times Odyssey Translator is an offline audio phrasebook designed for smart...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Odyssey Translator
English to Portuguese

English to Portuguese

GET AN IPHONE INTERPRETER WHILE YOU TRAVEL “Of the apps I tested in the low-price category, I liked the Odyssey Translator iPhone series features the most.” - The New York Times Odyssey Translator is an offline audio phrasebook designed for smart...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Odyssey Translator

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