Top 29 Business Apps Like Avaya IX Workplace - Best Alternatives

Avaya IX Workplace Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Avaya IX Workplace alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Business apps that are similar to Avaya IX Workplace. Pick one from this list to be your new Avaya IX Workplace app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Avaya IX Workplace on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Avaya IX Workplace - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Avaya IX Workplace alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Avaya IX Workplace 2025.

Avaya Communicator® for iPad

Avaya Communicator® for iPad

Important Note: This application introduces a new mandatory certificate validation requirement for all TLS secured connections. Servers accessed by this application must use certificates that are signed by a certificate authority that is trusted in the iOS operating...

Price: Free Developer: Avaya, Inc.
Avaya Media Station

Avaya Media Station

The "Avaya Media Station" application is designed to support Avaya's E169 and E159 Media Station devices. The Avaya Media Stations is an Ethernet-connected "smart device docking stations" designed for desktop use by enterprise businesses who have the Avaya...

Price: Free Developer: Avaya, Inc.
Avaya one-X(R) Mobile Lite

Avaya one-X(R) Mobile Lite

Avaya one-X® Mobile Lite for iPhone is a telephony dialer application for Avaya CS1000 Mobile Extension features. Avaya one-X Mobile Lite turns the iPhone into an office phone by delivering your business calls to your mobile device. In addition, you...

Price: Free Developer: Avaya, Inc.
Avaya Conference Assistant

Avaya Conference Assistant

Avaya Conference Assistant – One Touch Conferencing The Avaya Conference Assistant app together with the premium IP conference phone Avaya B199 brings a whole new easiness to conference calls. It’s instant, easily understood and builds on our natural mobile behavior. Features: • Connect...

Price: Free Developer: Avaya, Inc.
Avaya Messaging Service

Avaya Messaging Service

Avaya Messaging Service is a SMS service for the Enterprise. Avaya Messaging Service enables SMS on your existing Landline DID, giving corporate users ability to publish Enterprise One-Number for Call/IM/SMS. Use this app to connect to the service and...

Price: Free Developer: Avaya, Inc.
Avaya Scopia Mobile

Avaya Scopia Mobile

Scopia Mobile allows mobile users to connect with full video, audio and H.239 data collaboration to the nearly 2 million installed standards-based video conferencing and telepresence systems worldwide. Effective Video Conferencing from Anywhere Life Takes You Users can join standards-based...

Price: Free Developer: Avaya, Inc.
Avaya Call Management System Mobile Supervisor

Avaya Call Management System Mobile Supervisor

Avaya Call Management System (CMS) Mobile client turns your iPad into a mobile Call Center decision making device. CMS Mobile facilitates untethering Call Center Supervisors from their desk and allows Supervisors to walk around the contact center to provide...

Price: Free Developer: Avaya, Inc.
Avaya Office

Avaya Office

Avaya Office Client for iOS is a soft phone client that enables you to carry out everyday communications easily from your iPhone. It can replace or complement your desk phone or soft phones allowing you to make voice calls...

Price: Free Developer: Avaya, Inc.
Avaya CX

Avaya CX

The Avaya CX App (Customer Experience) is the ultimate mobile app solution for events, customer briefings, meetings, and communities. The Avaya CX app operates as a mobile-first communications hub for Avaya employees, customers, partners, and event attendees to be...

Price: Free Developer: Design Reactor, Inc.
IX Mobile

IX Mobile

With IX Mobile, you can identify visitors and unlock entrances, monitor door stations, receive calls, communicate with other Aiphone IX Series Stations, make or receive paging announcements, and call back stations in your Recent Calls history. It has 4...

Price: Free Developer: Aiphone Corporation
Glance IX

Glance IX

Online order dashboard for Glance IX Autumn/Winter preview

Price: Free Developer: Vikash Gadia
IX Convención SuperGIROS

IX Convención SuperGIROS

¡Entérate de todo acerca de la IX Convención SuperGIROS! Porque nuestra gente, es nuestro orgullo. Encuentra información sobre la convención, la agenda del evento, juegos interactivos, preguntas a los ponentes, galería de fotos y mucho más.

IX Congresso ANDAV

IX Congresso ANDAV

O Congresso ANDAV – O Evento da Distribuição de Insumos Agropecuários – reúne empresas nacionais e internacionais que fornecem equipamentos, serviços e tecnologias para toda a cadeia da distribuição de insumos agrícolas e veterinários. A 9ª edição acontecerá de 12...

Price: Free Developer: Clarion Events Brasil Exibicoes e Feiras LTDA
Smart Manager

Smart Manager

- The easiest way to load your vehicle stock for online advertising - Upload unlimited photos, extras and comments to your vehicle stock - Salesman stock list for your own stock as well as your group stock - Send personalised vehicle eBrochures...

Price: Free Developer: iX Online Motoring PTY LTD


i-Connectionは、『社員一人ひとりが持っている人脈は全社資産』をコンセプトに、名刺管理システムとエンタープライズソーシャルを融合したクラウド型の新しい人脈管理サービスアプリです。 -----サービス説明----- ◆人脈を見える化する名刺管理サービス スマホのカメラ機能で撮影するだけで、OCRとオペレータの補正手入力により簡単・正確にデータベース化いたします。 名刺を通したお客様と社員の繋がり、社員同士の繋がりを見える化いたします。 ◆お客様を中心としたエンタープライズソーシャルサービス お客様を登録すると、お客様名のコミュニティに自動的に参加します。同じお客様の名刺を登録している社員は自動的に同じコミュニティのメンバーになります。そして、コミュニティのメンバーがお客様に関する情報をつぶやけば、同じコミュニティのメンバーのタイムラインに届きます。 義務的な営業報告や事務的なメール報告では出来ない、気軽な「言える」環境を構築し、お客様情報の共有を促進します。 「いいね」を押して、「言いたくなる」環境によりコミュニティを活性化させます。 その他、お客様の情報として、最新の名刺が登録された際のアップデート情報やお客様の異動情報もタイムラインに届きますので、営業機会を見逃しません。 ◆スキャニング代行サービス(オプション) スキャニング登録を代行いたします。 大量な名刺の登録や、面倒な名刺の登録を代わりに登録いたします。 ◆サポートデスクサービス(オプション) 24時間365日、操作方法の問い合せに対し、コールセンターがお応えいたします。 ◆システム監視 24時間365日、システムを監視いたします。 -----安心安全のセキュリティ対策----- 安心して大切なお客様の情報を活用いただくために安全な環境をご用意いたしました。 -----PCでも----- スマホ、PCでもご利用いただくことができます。 スマホで登録した情報は、PCからもアクセスすることができます。 -----登録対応言語----- 日本語、英語、中国語(繁体字/簡体字)、韓国語 -----ご利用をご検討のお客様へ----- 当サービスは、法人向けサービスであり、すべての機能をご利用になる場合は、契約が必要になります。 ご利用をご検討の法人様は、アイエックス・ナレッジ株式会社までご連絡ください。 -----契約前のご利用における注意事項----- 仮ユーザでログイン後、お客様に対しつぶやくことができますので、タイムライン画面で他のユーザとの繋がりを体感してみてください。 契約前のご利用におけるつぶやきは、他のユーザからも閲覧されます。また、ユーザアカウントは自分以外のユーザが同一アカウントでつぶやく場合もございますので、事前にご了承ください。 なお、契約前のご利用におけるつぶやきは、当社独自による判断のもと、削除する場合がございます。 つぶやきにより生じたいかなる損害についても当社は一切の責任を負うことはできませんので事前にご了承ください。

Price: Free Developer: IX Knowledge Inc


Potente y sencilla Gestión de Autoventa para dispositivos iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad Mini y iPad que contempla las siguientes opciones : - Catálogo de Artículos (JPG, PDF) - Gestión de Clientes - Cálculo del recorrido óptimo - Gestión de documentos (Albaranes, Facturas,...

Price: Free Developer: iProgram Global Software


iPreventa is a friendly tool for managing sales and collections specially suited for food and beverage distribution companies. iPreventa provides to the company's sales team a powerful tool that will help on sale and collection tasks for sales...

Price: Free Developer: iProgram Global Software


Potente y sencilla Gestión de Reparto para dispositivos iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad Mini y iPad que contempla las siguientes opciones : - Catálogo de Artículos (JPG, PDF) - Gestión de Clientes - Cálculo del recorrido óptimo - Gestión de Pedidos, Presupuestos, Albaranes,...

Price: Free Developer: iProgram Global Software


※ Any employee who has joined the WORKPLACE for enterprise can use this app. 
As an enterprise information system with no limitations in country or region, WORKPLACE offers the expertise of NAVER, a corporation that offers user-friendly UI.
It is...

Price: Free Developer: NAVER Business Platform Corp.
Quantum Workplace

Quantum Workplace

Quantum Workplace allows you to have effective 1-on-1s, follow goal updates, recognize team members, give and receive real-time feedback, and jot down private notes. Note: A Quantum Workplace account is required to use this app. What can you do...

Price: Free Developer: Quantum Workplace
BMC Helix Digital Workplace

BMC Helix Digital Workplace

Download BMC Helix Digital Workplace to launch your company’s own one-stop shop to request services, find FAQs, read how-to guides, and submit helpdesk tickets all from your iPhone. What can you do with BMC Helix Digital Workplace? • Onboard employees while...

Price: Free Developer: BMC Software, Inc
Businessline Workplace

Businessline Workplace

Businessline Workplace is a mobile application that increases effective communication and collaboration among employees. KoçSistem Businessline Workplace, creates a safe channel where companies can communicate with their employees anytime and anywhere they want through their phones. What Workplace provides...

Price: Free Developer: KoçSistem Bilgi ve İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş.
Workplace Oo

Workplace Oo

Workplace Oo App er et nytt økosystem knyttet til facility services og facility management. Morgendagens arbeidsplass vil være fullt digitalisert. Workplace Oo App gir deg alle tjenester du trenger ved behov. Workplace Oo er byggspesifikk med fasiliteter som tjenester,...

Price: Free Developer: 4service
Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness

This application is uniquely designed to help the Workplace Wellness Assistant Community invest in their health. Most people spend their lives trying to be financially successful only to find out that by the time they achieve that success they...

Price: Free Developer: Workplace Wellness Assistant
Workplace Wellness HD

Workplace Wellness HD

This application is uniquely designed to help the Workplace Wellness Assistant Community invest in their health. Most people spend their lives trying to be financially successful only to find out that by the time they achieve that success they...

Price: Free Developer: Workplace Wellness Assistant
Out & Equal Workplace Summit

Out & Equal Workplace Summit

The 2019 Workplace Summit in Washington, DC will feature 3 days of educational opportunities including over 90 workshops, featured panels, community advisory roundtables, special networking mixers, receptions and events, and inspirational plenaries featuring prominent LGBTQ and ally leaders and...

Price: Free Developer: Out & Equal Workplace Advocates
DSS Workplace

DSS Workplace

It's more than just an App: it's the Suffolk County Department of Social Services Workplace at your service! The DSS Workplace App is intended for Suffolk County DSS staff. The DSS Workplace App features the latest information on news alerts...

Price: Free Developer: Suffolk County
EDGE Workplace

EDGE Workplace

EDGE Workplace is a people first mobile solution that will attract and motivate your members/employees, enhance engagement and retention, build loyalty and enhance your organization’s competitiveness. With over 90% of workers depending on mobile communications for work and personal use, businesses...

Price: Free Developer: Peritus Affinity Partners, LLC

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