Top 35 Lifestyle Apps Like LE VELE SHOPPING APP - Best Alternatives


Do you want to find the best LE VELE SHOPPING APP alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Lifestyle apps that are similar to LE VELE SHOPPING APP. Pick one from this list to be your new LE VELE SHOPPING APP app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to LE VELE SHOPPING APP on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Apps Like LE VELE SHOPPING APP - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid LE VELE SHOPPING APP alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like LE VELE SHOPPING APP 2025.

Centre commercial Le Méridien

Centre commercial Le Méridien

Votre meilleur allié shopping ? L'application de votre Centre Commercial Le Méridien - Restez connecté aux bons plans du Centre - Soyez alerté en avant première des événements à venir - Consultez les horaires et accès - Découvrez...

Price: Free Developer: Centre commercial Le Méridien
Le tirage de la Gitane

Le tirage de la Gitane

Le plus Ancien des Tirages de Carte en croix simplifié : Emportez avec vous votre Diseuse de bonne aventure. Les cartes annoncent l'évènement futur qui découlera du présent immédiat; ce qui vous permet d'intervenir d'une façon énergique ou prudente...

Price: Free Developer: Le Web
Le Papier Plein d'Histoires

Le Papier Plein d'Histoires

Le robot, la princesse qui n’aimait pas les robes, le rhino joggeur, le chat marin et tous leurs amis vous attendent pour des histoires pleines d’humour dans le Papier Plein d’Histoires, une nouveauté imaginée par Castorama pour les enfants...

Price: Free Developer: CASTORAMA FRANCE
Harley-Davidson Le Mans

Harley-Davidson Le Mans

Harley Davidson Le Mans 142 Avenue du Panorama 72100 LE MANS Tel : 02 43 40 40 10 HARLEY DAVIDSON LE MANS MAINE CENTRE LOIRE est située à 400 mètres de l’entrée principale du circuit BUGATTI , le « fameux » circuit des...

Price: Free Developer: INTECMEDIA
Tarot Le messager de l'âme

Tarot Le messager de l'âme

Ce tarot, « Le messager de l’âme », s’adresse à tous ceux qui cherchent à donner un sens aux mystères de leur avenir et ouvrir leur cœur à de nouveaux chemins à parcourir. Les 79 cartes sont magnifiquement illustrées par...

Price: Free Developer: Giovanni Teano
Tarot Le messager de l’âme

Tarot Le messager de l’âme

Ce tarot, « Le messager de l’âme », s’adresse à tous ceux qui cherchent à donner un sens aux mystères de leur avenir et ouvrir leur cœur à de nouveaux chemins à parcourir. Les 79 cartes sont magnifiquement illustrées par...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Giovanni Teano
Le Croqueur

Le Croqueur

Le Club des Croqueurs de Chocolat vous présente Le Croqueur une application à la fois pratique, ludique et très innovante pour valoriser les meilleurs artisans chocolatiers français et étrangers. Vous pouvez accéder à l'ensemble des rapports de dégustation du club...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: 3D-minded
Le Mas Ruas

Le Mas Ruas

BIENVENUE Découvrez le Mas Ruas, un lieu authentique et convivial qui vous propose ses chambres d'hôtes et sa salle de réception à Bouzinhac en Aveyron. Venez découvrir le Mas Ruas dans le hameau de Bouzinhac, niché dans un écrin de...

Price: Free Developer: ING Chan
Le Fooding Guide

Le Fooding Guide

Le Guide Fooding’s app is now free! • With hundreds of openings, novelties, and geo-localizable favourites around and all over France: suburbian canteens, little cafés, tapas bars, modern greasy spoon, take-aways, bistros, wine bars, diner cellars… • In a nutshell,...

Price: Free Developer:
Le Concierge Club

Le Concierge Club

Le Concierge Club is an Accra-based lifestyle management company offering a wide rage of prestigious services and exclusive privileges for our clients. Our bespoke services include VIP travel arrangements, aircraft charter, real estate, accommodation, transport, fine art, haute...

Price: Free Developer: Samuel Daniels
Sikerkód TV

Sikerkód TV

Azt a célt tűztük ki magunk elé, hogy minél több embernek segítsünk abban, hogy az álmaik valóban megvalósuljanak. Mert a siker tanulható. Ezért hoztuk létre Magyarországon a Sikerkód nevű kétnapos motivációs tréninget, amely során a résztvevőknek lépésről-lépésre megtanítjuk azokat a...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Istvan Szabo


Piaristának lenni azt jelenti, hogy szenvedélyesen szeretjük azt, amit Kalazancius szeretett. De mi az, amit Kalazancius annyira szeretett? A Názáreti Jézust, az ő evangéliumát, mindazt, amire Ő hív. Mi ezért szolgáljuk a gyerekeket és fiatalokat, különösképpen a legrászorultabbakat. Ezért...

Price: Free Developer: Piarista
Happy Life Festival

Happy Life Festival

Bekijk het Festival programma van het Happy Life Festival 2019 dat op 6 & 7 september 2019 plaats vind in Oosterhout (NB). Met de Happy Life Festival app kan je jouw weg vinden in het Floraliapark en het gehele programma...

Price: Free Developer: Sem Postma
Liefdesberichten en liefdesgedichten

Liefdesberichten en liefdesgedichten

De nieuwste en beste applicatie om liefdesberichten te sturen in de app store met schattige, grappige en lieve berichten. Het is meteen mogelijk deze berichten via SMS, e-mail, twitter en facebook te versturen. Voor zij die van iemand houden...

Price: Free Developer: Escaleto UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
Center Shopping Uberlândia

Center Shopping Uberlândia

O Center Shopping Uberlândia é considerado o maior e mais completo shopping de Minas Gerais e um dos maiores do Brasil. Com 22 anos de atuação, o Center Shopping Uberlândia se mostra em pleno desenvolvimento, com novidades constantes e...

Shopping Jardim Sul

Shopping Jardim Sul

O aplicativo do Shopping Jardim Sul foi desenvolvido para você ter todas as nossas lojas e serviços na palma da sua mão. Nele, você pode: · Conhecer e localizar as mais de 195 lojas, restaurantes e quiosques do Shopping. · Guardar...

Shopman Shopping List Manager

Shopman Shopping List Manager

Shopping List Manager (Shopman) is a simple yet comprehensive app to allow you to quickly and easily keep your shopping lists on your iPhone or iPad. Special thought has been given to its use on an iPhone as it...

Price: Free Developer: Ken Randall
Beauty Girl Shopping

Beauty Girl Shopping

- Full support for iOS 9.x - Full support for iPhone 6S & iPhone 6S Plus - Unlike traditional assortment of online shopping applications, smooth browsing themed boutique merchandise - Unlike traditional online shopping applications, merchandise display and easily view product...

Price: Free Developer: ZHAOPENG XU
New Year Shopping Street 2017

New Year Shopping Street 2017

New Year Shopping Street, the lowest price, the best service. Love from the beginning of online shopping, shopping new year. 1. The new design, give you the most smooth shopping experience. 2. The most beautiful special commodity, give you a good mood. 3....

Price: Free Developer: dongbo yang
Love Shopping List

Love Shopping List

YOUR TRUE LOVE CALCULATOR AND DIGITAL BLACKBOOK Is he the one? Is she the one? Love Shopping List reveals compatibility, no matter the stage of your relationship. Welcome to Love Shopping List® where you can unlock the secret to your soulmate....

Price: Free Developer: AppPowerGroup Inc.
Buy It! Shopping List

Buy It! Shopping List

Simple, convenient and handy shopping list application. Perfect in a large shopping center, as well as in a local grocery store. Quickly and easily add products to a list: write them down, take a picture or record a note!...

Price: Free Developer: Pawel Kozielecki
Discount Shopping for Amazon

Discount Shopping for Amazon

* Japanese Best selling application Top #4 * Search 90% off discount items from Amazon only in 5 seconds!! By using this fantastic app your Amazon shopping will be Very fast & useful and much cheaper! There is only 2-step procedure...

Price: Free Developer: Makoto Nishimoto
Fridge - shopping list

Fridge - shopping list

This simple app will remind you that it is time to take off spoiled products from the fridge and go shopping! Main features of the app: - notifications about spoiled products in your fridge; - a shopping list of products; - list of...

Price: Free Developer: Whisper Arts
STYLEBOP Shopping App

STYLEBOP Shopping App

Are you always on the move and love looking for the latest trends?, continental Europe's leading online shop for luxury fashion, is taking online shopping mobile. With the you can now see our latest items at any time,...

Price: Free Developer: Stylebop GmbH


¿Necesitas ayuda en tus tareas para ahorrar tiempo e invertirlo en disfrutar de las cosas que más te gustan? CONVIÉRTETE EN UGO y consigue ayuda al instante. Si necesitas apoyo para realizar una tarea en casa o en la oficina,...

Price: Free Developer: UGO APP S.L.


Have you ever set a goal or a dream that you weren't able to achieve? NoLimit-app – the best goal setting app and goal tracking app helps you find the time and road towards your goals in life, using...

Price: Free Developer: App-Makers AS
Advisor App — fortunica for Readers

Advisor App — fortunica for Readers

fortunica connects people with real, professional esoteric readers like you! The goal of this app is to help fortunica readers keep a comprehensive overview of their current workload. fortunica is a top grossing app in the Lifestyle category in many countries...

Price: Free Developer: adviqo AG
Attraction Club App

Attraction Club App

Cele mai tari funcții în mâna ta pentru a socializa liber și întâlni din mii și mii de oameni open minded cu același interese ca și ale tale. AVERTISMENT: Folosirea strictă a fotografiilor nude sau cu conținut adult strict interzise...

Price: Free Developer: Premium Entertainment
Santas App

Santas App

Santa's App allows you to message with Santa, add items to your wish list and more!

Price: Free Developer: Santa's App LLC


With the app you can: - have the real-time updated calendar of events - geolocalize all the events - save an event in your calendar - tweet or facebook share the events - download the official AltaRoma press releases in pdf - take a...

Price: Free Developer: App to you
Rod Parsley Mobile App

Rod Parsley Mobile App

Stay up to date with Dr. Rod Parsley with the brand-new Rod Parsley Mobile App! From inspiring Breakthrough programs, World Harvest Church services, Valor Christian College chapels to podcasts, daily devotions, blogs, prayer, ministry updates, television air times,...

Price: Free Developer: World Harvest Church Inc
BrewChime App

BrewChime App

Brew Chime App enables you to take your personalized Chai recipes to any Chime device and brew authentic fresh chai at the push of a button. Brew Chime App connects to your Chime over a BLE connection. It uploads...

Price: Free Developer: Camellia Labs, Inc.
Mohren App

Mohren App

Das Pfiff Punktefieber ist Geschichte, 2020 ist das Jahr von unserem Mohren Spezial! Werde ein Teil der Mohren Community und verewige dich auf unserem Kronkorken. #MeinSpezial Unsere AGB findest du hier: Diese App und deren Inhalte stehen in keinem Zusammenhang mit...

Price: Free Developer: Lukas Boehler
Repeat - Go more, pay less

Repeat - Go more, pay less

Get better prices by coming back sooner to your favourite restaurants. Repeat is the world's first smart loyalty platform that dynamically rewards you for your frequency. The restaurants you love the most want to reward you for coming back sooner....

Price: Free Developer: 1001 App Software Solutions FZ-LLC

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