Top 23 Games Apps Like Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon - Best Alternatives

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon alternatives for iOS? We have listed 23 Games apps that are similar to Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon. Pick one from this list to be your new Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon on your iOS devices.

Top 23 Games Like Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 23 similar games like Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon 2025.

Warhammer: Snotling Fling

Warhammer: Snotling Fling

Unleash your inner Greenskin and lay siege to The Empire! “A perfectly solid experience” – Pocket Gamer “Yup, I’m sold – have iPhone – will fling!” – BoLS “Warhammer fans are sure to get a kick out of this ridiculous spin-off”...

Price: Free Developer: Wicked Witch
Warhammer AoS: Champions

Warhammer AoS: Champions

Command powerful factions & legendary Champions in this Warhammer Trading Card Game. We are Sigmar’s Champions! Thousands of players are heralding the new era – the Age of Sigmar, in this epic Warhammer trading card game born from magic and...

Price: Free Developer: PlayFusion Ltd.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf

***NOTE: Compatible with iPad 3 and up, iPad Mini (Retina) and up, iPhone 5 and up, iPod Touch 6 and up - WE CANNOT GUARANTEE COMPATIBILITY WITH EARLIER DEVICES. An internet connection is required to play.*** iMessage stickers are...

Price: Free Developer: HeroCraft Ltd.
Against Warhammer : Operation Archer killings

Against Warhammer : Operation Archer killings

Archer is here to test and challenge your shooting skills. Aim for the target and hit the target eye with the weapon. The physics based game come with exciting game modes, different worlds and stunning real life graphics. You...

Price: Free Developer: Syed Raza
Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion

Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion

A vast choice-based digital gamebook set within the Warhammer 40,000 universe where you are a Space Marine! ** REVIEWS ** "Another solid turn from Tin Man, Legacy of Dorn uses its licence well, and shakes things up enough to make it...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Tin Man Games
Army Builder Roster Viewer

Army Builder Roster Viewer

Banish printed rosters from your table with the Army Builder Roster Viewer! For users of the Army Builder brand roster creation tool, the FREE Army Builder Roster Viewer is now available for iPhone and iPad! Instead of printing out a...

Price: Free Developer: Lone Wolf Development
Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl is the adaptation of the famous Warhammer Fantasy football board game created by Games Workshop. Assemble your team from among 9 fantastic races* in the Warhammer universe (Humans, Orcs, Dwarfs, Skaven, Wood Elves, Chaos, Lizardmen, Dark Elves and...

Gamebook Adventures 7: Temple of the Spider God

Gamebook Adventures 7: Temple of the Spider God

An interactive fantasy adventure! It's a book. It's a game. It's an RPG. It's a Gamebook Adventure! Please note that you do not need to have read any of the previous gamebooks in order to read and play this. The...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Tin Man Games
War Solider Dave Action & Adventure Fighting Game

War Solider Dave Action & Adventure Fighting Game

** Best Free War Action and Adventure game On App store ** ** Download the game enjoy the shooting of enemies ** ** Play and Share with your...

Price: Free Developer: Iqbal Bhatti
Nekotan-Word Puzzle-

Nekotan-Word Puzzle-

Learning English vocabulary while playing puzzle game? Having fun trying Nekotan! It’s the game where you can create English words from single pieces of letter in order to rescue cats. There is an explanation in Japanese for the meaning of words...

Price: Free Developer: Masanori Yamazaki
Fashion Dress Up 2017

Fashion Dress Up 2017

***** Free Fashion Designer Game ***** ***** Free Barbie Dress Up Game ***** A big shout out to all the girls and boys who love fashion and fashion designing. Join millions of others star designers and get recognised for your amazing...

Price: Free Developer: 3Lane Studios


曾获得AppStore精品游戏推荐!(益智类) 暴力摩托手机版正式登陆苹果商城! 飙车技巧 对于仅想夺冠第一的朋友 1、夺取第一 好车不能没有 若从第一级开始玩,到第二级剩一个赛道时,再跑几遍跑“已经取得胜利”的赛道,把钱攒到17000+,买运动型摩托车里16875的那一辆。 四级剩一个赛道时,再跑几遍跑“已经取得胜利”的赛道,把钱攒到40000+,买Diablo,在5级就很轻松了。 2、应付急弯的方法 (1)左倾斜+左转=左急转;(不要按得太长,容易把自己甩出去) (2)右倾斜+右转=右急转;(不要按得太长,容易把自己甩出去) (3)对于太急的弯,可以先刹车或预先转弯; (4)利用高空,落下时按方向键把车倾斜一定角度,弹跳转弯(不推荐新手用)。 3、何时启用急加速 一般是摔倒后起来,或冲刺时,按一下就松手。 4、最安全的跑法 轧着黄线走,要提防正前方的警察; 不要逆行。 5、较快的跑法 对于小弯,完全可以不理会,程序会自动帮玩家转过去。 6、警察出现在附近时应谨慎以免功亏一篑。 7、不推荐撞行人和路障:行为很恶劣,而且会导致车速减慢,撞路障之后极易翻车。 8、远离护栏:过分亲密,会把玩家的车挂在杆上而把玩家甩出很远。 9、注意车的耐久度 在名次的正下放有一个进度条显示当前车的耐久度。为0时退出比赛。 10、注意十字路口的车辆 11、防止超车 对手要超越玩家时,应左右急转向别住对手。 12、关注与对手的车距 绿字表示对手落后与玩家的距离,红字表示玩家落后对手的距离。单位:千米。 13、适当地干扰对手: (1)拳脚太暴力了,可以对对手用急转向,或在转弯时和对手靠近,对手就不会转弯了,对手撞倒后就闪; (2)当从高坡飞下,对准目标按相应方向键,就会弹出去把敌人撞飞,效果一般强于脚; (3)当确定目标从玩家正后方追来时,可以急刹车把对手怼翻。 14、从高坡飞下时,新手切记不要按左右方向键,否则会翻车。此时要小心警察。 对于想把对手拽下车的朋友 1、知己知彼,才能够每战皆有把握。应先摸清每个对手的行为(攻击型、防御型、待激活型、沉默型),不同人物属性不一。 2、武器的选择:鞭子是最安全的,掌握好距离一般都能取胜; 棍子是打人最快的,推荐新手使用,容易被抢走; 拳法是最难练成的,实用性最强。 3、基本搏斗技巧: (1)应用好连击.在3级以上的比赛,将会出现连击以对敌人造成更大伤害(重击效果最明显)。棍子为最,拳次之,鞭没有。处于平行或略前位置容易造成连击,转弯情况同。 (2)保持距离.使用长武器可以尝试与对手保持一定距离增加各种安全系数。 (3)先下手为强.对手进入攻击范围后应抢先出手,在敌人还击前干掉对手。 (4)掌握好自己的体力值.体力值位于姓名右上方,不够时可先停下来,按D跳下车再上去,把体力补满。 (5)脚——最快的解决办法.在与对手平行方向贴近用脚/从后方超越到平行位置用脚效果较佳。 (6)抢夺武器.若反应很快,在对手举手的一瞬间按轻击或重击可以100%抢过来。激烈打斗中要抢得看人品了。一般抢夺目标是警察。 (7)把棍子送人.按住重击键直到对手出手把玩家的棍子抢走(一定)。 (8)被夹击或打不过的情况.刹车暂避风头是首选,其次用脚。 (9)识别对手的攻击意图:在玩家前方的车手若向正前方靠拢,则说明对手有攻击意图。 (10)损血严重时见好就收,下车补好血。 (11)对手从后方追来可攻击算计对手。 4、武器使用技巧: (1)鞭子:按轻击比重击效果好多了,保持距离,一招打遍天下。注意,鞭子不会自己改变攻击方向。 (2)棍子:从后方打一般用轻击,平行或略前位置用重击,掌握好节奏。 (3)拳:从后方打一般用轻击,平行或略前位置用重击,掌握好节奏——最高境界是拳头粘在对手身上,1秒内结束战斗。 一定要先发制人(由于有效距离最短),被棍子打中是很被动的。 对于既想夺冠又想打架的朋友 这么玩太累了,自己选择平衡点。 其他内容 1、损血.损血是指在A打中B(无论强度)之后,B的最大血量下降并损失攻击力的现象,符合实际。损血XX%指损失的最大血量/最大血量。所有车手最大损血量在55%左右。如果对手被打到这么惨,对手的攻击力将下降到1/3~1/5的水平。 2、激活某车手:将对手打得损血严重后用脚踹,或一直用脚踹,对手就会主动跟玩家打。

Price: Free Developer: Xuehui Jiang
werd: Crossword Game

werd: Crossword Game

kinda like a crossword sudoku - fill in the empty squares so that everything is a real word. pretty self-explanatory. completely free, 4 difficulties, 40000 puzzles no ads, no sounds, no internet, no weird words like qat and erst tell your friends! yours...

Price: Free Developer: Milo Beckman
Armageddon - Escape

Armageddon - Escape

This version of Armageddon - Escape is an amazing Arcade game which is exactly Free-to-Play and consists of Unity Ads. We think to develop and deploy an another version without ads in near future too. Game Details: Objectives: * Protect your...

Price: Free Developer: IC-TECH (Integrated Circuit Technologies)
Worms 2: Armageddon

Worms 2: Armageddon

#1 Turn-Based Game in 135 countries - #1 Strategy Game in 100+ countries #1 Game overall 35+ countries - #Top 5 Game overall 80+ countries Asynchronous play - Worms™2: Armageddon’s most requested feature is here! Play up to 16 simultaneous games with...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Team17 Software Ltd
Armageddon Racing - Car Racing Destruction

Armageddon Racing - Car Racing Destruction


The planet is on the brink of destruction a huge wall of fire is destroying everything in...

Price: Free Developer: POLYESTERGAMES PTY. LTD.
Wheelie 5 - Armageddon Free

Wheelie 5 - Armageddon Free

Armageddon The end of the world has come and our favourite car Wheelie has to save himself. Help Wheelie survive the madness in this Great Puzzle Game! Help him get to safety, safe and sound, what was to be a regular fix...

Armageddon Race

Armageddon Race

Drive your car in fun circuits with land mines and obstacles. Drift through turns to beat the time in this simple car racing game. Tilt your device to turn your car and touch the screen to accelerate/brake. Features: - Simple controls -...

Price: Free Developer: Texas PFCG Aplicativos Ltda
Armageddon:Planet Defense

Armageddon:Planet Defense

In the near future, the Planet will encounter a meteor attacks. Your mission is to protect the Planet from incoming meteors using a nearby moon. Tap to change the direction of the moon and Hold to increase the moon's speed around...

Price: Free Developer: Xiaojuan Jiang
Army Sniper - Armageddon Ops 2017

Army Sniper - Armageddon Ops 2017

Test your sniper sharpshooter skills against terrorist enemy soldiers in this modern army base battlefield. Rage warfare against modern terrorism and as the lone sniper commando you have to kill and recapture your country's army base camp to retain...

Price: Free Developer: Tien Thanh Nguyen


90% - "Gold Award" - "Worms 3 is, quite frankly, one of the most accomplished multiplayer experiences on mobiles", Games Master 8/10 – “Silver Award” – “An entertaining single-player mode and some excellent multiplayer modes make Worms 3 a decent...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Team17 Software Ltd
Zombie Labs: Idle Tycoon

Zombie Labs: Idle Tycoon

Tap to dig up zombies, collect brains and prepare for Armageddon in this addictive idle tycoon game! Upgrade your undead, summon werewolves, invest in research, release Zombie Giants and tap tap tap away to create the ultimate Zombie Army! Watch...

Price: Free Developer: Fumb Games Ltd.

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