Top 41 Education Apps Like ¿Qué pasa si te pasas? - Best Alternatives

¿Qué pasa si te pasas? Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ¿Qué pasa si te pasas? alternatives for iOS? We have listed 41 Education apps that are similar to ¿Qué pasa si te pasas?. Pick one from this list to be your new ¿Qué pasa si te pasas? app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ¿Qué pasa si te pasas? on your iOS devices.

Top 41 Apps Like ¿Qué pasa si te pasas? - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ¿Qué pasa si te pasas? alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 41 similar apps like ¿Qué pasa si te pasas? 2025.




Price: Free Developer: 宁波愉阅网络科技有限公司


File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present a Cree Language app. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such as greetings, phrases, vowels, expressions and much more!...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department
Dakota FHQTC

Dakota FHQTC

File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present a Dakota Language app. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such as greetings, phrases, vowels, expressions and much more!...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department


File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present a Lakota Language app. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such as greetings, phrases, vowels, expressions and much more!...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department


File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present a Lakota Language app. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such as greetings, phrases, vowels, expressions and much more!...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department


Hello, File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present to you a Saulteaux Language app now available on iTunes App store. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department


Based on two scenarios, this app aims to help children autist has over-bullied situations of danger and to simulate emotions.

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Ali Hammami
Qatar University Events

Qatar University Events

Qatar University Conferences app helps registering to QU conferences & events. It has the following features: - Agenda - find presentations and exchange with panels/sessions presented in a chronological order by time or paths - Speakers - know more...

Price: Free Developer: Qatar University
Qatar University Mobile

Qatar University Mobile

QU Mobile is the official app of Qatar University, which is part of an ongoing project that was initiated to enhance the experience of the organization’s members and visitors who interact with its various services and resources. Current features  include...

Price: Free Developer: Qatar University
VOCABULYNX CE1 ( Lecture et fusion syllabique des sons ll,fr,ai,an,en,on,gu,qu,au,eu,ou,ain )

VOCABULYNX CE1 ( Lecture et fusion syllabique des sons ll,fr,ai,an,en,on,gu,qu,au,eu,ou,ain )

"VOCABULYNX est une petite merveille ..." Agnès Desjobert, orthophoniste *** " Perfectionner sa lecture en jouant au loto ! Un joli coup de coeur " 4,5 étoiles sur app-enfant *** Cette version de VOCABULYNX correspond au niveau de lecture du CE1 ( sons +...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Fabrice Eveillard
Tren de palabras – Juegos de spelling bee y puzzle busca la palabra para niños

Tren de palabras – Juegos de spelling bee y puzzle busca la palabra para niños

Tren de palabras es un lindo juego educativo para niños, que los lleva a aprender palabras del vocabulario básico con su ortografía. El método de “golpe y prueba” hace que sea una forma divertida de aprender para los niños...

Price: Free Developer: Naveed Abbas
juegos para aprender a leer y escribir

juegos para aprender a leer y escribir

¿Conoce el último método para enseñar a los niños a leer y a escribir? Un método que ha resultado ser eficaz incluso en niños con dificultades de aprendizaje ... Esta aplicación le ayudará a enseñar a su hijo a prepararse para...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer:
juegos preescolares para aprender los números

juegos preescolares para aprender los números

La aplicación de números para los pequeños! ¡Aprender a contar y a escribir los números de manera lúdica! ¿Le gustaría enseñar a su hijo de entre 3 a 6 años, a contar, a reconocer los números y a saber...

Price: Free Developer:
leer y escribir para niños - gratis

leer y escribir para niños - gratis

Esta aplicación le ayudará a enseñar a su hijo a prepararse para el colegio o si ya sabe leer, le ayudarle a hacer mas fluido de su lectura y mejorará su ortografía. Ideal para niños a partir de 3/4...

Price: Free Developer:


Aplicación para estudiantes de la UANL, donde podrán estar actualizados sobre lo que pasa en la universidad. Desde eventos, logros importantes, hasta cupones.

Price: Free Developer: LZRED
ABC MÁGICO Conexiónes

ABC MÁGICO Conexiónes

Esta aplicación es para hablantes nativos de español. Esta aplicación también puede ser utilizada por niños que aprenden español como segundo o tercer idioma. Esta aplicación ayudará a darle a su hijo fuertes habilidades de conciencia fonémica. Esta aplicación ayudará...



¡Para una Generación Digital Conectada! Disfruta de la educación interactiva con CLASS en su versión Mobile conéctate a tu Universidad con un solo click. Accede a tu información institucional, de manera instantánea y conoce todo lo que pasa en...

Price: Free Developer: Innovacion De Software Innovasoft Sociedad Anonima
Aprender a contar y a escribir los números

Aprender a contar y a escribir los números

¡La aplicación de números para los pequeños! ¡Aprender a contar y a escribir los números de manera lúdica! ¿Le gustaría enseñar a su hijo de entre 3 a 6 años, a contar, a reconocer los números y a saber escribirlos? Esta aplicación...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer:
Ceip San Blas

Ceip San Blas

Si el Ceip SanBlas de Alicante es tu cole, descárgate nuestra app y estarás al corriente de todo lo que pasa en nuestro centro. -Noticias diarias de nuestro centro -Acceso a menús mensuales -Accede a nuestras Apps del centro -Rincón del alumno...

SI-Corp L.E.N.S. (POML)

SI-Corp L.E.N.S. (POML)

SI-CORP L.E.N.S. (POML) is an integrative, cutting-edge application that augments the educational experience for the textbook Organizational Management and Leadership. The focus of the application is on you the learner, by helping to reinforce the acquired knowledge and application...

Price: Free Developer: SI-CORP
SI-Corp L.E.N.S. (CBC)

SI-Corp L.E.N.S. (CBC)

SI-CORP L.E.N.S. is an integrative, cutting-edge application that augments the educational experience for the textbook Cross Border Commerce 3rd Edition. The focus of the application is on you the learner, by helping to reinforce the acquired knowledge and application...

Price: Free Developer: SI-CORP
PitiClic SI-LA-BE

PitiClic SI-LA-BE

Jocul este o formă de comunicare şi un instrument de lucru al copilului în acelaşi timp. Acesta recreează o bucăţică din lumea reală şi poate fi atât simplu şi distractiv, cât şi educativ. PitiClic SI-LA-BE este o aplicaţie...

Price: Free Developer: Infomedia Pro S.R.L.
PitiClic si dinozaurii isteti

PitiClic si dinozaurii isteti

PitiClic si dinozaurii isteti (Misterele lui DinoClic) Echipa micilor exploratori se află într-o pădure tropicală, căutând drumul către o peşteră de care s-a auzit, că acolo s-ar găsi dinozauri. PitiClic, ghidul micilor exploratori se ghidează după o hartă veche primită de...

Price: Free Developer: Infomedia Pro S.R.L.
Numara si socoteste

Numara si socoteste

Program educaţional interactiv pentru copiii de 3-7 ani. Conţinut educaţional: Inteligenţă emoţională + Numere şi operaţii Vreţi să aveţi cei mai deştepţi copii avand un psihic de invidiat? Nimic mai simplu. PitiClic vă ajută! Descărcaţi acest program pentru...

Price: Free Developer: Infomedia Pro S.R.L.
Balene si delfini

Balene si delfini

Patrunde in lumea fascinanta a balenelor si delfinilor. Afla lucruri interesante despre ei : unde traiesc, ce mananca, cum isi cresc puii, cum comunica. Inoata alaturi de ei in ocean si afla caracteristicile diferitelor specii. Poti sa asculti totul...

Price: Free Developer: dragos cosmineanu
Si Wei Long-Logic(Primary 1)

Si Wei Long-Logic(Primary 1)

***For a LIMITED time ONLY*** **FREE NOW** For more info about Apps for free and on sale, please search us by "Hongen". Awaken develop your children’s non verbal skills with this fun and thought provoking App. "Si Wei Long•Hong En non verbal...

Price: Free Developer: Hongen Education and Technology Co., Ltd.
eStructural Lite: RCD-LRFD-SI

eStructural Lite: RCD-LRFD-SI

Did you know that only a few percentage of Civil Engineers are Structural Designers? Is Structural Analysis and Design difficult? If you want to become a Structural Designer, or at least familiarize yourself with their craft, this app: eStructural Lite:...

Price: Free Developer: Steven Go
Cerita Anak: Si Pahit Lidah

Cerita Anak: Si Pahit Lidah

RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif & Game Edukasi) hadir dengan kisah baru : RIRI - KISAH SI PAHIT LIDAH. Ini adalah cerita rakyat atau dongeng dari Sumatera Selatan. Alkisah, ada seorang pangeran bernama Pangeran Serunting. Dia memiliki kesaktian yang tinggi....

Come Cavolo si dice? - L'app che ti toglie i dubbi sulla lingua italiana

Come Cavolo si dice? - L'app che ti toglie i dubbi sulla lingua italiana

Tutti abbiamo avuto dei dubbi riguardo la nostra grammatica. Spesso comunemente si dice una cosa che è sbagliata. Grazie a questa app tutto sarà chiarito, o almeno 994 dei più comuni! * solo la lettera "A" è inclusa; le altre devono essere...

Price: Free Developer: Giacomo Balli
Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua

Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua

Te Kōrero Pūrākau a Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua rāua ko Matariki Nā te rōpū kapa haka ō Waihirere Ko te poi a Matariki, e pīkau nei i ngā kōrero mō te kaumātua rongonui rā o te Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki,...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education New Zealand
Ngā Atua Māori - Book 3: Te Pakanga i Te Paerangi/The Battle at Te Paerangi

Ngā Atua Māori - Book 3: Te Pakanga i Te Paerangi/The Battle at Te Paerangi

Ngā Atua Māori, Puka Tuatoru – Te Pakanga i Te Paerangi The Māori Gods, Book Three – The Battle at Te Paerangi Te Pakanga i Te Paerangi tells the story of the battle between Tūmatauenga and Whiro; sons of Ranginui...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Ngā Atua Māori - Book 4: Tāne me Ngā Kete O Te Wānanga/Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge

Ngā Atua Māori - Book 4: Tāne me Ngā Kete O Te Wānanga/Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge

Ngā Atua Māori, Puka Tuawhā – Tāne me ngā Kete o Te Wānanga The Māori Gods, Book Four – Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge Tāne me ngā Kete o Te Wānanga tells the story of Tāne’ and his journey...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Te Whanake

Te Whanake

The Te Whanake app is a rich collection of resources for Māori language learners and teachers. It encompasses all of the Te Whanake resources in a structured programme that uses all parts of the resources at the appropriate time...

Price: Free Developer: AUT University
Ngā Atua Māori - Book 1:  Te Orokotīmatanga o te Ao/The Beginning of The Universe

Ngā Atua Māori - Book 1: Te Orokotīmatanga o te Ao/The Beginning of The Universe

Te Orokotīmatanga o te Ao is the story of the creation of the universe according to Māori. It begins with Io, the Supreme Being and the infinite state of nothingness before you are transported through aeons to the time...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Ngā Atua Māori - Book 2: Te Wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku/The Separation of Ranginui & Papatūānuku

Ngā Atua Māori - Book 2: Te Wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku/The Separation of Ranginui & Papatūānuku

Ngā Atua Māori: Puka Tuarua – Te Wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku The Māori Gods: Book Two - The Separation of Rangunui and Papatūānuku Te Wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku tells the story of the separation of Sky Father...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Leer om tyd te lees in afrikaans

Leer om tyd te lees in afrikaans

Hierdie app: “Hoe Laat is dit? Leer jou kind met interaktiewe spelletjies hoe om tyd te leer lees en verstaan. Die oefeninge en aktiwiteite in hierdie app help kinders om maklik en met pret te leer sê hoe...

Kia Haere Tāua ki te Hokohoko / Let's Go Shopping!

Kia Haere Tāua ki te Hokohoko / Let's Go Shopping!

The game is part of a series of mobile apps designed to introduce te Reo Māori words and phrases to pre-schoolers in a fun and playful way. The rest of the series will include puzzles about roads, pets...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Spelletjes om kleuters te leren lezen

Spelletjes om kleuters te leren lezen

U wilt uw kleuter ook met een voorsprong de grote school laten beginnen? Download dan snel de “Spelletje om kleuters te leren lezen” app Dit educatieve spel zal uw kind helpen beter voorbereid te zijn voor deze grote stap...

Price: Free Developer:
Te Taupānga

Te Taupānga

At Toi Ohimai Institute of Technology we truly believe that our students’ success is key to the success of our whole region. That’s why we’re here - to help make their dreams a reality. Te Taupānga is an educational...

Price: Free Developer: Toi Ohomai
FITA English Course

FITA English Course

¿Necesitas superar el B2, alcanzar el C1 o prepararte para un curso FCE o CAE? El curso FITA está diseñado para que alcances el nivel ADVANCED y puedas por fin decir que sabes inglés. FITA, de Mónica Stocker, es un...

Price: Free Developer: eBBi Books

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