Top 40 Education Apps Like Ateb y Ffôn / Answer the Phone - Best Alternatives

Ateb y Ffôn / Answer the Phone Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ateb y Ffôn / Answer the Phone alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Ateb y Ffôn / Answer the Phone. Pick one from this list to be your new Ateb y Ffôn / Answer the Phone app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ateb y Ffôn / Answer the Phone on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Ateb y Ffôn / Answer the Phone - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ateb y Ffôn / Answer the Phone alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Ateb y Ffôn / Answer the Phone 2025.



Y gêm ydy cwblhau’r cwestiynau mor gyflym ag sy’n bosib … cyn i’r cloc dy guro! Mae 6 gêm i’w chwarae: • Faint o’r gloch ydy hi? • Tua...bron yn...yn union • ...y bore...y prynhawn...y nos • Pryd? • Posau • Faint o’r gloch ydy hi yn...? Mae 3 haen o fewn pob...

Price: Free Developer: Atebol Cyfyngedig
Nofel Graffeg

Nofel Graffeg

Y gêm ydy cwblhau’r geiriau mor gyflym ag sy’n bosib … cyn i’r cloc dy guro! Mae yna 6 gêm i’w chwarae: • Bwyd • Gwyliau • Hobïau • Gwisgo’r corff • Y teulu a’r cartref • Yr ardal Mae 3 haen o fewn pob gêm, mae haen 2 yn anoddach na haen...

Price: Free Developer: Atebol Cyfyngedig
Anagramau Ail Iaith

Anagramau Ail Iaith

Y gêm ydy cwblhau’r geiriau mor gyflym ag sy’n bosib … cyn i’r cloc dy guro! Mae yna 6 gêm i’w chwarae: • Bwyd • Gwyliau • Hobïau • Gwisgo’r corff • Y teulu a’r cartref • Yr ardal Mae 3 haen o fewn pob gêm, mae haen 2 yn anoddach na haen...

Price: Free Developer: Atebol Cyfyngedig
Brawddegau Ail Iaith

Brawddegau Ail Iaith

Y gêm ydy cwblhau’r brawddegau mor gyflym ag sy’n bosib ... cyn i’r cloc dy guro! Mae 6 gêm i’w chwarae: • Cwestiwn...cwestiwn...cwestiwn... • Heddiw... • Beth wyt ti’n feddwl o...? • Yr ysgol • Yr ardal • Ddoe ac yfory Mae 3 Haen o fewn pob gêm, mae haen 2 yn anoddach...

Price: Free Developer: Atebol Cyfyngedig
Sillafu Ail Iaith

Sillafu Ail Iaith

Y gêm ydi cwblhau’r geiriau mor gyflym ag sy’n bosib ... cyn i’r cloc dy guro! Mae yna 4 gêm i’w chwarae: • Lluosog • Gwrando • Cyfieithu • Lluniau Mae tri Haen o fewn pob gêm, mae haen 2 yn anoddach na haen 1. Mae haen 3...

Price: Free Developer: Atebol Cyfyngedig
Adolygu - Revision

Adolygu - Revision

Profa dy wybodaeth am wyddoniaeth yn erbyn y cloc! Wedi’i seilio ar Ganllawiau Adolygu Gwyddoniaeth TGAU Prifysgol Bangor, mae’r ap gwych hwn, sy’n rhad ac am ddim ac yn gwbl ddwyieithog, yn cynnig cwisiau i dy helpu wrth baratoi ar...

Price: Free Developer: Galactig
Adolygu 2 - Revision 2

Adolygu 2 - Revision 2

Wyt ti ym mlwyddyn 10 yn astudio Gwyddoniaeth? Dyma'r ap perffaith i ti! Wedi’i seilio ar Ganllawiau Adolygu Gwyddoniaeth TGAU Prifysgol Bangor, mae’r ap gwych hwn, sy’n rhad ac am ddim ac yn gwbl ddwyieithog, yn cynnig cwisiau i dy...

Price: Free Developer: Galactig
Anagramau Iaith Gyntaf

Anagramau Iaith Gyntaf

Amcan yr Ap iaith Llythrennedd – Anagramau yw i ti gwblhau cymaint o eiriau ag sy’n bosibl, cyn i'r amser dy guro. Mae yna bedair gêm wahanol sef Llenwch y bylchau; Atebwch y cwestiynau; Beth yw’r gair? a Diffiniad geiriadur....

Price: Free Developer: Atebol Cyfyngedig
Brawddegau Iaith Gyntaf

Brawddegau Iaith Gyntaf

Amcan yr ap iaith Llythrennedd - Brawddegau yw i ti gwblhau cymaint o eiriau ag sy’n bosibl, cyn i'r amser dy guro. Mae yna 6 gêm wahanol sef Cwestiynau; Yn yr ysgol; Mynegi barn; Heddiw, ddoe ac yfory; Disgrifio ac...

Price: Free Developer: Atebol Cyfyngedig
Tren de palabras – Juegos de spelling bee y puzzle busca la palabra para niños

Tren de palabras – Juegos de spelling bee y puzzle busca la palabra para niños

Tren de palabras es un lindo juego educativo para niños, que los lleva a aprender palabras del vocabulario básico con su ortografía. El método de “golpe y prueba” hace que sea una forma divertida de aprender para los niños...

Price: Free Developer: Naveed Abbas
Emergencia y Discapacidad

Emergencia y Discapacidad

Esta APP es la primera aplicación informática gratuita diseñada y desarrollada para ofrecer, a la población general y a los servicios de emergencia y seguridad, consideraciones acerca de la atención que debe prestarse a las personas con discapacidad en...

Price: Free Developer: GEDES - Asociación de Educación, Discapacidad, Emergencia y Seguridad
Mi dinero y Yo

Mi dinero y Yo

La App “Mi Dinero y yo”, es un cuento ilustrado que tiene como objetivo facilitar a los padres la explicación a los más pequeños de la casa de términos relacionados con las finanzas y la economía familiar de una...

Museo Histórico y Militar

Museo Histórico y Militar

La aplicación del Museo Histórico y Militar de Chile te permitirá conocer más sobre la historia de Chile y su Ejército a través de imágenes y nuestra audioguías en español e inglés. También podrás acceder a información al visitante...

Price: Free Developer: Museo Histórico y Militar de Chile
Aprende Español en Castilla y León

Aprende Español en Castilla y León

Aprende Español en Castilla y León es un videojuego que te permitirá aprender español y divertirte a la vez. ¡¡¡¡¡Elige tu personaje y comienza a jugar!!!!! Con diferentes niveles rápidamente conseguirás hablar español.

Price: Free Developer: Consejeria de Cultura y Turismo de la Junta de Castilla y Leon
Preguntas y Respuestas - Pro: Quién, Cuándo, Dónde, Qué, Por Qué

Preguntas y Respuestas - Pro: Quién, Cuándo, Dónde, Qué, Por Qué

This educational app from Super Duper Publications teaches students how to correctly ask and answer Quién, Cuándo, Dónde, Qué, and Por Qué questions in Spanish. It has four entertaining learning games for each set of cards, and includes enhanced...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Super Duper Publications
Beibl Gweithgaredd y Plant i blant dros 7 oed

Beibl Gweithgaredd y Plant i blant dros 7 oed

Storïau o’r Beibl a gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant i wneud dysgu’r Beibl yn fwy effeithiol! • 42 Stori o’r Beibl gyda mwy nag 84 o bosau, cwisiau, lluniau i’w lliwio a gwahaniaethau i’w canfod. • Dysgwch ar ddyfais (iPad, iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Toni Matas
Beibl Gweithgaredd y Plant Lleiaf i blant dan 7 oed

Beibl Gweithgaredd y Plant Lleiaf i blant dan 7 oed

Storïau o’r Beibl a gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant i wneud dysgu’r Beibl yn fwy effeithiol! • 42 Stori o’r Beibl gyda mwy nag 84 o bosau, cwisiau, lluniau i’w lliwio a gwahaniaethau i’w canfod. • Dysgwch ar ddyfais (iPad, iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Toni Matas
LaCalculadora - Descarga documentos pdf y organiza tus ideas, videos, fotos fácil y rápido

LaCalculadora - Descarga documentos pdf y organiza tus ideas, videos, fotos fácil y rápido

Gratis por tiempo limitado hasta que la próxima version llegue con mas opciones! Esta aplicación le ayudara a etiquetar videos de Youtube, a descargar documentos Pdf o almacenar cualquier tipo de información de la internet de una forma estructurada y...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Elsa Cantuna
Lee en inglés: Damn cat (con traducción y audio)

Lee en inglés: Damn cat (con traducción y audio)

Lee un relato actual en el inglés de hoy y disfruta de su humor ácido y sus delirantes escenas. El argumento gira sobre la divertida y surrealista confesión de un jardinero que se enfrenta a la desaparición de Bily...

Price: Free Developer: eBBi Books
Answer Pad

Answer Pad

Use our cutting edge technology to engage your students in a 21st-century learning environment. Deliver and capture data from any device by using a Web browser or the The Answer Pad app. With its flexible access and time-saving functionality,...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Ribbon LLC
Answer Sheet - Awesome Test Preparation Tool

Answer Sheet - Awesome Test Preparation Tool

*****FREE for a limited time****** Are you preparing for your up coming test like TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT…? And you are looking for an awesome tool for your test preparation? This app was made for you. This is an awesome Answer...

Price: Free Developer: AppFx Design
CCNA Question, Answer and Explanation

CCNA Question, Answer and Explanation

CCNA Question & Answer, explanation allows you to learn CCNA and pass CCNA certification exams. You want to pass 200-125 CCNA exam and get CCNA 200-125 certificate? You want to have explanation for CCNA question? You want to study about networking? --> CCNA...

Price: Free Developer: Duc Nguyen Trong
CCNP Question, Answer and Explanation

CCNP Question, Answer and Explanation

Learn CCNP ROUTE, SWITCH, TSHOOT question & answer with explanation to pass CCNP exam and get certificate. You want to pass 3 CCNP exams: TSHOOT Exam (300-135), ROUTE Exam (300-101), SWITCH Exam (300-115) and get CCNP certificate? You want to have...

Price: Free Developer: Duc Nguyen Trong
Fast Math Game - Thinking fast answer for kids

Fast Math Game - Thinking fast answer for kids

Fast Math Game - Thinking fast answer for kids. How to play : - you have only one second to choose correct answer - show high score !

Price: Free Developer: Wutichai Choomalaiwong
Answer to Win

Answer to Win

An inspirational winner of the Make It Happen app design competition. Answer to win allows children to practice their maths questions to score goals and win the game.

Price: Free Developer: Alan Torrance
English - WH Question & Answer

English - WH Question & Answer

Learn and practise asking and answering questions using question words. Question words are important in the development of comprehension and verbal communication skills and for gathering information. WH Question & Answer includes Who, What, Where, and When questions. App also...

Price: Free Developer: Lynn Genciana
PLS Click© Question/Answer A

PLS Click© Question/Answer A

家庭学習教材PLS Click© のQuestion/Answer Set Aアプリです。 楽しくホームワークをすすめましょう! インストールされた場合は、 使用許諾契約にご同意頂いたものとします。 ----------------------------------------------------- アカウント(IDとパスワード)をお持ちでない方、コンテンツ使用ライセンスを受けていない方はプレイ頂けません。アカウントや使用可能な教材のライセンスについてはお通いの学校までお問い合わせ下さい。

Price: Free Developer: Pacific Language School
PLS Click© Question/Answer B

PLS Click© Question/Answer B

家庭学習教材PLS Click© のQuestion/Answer Set Bアプリです。 楽しくホームワークをすすめましょう! インストールされた場合は、 使用許諾契約にご同意頂いたものとします。 ----------------------------------------------------- アカウント(IDとパスワード)をお持ちでない方、コンテンツ使用ライセンスを受けていない方はプレイ頂けません。アカウントや使用可能な教材のライセンスについてはお通いの学校までお問い合わせ下さい。

Price: Free Developer: Pacific Language School
My Learning Assistant – study with flashcards, quizzes, lists or write the good answer

My Learning Assistant – study with flashcards, quizzes, lists or write the good answer

Create your own cards or import free decks from Quizlet. Learn languages, vocabulary, history dates, geography, art, literature, chemistry, physics and everything you wish. Use 4 different modes: Paper list (unique on the App Store!), Flashcard, Quiz or Write the answer. Available...

Price: Free Developer: Thibault Janel
Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule the School Self-Advocacy Board Game © 2008 Monica Faherty Students with hearing loss must have the knowledge and ability to speak up for themselves and their needs in regular classrooms in order to have equal access to their educational...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Rule the School
Sounds with The Speech Wizard

Sounds with The Speech Wizard

Sounds with The Speech Wizard is the second app in The Speech Wizard series. Sounds with The Speech Wizard app was created to increase your child’s sound recognition and listening skills. This is accomplished by having your child listen...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: The Speech Wizard
Freddie the Frog®

Freddie the Frog®

Do you have multiple student iPads at your school? Does your school participate in the Education Volume Purchase Program? You can download multiple copies of the same App from one school account with a 50% Discount! Freddie...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Freddie The Frog®
The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page English Linguistics Program is a neurolinguistic based program that instructs English learners using sounds of English phonemes, morphemes, and the writing and spelling of English words in isolation. Neurolinguistics is the study of how the...

Price: Free Developer: The Talking Page (H.K.) Limited
Far East-In the Wardrobe

Far East-In the Wardrobe

Vivid pictures stimulate your children’s interest in bilingual learning and reading. Introduces children to favorite desserts, snacks, and foods in restaurant and at home, in Chinese and English with colorful animation and playful sound effects. Plus an...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Far East Book Co., Ltd.
Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God

Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God

With this App you will be able to enjoy the teaching Ministry of Matt Smith from Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God. Matt Smith has been the senior pastor of Jonesboro First Assembly since 2007. Under Matt’s leadership,...

Price: Free Developer: Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God
iTalkAtMoog: The First 100 Words

iTalkAtMoog: The First 100 Words

The First 100 Words includes functional vocabulary which occurs throughout a young child's daily routine, such as food, clothing, body parts, animals, colors, numbers and actions. This app will allow parents, teachers and therapists to introduce and practice...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: The Moog Center for Deaf Education The Judaism iPhone App The Judaism iPhone App

Get easy access to Jewish wisdom for living from one of the web’s largest and must trusted Jewish sources. •Daily updates of articles and videos on spirituality, dating, marriage, Israel, Jewish holidays and more. •24-hour live webcam from the Western Wall •Inspiring,...

Price: Free Developer: The Jerusalem Fund, Inc
Alien Rescue by The Story Ship

Alien Rescue by The Story Ship

Fast paced interactive asteroid first person shooter game for use during presentations by approved performers of the Story Ship's live theater show, "Aliens Alive!"

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Story Ship
Aquarium of the Pacific: Jelly Lab

Aquarium of the Pacific: Jelly Lab

Raise your very own sea jelly from egg to medusa in the Aquarium of the Pacific’s Jelly Lab. Learn and do what it takes to keep a healthy and growing jelly…from maintaining water circulation to feeding and cleaning....

Price: Free Developer: Aquarium of the Pacific

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