Top 15 Travel Apps Like Avignon 3D - Best Alternatives

Avignon 3D Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Avignon 3D alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Travel apps that are similar to Avignon 3D. Pick one from this list to be your new Avignon 3D app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Avignon 3D on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like Avignon 3D - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Avignon 3D alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like Avignon 3D 2025.

Archistoire Avignon Saint-Ruf

Archistoire Avignon Saint-Ruf

Archistoire Avignon Saint-Ruf est une application de visites augmentées. L’application vous géolocalise et vous notifie de la présence de sites remarquables à proximité. Levez votre Smartphone et explorez les lieux à 360°. Empruntant à la fois aux codes de la...

Price: Free Developer: Jens Wunderling und Patrick Kochlik
MyVizito Avignon

MyVizito Avignon

The Tourist Office of Avignon suggest you the first collaborative intelligence engine which guides you during your trip to build your own tourist itinerary. Pick the picturesque, the exceptional and the unexpected: An avatar suggest you to build your own tourist...

Price: Free Developer: Hi-Form
G7 Account

G7 Account

This G7 app specifically is tailored for (and exclusive to) G7 subscribers: enjoy all the benefits of your G7 subscription and book all your taxis directly from your smartphone. New features include: - G7 Connect: take a G7 on the...

Price: Free Developer: TAXIS G7
Trésors du fort Saint-André

Trésors du fort Saint-André

Cette application accompagne les visiteurs de l’exposition « Assiégé, invitations à la sculpture d’usage » qui se déroule au Fort Saint-André à Villeneuve Lès Avignon en partenariat avec l’Ecole Supérieure des Arts et du Design de St-Etienne (ESADSE) et...

Price: Free Developer: Centre des monuments nationaux
Leben atmen - Europatour

Leben atmen - Europatour

Kulturradreise 2018 - amac-buch Für dieses Jahr haben wir uns wieder eine traumhaft schöne Tour vorgenommen: Wir radeln in Richtung Bodensee, um von dort aus dann in die Schweiz zu gelangen. Über Genf pedalen wir dann nach Lyon, um über...

Price: Free Developer: Lars Bergelt
Chicago Landmarks in 3D VR

Chicago Landmarks in 3D VR

Instantly transport yourself to Chicago, IL with this stunning new 3D virtual reality app of Chicago landmarks. Just strap on a headset and press play and you'll be immediately sent to Chicago's most famous landmarks, viewpoints, and buildings. The...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: 100 Things App LLC
3D Poitiers évolution

3D Poitiers évolution

Experience “3D Poitiers Evolution” and take off to discover the town center as it has evolved over time. This 3D-panoramic tour shows how Poitiers was transformed from Antiquity to the present day, using unique unprecedented historical reconstructions of the city’s...

Price: Free Developer: Art Graphique & Patrimoine
Jumièges 3D

Jumièges 3D

Jumièges 3D is the Abbey of Jumièges official application developed in cooperation with the Seine Maritime Departmental Council. Travel back in time by exploring the completely reconstructed abbey on your iPhone, iPod and iPad. The application is available in French and...

Price: Free Developer: Departement de la Seine-Maritime
Vegas in 3D VR Virtual Reality

Vegas in 3D VR Virtual Reality

The first immersive virtual reality app on the App Store transports you instantly to Las Vegas most famous landmarks, sights, hotels, the strip, and monuments. Watch all videos and images in 2D without virtual reality goggle, but the images...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: 100 Things App LLC
Las Vegas 3D

Las Vegas 3D

Une 3D sublime pour découvrir une ville vraiment très impressionnante et démesurée. Visitez, sans le casse-tête d'une app compliquée et prises de tête. - Un menu intuitif avec accès rapide sur les lieux d'intérêt. - Les lieux d'intérêt sont classés, numérotés avec...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: patrice BOYER
Perpignan 3D

Perpignan 3D

Plongez au cœur du passé gothique de la ville grâce à l'application Perpignan 3D. Une visite virtuelle en 360° en réalité augmentée, des contenus multimédia didactiques et récréatifs. Disponible en 4 langues : Français, Catalan, Espagnol et Anglais. --- Trois itinéraires gothiques...

Price: Free Developer: Ville de PERPIGNAN
Teotihuacan 3D

Teotihuacan 3D

The Teotihuacán 3D Guide shows an incredible virtual tour of the ancient splendor of this “City of the Gods”. Discover the colors and the original aspect of the pyramids which have been reconstructed using information and hints from...

Price: Free Developer: IHMTEK
Vienne Antique 3D

Vienne Antique 3D

This application gives a glance of the most important monuments of the city of Vienne, France, at the time of the Romans. We have created 3D reconstitutions of these monuments based on assumptions derived from the most recent archaeological...

Price: Free Developer: IHMTEK
Villa Cavrois 3D

Villa Cavrois 3D

Explore architect Mallet-Stevens’ masterpiece thanks to the Villa Cavrois 3D-application! Stroll through the Cavrois family villa as it was in 1932, discovering its eventful history and the wealth of techniques used for its construction. The application offers optimal on-site...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Centre des monuments nationaux

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