Top 19 Education Apps Like Antonine KZ - Best Alternatives

Antonine KZ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Antonine KZ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Antonine KZ. Pick one from this list to be your new Antonine KZ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Antonine KZ on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Antonine KZ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Antonine KZ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Antonine KZ 2025.

Antonine International School

Antonine International School

Antonine International School Ajaltoun's new mobile application will eases the communication between the school and the parents by keeping them up-to-date with the latest events, circulars and news. The app also expend the parent's process of communication by offering...

Price: Free Developer: Vertuals Admin
Go Roman

Go Roman

Step into the shoes of Roman soldier Julius or slave girl Verecunda and experience what life was like on the Antonine Wall nearly 2,000 years ago. The Fort is part of the Antonine Wall World Heritage Site in Scotland. This educational...

Price: Free Developer: Historic Environment Scotland
uAntonine - Augmented Reality

uAntonine - Augmented Reality

Antonine University – Augmented Reality, gives the ability to the user to visualize interactively and in real time the campus of the University. Through this virtual visit he will be able to navigate through the buildings in a 360°...

Price: Free Developer: Universite Antonine
Antonine Sisters School

Antonine Sisters School

For 13-18 year-olds: + Skoolee helps you document and organize your academic achievements and extracurricular activities. For schools: + Share with Parents their kids' academic progress & achievements + Encourage your students to document their achievements + Promote your...

Price: Free Developer: White Mountain Technologies s.a.l.
SAR Official App

SAR Official App

Antonine Sisters School Mar Doumith Roumieh focuses on creating a clear mission to guide its decisions in curriculum development and values-based curriculum. We promote and teach a set of values to ensure that our students develop the needed...

Price: Free Developer: tree tech
Ecole NotreDame Dekwaneh

Ecole NotreDame Dekwaneh

The Antonine Schools are inspired by the fundamental objectives of the Congregation and its religious, patriotic, social and human values to ensure the education of the new generation and to form a New Man for a New World. The...

Price: Free Developer: tree tech
CHI Encyclopedia of Plauges

CHI Encyclopedia of Plauges

Explore the the world's Plagues in thousands of hours of articles and pictures covering everything from Antonine Plague to Zika Virus. Our encyclopedia of Plagues contains beautiful HD photos, simple organization and user interface, and the most comprehensive information...

Price: Free Developer: Coast Heavy Industries
Asg Alumni

Asg Alumni

Antonine Sister’s School-Ghazir was establishes in Ghazir in 1981. The first batch of less than 10 students graduated in 1994 and went out to the world along with the batches that followed to achieve great things in different countries...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmad rahhal
BP Official

BP Official

The Bureau Pedagogy in Antonine Sisters School is a service that provides logistical and pedagogical support for our school's congregation. Our primary mission is to promote educational politics founded on evangelical values and pedagogical whose ultimate purpose is the...

Price: Free Developer: tree tech
KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau - DGS

KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau - DGS

Das ist die offizielle App der KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau in Deutscher Gebärdensprache. Auf Initiative der Überlebenden, organisiert im Comité International de Dachau (CID), entstand 1965 mit Unterstützung des Freistaates Bayern die KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau. Sie gehört heute zur Stiftung Bayerische Gedenkstätten. Die KZ-Gedenkstätte...

Price: Free Developer: Linon
KZ Academy

KZ Academy

KZ Academy is a multi-language video learning tool that tests students on the content they watch. - Displays quiz questions on top of YouTube videos. - Over 40 languages supported Your school does not yet use it ? Ask your teacher to...

Price: Free Developer: Magikbee


1. "On-Line" allows users to enjoy both Online Interactive Class (Virtual Classroom) and Video Conferencing on mobile phones, tablets and other portable devices when connecting to KZ-VC6000, Online Multimedia Interactive Recording System of Konzesys. 2. This incredibly...

Экзамен и ПДД Казахстан 2020

Экзамен и ПДД Казахстан 2020

Всё необходимое для автолюбителя: - Самый удобный в использовании тест Правил Дорожного Движения Республики Казахстан, Знаки и дорожная разметка - Экзамен на права - пройдите тестирование для проверки ваших знаний и тренировки перед сдачей в УДП, используя актуальные билеты. - Пройдя тесты,...

Price: Free Developer: Crystal Spring LLP

Постановка на очередь детей дошкольного возраста (до 7 лет) для направления в детские дошкольные организации


iTest – ​жоғары сынып оқушыларын Ұлттық бірыңғай тестілеу (ҰБТ), қорытындыаттестаттау жəне Оқу жетістіктерін сырттай бағалауға (ОЖСБ) дайындалуға арналғанвиртуалды жаттықтырғыш.iTest осы ресурсқа арнайы əзірленген сұрақтардың бірегей базасынан құралған.Қазіргі кезде деректер базасы қазақ, орыс тілдеріндегі шамамен 60 мыңға жуық сұрақ пентапсырмадан...

Price: Free Developer: Bilim Media Group TOO


«ABAI 45» — это уникальная аудио-версия знаменитого произведения Абая Кунанбаева «Книга слов», созданная при участии молодых кинематографистов и актеров Казахстана. Офицальный сайт:

Price: Free Developer: Baglan Dosmagambetov


Приложение с помощью которого каждый может изучить полезные ископаемые и любые другие ресурсы на территории Казахстана! Осматривайте руды, крутите, вращайте, изучайте полезные ископаемые, собирайте информацию и просвещайте себя! Новинка! Изучайте кристаллическую решетку металлов с помощью дополненной реальности!

Price: Free Developer: Iosif Kutateladze
KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau

KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau

This is the official app for The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. In 1965 Dachau survivors organised an initiative and formed the Comité International de Dachau (CID) with the support of the German state of Bavaria government to establish...

Price: Free Developer: Linon

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