Do you want to find the best Pr - The fastest Mobile Kiosk Browser alternatives for iOS? We have listed 48 Productivity apps that are similar to Pr - The fastest Mobile Kiosk Browser. Pick one from this list to be your new Pr - The fastest Mobile Kiosk Browser app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Pr - The fastest Mobile Kiosk Browser on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Pr - The fastest Mobile Kiosk Browser alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar apps like Pr - The fastest Mobile Kiosk Browser 2025.
PRカレンダーはあなたの会社や商品のPRやプロモーションやSNS投稿の“ネタ探し”ができるカレンダーアプリです。PRプランを考えるとき、お客様とのミーティングの前、また、ちょっとした隙間時間にご利用ください。 ● “今日は何の日”や記念日の確認、制定の経緯などの詳細説明が読めます。 ● 商品発売からの周年や会社設立周年をチェックできます。 ● 日経平均銘柄(日経225銘柄)企業の本決算発表日(予定)が確認できます ● クリップ機能を使うと自分だけのオリジナルPRカレンダーが作れます。 ● PRカレンダーのほか、メディアと記者クラブの情報も収録しました。 発行部数や発行日などが確認ができるほか、メディアの所在地はGoogle Mapsで 確認できるので、メディアキャラバンに大変便利です。 ■ PRカレンダーは、PRやプロモーションのアイディアやSNS投稿のネタの種があります。 気になる日や記念日を見つけたら、タップしてみてください。記念日の制定者や制定の経緯などが確認できる詳細情報ページに進めます。 「PRイベントやプロモーションの“日程“だけが決まった!」そんな経験はありませんか? そんな時はPRカレンダーでイベント日やプロモーション日をチェックしてみてください。 思わぬ“ネタの種”が見つかるかもしれません。 ■ 企業設立や商品発売アニバーサリーをチェックできます。 意外なコラボ企画や相乗りプロモーションの機会を作ることができるかもしれません。 ■ 自分だけの「PRカレンダー」を作りましょう 気になる日の出来事や記念日をクリップして、オリジナルPRカレンダーが作れます。 ■ メディアの住所や発行部数を簡単に調べられます。 メディアデータは媒体カテゴリー毎になっているので、手短に調べられます。 住所をタップするとGoogle Mapsに繋がるので、行き慣れていないメディアへの訪問も楽にできます。 ■ みんなで作るPRカレンダー PRカレンダーに登録したい日や記念日がある方は、 件名に【PRカレンダーについて】と書いて までメールでご連絡ください。 ※みなさまから頂戴したすべての記念日を登録することをお約束は出来かねますので、ご了承ください。 PRカレンダーアプリケーションに掲載されている記念日や詳細情報および周年情報、またメディアデータに収録されている情報は、インターネットなどで一般公開されている情報をPR TIMESが収集・編集しました。掲載情報は、2013年9月現在のものですが、適宜更新していきます。 テクニカルな問題やその他のご質問については、までお問い合わせください。
Assespro PR é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos, regida por seus Estatutos Sociais, criada com o intuito de representar de forma distinta e empreendedora, empresas privadas nacionais produtoras e desenvolvedoras de software, serviços de tecnologia da informação, telecomunicações e...
Esta app es para uso exclusivo de los socios de coopharma y los suplidores patrocinadores de los eventos y seminarios impartidos por coopharma. - Registra la asistencia para cada evento o seminario. - Selecciona los eventos que estarán asistiendo mientras estén...
Crowngate’s official app for our new premium 4* beach-front hotel – AVANI Al Marjan Island Ras Al Khaimah Resort. The hotel is available for investment through a hotel investment fund with 2,400 shares available at a low-level entry investment...
Frank feedback allows you to feedback, track and improve your agency relationships and work over time. Any feedback you provide goes directly to the agency management team who will ensure that month on month, year on year, the work...
The Hypefactors stream app lets you get access on the go to the streams you follow. Add mentions to your coverage and find out the value of them in a couple of taps. Hypefactors is unified software for data-driven...
Now, you can view all the mentions discovered by our award-winning web app, right on your phone, without using your web browser. Track all mentions to your brand on the go, never miss a competitor move, and be informed...
* Seja notificado sobre disparos. * Envie sinal de pânico com localização GPS. * Visualize imagens das câmeras. * Consulte histórico de alarmes. * Arme / Desarme remoto. * Abertura de ordens de serviço. * Envie sinal de emergência veicular e emergência médica.
Aplicativo para acompanhamento de metas e pontos de todos os clientes que aderirem a campanha Quero Mais Prêmios - Sorocaba Refrescos
BC in the Cloud is an integrated platform for business continuity and disaster recovery planning. Our automated tools for building and maintaining effective plans streamline and simplify your Continuity, Governance and Risk Management programs. Our platform offers more features...
The Alumni in the Classroom app, powered by Pathable, will help you network with other attendees, interact with our speakers, learn about our sponsors, and build your personal schedule of educational sessions. Here are some features of the Alumni...
Remember The Milk is the smart to-do app for busy people. You'll never forget the milk (or anything else) again. • Get to-dos out of your head, and let the app remember for you • Get reminded via email, text, IM,...
Ours is brain training and skill building engineered on the TIMELESS PRINCIPLE of practice and drill, spaced repetition, habit rendition, and sequential memory reinforcement… the same regime that builds Marines, Doctors, MBAs, Navy Seals, Olympians and successful Business Leaders. “Education...
This is the official mobile app for the the Association of the United States Army. This mobile app allows you to: View schedules, explore sessions, and find networking events. Curate your own personal schedule for easy...
"mTasks - The Missing Tast List" is a powerful task manager, very easy to use and focused on your productivity. By creating this app I focused on the best things which I found in other task applications and I...
This app has been designed specifically for those who work in the Travel Retail industry. It has been designed to support teams worldwide and help bring the shop floor closer to operators, retailers and brands in the channel. ...
**** All New for iOS 9 in 2017! The #1 selling iphone movie script writing app in the world is now even better! Now Fountain Compatible! 100% new revision is Smooth and Beautiful - You will fall in love with writing all...
Noah is a simple but powerful way of making information available to your teams. Forget emailing around PDFs or carrying massive ringbinders. Noah lets you create powerful, easy to use mobile apps containing all your business information in one place. Create...
Stock.Pit – Order the simple way Stock.Pit wird den Bestellablauf in ihrem Unternehmen revolutionieren. Sie können mit Stock.Pit schneller, einfacher und fehlerfreier Bestellungen direkt bei Ihrem Lieferanten aufgeben. Artikel anlegen, Lieferanten hinterlegen und bei Bedarf Sollbestand für die einzelnen Lager...
Voice is the fastest, easiest way to turn thoughts into actions - tell Avocado when you need a reminder: "Remind me on Thursday at 4pm to send the proposal to Ken and ask how his sister is doing" "Remind me...
***** The world's fastest mobile experience Take complete control over the speed, data usage, security, and overall performance of your iPad or iPhone with Dash Office. You can use the app for free in ad-mode, or buy one of the following...
GooMinder is the fastest and ONLY way to enter an event / reminder and more importantly up to 5 reminders in the form of SMS, email, and/or pop-up to your Google Calendar. GooMinder Schedule is your new bulletproof reminder...
Que is the simplest, fastest app for creating beautiful websites which look great on all devices. If you can use a smartphone, you can now make your own website using your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Build your website...
Now Universal...The fastest, most configurable, most versatile Remote desktop VNC app available.Full screen view. Incorporates features like WOL, Bonjour and 3D Cube interface. Full inbuilt HELP & setup guide + links to Video tutorials. Connect to Mac, PC or Linex...
ScribblePost is the fastest way to take notes and get things done. Built with entrepreneurs in mind, ScribblePost is perfect for keeping track of projects, ideas and tasks. Scribble anything and everything, then track and manage all your actions...
‘The fastest way to audit on the go’ Site Audit Pro helps over 50,000 businesses worldwide improve their productivity by making audits and inspections quicker to carry out and easier to manage. Whether performing a safety inspection, snagging issues, creating...
Write is an ultimate note taking & writing app. It combines simplicity with powerful features, making your iPhone & iPad the best writing tool. Currently used by 1.500.000+ users! "Your app really is one of the best looking and easiest and...
Access your todos any time with this simple but powerful todo list. Good Todo is easy to use and syncs with your online account. iPhone AND iPad versions are both included in one download. Create new todos, edit existing todos,...
About SAFE Mobile App: Quantum Secure extends the capabilities of its Web-based physical identity and access management software – SAFE, through convenient and easy to use mobile apps. SAFE Mobile Solutions offer functions for security staff as well as end...
Cherwell Mobile for Gloucestershire enables our Desktop and Mobile workforce to reach new levels of productivity, through automated workflow, real-time communication and offline capabilities, we are able to "Let Work Flow" even when mobile.
Cherwell Mobile for Infoprotect enables our mobile workforce to reach new levels of productivity, through automated workflow, real-time communication and auto-integration into our Cherwell support desk.
Cherwell Mobile for Adaptive enables our mobile workforce to reach new levels of productivity, through automated workflow, real-time communication and auto-integration into our Cherwell support desk.
Konica Minolta Mobile Print is an app that allows you to connect your iOS device to a Konica Minolta MFP; the app integrates with the OS to enable trouble-free printing and importing scanned data. Print...
Here is MY data! Where is YOURS? Mobile Black Belt offers the only All-in-One Continuous Improvement Toolbox for the Lean Six Sigma and other Continuous Improvement Professionals and Project Teams on the go! No need to carry your laptop wherever...
Bentley Map Mobile provides powerful 2D/3D vector and raster viewing along with redlining and mark-up capabilities. It provides fast, efficient access to infrastructure data sets for field personnel of all types, including engineers, inspectors, maintenance crews, construction personnel and...
Damaris Mobile est le compagnon indispensable de Damaris RM (Records Management) . Damaris Mobile propose les fonctions suivantes : * Damaris Prédire : Scannez un code à barre et laissez-vous guider par Damaris Mobile * Numérisez vos documents et archivez-les directement dans...
MTM Mobile, the dedicated mobile application for the Mobile Team Manager platform. MTM Mobile allows workers in the field to access important job information, paperwork, time sheets, and attachments. Our intuitive mobile application allows workers to complete and update...
Easily find assets and monitor environmental conditions from the palm of your hand with Sonar Mobile powered by Thinaër. Built on the Thinaër IoT platform, Sonar Mobile is the first-ever tool of its kind to see and locate your...
ProSurf Kiosk Lockdown Browser is a free, secure browser for iOS that locks down your iPad & iPhone into an interactive kiosk by allowing only business specific websites. It helps you create a safe browsing environment in iOS...
QikDETEKT Kiosk brings facial recognition to the front desk of your small business, school, club or group. Set up an iPad running QikDETEKT Kiosk on your front desk and eliminate time fraud associated with manual methods by requiring a...
Replace your traditional log books with mPass digital visitor management system. Enhance your premises security by capturing visitor's photo and record their exact check-in and check-out time. Deliver a VIP experience to your visitors and simultaneously make your records...
Daycarium Kiosk is the Daycarium Day Care System app used for the daily check-in/out of registered attendees to a facility. It acts as a mobile kiosk that can be utilized at convenient locations (e.g. reception area, classroom entrance)...
Manage a Laptops Anytime Kiosk from your iPad. The app provides a convenient option for kiosk administration. The app is free, does not contain ads, and does not collect any personal information.
**To use this app, you must have an account registered on Track it Forward** Track it Forward is an affordable volunteer time tracking platform fit for small and large non-profits, schools, churches, universities, museums, government grantees and many other types...
Deputy Kiosk for iPad is a simple and innovative workplace management solution for employee scheduling, work time clock, team communication, task list, and more. Run your business from an iPad! Try it free! SMILE! NO BUDDY PUNCHING ALLOWED Clocking...
viGuest Kiosk is a loyalty app used to have onePOS customers to be able to log in and view their rewards or sign up for the onePOS loyalty program.
DropThought is an app that lets customers share their feedback with businesses on qr code, tablets, sms and emails. By using DropThought, customers and businesses can work together to deliver excellent customer service experiences. Whether a customer has a...
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