Top 34 Education Apps Like UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Knights. - Best Alternatives

UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Knights. Alternatives

Do you want to find the best UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Knights. alternatives for iOS? We have listed 34 Education apps that are similar to UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Knights.. Pick one from this list to be your new UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Knights. app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Knights. on your iOS devices.

Top 34 Apps Like UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Knights. - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Knights. alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Knights. 2025.



The Ministry of Education in the UAE introduces its mobile app to improve the level and variety of services it provides. MOE mobile app is a channel for the public to benefit of the e-Services provided by the Ministry of...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education UAE
Tadreeb UAE

Tadreeb UAE

Tadreeb provides the needed support to private organizations, academic institutions and public entities in all matters related to the development and support of human skills and capabilities involved in the implementation of this qualitative shift which will be reflected...

Price: Free Developer: UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
CyberQuest UAE

CyberQuest UAE

“In a world where everyone and everything is connected. Where internet is a crucial part of our life. The never ending cyber risks require a generation of UAE student’s; equipped with the knowledge and technical expertise to face and...

Price: Free Developer: Knowledge Point LLC
UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Hearts.

UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Hearts.

A young girl learns from her grandmother about how the UAE has changed over the last fifty years. Features: • Swipe-to-Read™ the words to hear and playback the story at your own pace. • Auto Play to enjoy the narration. •...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
taddrees: private tutoring UAE

taddrees: private tutoring UAE

Need a private tutor? We got you covered! The perfect private tutor makes all the difference, but parents and students often struggle to find the right match. The taddrees® tutor database has hundreds of certified, verified private tutors to suit a...

Price: Free Developer: Markit Place
Emirates of the UAE, Maps and Flags

Emirates of the UAE, Maps and Flags

Flags and Maps of the Emirates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Cycle through the list or select a specific state Can also take a quiz to test your knowledge of Maps & Flags of the states

Price: Free Developer: Ralph DMello


The UAEpedia is an innovative platform for collaboration on building and enriching the UAE national base of knowledge. UAE institutions and celebrities can disseminate correct and credible public knowledge through the trustworthy UAEPedia, readily available to researchers and scholars...

Price: Free Developer: UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority


Our Vision: A Unique Vision in Early Education Our Mission: We believe the early years are the most fundamental. This crucial period of a child's life should be a special time for maternal bonding. The courses flexibility in time at Kids...

Price: Free Developer: Mazen Ajeeb


أنشئ معهد التدريب والدراسات القضائية ومقره مدينة أبوظبي بتاريخ 14 ديسمبر 1992 م، بموجب قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم ( 14 ) لسنة 1992 م بإنشاء معهد التدريب والدراسات القضائية. وفي عام 2004 م صدر القانون الاتحادي رقم 11 لسنة...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Justice UAE


PROTRAINING (training institute in UAE) provides development in the following areas: leadership, team building, communication and presentation skills.. and more. This application was developed to streamline the communication with PROTRAINING clients and trainees where they can access it to...

Price: Free Developer: Modcon ME
UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Friends.

UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Friends.

Through a stroke of fortune, a thirsty camel travelling through the desert becomes a hero. Features: • Swipe-to-Read™ the words to hear and playback the story at your own pace. • Auto Play to enjoy the narration. • Use the My...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Gabar.

UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Gabar.

A young boy helping his father dive for pearls, is shocked when an accident threatens his father's life. Features: • Swipe-to-Read™ the words to hear and playback the story at your own pace. • Auto Play to enjoy the narration. •...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Peach.

UAE Abdulla bin Otaiba, Team Peach.

A young girl receives a message in her dream about the proper treatment of animals. Features: • Swipe-to-Read™ the words to hear and playback the story at your own pace. • Auto Play to enjoy the narration. • Use the My...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
Brain Health

Brain Health

This app has been developed by Aishah Mohamed Saeed Mohamed Abdulla Aldhnhani, Bashayer Abdalla Khamis Abdalla Yousif Alnaqbi, Marwah Rashed Abdulla Rashed Al Aoud Aldhanhani and Wafa Saif Mohamed Saleh Alqayedi under the supervision of Husnain Kazmi in...

Price: Free Developer: Syed Husnain Kazmi


Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication represents the community media sector to Government, Industry, Regulatory Bodies, Media and Development Partners. Much of the BNNRC’s work has a strategic emphasis and the organization has been intensely involved in policy...

Price: Free Developer: Mamun Abdulla
RVQC Riffa Views Quran Center

RVQC Riffa Views Quran Center

مركز الرفاع فيوز لتعليم القرآن الكريم يُعنى بتربية جيل محب لدينه ووطنه، معتدل في منهجه، متميز في سلوكه. يتيح هذا التطبيق المميزات التالية: • متابعة مستمرة من أولياء الأمور. • بث روح المنافسة بين الطلاب. • متابعة درجات الطالب وواجباته اليومية. • المشاركة...

Price: Free Developer: Abdulla Eqab


احجزي مدرس خصوصي لابنك الآن باستخدام تطبيق تيلب واستفد من حصص خصوصية في بيتك، او بيت المعلم او مكان عام حسب رغبتك و بالنظام الشهري. بثلاث خطوات سهلة ستتمكن من حجز دروس خصوصية 1. اختيار المادة. 2. اختيار المعلم. 3. تحديد الوقت...

Price: Free Developer: Ameena Adel Mohamed Ali Abdulla
Ich bin wählerisch!

Ich bin wählerisch!

Mit der "Ich bin wählerisch!"-App erfährst du spielend leicht alles rund um das Thema Wahlen. In unterschiedlichen Videos erklären wir dir wie eine Wahl in Deutschland funktioniert. Wie ist die Parteien-Landschaft in Deutschland aufgebaut? Was sind Wahlgrundsätze? Wie läuft eine...

Price: Free Developer: MOVACT
UAE Hamdan bin Zayed School, Being Me / أكون أنا

UAE Hamdan bin Zayed School, Being Me / أكون أنا

Ameera faces a challenge in her new school Hamdan bin Zayed School, Abu Dhabi is the first tri-lingual school in the United Arab Emirates. Educating in Arabic, English and Chinese. These books are proudly produced for all the children of...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
UAE Hamdan bin Zayed School, Ella’s Biggest Fear / أكبر مخاوف إيلا

UAE Hamdan bin Zayed School, Ella’s Biggest Fear / أكبر مخاوف إيلا

Ella finds her strength on a new journey Hamdan bin Zayed School, Abu Dhabi is the first tri-lingual school in the United Arab Emirates. Educating in Arabic, English and Chinese. These books are proudly produced for all the children of...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
UAE Hamdan bin Zayed School, The Fun Parade / موكب المتعة

UAE Hamdan bin Zayed School, The Fun Parade / موكب المتعة

Every family should have fun on National Day! Hamdan bin Zayed School, Abu Dhabi is the first tri-lingual school in the United Arab Emirates. Educating in Arabic, English and Chinese. These books are proudly produced for all the children of...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
UAE Hamdan bin Zayed School, Where is Asma? أين أسماء؟

UAE Hamdan bin Zayed School, Where is Asma? أين أسماء؟

A game of hide and seek goes wrong Hamdan bin Zayed School, Abu Dhabi is the first tri-lingual school in the United Arab Emirates. Educating in Arabic, English and Chinese. These books are proudly produced for all the children of...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
Azzan Bin Qais International

Azzan Bin Qais International

The products we offer is a powerful, easy-to-use student management tool developed specifically for the K-12 / CBSE / IGCSE / ICSE / IB / Arabic / African schools since 2004. We provide a wide range of tools and...

Price: Free Developer: Al Omania Education Service Company SAOC (ABQ Education Group)
Team Key

Team Key

Team Key is the key to optimizing teams in the start-up phase, in the process and all the way to the finish line. Team Key unveils each team member's favorite team role and team's overall competencies. Team Key gives you...

Price: Free Developer: Team Key IVS
My BOB Team

My BOB Team

The My BOB Team app is designed to prepare students for Battle of the Books competition. Students can practice title and author matching, test their comprehension of individual books, and practice with “In which book” questions. Their statistics are...

Price: Free Developer: My BOB Team, LLC
Winning Team

Winning Team

Winning Team was started by Leading Motivational Speaker, Educator, Business Consultant, a Successful Entrepreneur and success icon for many Indians Mr. SP Bharill. Its headquarters is in Jaipur and it is operating in many states of India. We aspire...

Price: Free Developer: Winning Team Winning Attitude Edumart Pvt. Ltd.
Team Shake

Team Shake

Team Shake provides a technological and environmentally friendly way to choose teams for board games, sporting events, tournaments, school projects or anytime groups are required. The newest release brings many new features including full iPad support, balancing teams based...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Rhine-o Enterprises LLC
Team Maker Lite

Team Maker Lite

How about some randomness when creating a team?! This app makes separating teams a breeze, set the total number of players, number of teams and generate teams! No names needed, just line people up and hit generate....

Price: Free Developer: Obvisoftware LLC
Team Maker Pro

Team Maker Pro

How about some randomness when creating a team?! Wanna Store those teams? Yeah, you can now create random teams, and save them and use those teams in the future, including keeping the score! This app makes...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Obvisoftware LLC
Team Consult

Team Consult

With the Team Consult app, students can now browse from these amazing features: - Notices - Chat with consultancy - View Team Consult Gallery - View Team Consult Profile - Maintain your own profile - Send files to Team Consult - Book appointment with Team Consult -...

Price: Free Developer: Aditya Shah
Team RFC

Team RFC

Welcome to the official Team RFC application. Check out all kinds of content that interest you. After you've downloaded and enjoyed the content, you can share it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email. This app is designed to help...

Effective Team Dynamics

Effective Team Dynamics

Using Gallup's CliftonStrengthsTM, our team has carefully crafted many innovative and fun activities to strengthen you and your team! Gray Cards Activity: Uncover who you need to be in order to best contribute to your next meeting! Hate Statements Activity: Share...

Price: Free Developer: MaryLynn Realff
Random Team Selector Starter

Random Team Selector Starter

Bring your Classroom Management into the 21st century with the “Random Team Selector Starter” app. Do you need to divide your class (or a part of your class) into groups (or teams) for class activities? Do this in a Fun...

Price: Free Developer: Walsall Academy

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