Top 30 Education Apps Like Academic Mobile EINA - Best Alternatives

Academic Mobile EINA Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Academic Mobile EINA alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Academic Mobile EINA. Pick one from this list to be your new Academic Mobile EINA app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Academic Mobile EINA on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Academic Mobile EINA - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Academic Mobile EINA alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Academic Mobile EINA 2025.

West Academic Library

West Academic Library

The West Academic Library app provides offline access to titles available in your subscription to West Academic Study Aids or the West Academic Reference Collection. Sign in to the app using your West Academic username and password. West Academic is...

Price: Free Developer: West Academic


This reader is a tool to read EPUB standard ebook files from e-Academic website. The content consist of syllabus and non-syllabus titles of Malaysian education from kindergarten right up to higher learning. e-Academic reader allows you to read the...

Price: Free Developer: Xentral Methods
Academic Tech Book

Academic Tech Book

Use Academic Tech Book to download and access textbooks on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. Read your books online or offline and create notes and highlights to help you study. Bookshelf Features: • Download books to your iOS device for...

Price: Free Developer: Khawarizm Academic Establishment
Academic Manager®

Academic Manager®

Academic Manager® es la aplicación en la nube líder para colegios y universidades, permitiéndoles explotar al máximo su potencial. Con nuestra aplicación móvil, podrás tener información exclusiva y relevante. · Recibe notificaciones y/o avisos académicos y administrativos · Consulta las noticias relacionadas...

Price: Free Developer: BIT Technologies Mexico SA de CV
Academic Organization

Academic Organization

Typically, when you transition into middle school, the first thing to go is your ability to stay organized. The result is a cluttered locker, a backpack bursting at the seams with too many books and crushed and folded papers,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: cvilink
International Academic School

International Academic School


Price: Free Developer: ReportZ
Academic Emergency Medicine

Academic Emergency Medicine

Wiley’s leading emergency medicine journal is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Academic Emergency Medicine is a comprehensive and reliable source of monthly research and information relevant to the practice, educational advancements, and investigation of emergency medicine. Enjoy...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Academic Writing in English

Academic Writing in English

AWE is a complete course in academic writing, designed to help you improve your academic writing for a variety of purposes. AWE will help you to compose: • class essays • exam essays • experimental reports • scientific essays • dissertations • academic articles AWE includes: •...

Price: Free Developer: UCL Business PLC


PTE Academic PTE Academic is a computer-based academic English language test aimed at non-native English speakers wanting to study abroad. It tests Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. PTE READING PRACTICE TESTS TOPICS 1] Multiple-choice Choose Single Answer Read the text and answer the...

Price: Free Developer: devang patel
Academic Word List - quiz, flashcard and game

Academic Word List - quiz, flashcard and game

The Academic Word List, which developed by Averil Coxhead (Victoria University of Wellington) contains academic words that you are likely to meet if you study at an English-speaking university. This Academic Word List also appears in Oxford Advanced Learner's...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Bui Hoai Trang
CLE Mobile

CLE Mobile

Attorneys can now listen to continuing legal education (CLE) programming on their iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. West LegalEdcenter has recreated its online experience with the free CLE Mobile app. All of the regulatory safeguards that states require have...

Price: Free Developer: Thomson Reuters
Blackboard Collaborate™ Mobile

Blackboard Collaborate™ Mobile

Blackboard Collaborate™ Mobile – Collaborate on your mobile device! With Blackboard Collaborate Mobile, you can join web conferencing sessions right from your iPhone or iPad. IMPORTANT: Use this app with the Original experience of Collaborate. If your institution uses the new...

Price: Free Developer: Blackboard Collaborate Inc.
GMDE Mobile

GMDE Mobile

Most mobile device field mapping software is excellent for locating the geologist horizontally (in X and Y, longitude and latitude, etc.) but does not bring the third dimension, elevation (i.e., Z), into the picture. However, to do significant calculations...

Price: Free Developer: Richard Allmendinger
PowerSchool Mobile

PowerSchool Mobile

Built for convenient access to real-time student information like grades, assignments, and attendance, the PowerSchool Mobile App provides enhanced functionality for parents, guardians, and students. • Get easy access to the most important student data with an updated user...

Price: Free Developer: PowerSchool Group LLC
Cesma Mobile

Cesma Mobile

CESMA mobile app is a simple and intuitive application focused on enhancing the communication between teachers and parents. The school management, teachers, parents, and students get on a single platform to bring transparency in the entire system related to...

Price: Free Developer: Foradian Technologies
Mobile History Map

Mobile History Map

Mobile History Map, a pioneering initiative of the mSchools programme, the use of mobile technology applied to non-technological subjects and encourages learning with mobile. Mobile History Map is a geo-positioning app and platform allowing students to collaboratively create content about...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile World Capital
Rowan Mobile

Rowan Mobile

Rowan Mobile is the official app of Rowan University. Stay connected to Rowan from anywhere with Rowan Mobile. Why should you download Rowan Mobile? • With Rowan Mobile, you can quickly access important student resources, like course schedules and...

Price: Free Developer: Rowan University
Smithsonian Mobile

Smithsonian Mobile

Smithsonian Mobile is your digital mobile guide to the Smithsonian, built collaboratively with our visitors. Find out what’s on where, discover highlights, search our collections, access tours, podcasts and other apps. Add tips and photos from your visit for...

Price: Free Developer: Smithsonian Institution
TRACS Mobile

TRACS Mobile

Connect to your courses anywhere with TRACS Mobile, an extension of the official TXST Mobile App. Move between TXST Mobile and TRACS to get the full Texas State University mobile experience. Interact with your TRACS sites, receive course Announcements...

Price: Free Developer: Texas State University - San Marcos
Administrator's Plus Mobile

Administrator's Plus Mobile

Easily search and scroll through all students, staff and contacts to quickly call, text or email. Access student demographic fields such as allergy information and locker combinations. See when a student is absent or tardy. Know what class a...

Price: Free Developer: Rediker Software, Inc.


Eina col·laborativa per enregistrar observacions a Jesuïtes Educació. Aquesta eina, d'ús privat pels membres de la institució, permet recollir observacions predeterminades dels diversos col·lectius que formen la comunitat de Jesuïtes Educació.

Price: Free Developer: Fundació Jesuites Educació
Simulador Actic

Simulador Actic

Aquesta App instal·la al teu dispositiu un Simulador de format lliure d'un basat en continguts informàtics actuals i el temari vigent de l'Actic (disponibles Nivell Bàsic i Mitjà) El Simulador és una bona eina per a comprovar si el teu...

Price: Free Developer: PERCUTOR MEDIA S.L.
BID Alumnat

BID Alumnat

El BID és l’instrument oficial de gestió per a tots els agents implicats en el desenvolupament de la formació pràctica en centres de treball dels alumnes de formació professional. El BID comunica de forma activa, ràpida i segura les...

Price: Free Developer: Consell General de Cambres de Catalunya
Academic Mobile UPF

Academic Mobile UPF

Academic Mobile de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra és l'eina que et permet consultar a través del mòbil i de manera personalitzada una sèrie de serveis d'utilitat en el dia a dia: Consulta de qualificacions • Notificacions en el moment exacte...

Price: Free Developer: SIGMA Gestión Universitaria, A.I.E.


Des d'aquesta APP, us mantindrem informats mitjançant notificacions instantànies de totes les activitats , notícies i esdeveniments que realitzem, també us farem arribar tota aquella informació que entenguem us sigui d' interès en l'educació dels vostres fills. Esperem que sigui...

Price: Free Developer: Crea Redes Online


Des d'aquesta APP , us mantindrem informats mitjançant notificacions instantànies de totes les activitats, notícies i esdeveniments que realitzem ,també us farem arribar tota aquella informació que entenguem us sigui d'interès a l'educació dels vostres filles i fills. En l'APP...

Price: Free Developer: Crea Redes Online


Apparella’t és una aplicació gratuïta per trobar parella lingüística que ha estat elaborada per la Plataforma per la Llengua, una organització no governamental que treballa per promoure la llengua catalana arreu dels territoris de parla catalana. L’aplicació mòbil, amb un...

Price: Free Developer: Plataforma per la Llengua
Articles Magazine

Articles Magazine

Articles de Didàctica de la Llengua i de la Literatura. La revista Articles desenvolupa una tasca divulgativa entre el professorat de llengua i literatura, identificant-se amb una línia de reflexió plural i oberta. És una eina professional de coneixement, comunicació...

Price: Free Developer: Magzter Inc.
Campus CAATEEB mobile

Campus CAATEEB mobile

L’APP del campus del CAATEEB et permet estar connectat de forma permanent amb els teus companys de curs, amb el professorat i amb l’àrea de formació durant tot el calendari lectiu de tal manera que et podrem informar en...

Price: Free Developer: Actua Gestion del Conocimiento

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