Top 30 Education Apps Like 9 + 10 = 21 ? - Best Alternatives

9 + 10 = 21 ? Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 9 + 10 = 21 ? alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to 9 + 10 = 21 ?. Pick one from this list to be your new 9 + 10 = 21 ? app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 9 + 10 = 21 ? on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like 9 + 10 = 21 ? - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 9 + 10 = 21 ? alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like 9 + 10 = 21 ? 2025.

Course For What's New in Cubase 9

Course For What's New in Cubase 9

In this exclusive 27 tutorial "What's New" course, Steinberg master trainer Matt Hepworth explains and explores all the major new features in Cubase 9. App Features: • 83 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback (no internet connection needed) •...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: ASK Video
Beginner's Guide For WaveLab 9

Beginner's Guide For WaveLab 9

This WaveLab 9 Absolute Beginner’s Guide explains and explores the "where, why and how" of this multidimensional Steinberg program. App Features: • 126 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback (no internet connection needed) • Easy to navigate Course Outline: 1. Introduction...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: ASK Video
MSAT-9 Conference Bangkok 2016

MSAT-9 Conference Bangkok 2016

The MSAT-9 Bangkok 2016 Application is your featured guide to manage your experience at the 9th International Conference on Materials Science and Technology (MSAT-9) in Bangkok, Thailand. App features include: - Home: Quick access to technical, social & meeting programs, browse...

Price: Free Developer: National Science and Technology Development Agency
ROE 9 Champaign-Ford

ROE 9 Champaign-Ford

The official app for ROE 9 Champaign-Ford allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district....

Price: Free Developer: Regional Office of Education 9


The Front 9 APP is designed to be a FREE compliment with the purchase of the F9 Laminated Cookbook ($199 plus $18 Shipping/Handling = $217). Please read below how to get this App for FREE. If you DO...

Price: USD 219.99 Developer: Front 9 Restoration, Inc.
Eagle Point School District 9

Eagle Point School District 9

With the Eagle Point School District 9 mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media like Facebook and...

Price: Free Developer: Jackson County School District 9
Earlville School District 9

Earlville School District 9

The official app for Earlville School District 9 allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Earlville Community Unit School District #9
Lebanon CUSD #9 Greyhounds

Lebanon CUSD #9 Greyhounds

The official app for Lebanon CUSD #9 Greyhounds allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Lebanon CUSD 9, IL
Giai toan: giải toán 9 và 12

Giai toan: giải toán 9 và 12

Với robot tìm kiếm thông minh, Giải toán 9 và 12 (Giai toan) là ứng dụng ưu Việt trong việc tìm lời giải bài tập toán 9 hoặc toán 12 với độ chính xác cao lên tới 80%. Từ...

Price: Free Developer: Tai Nguyen
TOGAF 9.1 Foundation Exam Prep

TOGAF 9.1 Foundation Exam Prep

Over 260 carefully crafted exam questions compiled for the TOGAF® version 9.1 Certifications. These questions are designed to resemble the actual TOGAF 9.1 Foundation Level 1 exam. If you can crack these questions you are ready for the real...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Faeez Shaikh
Make 10: Math Game

Make 10: Math Game

Make 10 is a math game that practices summing to 5 and 10. Most children start memorizing sums to 10 around 1st grade and 2nd grade.

Price: Free Developer: Sharyn Efimoff
Counting to 10

Counting to 10

Mathausim - Counting to 10 helps children, including children with autism, to learn the basic skill of counting. Care was taken to select the proper colours, background sounds, and reinforcement.

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Manal Abdo
RSU 10

RSU 10

The official app for RSU 10 allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district. Users...

Price: Free Developer: Regional School Unit 10
10 Latidos

10 Latidos

10 Latidos es un juego de mesa donde el objetivo es estabilizar a un paciente consiguiendo 10 latidos libres de micro-infartos. Para lograrlo tendréis que poner en funcionamiento todas vuestras habilidades y dispondréis además de un equipo que os...

Price: Free Developer: AfterPrint
10 Puppies

10 Puppies

10 Puppies – An adorable app that is both educational and fun! 10 Puppies is a talking app in English, French and Spanish with beautiful images of puppies that facilitates learning the counting sequence up to ten. 10 Puppies...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: ZurApps Research Inc.
Make 10 Plus

Make 10 Plus

Have fun while doing math! Kids will learn and improve math skills with simple, fun and engaging play. Your goal is to Make 10 as fast and often as you can by tapping the tile that adds up to...

Price: Free Developer: Bess Siegal
10 Frame Fill PLUS

10 Frame Fill PLUS

10 Frame Fill PLUS "10 Frame Fill PLUS" provides children practice with recognizing additive "10 Families" (e.g., 0 and 10; 1 and 9; 2 and 8, etc.). • Select from a variety of 10 Frames... traditional horizontal, traditional vertical, 5+5...

Price: Free Developer: Classroom Focused Software
10 Minute English (Lite) - Mirai English (Mirai Language Systems)

10 Minute English (Lite) - Mirai English (Mirai Language Systems)

This app is for intermediate-level learners of English. It will help you with your grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension. It covers the most important grammar points that English learners have difficulties with. Get this app now to improve your...

Price: Free Developer: Mirai LLP
American Math Prep Grades 6-10

American Math Prep Grades 6-10

American Math Prep (Grade 6-10) is a problem solving practice App for middle school & high school students and Math Club members. This App will help you learn Math in a personalized way, and improve your scores in...

Price: Free Developer: Brighter Bee, Inc.
Count 1 to 10 - Learning Tree

Count 1 to 10 - Learning Tree

Count 1 to 10 - Mrs. Owl's Learning Tree Welcome to Mrs. Owl's Learning Tree! Come on up to the tree-house classroom and enjoy the great games that Mrs. Owl has prepared for you inside! Join Mrs. Owl in the Learning Tree's...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Wayne Smith


◎ 史上最有效的VOA听力训练方法,配套正版图书! ◎ 结合艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线进行反复练习。 ◎ 更多学习辅助内容:新闻译文、知识点睛、听写练习。 21天可以收获什么? ◎ 通过21天养成良好的VOA听力学习习惯 ◎ 听懂VOA慢速新闻英语中时事政治类的新闻 ◎ 听懂VOA标准新闻英语中时事政治类的新闻 ◎ 无障碍地收看美语发音的英文时事政治新闻类电视节目 ◎ 通畅地阅读报刊杂志中短篇的时事政治报道 为什么是21天? 心理学家研究指出,一项看似简单的行动,如果你能坚持重复21天以上,就会形成习惯;如果坚持重复90天以上,就会形成稳定习惯;如果能坚持重复365天以上,你想改变都很困难。同理,一个想法,重复21天,或重复验证21次,就会变成习惯性的想法。 习惯的形成大致分三个阶段: 第一阶段:1〜7天左右。此阶段的特征是“刻意、不自然”。你需要十分刻意提醒自己改变,而你也会觉得有些不自然,不舒服。 第二阶段:7〜21天左右。不要放弃第一阶段的努力,继续重复,跨入第二阶段。此阶段的特征是“刻意、自然”。你已经觉得比较自然,比较舒服了,习惯已经基本养成了。本书将帮助你实现到这个阶段。 第三阶段:21〜90天左右。此阶段为习惯的自然巩固阶段,在第二阶段已经养成的习惯需要一段时间的消化适应,强化这种习惯,经过此阶段,这项习惯就已经成为你生命中的一个有机组成部分。如果你想把习惯变成一种拥有,还需要在本书安排的计划学习时间外,另下工夫哟! 好习惯、坏习惯,均是如此,都是在不断的重复中慢慢形成的。 怎样才能坚持21天? 1. 让自己清楚地了解新习惯带来的好处,因为感情上的接受远远比理性的强迫更有动力。 2. 把它当作一个试验。像一位科学家一样,把培养习惯当作一次尝试,而非一场心理斗争。这将有助于随时做出调整和正确对待结果。 3. 远离危险区。远离那些可能再次触发你旧习惯的地方。 4. 用更好的东西替代你失去的东西,如果你戒了烟,虽然你失去了香烟的享受,但是你却得到了无价的健康。 5. 将计划写在纸上,并告诉你的朋友,给自己一种压力。 6. 保持简单。建立习惯的要求只需要几条就可以了,保持简单,会更容易坚持。 7. 不要追求完美。一步一步地做起,不要指望一次就全部改变。 成功,就是简单的事情反复地做。之所以有人不成功,不是他做不到,而是他不愿意去做那些简单而重复的事情。 所以,只要你开始做,并一天一天地坚持下去,你就会取得意料之外的效果。 不要疑惑,马上开始行动吧! 我们坚信:只要你坚持21天,你就一定会爱上它! 21天的VOA学习怎样安排? 我们依据21天习惯养成理论,结合艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论,精心设计了每天的学习内容。 第一步,我们通过对海量的新闻进行分析,将VOA文化类新闻归纳为7大类,每个大类又分为慢速英语和标准英语两种,共计14个类别: VOA慢速新闻英语VOA标准新闻英语 1. 各国领导新闻1. 各国领导新闻 2. 选举类新闻2. 选举类新闻 3. 军事类新闻3. 军事类新闻 4. 国际关系新闻4. 国际关系新闻 5. 联合国新闻5. 联合国新闻 6. 危机类新闻6. 危机类新闻 7. 法律类新闻7. 法律类新闻 第二步,制订学习计划。我们计划用14天的时间来每天学习一类VOA新闻听力,用剩余7天时间来每天检测一个大类的VOA新闻听力学习成果。 第三步,根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线来安排复习计划。依据这个曲线,我们在每天学习后的第2天、第3天、第7天共安排三次时间复习同类新闻听力。

Price: Free Developer: chengyi niu
Circle 21

Circle 21

Circle 21 is a challenging puzzle game where the object is to arrange the numbers so that the sum of each circle is 21. Circle 21 provides practice with the addition of whole numbers. Numbers range from...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Add Up to 21

Add Up to 21

Poker Blackjack is a popular game related to adding numbers to 21. This app adopts this idea to train your brain to add number fast without paper and pen. You are challenged to do this as fast as you can...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Yonggao Yang
Genio in 21 Giorni

Genio in 21 Giorni

L’accesso all’app è riservato agli utenti che si iscrivono ad uno dei corsi svolti da Genio in 21 Giorni. Subito dopo l’iscrizione ad un corso, riceverai la username e password per accedere all’app. L’app Genio in 21 Giorni ti permette...

Price: Free Developer: Dieffetech SRL



Price: Free Developer: 北京网路畅想科技发展有限公司
Fitzroy Readers Books 21 to 30

Fitzroy Readers Books 21 to 30

The Fitzroy Readers is a set of graded books which employ the Fitzroy Method - a phonic approach to reading developed over the last 3 decades. Readers 21-30 continue to build step-by-step on the information learnt in Readers 1-20. Every...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Greygum Software
7-11-21 - A Think Quick Game LITE

7-11-21 - A Think Quick Game LITE

Want To Sharpen Your Mind? * THINK FAST and use your BRAIN * Play Just A Few Minutes A Day To Keep Your Mind Fresh! * It's Easy To Learn To Play!  * The rules are simple, the replay value is endless....

Price: Free Developer: 288 Vroom LLC.
iLead 21

iLead 21

Leadership is often considered the primary skill of successful people. Unlike specific content knowledge taught in a traditional educational experience that has little practical application in future employment, leadership competencies and learned behaviors are useful to everyone no matter...

Price: Free Developer: Crowd Hub
English Writing tools & rules to improve your skills (+2000 notes, tips & quiz)

English Writing tools & rules to improve your skills (+2000 notes, tips & quiz)

Get Over 2000 English flashcards & improve your writing & vocabulary skills. This application allows you to expand your knowledge, widen your expertise, improve your skills, Broaden your career & academic horizons. This app contains the following topics: 1. Sentence Correction rules"; 2....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
Skill India - NSDC PMKVY Tests

Skill India - NSDC PMKVY Tests

Skill India - NSDC PMKVY Practice Tests is powered by Youth4work (a leading career development portal). Prepare online for NSDC Skill Certification in various sectors. National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) conducts corporate...

Price: Free Developer: Youth4work

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