Top 27 Utilities Apps Like Flight Computer Sim - Best Alternatives

Flight Computer Sim Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Flight Computer Sim alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Utilities apps that are similar to Flight Computer Sim. Pick one from this list to be your new Flight Computer Sim app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Flight Computer Sim on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like Flight Computer Sim - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Flight Computer Sim alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like Flight Computer Sim 2025.

Flight Computer Pro

Flight Computer Pro

An easy and intuitive simulation of the E6B slide ruler used by many aircraft pilots. Features a high resolution ruler with smooth controls for rotating, sliding and pinch zooming, allowing precise calculations. Feels like a real ruler in your hands! All three...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Diego Rodrigues
Durham Flight Centre W&B

Durham Flight Centre W&B

Established in 1997, Durham Flight Centre or DFC has been training aspiring pilots for more than 15 years. Located in the Enterprise Airlines hanger building on the grounds of Oshawa Municipal Airport, DFC has earned the reputation of being...

Price: Free Developer: Paul Beaudon
Max Flight Duty Period

Max Flight Duty Period

Calculates the max allowable flight duty period for flight deck and cabin crew. Takes into account long range operation, augmented crew, standby, delay and split duty. The intuitive interface makes it easy to use and provides you with important info...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Michael Gehringer
Cost Index

Cost Index

Cost Index is an app designed and developed by airline pilots, for airline and corporate aircraft operators. It enables, and has been proven to achieve, significant operational savings. Cruise flight conditions are input by the pilot, then...

Price: Free Developer: Flight Efficiency Limited
Fuel Request

Fuel Request

Fuel Request has been built for the aviation community. It allows input of required fuel uplift in kilograms, pounds or litres. This required figure can then be displayed to the refueller from the flight deck.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Flight Efficiency Limited
KeyForge: Master Vault

KeyForge: Master Vault

The world of the Crucible awaits! KeyForge: Master Vault is the essential companion app for the world’s first Unique Deck Game from Fantasy Flight Games! Use the app to scan your deck's QR code or enter its 15 character...

Price: Free Developer: Fantasy Flight Games


Crew.go.go is for Business Jet or small Airline operations, connecting flight crew and the ground station(s). For example an operations department, allowing flight crew to easily send their movements with a couple of taps. This improves communication, safety...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Michael Parsons
Airplane Gyroscope Attitude Indicator

Airplane Gyroscope Attitude Indicator

* For Pilots (Using this in an Aircraft), please see important note at end * New! - Pressure Altitude display for those using the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus - those iPhones have an internal barometer providing...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Leland Roys
Mini PRO - for Parrot's minidrones

Mini PRO - for Parrot's minidrones

Pilot your Parrot Minidrone like never before with this app!! Unique on screen speed selector for change the behaviour of your mini drone on the flight without digging in setting! Change you mini drone from an indoor precise flight machine to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Michele Vagnetti
Computer Fix It

Computer Fix It

Computer issues happen daily, and the most common and successful fix is to restart your device. With this app, help anyone fix their device while looking like you have a cool app on your phone to do it...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: J & N Product Design Group, LLC
iRide- Coaster Computer

iRide- Coaster Computer

iRide is a roller coaster computer. It will track every roller coaster that you ride, the best rides of your life. Many roller coaster fans will ride a ton of roller coasters in one day, and then at the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mitchell Sweet


C&T HCM empowers enterprise customers with flexibility and efficiency to manage HR operation processes that cover all the staff’s entire employment lifecycle. It is a mobile self-service channel that allows HR personnel, employees and managers to handle their role-specific...

Price: Free Developer: Computer And Technologies Holdings Ltd
CND Radar

CND Radar

In the Cyber Security field a vulnerability is a weakness in your computer which could allow a hacker to break in. The CND Cyber Security Situational Awareness Radar is world renowned and receives around 24,000 hits per hour. This...

Price: Free Developer: Computer Network Defence
Software Keys Manager

Software Keys Manager

This universal app was designed to enable you to keep a record of any software license keys, serial numbers, or registration information that typically accompanies a software purchase. Features include: - Display, Email, text message or print individual key...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jim Coates Computer Programming
Mini Mouse Pro -Remote Control

Mini Mouse Pro -Remote Control

=============================== Support WinXP/Vista/7/810&Mac&Other Phone =============================== ****** Phone Control Computer ****** ● Wireless Mouse,Keyboard ● Play Computer's Video/Music ● Computer Screen Shot ● Computer Application management ● Computer Windows Control(Like Maximize,Minimize) ● Computer Keyboard become iPhone Keyboard ● View Computer Documents(Like XLS,PPT,WORD,TXT) ● Image Transfer ● Record Video and Upload to computer ●...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: yong wang
Mini Mouse ~ Remote Control

Mini Mouse ~ Remote Control

=============================== Support WinXP/Vista/7/810&Mac&Other Phone =============================== ****** Phone Control Computer ****** ● Wireless Mouse,Keyboard ● Play Computer's Video/Music ● Computer Screen Shot ● Computer Application management ● Computer Windows Control(Like Maximize,Minimize) ● Computer Keyboard become iPhone Keyboard ● View Computer Documents(Like XLS,PPT,WORD,TXT) ● Image Transfer ● Record Video and Upload to computer ●...

Price: Free Developer: yong wang
Remote to Netflix

Remote to Netflix

Remote controls Mac or Windows PC over WiFi. Watch movies like a pro on Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, Vimeo or iTunes on your computer. Turn your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch into a remote control. No need to point remote at...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Maks and Pasha


SIM-Alarm is an application for easier control of your GSM alarm EMA. There is no need to remember SMS codes or to have them written in the SMS or even somewhere else! This application takes care about everything. When you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Denis Cerny
Sim Rede de Postos

Sim Rede de Postos

O App da SIM veio para facilitar ainda mais a sua vida e te dar mais vantagens na maior rede de postos do Brasil! Com ele, você consegue localizar o posto mais próximo, conferir as promoções que estão vigentes e...

Price: Free Developer: Rede de Postos Sim


SIM TJ é uma App de monitoramento, focado na facilidade de acionamento e no enriquecimento de detalhes à ocorrência por meio do envio de foto, vídeo, áudio, ítens da galeria e descrição textual junto a central de monitoramento.

Price: Free Developer: Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Ceará
Scanjet Tank Cleaning Sim

Scanjet Tank Cleaning Sim

The Scanjet Tank Cleaning Simulator is a tool to help you identify which tank cleaning product/s you should consider for your tank. With tools that simulate: - Tank size and shape - Baffles, agitators, pipes and heating coils - Water pressure and spray -...

Price: Free Developer: Andrew Solesbury
Safe-T App

Safe-T App

*This App is only for use with the ST-1 Safe-T Sim Electrical Safety Analyzer from Pronk Technologies Inc. ST-1 Safe-T Sim must be purchased separately. Safe-T Sim App allows you to automatically create electronic records of all...

Price: Free Developer: Pronk Technologies, Inc


AIRSIM ROAM lets you manage your AIRSIM account, you can top up, buy data package and enjoy roaming in over 80+ countries using your AIRSIM. . AIRSIM is a special SIM card that combines Soft SIM and Over-the-AIR (OTA)technologies. When...

Price: Free Developer: Shinetown Telecommunication Ltd
Wind Tre Business

Wind Tre Business

Wind Tre Business è l’applicazione di Selfcare gratuita riservata ai clienti Business con offerte Direct e Wind Tre Business, che permette di tenere sotto controllo l’intera consistenza della propria azienda e lo storico delle fatture emesse, monitorare i consumi...

Price: Free Developer: Wind Tre S.p.A.
Mit Telmore

Mit Telmore

Mit Telmore giver dig fuld kontrol over dit abonnement, direkte på mobilen. Med Mit Telmore appen kan du bl.a.: - Tjekke din saldo og tanke op - Se dit forbrug i detaljer - Se dine fakturaer - Til- og afmelde automatisk betaling - Ændre dit...

Price: Free Developer: TELMORE A/S
Orange Flex

Orange Flex

Orange Flex to subskrypcja w aplikacji. Chcesz, masz. Nie chcesz, nie masz. Miało być szybko, wygodnie i w jednej apce. To jest. Dlaczego masz dobrze w Orange Flex? Łatwo. Rejestrujesz się. Przenosisz swój numer lub dodajesz nowy. Instalujesz eSIM-a lub zamawiasz...

Price: Free Developer: Orange Polska

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