Top 15 Finance Apps Like Euribor Light - Best Alternatives

Euribor Light Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Euribor Light alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Finance apps that are similar to Euribor Light. Pick one from this list to be your new Euribor Light app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Euribor Light on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like Euribor Light - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Euribor Light alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like Euribor Light 2025.



Euribor® and Eonia® data at a glance. Apple watch extension included! The values are taken from the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI) website and are updated at 12:00 pm (central Europe time). Data are shown with 24 hour delay due to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: wwCONSULTANTnet


Exclusively for professional users of BelfiusWeb or BelfiusWeb via Isabel Public & Corporate Banking Is this the first time you’re using the app? To be able to use BelfiusWeb, you will need a BelfiusWeb contract (our e-banking application for business customers in...

Price: Free Developer: Belfius Bank
Calcola Prestito

Calcola Prestito

Prima APP in ITALIA per monitorare il corso dei tuoi finanziamenti. App realizzata per permetterti, nella sez." I MIEI FINANZIAMENTI", di inserire i riferimenti dei tuoi finanziamenti in corso con piano di ammortamento alla Francese e a tasso fisso (Mutuo...

Price: Free Developer: Adriano Testani
Finanza e Mercati

Finanza e Mercati

Finanza e Mercati will keep you updated with the latest financial information wherever you are. Il Sole 24 ORE free app allows you to easily access to worldwide markets, news and analysis: indices trends and prices...

Price: Free Developer: Il Sole 24 Ore SpA


Die Kreditapp der B-I-S Beratung-Information-Service GmbH ist eine kostenlose Smartphone- und Tablet-Applikation zum Anlegen und Verwalten von bestehenden und/oder zukünftigen Krediten. Die Kernbereiche der App liegen dabei in der begleitenden Berechnung und Visualisierung der Kreditfinanzierung (Laufzeit, Zinssatz, Sondertilgungen), in...

Price: Free Developer: B-I-S Beratung-Information-Service GmbH
Light by Gjensidige

Light by Gjensidige

For deg som eier bare litt, vil forsikre bare litt – og betale bare litt. Mange synes forsikringer er vanskelig. Derfor gjør vi det enkelt med Light. Dine ting. Ditt valg. Sett sammen din egen forsikringspakke. Light er appen som lar...

Price: Free Developer: Gjensidige Forsikring ASA


BSYS LIGHT Wallet is an cryptocurrency wallet solution that can securely store the cryptocurrency BSYS. We developed BSYS wallet with emphasis on safety and security. It uses Mnemonic Phrase method and provides user control of private key, easy to...

Price: Free Developer: The Forcelab Co., Ltd.


COINPIGGY LIGHT Wallet is an cryptocurrency wallet solution that can securely store the cryptocurrency coins. We developed COINPIGGY wallet with emphasis on safety and security. It uses Mnemonic Phrase method and provides user control of private key, easy to...

Price: Free Developer: The Forcelab Co., Ltd.
Light Commerce Mobile Banking

Light Commerce Mobile Banking

With Light Commerce Credit Union Free Mobile Banking Application, you can easily access your accounts 24/7. LCCU Mobile Banking allows you the convenience of managing your finances and performing financial transactions securely anywhere – anytime! FEATURES: •...

Price: Free Developer: Genesis Systems, LLC
Leasing Calculator Light

Leasing Calculator Light

Calculate your leasing payment. This app let you calculate your leasing both with anticipated or posticipated payments. Insert all data and make simulations to see how the payment change, changing the interest rate. iOS10 ready Optimized for iPhone 7 e iPhone 7 Plus

Price: Free Developer: wwCONSULTANTnet
Mortgage Calculator Light

Mortgage Calculator Light

Make your payment calculation in a few click. You should input only 3 data: amount, amortization period and interest rate. Insert all datas and then use sliders to simulate how the payment changes she you change the period or the interest...

Price: Free Developer: wwCONSULTANTnet
Oshiiro Calc - 5 color calculator with chemical light mode

Oshiiro Calc - 5 color calculator with chemical light mode

Momoiro Clover Z!!! Hugely popular Japanese best “idol” pop group! Wow, even during the calculation , you can enjoy support five girls Japanese idol group quickly with this favorite-color calcurlator app "OshiiroCalc". Even in concert of live, you can...

Price: Free Developer: Media Circuit Co., Ltd.
Group Expenses Light

Group Expenses Light

Who Owes Who and How Much. My dad pays for me so get it from him. It's transferred to Tom. Get it from Tom. Add an event and people all at once. Add receipts to any event by selecting payer, payees, description...

Price: Free Developer: Sahameddin Ghazavi


いつでもどこでも最高の取引環境、洗練されたインターフェースで快適に取引。 ● 直観的に操作しやすい取引画面 ● ワンタップで注文可能なスピード注文画面 ● チャートを分析しながら注文可能 □■ 注目の機能! ■□ ◇◆チャートを見ながらスピーディーに注文◆◇ 縦画面でも、横画面でもチャートを見ながら注文が可能です。 ◇◆FIFO設定で、両建てせずにスピーディーな取引が可能◆◇ FIFO設定ONで、反対売買の決済と新規注文が同時に行えます。 スピーディーに取引できるよう、注文に特化した画面をご用意しました。 ◇◆テクニカルチャート&描画機能◆◇ トレンド系、オシレーター系など基本を押さえたテクニカルチャートが搭載。 モバイルでも扱いやすい描画機能も用意しました。 ◇◆豊富な注文方法◆◇ 成行、ストリーミング、指値、逆指値、IFD、OCO、IFO、時間成行、一括決済、FIFO注文、決済指値幅注文、決済逆指値幅注文 ◇◆その他便利な機能◆◇ 約定通知や経済指標ニュースなど、重要な情報をプッシュ通知。 売買比率、価格分布によって個人投資家のリアルな売買動向をウォッチ! ■ 注意事項 ※お取引をされるには、ログインが必要です。お口座をお持ちでない方はホームページより口座開設をお申込みください。 ※弊社メンテナンス時間、各金融機関メンテナンス時間はダイレクト入金はできません。 ※端末の電波状況等の影響によってお客様が意図したお取引ができない場合があります。 □■会社情報■□ トレイダーズ証券株式会社 金融商品取引業者 関東財務局長(金商)第123号 加入協会 日本証券業協会 金融先物取引業協会 第二種金融商品取引業協会 日本投資顧問業協会 〒105-0013 東京都港区浜松町1-10-14住友東新橋ビル3号館7階

Price: Free Developer: TRADERS SECURITIES

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