Do you want to find the best Guided Reading Level C Full alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Education apps that are similar to Guided Reading Level C Full. Pick one from this list to be your new Guided Reading Level C Full app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Guided Reading Level C Full on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Guided Reading Level C Full alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like Guided Reading Level C Full 2025.
With step-by-step interactive lessons, skill-building games, original songs, and stories developed by award-winning teachers and artists, we’ll help you navigate your child’s educational journey from pre-K through 5th grade. Our unique kid-friendly interface makes it easy for your...
The ODS Self-Guided Tour is a helpful tool for parents, teachers, students, and visitors to our school. Utilizing tiny computers called “beacons,” the tour connects your smartphone via Bluetooth to strategically deployed sensors in the building. When you arrive...
Make learning to read fun with these short passages about animals, pets, people and more! Listen to each passage with real-time text highlighting! This app includes 15 Reading Comprehension Passages for students reading at Guided Reading Level G/H. The activities...
Make learning to read fun with these short passages about animals, pets, people and more! Listen to each passage with real-time text highlighting! This app is designed to help kids develop comprehension skills early in the process of learning to...
This app includes 15 reading comprehension passages for students reading at Guided Reading Level C. The activities are designed to help students learn to read carefully and accurately answer text-based questions. This app has an accountability feature allowing teachers or...
This is a free sample of Reading Comprehension Passages for students reading at Guided Reading Level E. The activities are designed to help students learn to read carefully and accurately answer text-based questions. Kids will enjoy learning to read with...
This app includes 15 Reading Comprehension Passages for students reading at Guided Reading Level E. The activities are designed to help students learn to read carefully and accurately answer text-based questions. Kids will enjoy learning to read with these short...
Now used by thousands of teachers across the country! Top 10 UK Educational app! The 'Guided Reading Questioning Framework' (Narrative Texts) is Alan Peat Ltd's first reading app. It has been designed to help busy teachers to structure their text-based...
"OMG Thank You! These guided reading books are perfect for my struggling readers." - Kelsey Starr - Kinder teacher and mom Phonics Station is a comprehensive collection of sound spelling cards to use while learning phonics, reading, and spelling. ...
**Featured on AppoLearning, 2013 ** *Featured by Apple on iTunes as a New & Noteworthy in 77 countries"* Reading Comprehension Camp is a multi-purpose app specifically designed to encourage language growth and reading comprehension. With multiple levels, 50 stories, and the...
How have the symbols that people use for numbers changed over the centuries? What role have women played in the development of mathematics? What are fractals? Reading Skills 6A is a collection of nonfiction passages with interactive learning activities,...
Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. ▪ #1 Education App in 20 countries ▪ Top chart position in over 70 countries ▪ Our iPhone version is App Store Rewind Award...
Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. • #1 Education App in 11 countries • Top chart position in over 25 countries • App Store Rewind Award Winner – iPhone App...
Building upon the success of our original Phonics and Reading program, Phonics and Reading with McGuffey II is the next in the series. This program is based upon the wildly successful “McGuffey’s First Eclectic Reader – Revised Edition”....
*Available only to Reading Counts! customers. Users must configure their iPads before they can log into their account. This app also requires an active internet connection.* Formerly known as Scholastic Reading Counts!, and now brought to you by Houghton Mifflin...
This app focuses on 3 powerful techniques that improve reading and have been proven to create a breakthrough for struggling or reluctant readers. The core techniques of Skimming, Scanning and Keywords are fundamental building blocks to better reading –...
Montessori Early Reading is made for early readers who are eager to practice reading easy phonetic words. If your child can sound out most letters, he/she is just one step away from reading words. Trigger reading with this great...
OgStar Reading® Explore 7-day FREE TRIAL helps kids to earn to read, write, and spell the multisensory way. After the trial period ends, you will be able to purchase the full app, so that your child will continue to...
Using Higher-Order Thinking to Improve Reading Comprehension Teaches a depth of analysis that guarantees superior reading comprehension, top grades, and higher test scores! The standards-based critical thinking activities of Reading Detective® develop the analysis, synthesis, and vocabulary skills students need...
Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...
Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...
Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...
Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...
Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...
Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...
Welcome to Level Up Academy, a K-8 Public Charter School in White Bear Lake, MN! Our weCODE expectations are the foundation of daily life at Level Up Academy. Both adults and children in our community are accountable to these expectations...
Deductive Thinking Skills Prepares your child for testing! Develops reading comprehension, logic, and problem solving. Mind Benders®, our best-selling deductive thinking puzzles, develop the logic, reading comprehension, and mental organization skills vital to achieving higher grades and top test scores in...
Connect with Pine Level Pentecostal Holiness Church on your favorite devices. View live streams and archived messages, listen to prior sermons, submit prayer requests, see social media and receive push notifications.
The General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level, or A Level, is a secondary school leaving qualification in the United Kingdom, offered as a main qualification in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, as an alternative qualification in Scotland, and...
Welcome to the world of the ECo-C İnitiative The ECo-C Social Media Certificate internationally proves yor skills, knowledge and abilities to make - responsible and, - safe use of social media. The ECo-C Social Media Online Training is suitable for - Persons above 14...
21st century world demands programming skills and C programming is the first step to learn programming. C programming language plays crucial role in development of many software applications. Smartphone Applications are made using Objective-C, which is superset of...
Learn Letters C Alphabet Game is an educational application for younger ones. Its aim is to make your children learn about letter C and different things that start with letters C. This app has fun C alphabet learning activities...
Learn Letters C Alphabet Game is an educational application for younger ones. Its aim is to make your children learn about letter C and different things that start with letters C. This app have fun C alphabet learning activities...
C-Learning 先生必須アプリ! ※iPadを推奨します。 ■C-Learningとは? 講義の確認・アンケート解答・小テスト解答・教材倉庫など授業に関することが管理できる新しいLMSアプリです。 ■C-Learningの3つの特長 1.多くの学生が意欲的に授業に参加 2.授業の外でも続く学び合い 3.授業運営の生産性アップ 【主な機能】 ◎出席管理 手軽にパスワードを設定して、授業ごとの出席管理ができます。 GPS機能を使えば、学生がどこから出席したかわかるので、代返を防止できます。 ◎アンケート ワンクリックでアンケートを作成可能。回答結果は自動集計。 その場で共有できます。匿名・記名式が可能なので学生も答えやすい。 ◎小テスト 簡単に小テスト管理ができます。合格点、制限時間設定可。 画像や動画も連携できます。 ◎教材倉庫 ファイル教材や資料を“すぐ公開・非公開”管理ができます。 URLやDropboxにも連携可能。 ◎恊働板 スレッド別にファイルや動画を共有することができます。 調べ学習の結果をクラス全体で共有したり、チーム別掲示板を作って 授業の外のグループ活動を支援できます。 ◎ニュース 学生版アプリへのプッシュ通知やメールで履修学生に 限定した情報(休講通知など)を発信することができます。 ◎学生管理 学生の氏名、学籍番号を一元管理できます。 学生のメールアドレスが登録されているかどうか、 またそのメールアドレスが有効かどうかの到達確認も可能です。 ■C-Learningの実績 *15年間で15万人以上にC-Learningをご利用いただいております。 *明治大学や慶応大学をはじめとする有名大学でもご利用いただいております。
Bodacious C++ Exam Simulator provides mock exams for C++ Programming Language. It contains lots of questions on various topics in C++. It can be very helpful to gain expertise in C++. Features: 1. Standard Exams which cover all topics. 2. Custom Exams...
C work utvecklar organisationers relationella intelligens för bättre och hållbart samarbete. C work stories AB har utvecklat ett digitalt stöd utifrån vetenskapliga forskningsdata och expertis för social, ekonomisk och existentiell hållbarhet. Appen är ett träningsprogram utifrån individens och organisationens målsättningar...
C# Corner is an online community for software developers and IT professionals. C# Corner app makes it easier to get content on our mobile, build your professional network, stay up to date with the latest tech news, read interview...
La seule application conçue pour améliorer et perfectionner votre aisance à l’oral. Leçons, vidéos, communauté et surtout un coach vocal rien que pour vous ! - Avec nos fiches, nos vidéos et nos exercices, faites passer vos discours dans une nouvelle...
Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose App "Gesellschaft C" des hep verlags Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf dem Lehrmittel "Gesellschaft - Ausgabe C" von Karl Uhr, Daniel Bösch, Peter Egli, Michael Rohner, Flavia Sutter. Sie enthält die...
Welcome to the official Full Gospel Holy Temple app! Now our members and supporters all over the world are able to connect with us from your mobile phones and tablets! We're bringing the message of holiness even closer to you!! This...
~ The Most exciting math-adventure App on the Appstore ~ ~ Best selling educational math app ~ Math Puppy will take you on a journey of educational fun like never before! From toddlers to grade school, for Children of...
Discover the difference Full Measure can make. - View case studies and more
Full Forms app is a free apps.that contains full forms of abbreviations and acronyms. Just search for any abbreviation and get all possible and mostly used full forms by search and get categories. his is the ALL Type Full Forms...
ArtikPix - Full is an engaging articulation app with flashcard and matching activities for children with speech sound delays. Among the many features in ArtikPix - Full, group scoring is available with an unlimited number of students per group...
*Full Version- no additional purchases required* Vehicles are everywhere you look, and if you want to know about all the different cars, trucks, boats, and planes then it’s time for some vehicle fun with the Car Games for Toddlers Full...
Quiz & Play Full Version combines the fast-paced fun of answering challenging quiz questions with a race to place four tokens in a row on our game grid. Let Game Center choose your opponent, challenge a friend, or play...
Raise the anchor! Cast off! Let the adventure begin ... Full speed ahead! "Ships: Full Sail" - is an exciting water adventure for kids. Together with the heroes of the app they will navigate through large expanses of water: fix...
Raise the anchor! Cast off! Let the adventure begin ... Full speed ahead! "Ships: Full Sail" - is an exciting water adventure for kids. It contains a lot of mini games, colorful graphics, cheerful voices and heaps of fun! "Ships: Full...
iDo Food is an innovative and comprehensive application, ideal for learning cooking and dining skills (making chocolate milk, heating food in the microwave, Setting the Table, making a Sandwich etc. ***THIS FULL VERSION IS SUITABLE ALSO FOR SCHOOLS...
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